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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

LoveMyMoonflowers February 7th

Floofy not floody smh my keyboard*

iloveyouxx February 7th


my spoiled idiot hehe🩷

ill stop with the kitty photos now heh :3

orrr.. maybe one more :P


thank you friend :’3🤍 * hugs ni buddy tight *💜

hm I don’t think “idk” means anything good :< me is here for you mhm ? :’3🤍🤍 * pinky promises to always be here for you * hehe :P I’m very childish ngl xD tw never had a childhood so it’s not that I never grew up or anything :0 I just have 2 personalities :P ones 18 and ones 8 lmao T^T



LoveMyMoonflowers February 7th


thank you buddy. 💙 and nuuu, it’s okie 💜 me loves the way Nadia friend talks, it’s cutuu. 💙 *keeps hugging you* 

(me so sorry if my replies are shorter now 🤧 i’m kinda tab switching a lot lol and trying to reply quickly.🤧) 

unassumingEyes OP February 7th

@iloveyouxx no worries :0 also sorry me had to disappear

He so fluffyyy and cute i love him <3

iloveyouxx February 7th


its oki :0

hehe I’ll always love him the most tho <3 he’ll always be my little baby🤧

also random but every time I visit ( my aunts house ) he follows me around everywhere and wants me to feed him / play with him🤧🩷 hehe he favorites me ;3🩷/j @LoveMyMoonflowers

iloveyouxx February 7th


sometimes he pulls at my clothes if I’m not showing him attention🥺 but technically every time I go there I’m obsessing over how adorable he is and over feeding him heh :’3 my aunt got mad at me for that :0 but I can’t help it he begs me for food he’s so spoiled🤧 then he gives me that face and I’m just ugh :’3🩷

unassumingEyes OP February 7th

@iloveyouxx too cute to say no lol <3 i rlly wanna feed the street cats but its not safe cuz idk whats good for them etc :0

iloveyouxx February 7th


* waits for eva friend to get online *🩷🐛🐛

justmeeva February 7th


*gets online*

iloveyouxx February 7th


eva friend !!! :DD yippeeee all the friendos are together :>

iloveyouxx February 7th


in our HQ lmao ;3 how’re you eva buddy ? :0🩷

iloveyouxx February 7th


* tags :P * @justmeeva

justmeeva February 7th


i’m okie, how’s de you? :0

justmeeva February 7th


nadia friend…? you here? 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers February 7th

@iloveyouxx @justmeeva


justmeeva February 7th


*finds and hugs if oke* 💕

LoveMyMoonflowers February 7th


*huggies* 💕

unassumingEyes OP February 7th

@iloveyouxx @justmeeva @LoveMyMoonflowers lol we all here <33

iloveyouxx February 7th


yippee <33 I think I talk in this forum more than any forum tbh :0

unassumingEyes OP February 7th

@iloveyouxx im glad ur comfy here <3

unassumingEyes OP February 7th

Tw head hurts arm hurts leg hurts chest hurts throat hurts want to sleep but also no 

unassumingEyes OP February 7th


unassumingEyes OP February 8th


Mentions of death

24 ppl dead in my country. Arent these elctions going well?/sar

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

You know what? I am angry cuz its not fair 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


*sits with eyes buddy* 💜

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers 🪑❤️

(One day, my sis is going to ask me why we have a chair in our recent emojis, and i wont answer xD)

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


*huggies if okie* 

lol that cracked me up 🤭🤭 i wonder what she’ll think 🤣 /lh

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers mayb that im old and need a chair even online lol/lh

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


😭😭😭 is your sister mean… ): 

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers also *hugs* 

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

Passive thoughts are still thoughts but whatever :0 

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers my sister takes after my mom in sm not great ways but she actually cares so its ok <3 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


okay :') 

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@iloveyouxx so um

Idk if ud feel comfy with this

But uh im not good with normal sentences and stuffs 

So um i wrote a poem for u 

U dont hv to read it if it makes u uncomfy really i just thought i shld put this out there



A welcoming presence, 

A comfortable friend 

I've watched and waited

For your pain to end

But life is never that nice, and it's deeply unfair

I don't really know, if there is an "okay"

Life's never that nice, but I'm still here 

And I hope you reach a better day

To be entirely truthful,

I'm struggling with the fear of "goodbye"s

But I'm learning to be grateful 

For all the occured "hi"s

I'm glad to have met you, 

I just want you to be fine

And I don't know if I could be your helper

But you've been mine

So thank you <3

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@justmeeva @LoveMyMoonflowers

Lmk if ur comfy with getting any, too..

Issok if ur not <3 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


i’m ok with it 😊 but no pressure 💛 you don’t have to 💛

and i wouldn’t really deserve it 😛

unassumingEyes OP February 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers wdym u wldn't deserve it my poems are always truthful  :p /lh

*hugs if oki*

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


hehe. *huggies* <3 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


i agree with this wholeheartedly 💛 Nadia friend is amazing 💛

LoveMyMoonflowers February 8th


(psssstttt what about one for our lovely evabuddy 🥺 no pressure of course but she would so deserve one too 🥺💕)