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CupcakeCaring February 1st


The Japanese secret to a long and happy life! 🍃⭐

Ikigai is like your personal life compass, pointing to what makes you tick and gets you out of bed with a smile. It's all about finding the sweet spot where your passions, skills, the world's needs, and a paycheck happily collide. 

What's your Ikigai adventure going to look like? 🚀

BelovedMe February 1st

@CupcakeCaring As an art student and poet, my Ikigai is to create. 🎨✍️ I wake up inspired to paint emotions and sculpt words. My canvas and verses are my voice, resonating with others, bringing beauty, and challenging perspectives. I strive to earn a living through my passion, making my art not just my hobby, but my life’s work. 🚀

CupcakeCaring OP February 4th



Rebekah February 9th

@CupcakeCaring, ooo, wow! This is so fascinating 🌞

CupcakeCaring OP February 16th


I am happy that you loved it 💙

RainbowRosie February 15th


What's your Ikigai adventure going to look like? 🚀

For me its to learn. 

I’ll never know enough but it’s certainly fun trying! I know I’ll never get bored in life as there’s so much more I want to do….and learning more about how I can help others…. how I can contribute to society….how I can learn to do better….it’s all what I’m about. 🌹

CupcakeCaring OP February 16th


Happy journey of learning. 💙

Countrygirl095 February 18th

@CupcakeCaring I definitely have to check this book out

CupcakeCaring OP March 12th


Of course 😍

warmMemory6263 February 18th


My ideal Ikigai spot looks like being able to travel around the world 🌍 while helping others in need while learning new languages and eating new foods. 😊 

CupcakeCaring OP March 12th


its really nice. 💙

sky2Ocean20 March 2nd


I read this book 2 years back. The "circle exercise" to find out purpose and goal of life is so enlightening to experience. 

..also the book cover aesthetic. it's very pretty 💗

CupcakeCaring OP March 12th



slowdecline48 March 2nd

Cr@p...I missed it.

I've always been an artist; in recent years a craftsman as well. But I never could stay in that "sweet spot". Sometimes I got paid...couldn't make it stick. The world needs traditional artists less with every decade.

CupcakeCaring OP March 12th



CJHere2Help March 12th


Hey CupcakeCaring,

        As someone pursuing a career as a clinical psychologist, my Ikigai is to help people. Helping people gives me a sense of worth and value, as well as makes me feel like I’m making a difference. Psychology has been a passion of mine since I was 15; understanding how people think, their reasons for behavior, etc. has always fascinated me. Throughout my 7 years of studying psychology in school, I have developed many skills that I employ to help those in need of help. I am constantly honing these skills to make me a better psychologist when I get into the professional field. Mental healthcare is something that the world desperately needs more of. The field of psychology has rapidly been growing over the past few decades, although sadly so have the occurrence of mental health issues. To combat this, it is important to advocate about mental health awareness and break down stigmas.

CupcakeCaring OP March 17th


Your passion for psychology and dedication to helping others shine through your words. Keep up the great work, and I'm sure you'll make a significant difference in the field of mental health. Good Luck 💙

plop March 18th

Very inspiring post 💜 my ikigai adventure begins here on 7Cups, and to university, and onwards to a career helping people in therapy. That would be a perfect ikigai adventure for me 🥰