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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP September 16th, 2023


Haha that's actually because Im *** sunburnt lol

AvyIsKing September 16th, 2023


I'm having a breakdown and a panic attack and like everything all at once.

So u get vent I'm sorry.

the band kids didn't ask if I was oki today they made fun of me for not wearing makeup n my hair was a mess but it was the best I could do

my bsf in band ignored me n I feel ***

tmr I gotta call my brother because answers are always better

my ex ish bf texted me n I'm scared cause I made him mad breaking up with him...

very very scared...

and my old friend who could give 2 damns about me texted me with a book recommendation. cant pick up the phone when I'm freaking out but ohhhhh I should read a book now. i just want her to *** off.

last night literally I got so excited because I thought my friend I thought was dead was alive then I realized its not him then I got excited again for like an hour and its not him and it hurts because he's dead. loki he's *** dead. he promised hed never leave and he's *** dead and I cant handle that.

my mom keeps fat shaming me and calling me a w.hore and she asked me when I was just gonna d!e already today and I said what and she said oh I asked when are u gonna dye ur hair next.

and Im so *** done.

just so done. so so so so so so done.

i barely ate today and what i did eat i threw up

i got throw up on my glasses.

my ankle hurts.

i wish i could cry but i cant.



Iamspoons OP September 16th, 2023


You never have to be sorry about vents, that's what friends are there for

Idk what to say to make you feel better, so I won't try and end up making it worse. I'll just be here for you.

*Hugs* so many hugs.


AvyIsKing September 16th, 2023



my mom thinks i ate too many donuts

Iamspoons OP September 16th, 2023


Well *** your mom, she's still a ***.

I'm in tcr if you wanna hang out

AvyIsKing September 16th, 2023


I go there

Iamspoons OP September 16th, 2023

It's going to take me a while to get used to the new pfps, cuz I'm used to my old one, so I'm looking for it and I don't see it. Instead I see Alex fierro, I love her much.


AvyIsKing September 16th, 2023



I'm.... yeah

bad man :)

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


Holy *** I'm so sorry that I'm only now just responding. I have literally like not looked at my phone today, except to get a disappointing text which I have yet to respond to.

I slept in too long, took a shower didn't wash my hair tho, and then we needed to go and I left my phone at home.

Ilysm, I missed you.

Uh yeah, I'd whine about my day but I want to support you and not have it the other way around.

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


nooooo whine to me i had good day

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


I'll whine to you bout my day in sr. Tcr is too busy

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


my day cause im going to bed as soon as ur done

my ankle is most definitely broken and my mom says its only sprained and won't take me to a dr and its the foot I have the injury in so its bad. i need to get up early and sneakily make my half brace more supportive.

My friend had to give his dog back so I never got to pet her so now I'm sad about that

talked to my brother for an hour, he isn't as ew as I thought.

Been a week since I TW tried to unalive thought I'dbe better by now

ex bf wont let us be exes so I gues we are together????? Idk

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


So I'ma just spit out the shortest version then reply to your stuff.

My back is sore.

@SneakySnakeBoi said she was coming to school, her mom said nope. I made gifts. I really wanted to see her cuz we don't really talk over cups.

My mom got annoyed at me for trying to advocate a certain choice (doesn't matter anymore) and then she chose my choice.

I possibly dissociated( for the lack of a better word) in the car.

And saw some of my friends at my exes when we went to drop off my bro. One of these friends was a designated go-to if everyone else was talking to ex. There are problems with the other like three, two are kinda annoying, and idk if the other is my friend yet.

Lol I think that's it. Oh and I left my phone at home for all of this so couldn't rant to you.

I love you avy wavy.

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


Now for your day.!

Holy ***, a broken ankle must really suck, I can't know how much cuz I've never broken any bones. Your mom sucks. I hope you can succeed in making it more sturdy.

Aww, no puppy pets. That sucks too.

Oh good, not having an ew brother is very good.

Avy wavy, that kind of stuff takes super long to heal. Don't expect it to be all better in a week.

Your ex is weird, do you want me to punch him for you? ☺️. And you weird ex situation reminded me that my ex situation is really weird, I can explain more about it another time.

Ily. Keep safe, take care, I love you avy wavy

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


I love you too.

Ive decided my ankle is fine.

Today is the day before my grandmas bday so i need to make her a card

i got in trouble for just waking up but i barely slept and i don't like being the last one up it makesme uncomfy but i was up til 8 am so like i needed a lil sleep. Tmr ill stay awake.

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023



No way is your ankle "fine" please tell me you at least have the brace on.

Oh happy birthday avy's grandma. How many years young is she?

Also getting yelled at for not getting up early seems to be a trend today. Also why tf did you stay up till 8 am, you said you were going to bed.

I gtg do chores.


AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


I have on like a compression sleeve. I need to stabilize it.

I was up til 8 am because I was laying awake thinking about life and stuff and I was tired but I couldn't sleep and then at 5 am jeffy decided he wanted to play and attack his cage.

She's 69 *giggle*

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


I redyed my hair, it's blue again and purple underneath. I am very proud of it because I did it all by myself.

My ankle hurts and is like dark purple and I had to take my brace off because the swelling is really bad today.

Also I got hit on yesterday at the book store lmaoo

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


Ooooooo, I wanna see pics.

Show someone your ankle, I think you should go to the doctor asap.

Is that a good lmao or a coping with humor lmao.

Sorry I was building a frickin cabinet. My mom messed up a step while I went to the bathroom, and it ended up with it breaking. Fun. But Dad was able to fix it, and now we have it in our breezeway. We took a break in the middle to go talk to our neighbors and me and my brother got bored, so we were moving out faces close to each other, and then dad yelled at us. Such a vibe. 😁

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


My mom won't let me see a Dr I'll be fine this happened last year with my wrist I just didn't tell anyone. Just ice and elevate and I'll brace it and imma make smtjn to wear at night ti stabilize it.

It was funny idk.

My ankle looks so weird it's not natural idk.

Anyway hair time 16949883437866128617823409434967_1694988371.jpg

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


Ok... if you think that'll be enough.


I love your hair

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


I love it tooo

And idk if it will be enough but it has to be you know 🤷

I'm so smart tho I'm using all my amazing beautiful supplies and it will be awesome when I'm done lol

Iamspoons OP September 17th, 2023


Oki I gtg shower, but I'll be back.

When I get back do you want to hangout in a room?

AvyIsKing September 17th, 2023


Possibly but probably not I have to eat dinner

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


Oki, I'm probably going to go to bed now, but if you want I can probably hang in a room for a couple of hours.


AvyIsKing September 18th, 2023


nooo sleep you need it

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


Naah, I've already decided that I should stay up till at least three.

I have homework to do.

AvyIsKing September 18th, 2023



Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


Absolutely nope

AvyIsKing September 18th, 2023


italics say yes

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023



AvyIsKing September 18th, 2023


go to sleepppp

go to sleeep

go to sleep little spoonsy

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


Hehe nooooooooooo

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


I'm gonna go to sleep soon. I have a headache, and I'm hungry.

I'm kinda tired of life.

I have math homework due on Tuesday that got assigned on Friday, I only just did a couple problems and I was blanking for a bit.

Gn ily

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


And we are up and at em again

I ate two donuts, but I'm still kinda hungry. That's oki tho.

I gtg to school now

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


My eyes itch from tiredness, I love screwing myself over this early in the week.

Sorry for all the messages before 8:30

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


Hehe, I forgot I wrote a nasty note on the bottom of my assignment to my ela teacher. It was basically "I hate this class and you suck" which is true. So she gave me a pass to come and talk to her about it. Lol.

In other notes I've done half of my math homework that's due tomorrow.

Ohhhh I got M&M's first period and I've been munching on them when I get hungry before lunch. I should start doing that with like goldfish or something.

AvyIsKing September 18th, 2023


ouuu yum

mom took my ankle brace because apparently its making it worse??

My throat hurts so I made tea

Iamspoons OP September 18th, 2023


I want to know wtf line of reasoning your mom is using.

Ooooo tea is good

AvyIsKing September 18th, 2023


I don't know 😭😭😭