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I love kittens and Cats, so I Foster

ShellyZz November 3rd, 2023

I love and hate fostering.  I get overly attach to them most times.  Here are a few fosters I had.


Nickoli is my little heartbreaker and the last from his group that needs a home.  I had to bottlefeed them which makes me get over attach.20231030-194434_1698974123.jpg

Leonydus November 3rd, 2023


Awwdorable! Bless your heart. Fostering animals is so commendable. 🏆💜

ShellyZz OP November 3rd, 2023

@Leonydus Thank you!

SomebodySpicy13 November 3rd, 2023


This is such a wonderful thing you are doing. Thankyou for giving these adorable kitties a home 🐾💞

ShellyZz OP November 3rd, 2023

@SomebodySpicy13 Thank you! 

MistyMagic November 3rd, 2023

@ShellyZz well done, what a great thing to do. I know how easy it is to get attached to those animals in our care. I will tag @SleepyShyCat as they will adore this!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

SleepyShyCat November 3rd, 2023

@MistyMagic @ShellyZz

Omg look how they are sleeping 🥺😭

I wish I could foster kittens, but I'd have a hard time with attachment too! day I'll just run a cat sanctuary, then I can keep them allllll 

ShellyZz OP November 3rd, 2023

@MistyMagic Thank you!  I have foster failed in the past but I'm at the keep limit now.  I'm just glad to get the time I get with them.

LoveMyMoonflowers November 3rd, 2023


awwwe! so so adorable 🥺😭💜 i’m tagging @tabbycat97 hehehe :3 

Tinywhisper11 November 3rd, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers they are adorable ❤ just like you😁

LoveMyMoonflowers November 3rd, 2023


:’3 *huggles youuu* lola bean 🥺 you are the most adorable evas 

23helicopters November 3rd, 2023

They are so cute!! I get the over attachment. That's why I didn't foster any cat even tho I wanted because I was sure this would happen and only break my heart. It's already broken so why breaking it more😭

That's such a great and brave thing to do tho. It's really inspiring.

Tinywhisper11 November 3rd, 2023

@23helicopters I tell you what, we can share my pet unicorn😁 he flies so we can both spend time with him ❤ his name is mayo. Mayo neighs

23helicopters November 3rd, 2023

Aww that's such a cute name! And I always wanted a pet unicorn by the way❤️

Tinywhisper11 November 3rd, 2023

@23helicopters we can share him ❤ 

23helicopters November 3rd, 2023

Aww thank you Lola❤️

ShellyZz OP November 3rd, 2023

@23helicopters I have foster failed.  And it does hurt a lot when they get homed since I do get overly attach.  But if I didn't foster the ones in the picture they would have frozen outside since they had no where to keep warm.  Its what helps me keep fostering.

Tinywhisper11 November 3rd, 2023

@ShellyZz that's a very honourable thing to do ❤ thankyou. ❤❤❤ those kittys are soo cute

ShellyZz OP November 3rd, 2023

@Tinywhisper11  Thank you!  I'm going to miss one of them so much since I got overly attach.  Still working on not getting so attach but they are all just so cute!

Tinywhisper11 November 4th, 2023

@ShellyZz awwww I understand that ❤❤ they are all so cute. Just remember you nurse them into healthy loving cats, then they get to go home to a living caring family, who will love them just as much as you do. Your doing a very very very nice thing for theese kittys. We need more people like you ❤

Irini November 4th, 2023

@ShellyZz They are adorable! :) Thank you for sharing this cuteness overload!!

ShellyZz OP November 10th, 2023

So my foster kitten Nickoli is going to another foster.  She has a vet near her that is going to xray and ultrasound him to see how bad his deformity is.  The vet near me isn't sure what kind of deformity it is and they don't have the same equipment.  He weighs only 2 pounds even though he eats a lot.  I'm of course overly attach and going to miss him so much! I'll be asking her to keep me updated!


ShellyZz OP November 15th, 2023

Nickoli is going to be staying with a vet tech.  He is going to need surgery and it is very expensive.  So the only way to get the surgery was to let them keep him.  I already miss him but he is with a vet tech which is perfect as they will know how and what to look for in his health.  I was told they'll give us updates on him.  But right now I just feel so sad as I miss him so much!

AnnaBanana06 November 16th, 2023

@ShellyZz You’re doing your best and whats best for them too. 

IdkAName4 November 15th, 2023

Aww they're so cute ❤️

ShellyZz OP November 15th, 2023

@IdkAName4  Thank you!

AnnaBanana06 November 16th, 2023

@ShellyZz awwww Cats seems like a sweethearts....

Zevia1MM November 16th, 2023


Afhasdfjashfsdhfjh such precious babies <333

ShellyZz OP November 19th, 2023

Faith my foster fail.  Cuddling with my dads hand, cuddling with me.  She is now 1 years old!


AnnaBanana06 November 19th, 2023

@ShellyZz awww cutie pie

Sherellenyc December 15th, 2023

Awh I'm going through this now. The separation. I told all families this is an open adoption. I want full updates haha. It helps me the heal the lost, and know they are loved

ShellyZz OP December 15th, 2023

Got an update on Nickoli!  He has had two surgeries.  And now is a healthy playful kitten!  The vet adopted him!  Makes it so much better since she will know if something is wrong with him.  She takes him to the office everyday she works so I guess he is the mascot!  I'm just happy he no longer is in pain and can do what he wants!

SafeSpace1986 December 15th, 2023

Awww they adorable, i bet you are also, you have a heart of gold by fostering them.

ShellyZz OP December 16th, 2023

@SafeSpace1986  thank you

Heather225 December 16th, 2023


beautiful babies 😍