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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

mytwistedsoul OP January 8th, 2020

@NoneTheWiser LOL! Peek a boo

tinycactus809 January 8th, 2020


except for people who don't want hugs, I'm gonna respect your personal virtual space.

mytwistedsoul OP January 9th, 2020

@tinycactus809 Hey - How are you?

Thank you

tinycactus809 January 9th, 2020


You're welcome!


Not so great at the moment. I've been pretty stressed about school and my parents aren't making it any better. Typing out why would probably take too long right now. Also, my friend's lunch got changed because a couple kids in his class kept showing up 20 minutes late after lunch, so it got switched from 2nd lunch to 3rd lunch so the teacher could keep all her students in the class for the whole block. I'm pretty upset about it because sometimes having lunch with my friend would be the only good part about my day. Especially since I don't have any friends in my class of 7 people (2nd lunch splits 3rd block in 1/2) It was nice to talk to someone after 40 mins of silence and anxiety. Now I sit with some other "friends" that I'm not as close with. It would be totally fine except for the fact that they talk over me a lot and have a tendancy to ignore me. Now 3rd block is just essentially 110 mins of silence. I've got other stuff that's bothering me but those are the 2 main things right now.

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@tinycactus809 I'm sorry to hear you aren't doing so great and that school and parents are stressing you out. It must be hard having to change lunches like that just because of a few people ruined it for everyone else. And then to sit with people who - well - while they're still friends - the talking over you makes you feel unseen and unheard. It hurts. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with that every day.

I hope you know - you're heard here and seen

Be gentle with yourself - yeah?

tinycactus809 January 11th, 2020


awwww thank you! I will try, but it's not always easy

mytwistedsoul OP January 9th, 2020

Friday is full moon - a wolf full moon to be exact

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020


Beyond pissed

Can I?

Yes please

Oh yeah the things I'd like to say

But take a deep breath instead

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

Our humanity is tearing at the seams


Was it time? Did you pick a familiar face? What you thought was safe space? Do you like to break things? But yet - I'm the whiner?

Birds of a feather - you miserable fuck.

God D*MN it! WTF - preacher man? So quick to point out everyone else's flaws and say they're waiting their life. But you know nothing of anyone else's life - so who the fuck are you. You can't even see your own flaws because you buried them under a mountain of bullshit stories to make you feel good about yourself. Delusions of grandeur. Self important - over inflated fucking ego maniac.

calmLake1999 January 10th, 2020


Hi Soul, sitting with you.. are you ok? I'm here for you

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@calmLake1999 Hey Calm -thank you

I must warn you though - I'm having some issues with anger. Just - people - ya know? it's not the first time with this one - it won't be the last. It makes me sick - the constant BS that comes with it. I'm tired of having to be understanding to someone who feels it's ok to hurt people - for what ever reason. IDk - I'm probably not making too much sense

calmLake1999 January 10th, 2020


It's ok soul, I'm still sitting with you. I think it's ok to be angry, I don't understand why people hurt others and I don't think it should be accepted for some to be hurting others just cause. I don't think you need to be understanding but I'm not sure what it is either. You are making sense. Can we maybe take a few breaths together?

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@calmLake1999 Breathing with you

calmLake1999 January 10th, 2020


I'm here with you.. ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@calmLake1999 I just - why he feels it's ok to just - I mean - he attacks people and there's never any real reason -

Poor Wise - He's gone after her so many times - stolen her name - her avatar. He's cruel - I just don't understand why he feels he needs to or why he would even want to

calmLake1999 January 10th, 2020


I'm a little more caught up now so I have an understanding, a little anyways. I think some people get joy from hurting others, it's like they are fulfilling some sort of emptiness from within. It's never ok and its just so wrong of people to do that. I don't understand why people lash out. I'm so sorry that you and Wize have both been attacked by this person, I am here for you both. ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@calmLake1999 Everytime - he offers a weak apology afterwards - some excuse - thinks he can justify it. Thinks it's what friends do to each other

I know we all have our own problems but - we don't take them out on others - we aren't - you can't be cruel

calmLake1999 January 10th, 2020


I think there is no excuse or apology that can help mend the pain he has caused there. Friends, real friends don't hurt each other. We are all here cause we are hurting but I've never seen anyone else lash out and hurt others that way with their words. It just makes me consider the idea that somehow he enjoys upsetting people, and now I feel bad for talking like that but I just don't think there is any excuse for it

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@calmLake1999 Once I can maybe see - without thinking - you might say something you can't take back. But when it happens time and time again

How many times are you supposed to let it go? When do you get to say enough? But how do you stop it? Here anyway? When this is supposedly a safe place

Sorry - questions

calmLake1999 January 10th, 2020


That's very true. I don't have the answers to those questions, personally I think if someone keeps on hurting people maybe there is no forgiving, I don't think they truly want forgiveness, I think they want reaction, they want to pull people in only to hurt again. Please don't apologize I can understand that you are hurting right now. It's very cruel what this person has said to you and Wize and I'm assuming others.

And it is far too easy for people to keep coming back onto this site. It is supposed to be a safe space, it's supposed to be where people can come to speak without judgement, but unfortunately I think there are people who come on here to prey on those who are already hurting.

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

@calmLake1999 Thank you - for sitting with me

I agree - there comes a point where you have to just walk away. You can only forgive something so many times

I think I was more hurt for the others he was cruel to. Tbh - what he says about me doesn't even matter. It's not any worse then anything I've allready thought

Idk - I think they do need to figure something out for the repeat offenders - especially if they're going to keep coming back just to hurt people

Thank you - I appreciate you sitting with me. I'm feeling alittle calmer at the moment

mytwistedsoul OP January 10th, 2020

To whom it may concern:

There comes a point in time when you must admit you crossed the line one too many times. Despite your thinking, people will draw away from something that bites or snaps at them constantly. We as people come in many flavors. Some are more sensitive, while others are stronger. Regardless, we all deserve decency and respect. Your actions and words say much more about you then the people you point your finger at. You can't beat your chest and then cry victim at the bruises you made yourself. Not when so many people saw you do it.

You see people as pawns in your little head games. You yourself said it's entertaining. Perhaps this give you the illusion of control. I hate to tell you son, but this horse has left the barn and you don't stand a snowballs chance in hell of catching it. And you have no one to blame but yourself. You should have spared the whip and used the sugar cubes. Now the barn is empty and there is nothing but the sound of silence.

There's a saying: You don't shit where you sleep. Seems applicable I think.

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

Headache - aggressive - depressed

I probably shouldn't re-read things. Just makes me notice things more. The more I notice - the more I overthink and of course - the more questions I have. Most of them seem to revolve around the word why. Idk - there's alot of things I don't understand when it comes to people. Idk - maybe there aren't any answers. Maybe people just suck. Not all people - just most. I don't understand the head games. I don't understand the need for them. I don't understand people changing the rules. The Queen is like. Just when you thought you had things figured out - the rules would change. With the rule changes - the whole game would change. Changes keep things off balance. Changes meant you were bound to screw up. Screw ups were costly. I guess that's why we still look for punishment when we screw up now

Oh wow - just got hit with a memory

calmLake1999 January 11th, 2020


Sitting with you

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

@calmLake1999 Hey Calm - how are you?

Thank you for sitting here - I'm ok though - but thank you very much.

driftingship January 11th, 2020


Being at sea it is wobbly, you cannot find your safety were affected by the loss of the feed and I was not because I learned to detach and adapt, yes, it was smth bad but not the first or last bad thing life throws your way...

Getting off ballance and asking why is and Wiser have friends to summon when in need, I have to go through difficult times alone...

You lost your compass too finally...

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

@driftingship Have you asked yourself why you're going through things alone? I would think you have the answer to that.

While we can speak our minds to our friends and often tell them our darkest secrets, it's bad form to tell your friends to fuck off or piss off or to insult them and call them shallow. If you don't want to deal with anyone when you're in your moods, then you be the one to step back. You don't go looking for them to be your punching bag.

It's bad form to attack someone over the fact that they had children and you didn't.
It's bad form to tell them that they shouldn't be dumping their problems on you.

It's bad form to tell someone how to raise children when you've never raised any of your own.

It's bad form to never have the decency to say you're sorry and actually mean it. If you did then perhaps you would have learned a lesson from it and treated your friends better. You can't sucker punch people and then claim to be the victim of bullying and people ganging up on you.

You can claim what ever you want as a cause for your actions but at some point you have to be a man and hold yourself accountable for what you did.

Wolves are loyal. You have no sense of loyalty to anyone except yourself and maybe a few chosen ones who will stroke your ego. And you say we're shallow....

driftingship January 11th, 2020


It is bad form to put down someone in need...You just did what I did...thinking you were putting me down or that I ever cared...I am way older than you Soul and went through much abuse, you are shallow minds and souls both of you, playing in the shallows, never in the deep, the deep always scares you, the core of human value, you stop at your own ego and respect and that is your narrow world, never confident enough to go beyound that thinking that things are not about you but about someone else...some day you will learn to shed your egos like lobsters shed their will come to a higher understanding and more self confidence in that..

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

@driftingship You know all about putting down people in need don't you? You do to everyone every time you don't get what you feel you're entitled to. It's okay as long as you're the one in need.

You're gonna have to get someone else to stroke you today

driftingship January 11th, 2020


See Soul, Wiser has kids and understans about irrational moods...say you have a crooked child like me, how would you proceed...

It is not lectures that we need Soul, but genuine simple suport...harsh things do not choose friends, but friends choose to help in harsh circumstances...remember about "shallow" and think deep...if you ever can...

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

@driftingship Typical answer from you. We should all see things your way. It would make everyone's life so much easier. Then you wouldn't feel you have to school all us dumb folk. It's ok for you to lecture people though right? You can lecture everyone on what they should and should 't do but you are too close minded to admit or even see what you should do. I guess what they say is true - it takes a big person to admit they're wrong. It takes a big person to hold themselves accountable and say they're sorry. Too bad you aren't a bigger person.

Another why for you.... Of all the things you claimed to have done why did you never learn any manners?

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

@driftingship Another typical answer. Right away it boils down to it's all my problem. You're right, I'm wrong. You think you're such a big bad wolf? Bring it.

But you best remember - you aren't fucking dealing with J. You're the one who needs to watch their ass this time.

I have better things to do with my time then to prove my dick is bigger than yours. Because, well let's be serious old man.... My competition is really weak.

driftingship January 11th, 2020


I sense smth is starting to boil in you, endearing...your sense of combat is trying to rise...adorable...only the weak ones make use of comparisons, for me it means nothing. Yet again your mind dwells on shallow grounds thinking you pick a buck are so wrong my friend, no insults hurt or touch me, nothing does and the frustrating thing is that none of you can hurt me in any way...but hey, if you got cocky, keep yoir dick up, it will help your self esteem showing others what a good cock you are, I will alwaus be here for any one to take on, when will you really start to live Soul?🙄 When?🙄 or is your life plan hanging on 7cups for compassion from other people and gratulation for your helping contributions? Soul...😔

mytwistedsoul OP January 11th, 2020

@driftingship I know what hurts you the most.

Being alone.

Buh bye

driftingship January 11th, 2020


I wish I could say bingo, but let's humour the cute friend rat and say yes so that he feels he is right😉...

I am alone Soul...when did this true thought doawn on you?🙄 hurts in my heart seingmy friends coming after me...human nature, you are good to a certain point then enough is enough and no more friends...

This shallow reactions are not the future of human relations...

You care about someone, then you can love the devil himself...dedication means no boundaries you fool that what dedixation means...devotion, means you are with them till the end of time and high hell...

Things you are slow to grasp...

Values hard to hold...

mytwistedsoul OP January 12th, 2020

So much I could say but as our "friend" pointed out - we're never right.

I will apologize for the crudeness - I'm Sorry

I've been trying to watch what's said - mindfulness - ya know?

I'll pay for it - don't worry about that

Good thing we have someone here to help point out all our wrong doings

January 12th, 2020


I am sitting here with you and I honestly think there is nothing you have to pay for. Devotion and dedication, we ultimately own them to ourselves only.

I am glad I have seen K around and I find he has good vibes around him.

calmLake1999 January 12th, 2020


I don't think you have anything to apologise for Soul.. sitting with you ❤️

Dawn04 January 12th, 2020

@mytwistedsoul Echoing the rest, you haven't done anything that I feel you need to apologize for. I read what was written last night and honestly there's nothing wrong with it considering how the person in questions tries to target us and drive us until exploding at him so he can pull his "pity me" act. It's sad the site won't do anything about him.