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Identifying and Remembering Self

BeesOnFlowers September 11th

Self acceptance has always been such a difficult subject for me. I tend to get into relationships where I'm the fixer, whether it's romantic, platonic, or just peer. I want to help someone and I often don the white scrubs of a clinical therapist and sit with one knee hooked over the other (even if it hurts after an hour).

That's all to say that I often meet problems with being stifled. It's easy to nod and accept others, but recognizing your own boundaries can be difficult. My values and beliefs take such a back seat, I don't even look at them half the time! But it's not healthy to forget yourself so often. To ignore your feelings for the sake of others. 
It comes as second nature to so many of us, but sometimes we treat ourselves so dismissively. This is a behavior I had to recognize and actively dwell over.

After a long day of listening to my family's struggles and woes, I sit down and journal. I made myself a rule to never journal about any one else's problems- to leave that for their own journals. Mine is for me. How do I feel? What are my goals? Did I have fun today? What did I succeed at? What are my plans tomorrow? 
   That's a form of mindfulness! It helps strengthen your relationship with yourself.

It's not selfish to say 'I'.
   That's a hard fact to learn. 

When you put your feelings on the back burner, we run the risk of it boiling over out of eyesight.
   Don't forget to tend to them too.

🌼 What ways have you found to help you stay mindful and accepting of your own feelings?