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Inner Development Goals Course

Hope November 27th, 2023
Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. I am here to share some very exciting news. The Academy team in collaboration with @SoulfullyAButterfly and under the guidance of @GlenM has been working on creating a new course for you! We received a lot of ideas for new courses/programs throughout the years and there is a pattern of our users wanting to learn a variety of personal/professional development skills. We love this focus on self-improvement and growth. 

Some of you may be familiar with Inner Development Goals (IDGs). The Inner Development Goals provide an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development. The current IDGs framework represents 5 dimensions and 23 skills and qualities. They promote human inner growth and development. This is in alignment with our community values and goals. 


We have created a course based on the IDG framework. The course covers all 23 skills/qualities that can aid inner growth and development. You can think of it as a walkthrough of all the skills you can develop or improve to help you lead a productive and fulfilling life along with becoming more equipped to contribute to your favorite communities. 


The course is called ‘Inner Development Goals’ and it is available to all users of our community, members and listeners alike! To make it easy to follow along, we have used a growth path format where you can take a few steps whenever you have time and make progress! You can then revise the course guide and submit the course quiz when you are confident that you have acquired the underlying knowledge. All the course-related content is conveniently linked to the growth path!

Open course growth path here!

Click here for a video walkthrough by @Soulfullyabutterfly

Click here to access the IDG sub-com

Course Structure

  1. Complete the growth path associated with the course 
  2. Create 2 forum posts/threads on any of the skills /qualities mentioned within the 5 domains. The posts need to have 1-2 discussion questions/prompts to encourage reflection. This is an example of such a post. The forum posts need to be 200 words minimum each with at least 1 discussion prompt. 
  3. Make 10 forum posts as replies to either the people partaking in the discussion on your post or as a participant in other people’s posts. The posts must be within the IDG community. 
  4. Complete the course quiz. The quiz consists of theoretical questions, testing the understanding of topics mentioned in the guide and confirmation of practical components

To pass the course, you will need to score a minimum 80% on the quiz (19/24), provide thoughtful and relevant answers in the practical part of the quiz along with fulfilling the above-mentioned forum post requirements. If you are missing any requirement, you will be provided with feedback and be given the chance to try again. 

A special thank you to @SoulfullyAButterfly for all of her hard work in making this course happen! 

Note:  If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the course’s requirements, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read it here.

Successful completion of all steps as outlined above results in a certificate and badge! 

Practical components revised on Dec 12, 2023. - Hope

Forum posts requirements added on Feb 5, 2024 - Hope

AI note added on March 26, 2024 - Hope