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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP February 17th

@iloveyouxx hi 👋🏼 /nfta

justmeeva February 17th
i miss talking to you fren. 🥺 hope you’re okay, or at least will be 🩷
unassumingEyes OP February 17th

Fails fails fails

iloveyouxx February 17th

sorry. I guess I just didn’t feel wanted :P at all :’3 me feels like a waste of forum space now- but thank you for tagging me every once in a while.. me appreciates it :’3🤍
rainbow hearts for the friendos❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷:33 @LoveMyMoonflowers @justmeeva @unassumingEyes

unassumingEyes OP February 17th

@iloveyouxx this corner for us 🥺 for me nd u nd eva and flowers. Ur not wasting space when the space is for u, too <3

I hope ur oki, or will be. I missed you. I miss you. And i will continue to miss you ❤️

iloveyouxx February 17th


sadly me is not oki :P and thank you friend you’re the sweetest <3

justmeeva February 17th


don’t be sorry nadia fren. you are wanted and loved here, really really are 🥺 you bring so much light and love with you everywhere you go. you’re one of us, always been and always will be. 🩷

iloveyouxx February 17th


thank you friend🩷 me just feels like you’d be better without me >: I don’t want that to be the truth.. but brain doesn’t like me :’3 brain wants me to distance myself and let you be happy (happier) without me…>: I don’t like brain very much right now.. :’3

justmeeva February 17th


oh lovely.. i know how mean brains can be to us, but that’s the time you ignore it and listen to the ones who mean good for you. you’re always welcome to talk to us if it gets too much, we might be able to help you. we want to help you. i want you here, you’re an amazing friend, an amazing person with amazing skills and an amazing heart. you can take a break, of course, but don’t take it at the wrong time. don’t take it to distance yourself. take it only if it’s good for you. love you friend. 🩷

iloveyouxx February 17th


me saw tcr :0 you oki lovely ?/nfta🤍

unassumingEyes OP February 17th

@iloveyouxx thnk u fr asking..  m not exactly oki...but safe ❤️ sorry if i worried u ❤️

unassumingEyes OP February 17th


Mm bad, sudden one

I had one last night too...sudden ones are increasing...wonder what that means 

unassumingEyes OP February 17th

Whys everyone against teenie side all of a sudden like i saw the arguments but still theres no place in the world with a 100% peace whys everyone acting like the adult side is perfect 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 17th

@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx @justmeeva


justmeeva February 17th


niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers February 17th


hehe. hello eva buddy beanie <3 

unassumingEyes OP February 17th

@LoveMyMoonflowers nooo i missed ur visit :00 

Hi ❤️ myt sleep tho :*( 

unassumingEyes OP February 17th

@justmeeva (and others if ur on cups rn <3) me feel like moms getting tense now so m gonna sleep ❤️ hope night goes easy for all of us. Ill be waiting on here (cups) tmrrw either way ❤️ 

justmeeva February 17th


goodnight eyes friend sleep well. 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers February 17th


take care eyes buddy <3 sleep well. 🥺💜 if your mom needs yeeting just lemme know lol 

unassumingEyes OP February 18th

@LoveMyMoonflowers thanks for the offer ❤️ no yeeting needed tho ❤️ one thing was weird but im probably overthinking 🤔 might mention it..

LoveMyMoonflowers February 18th


okay friend :’) 💜

unassumingEyes OP February 18th

Sooooo TW :0

Um so at my relatives house theres one big bed and one mattress for us. So sis sleeps in mattress and i unfortunately sleep with mom on the bed. :0 There’d been no trouble with sharing with her- till last night, i guess. I mean, it wasnt big. Im probably overthinking it. Basically, mom usually faces the side away frm me- her back towards me. Last night she lay down facing me, and then suddenly her knee moved forward to touch mine. And im like “nope” and moved my knee away…and her knee followed it :0 and this happened like 4 times :0 i was like whats going on- cuz i slept with my sis several times and we hv an unspoken rule- if one of us accidentally touches the other and the other moves away, just stay in that position or move back again for the other. But mom’s knee was practically chasing mine. The 5th time i moved away a larger distance and stared at her knee really hard. 

She didnt move, then. After a while of me feeling uneasy, she turned again, back facing me, and i finally calmed down enough to sleep.

It’s not a big deal- but 4 times? Feels kinda purposeful- idek

unassumingEyes OP February 18th


u know how i mention the fanfiction obsession thing every now and then? So uh theres this one fic. Um, its written well and stuff but it’s dark. Really, sickeningly, dark. And it’s not like- magical or horror dark. It’s realistically dark. And really long. And uh i read it last year- 6 chaoters in i was interested, 9 chapters in i felt wrong, halfway through i wanted to stop reading really bad but needed a happy ending so it wld stop plaguing my thoughts. I read it through with a ton of breaks, and a lot of nausea and need to just punch someone. It was awful and yet so realistic. Ive read dark stuff before but this was on a whole new level. I decided i was never re reading the thing again- it had been so hard to finish. And the happy ending wasnt fully happy either- it still promised troubles in the future for the mc. It was so real

I dont regret reading it- but i also do. Bcz it was rlly hard to read and i felt awful the whole time. It was not good for me, tho it taught me a few lessons. 

But…ive been getting the urge to read it again. Which, okay isnt as bad an urge as some…others ive been getting but i know this is bad for me too. But idk. So far ive been coming here to stop myself from searching the awful fic again- but i might. I really really might. 

Oh god, i hate that fic.

iloveyouxx February 18th

@justmeeva @LoveMyMoonflowers @unassumingEyes

any of the friens online ? :0💕 yes I feel like a waste of space and burden but right now me is missing yous :'3 how’re you all?/nfta🤍

LoveMyMoonflowers February 18th


hi nadia friend 💙 i don’t think i’ve been very active in this space lately :o i’m sorry about that :') ooft. 💙 what makes you think your a waste of space/burden, buddy…? 🥺💙 i don’t think you are and me vvv sure eyes buddy and evabuddybeanie would agree with me. 💙 *hugs if okay* 

mm i’m… idk, lol. hru? :’) me taking a short break from studying hehe 💙

iloveyouxx February 18th


aw yay you still call me nadia friend🥺💜 me got scared after not talking in chatrooms in a while (probably didn’t notice but it’s oki heh :P) you wouldn’t consider me your friend anymore🤧 or that none of you would🥺 scary :P

its oki i haven’t been active at all :'3 dw about it friend :0🤍

idk. :'3 life was being really mean again :'3 and I tried really hard to still make everyone happy and have enough time for everyone at the same time >: and by the time I could come back here me saw you all chatting and thought I didn’t matter :'3 like- you’d be fine without me >: and if I came back it’d be annoying because you were all already bonding so well :'3🤍

*hugs nibuddy tight*💜

aw :'3 it’s oki. and yes breaks are very needed do that💜

LoveMyMoonflowers February 18th


awwe of course buddy you’ll always be our friend 🥺💕 smh :') *hugs vv tight if okay* 💕 

i hear you :( life can really be such a meanie 😞 it’s not fun at all. our brains can be such meanies too :( sounds like your brain’s been a bit of a meanie, buddy :') by saying that you don’t matter, or that we would be fine without you… nuuuuu… 🥺 not true at all friend *huggie wuggies* 💙 even though we were chatting and we were bonding it doesn’t mean we didn’t want you around 💕 we did miss nadia friend and we love and appreciate nadia friend always 💕 and yes, you are nadia *friend* 💙 always.🥺 

love you friend 💙 keep being you 🥺💕

iloveyouxx February 18th


*hugs ni vv tight and refuses to let go*🥺💕 mhmhm brain was being a meanie :') *huggie wuggies ni buddy*💜 I know :') me kind of just feels bad that yous have to put up with me :'3 tho me doesn’t actually know why yous wouldn’t like me >: brain doesn’t like me- thats for sure :'3 brain doesn’t like having me believe the good things :'3

aw ni buddy🥺 me loves being nadia friend🩷 it’s better than anything in the whole world🤧💜

loves you more :'3💕 you’re the bestest friend ever🥺💖

and you don’t have to reply hehe <3

LoveMyMoonflowers February 18th


awwe no buddy we aren’t ‘putting up’ with you at all :') but yeah me understand how brainie can make us think and believe such things about ourselves… 😞 mmm, it’s not fun. :’) *hugs* love you friend 💖 we never see you as someone we have to ‘put up’ with, okie…? 🥺💕 we love nadia friend 💖

unassumingEyes OP February 18th

@iloveyouxx me glad ur reaching out ❤️ i dont think ur a waste of space either. Missed you soooo much ❤️ im hving a mix day- and i gtg rn, which oof is not nice. But ill be here tmrrw morning 💓 mayb ill drop by once tonight if i can <3 Super grateful to see ur post love 🤍🙃

LoveMyMoonflowers February 18th


sending hugs for eyes buddy if okie 💕

iloveyouxx February 18th


aw💕 I missed you too🩷 dw its oki :'3 I’ll be waiting :>🩷🪑

justmeeva February 18th


happy to see you nadia fren 🥺💕

iloveyouxx February 18th


aw so vv happy to see you too🥺💖 was about to summon you hehe :P cause I got the notifications from you heart lurking💕 how’s the eva fren ? 💕

justmeeva February 18th


*hugs you if oke* 💕 eva fren’s fine hehe. how’s de nadia fren? :0

iloveyouxx February 18th


*hugs you tight* ofc it’s oki💕 sure ? :0 and you can guess for me hehe :'3 but it’s oki :P🤍

justmeeva February 18th


*keeps hugging* awwee i hope you’ll feel better soon 💕 and, you’re always always welcome to join in on us. you’re one of us nadia fren and we don’t want you to be or feel alone oke? 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers February 18th

@justmeeva @iloveyouxx

me agrees with eva friend ^-^ 💖

iloveyouxx February 18th


thank you frien🤍 you’re the besteestesstest :3💕💕after ni buddy ofc :P/j you’re all the bestetsstetststetssttt :33!💖

that last part was funny to me heh :'3 because me feels alone about always :P hehe but it’s oki :'3

also you didn’t reply to the “sure ? :0” 🤧/nfta

*hugs for eva and ni friend*💕
