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994 M Little Steps 2
PathStep 2 Compassion hearts341 Forum posts87 Forum upvotes302 Current upvotes302 Age GroupAdult Last activeSeptember, 2024 Member sinceOctober 29, 2023
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I'll most likely have to put my cat down tomorrow, I can't stop crying.
Depression Support / by ShellyZz
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August 13th
...See more I've had Candy for 10 years.  She helps a lot with my depression.  She has a deformity on her face she's had since birth.  It caused her to only be able to breath out of one nostril.  This year it has gotten worse.  And her eye got infected.  Or so I thought.  She's had to injections to help it and nothing.  This next bit is graphic so be warned. Her eye is getting bigger by the day and even bleeds.  It also has growths on it.  The vet now believes its a tumor.  She also keeps getting nose bleeds. Tomorrow she is supposed to get an xray but the vet most likely will just tell me to put her down.  All the vets she's been to said let her die naturally (she is most likely in pain) Or put her down.  (so she won't suffer anymore) I'm just devastated.  I thought we'd have a good ten or so years left.  It hurts so much.  I feel like I'm betraying her if I have to put her down.  She still plays and eats.  But she can't close her eye anymore.  She's been to the vet at least 5 times in 30 days and nothing is helping her.
Just posting some of my cats and my foster cats! Wasn't sure if I should post on my old thread or start new
Hobby Zone / by ShellyZz
Last post
August 5th
...See more Faith is my foster fail, a picture of her as a kitten and her now!  She just turned 3 today! My foster kittens and their momma Sometimes these pictures turn when I upload, not sure how to change it
Not a great month at all
Disability Support / by ShellyZz
Last post
August 13th
...See more Not sure where to start for this month.  First, the day before my birthday I had to appeal for my disability.  So now I'm waiting on that.  My uncle ended up in the emergency room as his kidneys tried to fail.  (He is finally doing better now)   My brother has to have a surgery with a 6 month recovery time.  The problem is he has talk about suicide, and this isn't helping him feel better.  He was feeling better until the pain happened which led to mri, and led to find out he needs surgery.   I just finished my physical therapy which no big surprise didn't do much.  And now we found out our property tax increased and we owe money.   (apparently lots of property tax around us went up.  Ours went op over 50%, not sure the total since my father pays them but it more then doubled.) My cat who was born with a deformity had gotten sick, (her deformity makes it hard for her to breath, she's had is since birth,) so much so I thought she'd pass on me.  She went to two different vets she is doing a bit better.  (I love my cat so it is depressing.)  And my foster cat is sick, just got back from the vet and am waiting on the results. The good news I've had?  Well like I said my uncle is doing better.  My foster kitten that was sick is all better now and runs around like a nut.  Lets hope next month is better!
B-day tomorrow
Journals & Diaries / by ShellyZz
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July 19th
...See more I'm not sure how to feel about getting older.  I outlive what the doctors said would have happen if they never discovered my scoliosis.  Living in chronic pain isn't fun, but I do have cats that help.  Family is iffy.  I'm also starting pt again next week so hopefully some pain will go down.  I did my evaluation and was told my body is definitely weak and will be strengthening it.   I've been keeping up with the ones at home, just can't do them all in one setting.  My neck is healing from hurting 5 of its discs so no surgery for that.  The bad news I got was that it looks like I might have to reapply for disability.  But that is for another post later on.
Foster kittens and cats make me feel worth something
Hobby Zone / by ShellyZz
Last post
June 23rd
...See more They grow so fast!
Got an xray of my neck, now worried about arthristis
Journals & Diaries / by ShellyZz
Last post
June 1st
...See more I've suffered from pain from my scoliosis all my life.  My dad, aunt, and grandma said just wait until you get arthritis.  Then you'll know what pain is really like.  Well turns out I have the beginnings of arthritis in my neck.  Now I'm terrified since I've been having neck pain.  (one of the reasons why my doctor wanted an xray.)  Not to get into age, but I'm in my 30's.  Now I just want to cry. I'm already tired of being in pain all the time, now I have more to deal with.  I've changed my diet in my 20's and eat a lot healthier.  I try to exercise.  And keep up my doctor appointments.  I'm just so scared of how much more pain I'll be in.   Other to note, turns out I have surgical pins that I didn't know about.  Why I didn't know about them is I was a kid at the time and my parents forgot about them.
Does anyone else take Venlafaxine ER Capsules for their depression?
Depression Support / by ShellyZz
Last post
May 30th
...See more I've been on it for years now.  It does help my depression some.  But here is the question I have.  I forgot to take it yesterday. (which has happened a few times with the same results) I wake up feeling weird.  And extremely depressed.   Like why am I still alive depressed.  And crying or wanting to just cry.  And my body also doesn't feel well.  Like I'm not quite all there.  Achy.  (I feel better a few hours after taking my medicine)  But anyway my question is it normal for such a big reaction just for missing a dose once?  Should I let my doctor know about what happens if I miss a dose?  I try to remember and I think only missed it like 4-5 times in all the years I've been on it, but the symptoms are always the same.  Thank you for your time.
Just a chat about what happened today.
Journals & Diaries / by ShellyZz
Last post
May 28th
...See more Might use this thread as a weekly post, depending if I feel like typing.  So today I ordered stuff from Instacart since I have a hard time getting what I needed to order.  (I can't lift a lot of water which is what I needed)  When I met the delivery driver.  She was so nice, something I'm not used to.  She even complimented me.  I'm really not used to that.  My brain kept saying she is up to something.  But she was just being nice.  Whenever anyone is nice to me I always think they are up to something.  Since that was the only time my family was nice to me, when they needed or wanted something.   But then I remembered I also like complementing people and being nice, without expecting anything in return.  It makes me feel good to make someone else feel better.  She did notice I took the complement funny?  She said I mean it.  I guess it was because I stopped looking at her since like I said I'm not used to complements.   So for those that don't know, remember you matter too!  You are important too!
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