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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

iloveyouxx January 20th

@unassumingEyes oof- throw a 🥖 at the teacher 😁😎

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx You throw one at mine and ill throw one at yours lol. 

Also finished one test ( medium sized lol) and one homework (hugehugehuge) 

I think I might survive lol. 

iloveyouxx January 20th

@unassumingEyes yayyyyy : D 

* throws 🥖 at your teacher * ;3

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx *throws 🥖 at your teacher* 

*to teacher* Stop 🥖 giving 🥖 so 🥖 much 🥖 work 🥖 

iloveyouxx January 20th


😂😂 you tell her !😂

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

I still have that headache from Friday :O 


Physics test got postponed to tomorrow. I have four tests tomorrow. And I need to find time for exam prep.


unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@unassumingEyes ow ow headache spiked-

justmeeva January 21st


can you take anything for it? :0

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@justmeeva this will sound weird, but basically I get headaches daily. Soo i developed a tolerance for it. But about 3 months ago, for two weeks, I had flu and for some reason, no headache. Since then my tolerance went d o w n smhow (i dont know!) and im avoiding painkillers etc unless necessary because i cant eat medicine everyday now. Sooo unless it gets worse, im trying to stay away from the tempting painkillers =D

justmeeva January 21st


ooh i see, daily headaches sound really annoying :0 i hope it’ll get better 🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@justmeeva mhmm got used to it after awhile lol. But I wld like to know w h y i hv them 😂😭

Thank you<3

iloveyouxx January 21st


omg 4 tests in one day ? your schools crazy😭😵‍💫 * throws 🥖 at the school for having such high expectations *

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@iloveyouxx It's ours school's way of showing love 😭😂

iloveyouxx January 21st


😭😭😂 noo that’s a bad way to express their love 😭

iloveyouxx January 21st


ee daily headaches don’t sound fun at all >: I wanna know what it feels like lol- since I’ve never gotten a headache before :0

justmeeva January 21st


wow never? it’d be interesting if you and eyes switched lol, eyes getting a break and nadia knowing what it feels like

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@iloveyouxx mm honestly, for the two weeks I didnt have a headache, I freaked out. Atleast the headaches are consistent, lol. But i wldnt wish em on any one. 

To be fair, theyre usually not so bad for me.

But still

Someone teach my head how to stop being in pain lol

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

1 out of 4 tests done

Im prolly not gonna do the 4th one (its easyish) and third one i just hv to revise so


1 outta 2 tests done (thats-not-how-it-works-but-yeah-)

iloveyouxx January 21st


It's ok I like this better 1/2 is less stressful than 1/4 :D

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@iloveyouxx lol yea thats how i do stuffs =O 

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

Anyone ever just


Need to check that all the switches are off before sleeping? 

Smtimes like

More than once

Even maybe 5 times smtimes- 

That sounds


My sis be judging me for it :O

iloveyouxx January 21st


not really can't relate haha- I do have a habit of rebrushing my hair 100 times as if it'll change :'D speaking of that I'm at the hair salon rn :0 hehe :3

iloveyouxx January 21st


as if it'll change tho **

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@iloveyouxx 100 times :O i barely have the patience to brush once lol

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

I struggle with study

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

Isnt passing enough

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

Not fair

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

I kinda wanna rant but im afraid of ppl cming @ me fr mentioning my language or religion :/ 

Its gonna take awhile fr me to be sully comfy here i guess🥲

justmeeva January 21st


it’s your space, it’s others’ choice to be here and they don’t have the right to say anything bad about you (: it will take time to get used to this whole venting thing but you’re all good 🩷 (and if anyone comes at you i will kindly kick them outta here 😊)

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@justmeeva lol eva giving me elder sibling vibes hehe thank u love <3

iloveyouxx January 21st


aw if your vent includes mentioning a religion that’s no reason for anyone to come at you >: 

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@iloveyouxx just alot of hate againdt my religion and country :/ cant even go on utube without seeing it

justmeeva January 21st


well, if anything happens you can always report it or tell someone, cups is (supposedly) a safe space and you got people to back you up if needed 💪❤️

iloveyouxx January 21st

@justmeeva mhmmss ^🤍

iloveyouxx January 21st


aww I’m sorry- but this is a safe place 🩷 here if anyone says anything negative about your religion / country it’d be their fault even if others agree because it’s wrong and no one should have opinions on you based on your country

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

Oki since @justmeeva and @iloveyouxx hv told me not to worry bout mentioning religion etc. Imma do it




I just gonna say i go to an *cheap, greedy, barely functioning school (lol-)* and this all is N o t a representation of either my religion aka Islam or my country aka Pakistan.

So basically se hv a subject called Islamic and it can be in either Eng or Urdu

Since urdu id our national language majority take it in urdu

So for us who take it in english i.e m e there are

A. No notes

B. No english based teacher

Which is freaking annoying


For tmrrws islamic test

I have *no notes*

*no source to get notes online*

And the teacher has a dumb rule that she wont give marks unless we learn from *her* notes which *she didnt send*


Point blank

I myt actually fail tomorrows test


If my mom finds out headache will never go away


Ive never failed a test

You know why? Cuz its not allowed in this house


justmeeva January 21st


ouhh that’s a difficult situation, but wouldn’t you failing be the teacher’s fault then? i mean… the teacher would be responsible for that then, right? there’s nothing you could do from what i understood

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@justmeeva mom wld be like "why didnt u tell the teacher on time" but i was doing bioo test :( just gonna try to survive the test tmrrw if not...

Hide the test i guess :( idk

justmeeva January 21st


*hugs if ok* it’s not your fault if you fail and you’re already studying hard and i’m proud of you for that 🩷. would you be able to retake the test tho?

unassumingEyes OP January 21st

@justmeeva *hugs* 

No time, exams are too close to schedule a retest rn 

Thank you 🥺

Gonna sleep now <3 gnn