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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

mytwistedsoul OP June 6th, 2022

Saw on another thread someone mentioned The Score - this song popped into my head

barncat June 7th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul- thought provoking song

mytwistedsoul OP June 15th, 2022


Strawberry super moon tonight. Make sure you take time to howl 🙂

sunshinegiraffe123 June 18th, 2022



mytwistedsoul OP June 20th, 2022

@sunshinegiraffe123 Hey :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2022
❤ @mytwistedsoul ❤
mytwistedsoul OP June 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Awww :) 🍕 and 🍪

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2022


*shares and nomsss* :) <3

mytwistedsoul OP June 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Yum! Lunch ❤ 😊 How is Sun doing today?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2022


Hehe yay happy nomming. ❤

Sun is doing okiee today, thankiees for asking. ❤ How's Soul?

mytwistedsoul OP June 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *happily noms cookies* I'm glad you're doing ok ❤

Soul managed to take a tumble today and has a very hurt ankle 😕 😬

*more 😁* 🍕 and 🍪 for asking

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2022


Oh noes, sounds bad :/ *sending lots of soothing beams to Soul's ankle* ❤ I hope the pain subsides super soon, did you try applying any pain relief on the ankle? 😮 perhaps an ice pack, if need to?

*hugs* ❤

mytwistedsoul OP June 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🍕 for the healing vibes ❤ I used an ice pack for alittle. Figured I'll soak it in Epsom salts later too and see it that helps 🙂

adventurousBranch3786 June 20th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. Get well soon ❤️.

mytwistedsoul OP June 20th, 2022

@adventurousBranch3786 Hey Branch 🙂 Thank you! Hope you're doing ok ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2022


That sounds good, Soul. I hope it helps. ❤

mytwistedsoul OP June 23rd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou It didn't help 😕 it's broken 🤕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 23rd, 2022


Oh dear, that's sad :/

Did you see a doctor? 😮

*sending super fast healing beams* ❤

mytwistedsoul OP June 24th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier :( Notices are still wonky sometimes

I did see a doctor they set me up with some awesome crutches and a boot - I'm stylin" now lol! Have to go back in two to three weeks to see if it's healing ok

Awesome! 🍕for the super fast healing beams ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 24th, 2022


Aw *noms sorry* :o it's okie to take your time with replies. The notifications really be like that haha! Specially in a thread when we only get one notification per activity (I think?) For example, a single notification for different upvotes, replies etc in the same thread :')

I chuckled at the " stylin' " lol xD I bet it's a hassle with crutches smh *-*

The fall seems real bad though :/ sending more extra fast healing beams hehe! ❤

mytwistedsoul OP June 24th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Oooh! I bet you're right! I still can't understand the logic of limited replies though. Because you can keep replying - you just have to scroll back to the beginning of time to find the button but it's still there 😜

😁 They are a hassle and I'm like a newborn giraffe with them. Small rugs slide under them and rooms seem soooo much smaller to navigate. The dog seems to think they're pretty interesting and I think she's laughed at me a few times lol

It was a pretty steep hill with lots of big rocks and crevices 😕 Tbh - I'm still not exactly sure how it happened. One minute I was upright and the next I was on my back halfway down it. I guess I just slipped and bounced and pirouetted lol - meds are making everything alittle silly
*points at ankle and tells beams have at thee*
🍕 🍪

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 24th, 2022


Haha true dattt xD idk if we were supposed to find this "loophole" and a work-around lol, it's basically just "you wanna forum in forums but you can't forum like before, stretch and scroll a bit and there you go "reply" smh" xD

Oh noes, the dog is a good company huh? xD someone to keep us grounded when we are already miserable lol *-*

Whoops I can imagine that fall :/ a nasty one indeed, it's the case with falls usually though, one minute we are okay and then falling like Jack (JackNJill poem reference hahah) it's just silly altogether :( is there someone around to support you with walking longer distances when required though? :o take goood careooo, Soul.

Shares 🍕🍪 and sending ❤❤❤

mytwistedsoul OP June 25th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Maybe they figure if we want to reply we'll be willing to work for it 😋

Yeah my girl Taz is awesome company. She's getting up in age though but that just means we take it alittle slower which works for me right now too 😊

I guess better jack and Jill then Humpty Dumpty lol

There's not really anyone tbh - I mean I can ask the closest neighbor but they're kind of up in age too but there is alittle utility cart I can use instead of using crutches the whole way. They're tiring!

*happily munches 🍕 and 🍪 and sends some ❤️ back*

I hope you take care too Sun ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 29th, 2022


Hahaha true dattt xD

Aww Taz sounds lovely, and hehe slow is okiee.

Lololol yessss JackNJill always better than Humpty Dumpty hahaha 🤣

Ah it's just more difficult managing it all alone :/ glad you've got your pets for company and the utility cart for support hehe, the crutches sure are tiring at a stretch :/

Yay *receives ❤* thankieees Soul, trying too hehe. ❤ I appreciate youuuu lots.

How's your ankle? 😮 I hope it is healing *-* *sending magical healing beamsssss* ✨

mytwistedsoul OP June 30th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou She is a sweetheart 😊 the cat's overly dramatic lol. He likes to come on walks but breaks and falls over and lays down hoping to be picked up lol

The ankle has it's moments. Sometimes it doesn't hurt too bad. 🍕 and 🍪 for the beams

I appreciate you too Sun ❤ you bring light to every place you visit

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 30th, 2022


Aww sweet Taz hehe and omggg I can almost imagine your cat doing that lol, it is tooo funny and super adorable in my imagination hahahah 🤣🤣

Welppp, soooo feel the "has its moments" part ooof, I hope for more "doesn't hurt bad/ no pain" moments then. ❤

And awwwww thankieees 🤧❤

adventurousBranch3786 June 22nd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. I am doing alright. How are you and your animals doing?

mytwistedsoul OP June 23rd, 2022

@adventurousBranch3786 Glad to hear you're doing all right ❤️ The animals are doing good. Peeps are getting bigger. The horse is doing good. He had a check up with the vet last week. The dog is still going. She's an older girl now with alot of snow on her muzzle. Me - not so good. The ankle's broken and crutches have to be used 😖

Thank you for asking ❤️

adventurousBranch3786 June 23rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. Oh goodness I’m sorry to hear about your ankle. You will be in my thoughts. 💐🌺🌷

mytwistedsoul OP June 23rd, 2022

@adventurousBranch3786 Thank you ❤️

barncat June 29th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul- ah shucks, a broken ankle. Take care of yourself. How did I not know you also have a horse? Guess I have been self absorbed. Must be human!! Heal quickly and be careful on the crutches.

mytwistedsoul OP June 30th, 2022

@barncat Thank you ❤️ he hasn't been here too long. He was an impulse buy/adoption. His owners were going to send him to auction - just didn't want to see that happen

mytwistedsoul OP June 23rd, 2022

You’re feeding off the pieces

Of my broken heart

Buried underneath the pain

Inside the lonely dark

Don’t let the fear come alive

Like a ghost in the dead of night

If only for a second I knew

That you’d run and hide

Turn it off

Like a problem with my headphone

Don’t wanna hear another demon

In the unknown

Stick up

Now get up

And move slow

I’ve had enough of you

I got a life

And you’re never gonna take it

I glow

I’m so illuminated


You can’t stay in my head

I Wanna get away far

Stick around

In the world

I’m fighting

I got my battle scars


You can’t stay in my head


Need a get away car

Stick around

In the world

I’m fighting

I wear my battle scars

Turn it off

Like a problem with my headphone

Don’t wanna hear another demon

In the unknown

Stick up

Now get up

And move slow

I’ve had enough of you

I got a life

And you’re never gonna take it

I glow

I’m so illuminated

Shine bright

And take time

To realize

That I’ve become something new

What do I need?

What do I need?

What do I need?

To conquer disorder in me

Why can’t I see?

Why can’t I see?

What’s inside me

The power within will set me free

Please set me free

Set us free

Let us free

sunshinegiraffe123 June 24th, 2022



mytwistedsoul OP June 24th, 2022

@sunshinegiraffe123 Hey :) How are you?

mytwistedsoul OP June 29th, 2022

emotionalTalker2260 June 29th, 2022


lmfaoooo, that made me laugh so much 😂😂😂😂 i know the original song! Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the *ting ting* Floorrrrrrrrrrrr

mytwistedsoul OP June 29th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 Cookie Mosher 😁 Sometimes YouTube leads me down weird tunnels and I find these lovely songs

emotionalTalker2260 June 29th, 2022


lmfao 😭 I really wonder what your internet looks like. Lmfao

mytwistedsoul OP June 30th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 I find rainbow farting dinosaurs 😂 that probably gives you an idea