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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 16th, 2022


Awh I get that, not easy to let go off our own set of thoughts that prevent us from actually *seeing* ourselves sometimes, reminders sure help, we all can use them from time to time ~ sometimes knowing how someone else sees us can be awe-strucking like "hey, is that me you're talking about?"👀" Lol. Sometimes when our own perception for ourselves is clouded with doubts and negative self talk, Reminders from others definitely help in *shooing* some of that fog away --- and yay soul is working on it and is allowed all the time in the world, at your pace always, you're not alone and we sooooo got this. ❤️ *hugs*

I can use reminders too haha, so thankyou, Soul, that means alot. 🤗

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Awe struck - definitely. But I also know that there are people who see me in a bad light and they have let me know about everything wrong with me. And it matches with previous things - it's like the good stuff is written in chalk and easily erased but the bad stuff gets carved in stone and stays there for years. I read somewhere that for every bad thing you hear about yourself - you need so many good things to out weight it or something like that. It's just so hard to believe the good stuff 😕

Stay awesome ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 19th, 2022


Aww I'm so glad you shared ❤ I know it firsthand, it is not easy to believe the good stuff, specially when there's so many existing thoughts that tell us otherwise. 🥲

"Someone else's opinion of you does not have to become your reality." -- Les Brown

People see us they like, or from their level of perception, if your greatness is way below what they can catch a sight of, it's more of a "them" problem and certainly not yours. I understand how difficult it is to erase certain thoughts, or to simply disengage from things, people, conversations we know aren't true or aren't right for us -- it is completely valid to feel put down by such, it really is super difficult, but again, we have the power to choose, and I see Soul has chosen to redirect their thoughts, and they do try their best, despite the challenge, and so I believe in Soul, and Soul's strength to take it one at a time.

We need to make space for the good to enter in our minds and our lives, consider an example? Your mind is like a box, it has limited space and can only contain as much, now when it is filled with bad thoughts (that others have made you to believe about yourself) the good thoughts will struggle too much to enter and make their space too, what we can do, is, to become friends of the good thoughts, and the good everything--- gotta be welcoming and inclusive, aye? :P so now when we help the good enter the box, the not so good ones will have to shoooo or shrink and keep getting smaller till they poof over time --- It is easier said than done, I know ❤ but it is possible and we don't need no one day Magic, we can be patient and shoo away one negative thought, replacing with a good one, just one by one, and we so got thissss.. more *hugs*

mytwistedsoul OP April 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😯 once again I'm speechless. Thank you. So I have to be honest and well my head filled in the part about your mind being like a box - of chocolates you never know what you're going to get lol - sorry about that it but it made me laugh

You're absolutely right though and it has to be done one step at a time or it becomes an information overload and it's too much to take in all at once. The past few days I've been using the affirmation that not everyone has to like me but not everyone will hate me. The first part was a gift from a *friend* the second I added on - took me months to come up with that lol

Seriously though - Thank you for your reply - for your kindness and your encouragement ❤️ I appreciate it

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 20th, 2022


Aw I understand feeling speechless hehe, no worries xD and ofcourse, absolutely no reason to thank me. ❤

I'm glad you shared lol, the chocolate box really can be unpredictable andddd I can see why that would make you laugh, so yay, we got some laughs out of this too. :D

That's an awesome affirmation, Soul, affirmations somehow impact more when we come up with it ourselves and actually believe in or atleast try to (lol) -- I understand the months long struggle but yay, you came up with something that you believe in and that's more than enough, your *friend* didn't give you the full picture, I see :') soooo again, I'm very proud of you for coming up with that lovely addition. ❤

Now is the time to tell you that I don't accept thankyou's from friends :) yes, you heard it hehe. The most I can accept as a replacement for thanks is well, hugs, pizza or cookies -- pick whatever that suits you! 😛

mytwistedsoul OP April 21st, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I have a delivery 😁


Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 21st, 2022


Aw darn too much confusion, I'm gonna "taste" them all one by one --- thankieees, deliveries like these are my most favorite ever! 🥰

mytwistedsoul OP April 21st, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Lol! Its good to have choices 😁

adventurousBranch3786 April 16th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. I’m sorry to but in but I must agree with @sunisshiningandsoareyou said about you. 🌺.

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

@adventurousBranch3786 Hey Branch :) Thank you ❤️ and you're never butting in

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 18th, 2022


Hey hey lovely Branch, nice to see you. ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

Easter Bunny comes :)

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Happy Easter everyone!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 16th, 2022


Made my day aww! They are super adorable! Happy Easter! ❤

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😊

emotionalTalker2260 April 16th, 2022



Happy easter to you too Soul <3 also, happy belated birthday! I hope your dreams came true 😊

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 Aww! They're so cute Emo! Thank you! 😊 Thank you for the happy birthday too!

You've been kind of quiet too - I hope you're doing ok - but it's ok to be not ok too ❤️ I think you're awesome no matter what

you-are.gif Can't argue with this little guy ;)

emotionalTalker2260 April 16th, 2022


yeah, I have been quiet 😮 but, I am always thinking of all my wonderful forum buddies (: things are hard for me atm. But they’ll be okay. I also chose that I’m failing my course (on purpose) I hate the fact my parents made me study something they knew I would hate 😀

also, you are awesome as well 😊 love the dinosaur gif <3

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 I'm sorry things are hard right now - I hope you don't mind my saying that I admire your attitude about it. That - it'll be ok :)

Ok so I have to admit I laughed when I read the part about failing the course on purpose - maybe I shouldn't admit that but man - you got spirit! 😁

Sending you good vibes Emo - I hope things get better for you soon

emotionalTalker2260 April 16th, 2022


😀 I mean, I also have the attitude to laugh in a hospital (which I did do last week even though I was under observation XD). But yeah 😀 hehehe. I don’t want to do my course (: *accepts good vibes* *sends cookies* 😮

mytwistedsoul OP April 16th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 I bet that got you a few looks from the nurses 😁

I think you should have a say in what you want to learn - just my opinion anyway

Mmm - cookies! Thanks 😁

emotionalTalker2260 April 16th, 2022


I mean, the orderly was laughing along with me, he was such a bright and happy lad (: and I was gonna say “I am a celebrity, get me out of here” as I was leaving, but nah, I didn’t say it ;-; and I will say what I want 😃 idc if I get kicked out if my course. And you’re welcome for the cookies <3 (:

mytwistedsoul OP April 18th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 It nice having an orderly like that - rather then some sour faced grump. I bet he would have played along with your superstar status lol

emotionalTalker2260 April 18th, 2022


XD hahaha he did. I even got a warm toasty blanket 😊 happy days hahahaha

mytwistedsoul OP April 19th, 2022

Been stuck on this one the past few days

Don't hate me - Badflower

selflessSpruce1515 April 19th, 2022


Omggg, it’s been so long since I heard that song! It’s really good, and I can totally relate. ❤️❤️

mytwistedsoul OP April 19th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 Hey Spruce :) How are things in your grove? Welcome back - did you have a nice Easter?

mytwistedsoul OP April 19th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Guess I could have read your thread first lol :p

selflessSpruce1515 April 19th, 2022


Haha, it's okay! No worries xD

selflessSpruce1515 April 19th, 2022


Hey hey, Soul! Things in my grove are a little chaotic, but okay overall. I had an okay Easter, not the best, but it was good to get a little break from doing schoolwork and to focus on my irl for a while. 😊 ❤️

How are things in your world? ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP April 19th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 I'm glad you got a break from school work for alittle :) gives you a chance to recharge your batteries

I'm sorry to hear its chaotic but glad that it's ok overall ❤

Things in my world are ok - I'm sort of shut down I guess but trying to find my way back. Thank you for asking 🙂

selflessSpruce1515 April 19th, 2022


Aww, I definitely know that kind of feeling, and I hope that you find your way back real soon. I believe in you, Soul, and I'm here for you always 🤗 ❤️


mytwistedsoul OP April 19th, 2022
@selflessSpruce1515 Thank you ❤
selflessSpruce1515 April 19th, 2022


Of course ❤️❤️

mytwistedsoul OP April 21st, 2022

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Lol the four spinning circles must mean I've put enough memes up

emotionalTalker2260 April 21st, 2022


hope you’re doing alright 💖

mytwistedsoul OP April 22nd, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 No worries:) its all good. Just some - idk poking fun at my mental health lol

selflessSpruce1515 April 21st, 2022


I send you the best, Soul ❤️ *offers hugs*

mytwistedsoul OP April 22nd, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 *hugs back* its all good :) thank you

*sending you and @emotionalTalker2260 some super awesome vibes*

emotionalTalker2260 April 22nd, 2022


receives good vibes* (:

selflessSpruce1515 April 22nd, 2022


*receives the good vibes and sends some back* ❤️