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Inner Development Goals Course

Hope November 27th, 2023
Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. I am here to share some very exciting news. The Academy team in collaboration with @SoulfullyAButterfly and under the guidance of @GlenM has been working on creating a new course for you! We received a lot of ideas for new courses/programs throughout the years and there is a pattern of our users wanting to learn a variety of personal/professional development skills. We love this focus on self-improvement and growth. 

Some of you may be familiar with Inner Development Goals (IDGs). The Inner Development Goals provide an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development. The current IDGs framework represents 5 dimensions and 23 skills and qualities. They promote human inner growth and development. This is in alignment with our community values and goals. 


We have created a course based on the IDG framework. The course covers all 23 skills/qualities that can aid inner growth and development. You can think of it as a walkthrough of all the skills you can develop or improve to help you lead a productive and fulfilling life along with becoming more equipped to contribute to your favorite communities. 


The course is called ‘Inner Development Goals’ and it is available to all users of our community, members and listeners alike! To make it easy to follow along, we have used a growth path format where you can take a few steps whenever you have time and make progress! You can then revise the course guide and submit the course quiz when you are confident that you have acquired the underlying knowledge. All the course-related content is conveniently linked to the growth path!

Open course growth path here!

Click here for a video walkthrough by @Soulfullyabutterfly

Click here to access the IDG sub-com

Course Structure

  1. Complete the growth path associated with the course 
  2. Create 2 forum posts/threads on any of the skills /qualities mentioned within the 5 domains. The posts need to have 1-2 discussion questions/prompts to encourage reflection. This is an example of such a post. The forum posts need to be 200 words minimum each with at least 1 discussion prompt. 
  3. Make 10 forum posts as replies to either the people partaking in the discussion on your post or as a participant in other people’s posts. The posts must be within the IDG community. 
  4. Complete the course quiz. The quiz consists of theoretical questions, testing the understanding of topics mentioned in the guide and confirmation of practical components

To pass the course, you will need to score a minimum 80% on the quiz (19/24), provide thoughtful and relevant answers in the practical part of the quiz along with fulfilling the above-mentioned forum post requirements. If you are missing any requirement, you will be provided with feedback and be given the chance to try again. 

A special thank you to @SoulfullyAButterfly for all of her hard work in making this course happen! 

Note:  If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the course’s requirements, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read it here.

Successful completion of all steps as outlined above results in a certificate and badge! 

Practical components revised on Dec 12, 2023. - Hope

Forum posts requirements added on Feb 5, 2024 - Hope

AI note added on March 26, 2024 - Hope

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 27th, 2023

@Hope @Soulfullyabutterfly @GlenM

This sounds really interesting. Checking out now yay! Thank y'all for continuously bringing such awesome things to the table!💗

Heather225 November 27th, 2023

This is such a valuable course for everyone at any step in their lives. I'm excited to see our community utilize it and the collective expansion of skillset we'll see from it! If you're reading this, I highly recommend giving it some of your time!

SoulfullyAButterfly November 27th, 2023

I had a great insightful time learning about the IDGs and reflecting on how many mental health outcomes were also directly impacted by practicing them. I look forward to everyone's feedback and journey in exploring and practically putting these goals into action ✨

HealingTalk November 27th, 2023


Congratulations, Soul on this great achievement! This is so comprehensive, covering all aspects of improving our lives! It must have taken a huge lot of work! 

It also shows your commitment to understanding and putting into practice the elements of "a good life" as taught by many spiritual traditions, philosophis, and most recently CBT and Positive Psychology, among others.

I like the approach of "expanding the good" as complementary to our typical work here of dealing with what's challenging in our lives. Sometimes a great way to deal with what is problematic is to expand what is well in ourselves, so as to strengthen our capabilities to deal with what's challenging, and also signal that we are not just our problems, that we can grow and improve, and our issues become a smaller part of ourselves.

It is a very generous gift from 7 Cups that this Course is open to all Members as well as Listeners in a self-paced, easy-to-do manner. We all can take advantage of improving our skills, capabilities and abilities in all areas of our lives.

I have started this course. I want to improve in all the topics and areas shown in the infographic. 

And I hope that many Members and Listeners benefit from this course.

Thank you very much for this opportunity!

SoulfullyAButterfly November 27th, 2023

@HealingTalk thank you for your reflections - you share our goals for this course very well. I look forward to your feedback.

HealingTalk November 27th, 2023


Thank you so much, Soul!

I will do the course and share my thoughts along the way.

ambitiousSugar7989 November 27th, 2023

You are amazing dear 7 Cups team and community! 😍As head of research co-creation at the Inner Development Goals -  this course and 7 cups ability to bring it around the globe is just so valuable! At present we are also engaged in a global listeing excercise - as listening to the voices, ideas and opinions of others may be among the core set of skills for sustainable transformation in your daily life and across your neighbourhood, city, region, country and across the whole of the world. Please join the 4000 people across 100 countries who have already shared their wisdom about the IDGs through our 1 question survey and please make sure you send this widely into your network as widely as you can! You find the survey, media kit and more info

GlenM November 27th, 2023

@ambitiousSugar7989 great to have you on 7 Cups! We are very happy to support the IDG efforts. 7 Cups is made up of amazing people that are all working on personal growth and service in one way or another. Working alongside you and your team will help us collectively lift up inner growth and transformation. 

Also, for the community, this is Fredrik Lindencrona. A very smart, innovative, and interesting researcher and psychologist that deeply understands systems thinking. He helped me better understand how 7 Cups can be seen as a commons property resource (like a national park or community garden). Welcome to 7 Cups Fredrik!

Antonio7Cups November 27th, 2023


Yayyyy! 🎊🎊

AnnaSilverberg November 27th, 2023

This is amazing! 
I've taken the path and it's so informative and interactive.
I recommend that everyone takes this path, it's wonderful! 


HealingTalk November 27th, 2023


Congratulations, Hope!

This is a great addition to the Academy's portfolio of Programs and Courses, very much in line with the self-improvement and growth mindset that 7 Cups promotes.

I hope that many members of this Community benefit from such a generous gift, that might be life-changing for many.

May this course improve many lives, and help many people flourish in all dimensions of their lives!

Antonio7Cups November 27th, 2023

@Hope @SoulfullyAButterfly

I can't see the quiz, it says that it is only available to users of the organization. I think the settings should be modified so that they are visible to all users.

GlenM November 27th, 2023

@Reggaetonn I think this is fixed now. Can you take a quick look and let us know? Thank you!

Antonio7Cups November 27th, 2023


Yes, It is fixed :)

Thanks no needed 😎


SunShineAlwaysGrateful November 28th, 2023


i love it and very interested in it ….🙌🙌🙌💕💕

InsightfulPhoenix November 28th, 2023

This seems interesting 🤗

Maslow July 18th

@InsightfulPhoenix It really is

communicativePond1728 December 1st, 2023


I've been wanting to take this course but not replace the growth path I'm on. Is that at all possible?

GlenM December 2nd, 2023

You can take it or some steps and then switch back if that is helpful.

Kristynsmama December 13th, 2023


thank you for telling me about this course!  I think it’s fantastic!

Gettingbettertoday December 13th, 2023


Unfortunately writing is one of my worse skills. I simply have trouble translating ideas to words. Otherwise this looks good to me. 

Hope OP December 13th, 2023


I have seen your contributions in our forum spaces and I believe you are not giving yourself enough credit! The course is not very focused on writing, it is mostly learning the knowledge presented and when writing is required, as the course is not testing your writing skills, your best will suffice. Even so, we are here to help! 

Gettingbettertoday December 13th, 2023


I am doing it but i am already stuck on the 4th or 5th step.

In the box below, share your reflections regarding what Ikigai means to you and what your purpose is.

I only know one of the four inputs for sure. My Strengths. The other 3 are just guesses. And yes I know one of them is "What do you love?".

Hope OP December 13th, 2023


Guesses are fine! You just need to write down what you understood. You are welcome to message me for further questions

Kristynsmama December 13th, 2023


This course was very challenging for me!  Don’t give up on yourself!  Reach out to Hope for help!  She was incredibly supportive and I would have given up and quit had I not reached out to her!  You can do this!

CreativeLove101 December 28th, 2023


It is really interesting Thank you

slowdecline48 March 2nd

I don't like to be that guy but...

"Visioning" is not a word.

Maslow July 18th

@slowdecline48 Well let us be pioneers

slowdecline48 July 19th

@Maslow 🤷🏼‍♂️ People will make up words regardless of my opinion about it. I'm one of those retro people who finds 20th-century English to be more clear, concise, slightly less deceptive (at times) & overall much better than the swiftly mutating Internet lingo so common today.

lovingRainbows2088 March 2nd


Thank you for telling me more about what the IDG course is and how I can get there. I believe that this course is valuable for anyone that wants to further their journey.  I know for me it will help me on becoming a better listener to our members on 7 cups. 

daydreammemories March 8th



Ivy229 May 23rd


I just completed this path and the required steps to hopefully complete the whole course. I am glad I found this course and had the chance to go through it. I found the whole course thought provoking, insightful and eye opening. :)


@Hope I'm starting this course now. I'm looking forward to it. 

CrescentSkylar August 4th


You will definitely like the course

CrescentSkylar August 4th


I'm excited to see our community utilize it and the collective expansion of skillset we'll see from it! If you're reading this, I highly recommend giving it some of your time!

CrescentSkylar August 4th

I'm excited to see our community utilize it and the collective expansion of skillset we'll see from it! If you're reading this, I highly recommend giving it some of your time!

Zeraphim August 15th

Do you get a badge or certificate for completing it?

Hope OP August 15th


Yes both!

TU100OT August 15th


This sounds like fun

Judahcare August 16th

Wow...this great. I feel this will help me with building myself for my personal growth and development.