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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

mytwistedsoul OP April 25th

@Optimisticempath   OptiBear Idk what to say 🥹 I missed you ❤️ you're always so sweet and kind ❤️ Not just to me but to everyone. You truly are a beautiful person with such a great big heart. I wonder if you have any idea just how many lives you touch here. This is such a sweet message. Thank you - for everything. For being here - for being my friend and for being your wonderful self ❤️ Lots and lots of love to you and many many squeezies ❤️❤️

slowdecline48 April 7th

@mytwistedsoul Good luck, man. Fix your head as well as you can... If you plan on coming back, I look forward to it. If not, then may you have fair winds & following seas.

mytwistedsoul OP April 25th

@slowdecline48 Thanks Slow - I tightened a few loose screws and replaced some lost marbles and I think it's as good as I can get it for now lol 

mikenai April 20th

Hey twistedsoul, not sure if you read this in the near future. But it is good to hear that you noticed it and needed the break.

Please take as much time as you need. Recover and come back stronger. Take care.

mytwistedsoul OP April 25th

@mikenai Thanks Mike :) It was good to take a break and really nice to see you here when I came back 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 9th

@mytwistedsoul *no pressure to read/respond* 💜 thinking of you soul. 💜 i miss you friend. me knows your on break now-sies 💜 i’ll be waiting for you, me thinking of you friend and hoping your trying (?) to be kind to you. 💜 *sends lots of love and warm vibes to soul if okay* 💜

mytwistedsoul OP April 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers   Sweet dearest Moon Pie 💙 Thank you for the love and warm vibes - I'm sending love and the warmest of vibes back to you 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers April 25th


*accepts love and warm vibes you sent* thank you Soul friend, me needed those today. 💙

mytwistedsoul OP April 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *sends more hugs and warm vibes* just in case you need some later 💙💙

LoveMyMoonflowers April 25th


Thank you 💙

Optimisticempath April 20th


you in my thoughts always Soul 🥺 sending lots of love and huggles ❤❤❤🧸


mytwistedsoul OP April 25th

@Optimisticempath ❤️😊❤️


LoveMyMoonflowers April 22nd


missing you Soul friend ❤️ and thinking of you. hope your okay… :') ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP April 27th

So I took a break and took a trip. Did some camping and a lot of hiking and fishing. If anyone is interested here's some pictures

Might be doubles here and there imgur doesn't have a hey dummy you already used this one feature lol


After all the pictures, I could get a better feel of why it's being referred to as "almost heaven". Soul!! 🥹❤ These are such beautiful pictures, I looooveeee all things nature hehe and oof specially the river streams. 

Looks like a place one could sit next to for hours and just be lost and then maybe put on a caption "not all those who wander, are lost" haha, sooo into the ✨feels✨ for real! 

Also were these cottages where you stayed at?😮 Very "middle of nowhere with less/ not many people around" like lol, again straight outta my bucket list! XD

This was straight out of my dreamieland xD one of the places that come to mind during those visualisation exercises "think of a safe place where you feel relaxed" or similar and this is vvv close to what I would think of.🥹

Thank youu for sharing these pictures from your trip hehe.❤

Any funsieees experiences or realizations during the trip?🥰

mytwistedsoul OP April 28th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Hey ❤️ Omgosh it's so beautiful there. If you like nature and all that it involves you would love it there

I did sit next to a lot of the rivers and just listened to the water talk as it tripped over the rocks and reflected on a lot of things. It was so peaceful 
There are cottages and primitive dry cabins that you can stay at and you can also use tents all over the state. Some places have areas set up for tents that are free. You can stay in those for up to two weeks and there might be one other person and his dog lol (ran into this) If you want a place with all the luxury of home you can get a place through VRBO. Which I did for a few days. Beautiful place right along the New River. They had a huge fire pit in the back yard. But mostly I just used a tent. But yep very much out in the middle of no where. There's a lot of unincorporated towns which my inner rebel liked 😁 If you really want a lot of solitude then the Monongahela Forest is the place to go. 920,000 acres of forest. But take a satellite gps and/or phone because there is no service

Thurmond is considered a ghost town but there's four or five people who live there and they're all on the town council lol. But back in the day it was a big town but I think there's a guest house you can stay in if you want to check it out

Everything is probably a lot busier in the summer because they do have a lot of whitewater rafting and water adventures but in the spring it was so quiet and peaceful 

I appreciate you taking the time to look at them
I guess a few realizations were how at home there I felt. And that I could totally see myself living there some day and how I'd definitely like to go back again because there's so much to see and explore. The animals were awesome to see. They have loons and river otters and beavers. Bears too and coyotes and coydogs. Which I heard at night but never saw more than their tracks. And deer - they would play by the river banks
slowdecline48 April 29th


It looks like you had a wonderful trip. I'd heard that WV has some great backcountry, but didn't know it was that beautiful up there...

Also, there's nothing wrong with the links. Your photos are great. Some of those rivers look pretty good for fishing, if I knew how to catch fish. 😝

mytwistedsoul OP April 30th

@slowdecline48 I didn't know it was that beautiful either tbh. But it really is amazing

Fishings pretty easy. Some bait and a good cast and wait for a bite. Fly fishing is a little more active.  But I did manage to fall in twice 😂 

mytwistedsoul OP April 27th
slowdecline48 May 1st

@mytwistedsoul Good music, good thing I still find depressing: everyone in the audience holding up their phones to get footage of the musicians/singers instead of, y'know, listening to the music itself.

Today's generations are so busy using their phones for everygodd***thing that they haven't learned to live in the moment.

I have no use for most philosophers post-WW2 but there are a couple shining exceptions. One is Nicholas Carr, who is the prophetic voice crying in the wilderness re today's high-tech hypermediated age. He has called today's smartphones "thieves of experience"...I couldn't agree more if I tried.

mytwistedsoul OP May 2nd

@slowdecline48 Glad you liked it. I agree. I don't care so much about seeing the musicians. It needs to be heard and felt. When it gives you goosebumps. It's almost a spiritual experience. I'm big into music

I think he's right. Smartphones are thieves of experience. Why go out and do or see anything if you can experience it on the phone. Don't get me wrong I love my phone lol. I just got a smartphone for the first time like three years ago. I have the whole world in the palm of my hands but somethings you need to just experience and live first hand
mytwistedsoul OP May 1st



Springtime. When the pollen is so bad you can write in it


slowdecline48 May 1st

@mytwistedsoul I dig these miniature dioramas of yours. You're building a whole world there. It's perfect for gerbil-sized humans.

Also - I feel for ya. That windshield looks like it could be on any car in central Texas from the last week of December, into mid-April or's like powdered yellow nerve gas out there.

mytwistedsoul OP May 1st

@slowdecline48  I'm getting ready to start another one 😁 They're actually kind of calming

Omg the pollen is horrible! And I wonder why I'm all wheezing and stuff.  The cat even has a yellowish green tinge to him from it. Between the poplar and pine trees it's a nightmare for anyone that has allergies 🤧

mytwistedsoul OP May 1st

Part of the pollen problem




slowdecline48 May 1st

"See how pretty we look, while we're murdering your sinuses"...

mytwistedsoul OP May 1st

@slowdecline48 facts! 😂

mytwistedsoul OP May 3rd

Noah Kahan - Howling

*You're not alone. The world small and I am sick of all the talk of finding purpose*

Noah Kahan - Stick Season

I had to mow the field today. It takes a couple hours and gives me too much time to think 


slowdecline48 May 4th

@mytwistedsoul Is the field yours? If so then man, I'm jealous...

mytwistedsoul OP May 4th

@slowdecline48 I kind of hate to say it is. You might not feel that way after mowing it. I hurt like h*ll a day or two afterwards

slowdecline48 May 4th

If you own land then you gotta take care of it, like any other asset. It's more than an asset, though...

Been thinking about land lately myself. I can't afford a house, but at this point I'd be willing to camp out for a year or two. Long as I can eventually get a foundation poured, & help with electrical stuff, living quarters would eventually emerge....owning land is far better than just owning a house. Once it's yours, as long as you keep up with taxes on the place no one can throw you out or tell you diddly-squat.

mytwistedsoul OP May 5th

@slowdecline48 This is true. Land is a good thing to have. And it doesn't lose value. I just get grouchy when I hurt

I'd really like to see you get a piece of land. You could start small with building too and add on. I mean I guess with where you live you probably have some sort of building code you want to stick close to because of storms and such. And then of course there's always officials sticking their noses into people's business in the spirit of safety. Which is a good thing but the red tape is frustrating AF. You could put up a yurt - they can last up to 20 years. They're actually pretty cool and the camp stoves they have now are awesome. I think it would be so cool for you to do that! 

slowdecline48 May 5th

@mytwistedsoul You summed up the exact train of thought I had late last week. "Great minds..." 🤣 The only difference is I was thinking of a sizable tent for the 1st year, but not a yurt specifically.

...okay, I'll stop derailing your thread now.

mytwistedsoul OP May 6th

@slowdecline48 They have some really nice tents for sale and the prices aren't too bad either. You could set yourself up a nice place. A camp stove and a good air mattress. H*ll I have one now that has a rechargeable blower to pop in and it blows it's self up - so cool lol. They even have AC units for tents. If you rough it now a days it by choice 

Lol no worries this train station gets kind of quiet sometimes 🙂
mytwistedsoul OP May 10th

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slowdecline48 May 10th

😆 Nice...I can definitely relate to a few of those.

"What makes us human? The ability to select all squares that feature a school bus"




mytwistedsoul OP May 12th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Thank you Moon Pie 💙 




*sending hugs back* 💙