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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

January 19th, 2020


Ehm... intruding... sorry...

Just wanted to say that I love to imagine you in that Superman pose... You do have a Superman inside you Rinny, a Superman that you can try and summon when the darkness wants to come back.

* hugging you *

intelligentWheel627 January 19th, 2020


That's a wonderful idea! You could try it with me! Two Supermen in their Ferraris. We could pull off a few tricks, who needs the brakes?! ;)

I was looking for you, V. I'm glad that you found me first! The forum world is complicated and confusing. I think I was tagged somewhere but I didn't have the time to reply immediately and then I lost the post. Somewhere. I must admit that I'm technologically challenged. πŸ™ˆ

I'm sorry for writing wrong things in the wrong places and littering other people's threads with my blah blah. πŸ‘€

*hugs you back tightly and doesn't let go until she's counted to twenty five*

January 19th, 2020


Here we are :)

This forum is tecnologically challenging, especially when you access it through the app!

I don't think you say wrong things in the wrong places heart

intelligentWheel627 January 19th, 2020


ROFL! I was just wondering if a picture of it exists and you've found it! This is so perfect, haha! 🀣 You do have superpowers! 🀩

It'll be a while before I'll learn to post pics here to reciprocate. A day or two or a year, lol. Patience please. πŸ˜‹

Thank you for making my day! πŸ₯°

mytwistedsoul OP January 20th, 2020

@intelligentWheel627 Hey Rinny - It's ok to not know how you are - alot of times I don't know either.

That sounds really nice - flying kites at the beach and watching the sun set. I got a laugh out of the superman pose - I finished it up with sound effects lol - da da da da da DAH!

Um - I hope the gif's ok with you. I'm sorry if it isn't - if it isn't please let me know so I don't do it again.

I'm - Idk either lol. Thank you for asking though.

Be gentle with yourself and your thoughts

intelligentWheel627 January 21st, 2020


The gif is perfect, Soul and so are the sound effects! πŸ˜ƒ

I practiced it out loud a few times, lol!

Thank you for brightening up the day once again. <3

mytwistedsoul OP January 17th, 2020

mytwistedsoul OP January 20th, 2020

mytwistedsoul OP January 20th, 2020


I let every thought
Thread a weft of yarn
Weaving through the warps
A tapestry of us

If I make my arms, the home you seek
If I sway my brush, would I capture thee?
If I hang your scars, in a gallery
As a work of artistry

May I clear your slate and wipe your conscience
Lay it on another shelf
I'll be anything you ever ask
I'll take your memories upon myself
If you keep my thoughts and thieve my wisdom
I will find another shell
I don't ever want to be the selfish reason
You don't ever find yourself

I felt every thought
Claw the strands apart
Weaving into knots
A travesty of us

If I stay my arms, and I pull your sleeve
If I snap my brush, would you trust in me?
If I trace your scars, with the broken piece
As a work of artistry

May I clear your slate and wipe your conscience
Lay it on another shelf
I'll be anything you ever ask
I'll take your memories upon myself
If you keep my thoughts and thieve my wisdom
I will find another shell
I don't ever want to be the selfish reason
You don't ever find yourself

Watching the needle thread through every pore
She told me shading made everything more
Beautiful but I don't see it at all
I'm more deranged than before
Standing in paints as it pools on the ground
Colours of empathy blending with doubt
Witnessing everything melting around
Until I drown

May I clear your slate and wipe your conscience
Lay it on another shelf
I'll be anything you ever ask
I'll take your memories upon myself
If you keep my thoughts and thieve my wisdom
I will find another shell
I don't ever want to be the selfish reason
You don't ever find yourself

May I clear your slate and wipe your conscience
Lay it on another shelf
I'll be anything you ever ask
I'll take your memories upon myself
If you keep my thoughts and thieve my wisdom
I will find another shell
I don't ever want to be the selfish reason
You don't ever find yourself

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

Another one bites the dust

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

What don't you like about yourself? How 'bout EVERYTHING? It's ok though - it really is

crimsonLime6525 January 21st, 2020

@mytwistedsoul a feeling I understand all too well, is it ok if I sit with you too?

January 21st, 2020


* sits here quietly * i am sorry i cannot find words today

intelligentWheel627 January 21st, 2020


I'm here, too if I may. * keeps a hug ready in case you need one*

calmLake1999 January 21st, 2020


Sitting with you ❀️

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@calmLake1999 Thank you Calm

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020


Thank you all for sitting here with me - I'm sorry - I shouldn't have said anything - I didn't mean to have you all feel like you have to . Idk -

January 21st, 2020


J... I think we all care about you deeply and this is why we are here for you... It is not a "I have to be here"... It is a "I want to be here"...

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@admaiorasemper Thank you V - I have to be honest - I so want to tell you not to care - ya know? *even though I said it anyway*

Thank you

January 21st, 2020


You absolutely have the right to tell me whatever you want J heart

I have the right not to listen to you cheeky

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@admaiorasemper Lol - you're right

January 21st, 2020


[I meant those words in a very respectful way, you know that right?] heart

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@admaiorasemper I do - no worries V - no offense taken

crimsonLime6525 January 21st, 2020

@mytwistedsoul I can't speak for the others but I want to sit with you, kinda helps me not be alone if you know what I mean

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@crimsonLime6525 I do know what you mean Lime - thank you

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@NoneTheWiser Thank you - it could be - Idk - I'm sorry

mytwistedsoul OP January 21st, 2020

@NoneTheWiser I've got to stop letting the snow pile up!

mytwistedsoul OP January 22nd, 2020

sometimes maybe we ask the right questions - maybe the wrong ones. idk

anxiety - wow rock rock side to side. mind wants to go blank

hands don't want to cooperate


mytwistedsoul OP January 22nd, 2020

theres a memory elusive i try to pushcloser but you just can't reach it4

it's so blurry no clarity to I t can't see

it taunts and then fade


tinycactus809 January 22nd, 2020


Sitting with you and offering hugs & support πŸ’–πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’™

mytwistedsoul OP January 22nd, 2020

@tinycactus809 @NoneTheWiser Thank you

mytwistedsoul OP January 23rd, 2020

What's on your mind J?

Probably be easier to say what I'm not thinking. I'm npt thinking waffles. Well ok I wasn't. - now I am. Yeah I know make jokes. Deflection

Emotions hit pretty hard at one point. A break in the Levy. I can only lock this sh*t down for so long before it starts to leak out. Freaking radioactive toxic sh*t these emotions. Healthy? H*'ll no - I know it isn't but.I can't seem to stop doing it. Either lost on the grey or numb. I can feel it coming on sometimes - that slow slide into nothing. Functioning? Meh - could be doing better. I know I should fight harder. But d*MN I am so freaking tired - but so restless. Your skeleton wants to escape it trapping. Urges? Oh man - even now - it's there.

I'm drawn to darkness - the darker more morbid side of things. It's not something I show alot or to alot of people. But sometimes it slips out too. Do I feel that way ? Honestly? Yes - some days I do. I can honestly say there's day I don't want to be here anymore.

D*mn I still miss the feed. Seemed so much more private. Able to hide things better. Lost my invisibility cloak - hell I'm not even sure where the unicorns are. Probably looking for C.

mytwistedsoul OP January 24th, 2020

crimsonLime6525 January 24th, 2020

@mytwistedsoul every single one of these I understand, thinking of you (you can tell me to stop posting if you want to, I will understand)

mytwistedsoul OP January 25th, 2020

@crimsonLime6525 I know you understand and I'm so sorry that you do. I wish you didn't feel the same. It so confusing isn't it? The emotions - how you can go from being so empty and hollowed out one moment and so overwhelmed in the next moment. It's kind of what the time turns into - moments. Not hours or days but moments. It sucks - sorry. It's frustrating.

I don't mind at all that you're here Lime. I'm happy to see your name here.

Be gentle with yourself and your thoughts

mytwistedsoul OP January 25th, 2020

What's on your mind J?

I still don't think you should be able to feel more then - let's go with two things at once. I have two hands so I can handle two things. Well- even that could be pushing it.

I can't listen to music yet. It was so bad today when I turned it on - man oh man. The funny thing is - I can hear music in my head - loud enough I can make out the words and I'm fine with it.

I'm tired - beyond tired. Eyes are gritty - just wore out. Tbh - I'm npt sure of there was any sleep. I don't remember gpong to bed and I don't remember waking up. Did finally eat something - I don't think we had anything yesterday. Maybe - Idk.

Haven't worked on anything - but I have stared at it pretty hard.

No details - but therea temptation. Even with shaving - intrusive thoughts - hard to walk away.

Anxious - depressed - frustrated - kind of snarky - kind of angry. Sad - And the crying! Holy sh*t! Just boom there it is. I think these levies need better concrete or something. Cause it's not holding up.

mytwistedsoul OP January 25th, 2020

Is this what insanity is like? How it feels?

Idk - sometimes - it feels like none of this is real and it sure as he'll doesn't belong to me. Because - I want a refund. Let me level up or something. Something has to give eventually - doesn't it. Is there like a law of average or what ever? Like after so much shit you get something right even if it's by chance?

Get the manual for this thing - the dummy edition

ThePizza January 25th, 2020


I haven't seen the manual anywhere, I heard it's in the process of being published

mytwistedsoul OP January 25th, 2020

@ThePizza They might be writing it out by hand - boy they're slow!

ThePizza January 25th, 2020

Chinese New Year is today-- Year of the Rat