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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

mytwistedsoul OP September 14th, 2023

I wanna crawl out of my skin tonight. Panic attack on the way and idk what set it off

mytwistedsoul OP September 15th, 2023

They did it again 😕


mytwistedsoul OP September 15th, 2023

For Rinny and Karu ❤️









intelligentWheel627 September 21st, 2023


Thank you, Soul! Your post was so unexpected, beautiful and thoughtful that it brought tears to my eyes. The blossoms are gorgeous! I haven't been much of a friend but you still keep giving, no matter what. I don't deserve it. So much time had gone by without me saying a word that it eventually became embarrassing and I quietly hoped that you will forget me. I'm so sorry. I'm not sure if I should ask how you are doing. I've read your posts here and there so I have some idea. I'm sorry about everything, Soul. Life really súcks sometimes. Well, most of the time tbh, but then there are also little pieces of joy to be found, like Lilies and raindrops and chocolate chip cookies and a message from a long lost friend. :) I find the courage to send a warm hug your way. Catch it if you like it or watch it float by. Its a fluffy white thing with green polka dots today. :p Karu and I miss you dearly and you have been in our thoughts often. ❤

mytwistedsoul OP September 23rd, 2023

@intelligentWheel627 Omgosh Hey you! ❤️ This is a wonderful surprise. How are you? You'd be surprised how often you would pop into my thoughts. 🙂 Seeing a picture of an elephant or finding a scarf in the closet. And I remembered you hiding under an invisibility cloak knitting a scarf

There is nothing and I mean absolutely nothing for you to be sorry for ok?
I agree with you that life sucks most times. Now is one of those times. But you brought me some joy today. Thank you ❤️
Thank you for the warm hug too 😊 I send two back to you but with purple polka dots. One for you and one for Karu. I've missed you both ❤️
Thank you for writing Rinny. It really means a lot
intelligentWheel627 September 26th, 2023


* eagerly grabs one of the purple polka dot hugs for herself * ❤ The other one has to float further coz Karu is on another continent! I'm travelling and haven't seen him for a month. 😔

One day I saw deer running across the field and I remembered your blissful surroundings. You must be seeing them often? Its interesting how I don't really know you so well and yet I feel like we have been friends forever. Maybe its because you spend a lot of time in my head. 😜

You ask how am I. It feels wrong to say I'm OK coz the struggles and challenges never end and sometimes I find myself free falling towards the rock bottom again but overall I can definitely say that I'm better since the last time we talked. I'm off the meds and docs and feeling more like myself again. More in control of my life. Unless I'm not. 😂

Hey, I read your latest post. And then I read it again. And again. It is so sad and beautiful and brutally true. It clicks with me. I have always admired your talent with words. Have you thought of publishing? 👀

Ah, such a long post. The invisibility cloak must be losing its powers. Either that or I ran out of yarn for the scarves, haha! I'm sorry for spamming your space with my nonsense! 😁

mytwistedsoul OP September 30th, 2023

@intelligentWheel627 Hey ❤️ I think it's so great that you're feeling more like yourself! And more in control of your life is awesome! I'm really proud of you Rinny ❤️

The deer are here everyday and getting braver and braver. They come right up to the steps to the house. They like to eat the leaves off the morning glories which gets them yelled at lol but there's over a dozen regulars. They're getting so used to me that they let me get really close. One day I will pet one lol

I'm glad you like the poem. It's hard to explain where they come from in my head - but a some have been published

It's not nonsense and definitely don't be sorry. I can't tell you how awesome it is to see you here
I'm gonna say you just ran out of yarn lol - I'd hate to think we got jipped on the invisibility cloak 😲

*sends more fluffy purple polka dot hugs* ❤️❤️
intelligentWheel627 September 30th, 2023


OMG they are so cute looking at you, lol! It would be awesome to pet them some day but eating the wrong leaves is not cool. Tell them not to behave like goats. 🤭 Thank you for sharing Soul, it was so good to see. Thanks for more hugs too. * holds the purple polka dot fluff gently for a really long time *. Yellow fluffy hug with white stripes right back at you! ❤

Have you seen the moon recently? Its huge and bright! I was awake at 3 am staring at its beauty. I thought how wonderful it is that Soul and I are so far apart but we can still look at the same moon. But then it somehow occured to me that we are not far apart at all, we are very much together on this tiny speck of dust called Earth, floating in the universal ocean. Too philosophical perhaps, lol. I almost heard the wolves howl. 🐺

mytwistedsoul OP October 5th, 2023

@intelligentWheel627 They don't seem to care if they behave like goats lol. They'll stare right at me as they nibble on the things they shouldn't. Very rude. I've had to fence off certain plants because they'll eat them until there's nothing left. They did that to a mimosa tree I planted last year 😐. They've got the whole woods to munch but yet they prefer what I plant *smh*

It was a big and bright moon. It was the harvest moon. This month will be the hunters moon. It's so amazing to see it when it's full and bright enough to cast shadows in the night. I take a lot of pictures of the moon lol

It is pretty awesome to think that we can see the same moon. I like that - universal ocean. We are smaller specks on the speck 🙂
*sends a soft blue hug in return for the pretty yellow hug with white stripes*

sunshinegiraffe123 September 24th, 2023



mytwistedsoul OP September 26th, 2023

when memories are more alive than you are

and you're haunted by your own mind

you try to walk forward, but you're not

cause your back is facing the front

can you remember

try to recall it so hard

what was it that fueled your heart?

a story that never ends?

Or one that never starts? 🐾

intelligentWheel627 September 28th, 2023

I keep trying to find words to help you feel better but there aren't any. So I just sit here with you quietly. ❤

Optimisticempath October 11th, 2023

Question: who is the most beautiful Soul in the entire universe?

Answer: @mytwistedsoul ❤

*perfect score for Optibear*🥳

Thanks for making me win this one Soul ❤ 



mytwistedsoul OP October 12th, 2023

@Optimisticempath Woot woot! You win! 😁 You're too sweet *big squeezies* Thank you for the fly by ❤️❤️


LoveMyMoonflowers October 13th, 2023


aww! That’s so adorable! 🥺😭😭😭💖🐶

mytwistedsoul OP October 13th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers Boo! 👻 I thought it was too cute not to share 😊

mytwistedsoul OP October 25th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 October 25th, 2023


And sometimes life is messy. It's hard to pick up everything or put anything back together 💙 we feel lost and confused and often overwhelmed 💙 and I know we want to breakdown. I know it's hard to keep standing 💙 but your here and I'm so flipping proud of you. 💙 you are still standing among this chaos. We hear you. We see you. And if you need to hold anyone's hand in all this pain, it's okay 💙 thank you for being a blessing. Your kindness and constant support is beautiful. I don't know what your going through but your one of the most beautiful people I know! 💙


mytwistedsoul OP November 1st, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Bunny Do you have any idea how awesome you are? Thank you for reminding me that despite the mess and feeling lost and confused and overwhelmed I am still standing

I'd like to say how proud I am of you too. I know you're dealing with alot in your world. I know it's hard but I admire your strength. I admire that you keep trying and despite everything you are still such a warm and caring wonderful person *hugs* Thank you for being you 💙💙

LoveMyMoonflowers November 1st, 2023


me agrees wholeheartedly 💙

mytwistedsoul OP November 1st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs* I see you around the forums being your wonderful amazing self too Moon 💙 I know you have things you're dealing with and struggling with too. I'm so proud of you too for trying so hard and for being the awesome person you are 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers November 1st, 2023



amiableBunny4016 November 1st, 2023


*hugs if okay* 💙 you got this and im so so proud of you soul. Keep being your awesome and beautiful self!💙

barncat November 8th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul- hoping you are having a better day --

mytwistedsoul OP October 31st, 2023

Happy Halloween 👻🎃

Bought a pumpkin


And carved it



intelligentWheel627 October 31st, 2023


Wow, that's impressive! You are so talented! 😍

Happy Halloween! 👻🍬🍫🍭

mytwistedsoul OP November 1st, 2023

@intelligentWheel627 Aww Thank you :) ❤️

LoveMyMoonflowers October 31st, 2023


Ouh soul buddy that’s seriously good! :0 

mytwistedsoul OP November 1st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers  Thank you! 💙

adventurousBranch3786 October 31st, 2023

@mytwistedsoul. That’s really good!

adventurousBranch3786 October 31st, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786. *The pumpkin 🎃 carving.

mytwistedsoul OP November 1st, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 Thank you! ❤️

Optimisticempath November 5th, 2023


just an annoying little bear (me😁) sending their favorite person (you🤗) big hugs and reminder that they are vvvv awesome and they are luvvveddd and so special and they are valid and worthy and they matter even if their brain sometimes tells them differently and that they are the sweetest blessing on earth and their kindness is a gift and they are doing really amazing by trying their best and they have an army of huggerrrsss when they need.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

thinking of chu @mytwistedsoul 💕💕💕

mytwistedsoul OP November 13th, 2023

@Optimisticempath OptiBear ❤️ annoying has never been a word that comes to mind when I think of you. Sweet - kind - thoughtful - caring. Thank you so much for this reminder ❤️ and for the hugs. I know you have a mean brain too 😞 You are special and worthy and loved very much - not just by me - there's a lot of other people here who see how awesome and wonderful you are. *sending you bunches of big squeezies and lots of love* ❤️❤️❤️


Optimisticempath November 18th, 2023


we gotta plot against our meanie brains and throw them away for good for once Soul .... it's high time, they can't be plotting against us and being meanie to us always now😭 😤 mine's of no use anyway 🤧 so better off in a far away dumpster 😅 

Soul could you be any more amazingly you?😭 idk what did I do to deserve such an awesome friend like you. no kidding, you make life a lil more bearable for me 🥺 and I can never thank you enough for it ❤ *big squeeezieee hugs and lots of love back to you ❤


winter months seem more difficult soul...I think you mentioned about them before :( things feel a lot more gloomy and weird this time? me is a tag away for you okeee🤗 be vvv kind and gentle with my sweetest friend please ❤ they are vv precious and deserve all the kindness.

LilMsSunflower November 8th, 2023


Deep... touched something within

mytwistedsoul OP November 13th, 2023

@LilMsSunflower Hey :) It's nice to meet you

LilMsSunflower November 13th, 2023

Nice to meet you too!!!