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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

sunshinegiraffe123 September 2nd, 2021

Nlt really

mytwistedsoul OP September 2nd, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 People say things when they upset or angry and sometimes they say things to hurt and upset others but that doesn't mean it's true. I don't think what he said is true - not even a tiny bit

sunshinegiraffe123 September 2nd, 2021


This is what his son said to me right before I left him “ An if we are right for us maybe we can be more but that’s a ways off”

mytwistedsoul OP September 2nd, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 I wish I knew what to say. I guess sometimes things just don't work out - it doesn't make it hurt any less though

sunshinegiraffe123 September 4th, 2021


I cried again last night

mytwistedsoul OP September 4th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 I'm sorry you were hurting so much :(
Its ok to cry - it's a good way to let the pain and hurt out

sunshinegiraffe123 September 4th, 2021


My ex's father said more so I bursted into tears

mytwistedsoul OP September 4th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 Oh Allie :( What he's doing isn't right. He should let you and your ex work things out if there's anything to work out

sunshinegiraffe123 September 5th, 2021


He finally left me alone ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP September 6th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 That's good - hopefully things will get better from here

barncat August 31st, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123- Wow- school back in session- hope your first day goes well.

sunshinegiraffe123 August 31st, 2021

Starts in a week

mytwistedsoul OP September 7th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 How was the first day?

sunshinegiraffe123 September 8th, 2021

Im in a class with two kids who got me in trouble in ninth grade.. but otherwise good! I'm excited I made the support plus team.

mytwistedsoul OP September 9th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 I'm glad it's good! Maybe try to not hang out with the trouble makers? Life is much easier when you're not in trouble for things. Especially if you're a senior now - you want to have a good last year

I think it is so awesome that you're getting more involved here - it's a big step! You're awesome!

sunshinegiraffe123 September 9th, 2021


There bad people .....

mytwistedsoul OP September 9th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 Unfortunately youre right - there are bad people but there's also good people. They can just be alittle harder to find

sunshinegiraffe123 September 10th, 2021


Yesterday was hard 😭

mytwistedsoul OP September 13th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 I hope today was better for you

sunshinegiraffe123 September 15th, 2021



mytwistedsoul OP September 15th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 You gave me alittle inspiration and motivation and I know how hard you're trying - so I thought I'd share something with you that I started working on - it's not done yet but I'm doing alittle bit every day. I hope you like it :)

sunshinegiraffe123 September 15th, 2021


Wownthats amazing. Thank you so much.

mytwistedsoul OP September 15th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 You're welcome :) I mean - I know it's not much but it's the first thing I've done in allmost a year. I'm afraid I'm alittle rusty at it and I know you have giraffe in your name so I kind of assumed you like giraffes

sunshinegiraffe123 September 15th, 2021


Like giraffes? I love ❤️ them !

mytwistedsoul OP September 16th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 There was a really cute GIF I had found but they have the posting so messed up right now I can't

sunshinegiraffe123 September 16th, 2021


Lol , I tried posting a pic yesterday but it didn’t work.

mytwistedsoul OP September 16th, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 Hopefully they get it fixed soon

sunshinegiraffe123 September 16th, 2021



mytwistedsoul OP September 22nd, 2021



Finally lol

sunshinegiraffe123 September 22nd, 2021


Cute. Cant wait to come to the oldie side

mytwistedsoul OP September 22nd, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 It'll be here before you know it :) you can join me in the chatrooms lol I've been spending more time there lately when they have certain ones available

sunshinegiraffe123 September 22nd, 2021



mytwistedsoul OP September 22nd, 2021

@sunshinegiraffe123 😊 it'll be good! We'll have fun

sunshinegiraffe123 September 22nd, 2021


i hope so

barncat August 31st, 2021

@mytwistedsoul- LIttle puppy- "Watch me ROar!!"

barncat August 31st, 2021

@mytwistedsoul- OMG- they are all so funny- Have to admit I have watched this one before (of course). One of my horses- GUs is a big licker. And the horse yawning is showing relaxation and release of tension. Thank you for sharing these.

mytwistedsoul OP August 31st, 2021

@barncat That one is my favorite! Lmao!

August 30th, 2021

You got that right! They make the cutest clicking sound, and reminds me of the horses in several of those TickTocks! 😂

mytwistedsoul OP September 1st, 2021

The Strumbrellas - Spirits

mytwistedsoul OP September 1st, 2021

Shinedown - Cut the Cord