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🦋Beautiful Butterflies 🦋

Lou73 June 18th, 2023

The warm and humid weather makes June the perfect time for butterflies to start emerging and fluttering through wildflowers and gardens.


There are approximately 18,500 named species of butterflies all over the world. Here is a quiz to identify some of the more common UK species:

I have purchased a butterfly kit and the caterpillars were sent to me in a culture pot and in 2-3 weeks, they will eat, spin silk, and grow until they are 10x bigger than they were when they arrived. When they are ready, they will form chrysalides and then in another 1-2 weeks, they will emerge as Painted Lady butterflies! (pictured above)

If you’d like to join me in watching their journey, just subscribe to this post!

You could also join in by sharing any photos you capture of butterflies in your area

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Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 19th, 2023


Awww a butterfly post, ironic much?😛

Hehe, looking forward to the journey, Louu, thanks for sharing with us!🦋🥰

Lou73 OP June 19th, 2023

Thanks @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞 I've been wanting to do this post for ages 🦋🦋

EmotionsListener June 19th, 2023


So exciting getting to raise some beautiful painted ladies and see the wonder of metamorphosis every step of the way. There is something about seeing it in person that can't be reproduced in pictures I hope you will enjoy the entire process. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Lou73 OP June 19th, 2023

Thank you @EmotionsListener! Yes it's definitely something else in person. I have tried to capture the photos but as they come in a culture cup that can't be opened, taking photos has been a challenge! 🦋

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

Thank you for accepting this challenge and letting us witness this beautiful journey.

Much love,

Angel 💙💜

Lou73 OP June 19th, 2023

Day 1 - The kit arrives with 5 tiny little caterpillars. They were pretty inactive to begin with but then they started to move about and started to eat the food in the bottom of the cup.


lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

Omg! ♥️ It would be fun to see them grow! A beautiful experience to witness!

Thank you so much for doing this as I love butterflies for their ability to be free. And I love my freedom and think of myself as a butterfly.

Much love,

-Angel 💙💜

Lou73 OP June 20th, 2023

Aww @lyricalAngel70 that's so lovely. Butterflies can definitely represent spreading our wings and growing into something beautiful!

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

So true ♥️


Lou73 OP June 20th, 2023

Day 2 - they were already starting to grow in size and continued to munch at the food and spin silk webbing inside the culture cup.


Day 3 - Growth continued and they seemed to develop stripy bands and there was evidence of shedding. These caterpillars will shed their exoskeleton 5 times before forming their chrysalid.


ReadBooks7 June 20th, 2023

@Lou73 this is fantastic! Thank you for sharing 🙂

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

I have bookmarked, subscribed, and added this page to my home screen on my smartphone so that I don't miss any day. ♥️

Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart for doing this. This post has already made me so excited that I think I've already commented more than thrice by now! Hahaha 😅

Experiencing them growing in person is par excellence and I'd love to experience it too. Would you please inform me where to buy the butterfly kit? 😍

Much love,

-Angel 💜💙

Lou73 OP June 20th, 2023

Thank you so much for your interest and support @lyricalAngel70!!

The company is called Insect Lore and they have a UK and US website and I think they can ship to the EU as well!

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

That's perfect! ♥️

Could you please share the link to their website?

Thank you so much

MistyMagic June 20th, 2023

@Lou73 Yesssss this is a fantasssstic post thanks! And your project will help the world domination by butterflies too lol!

I am eager to watch their progress. Have you named any of them?

Do any have distinctive personalities?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Lou73 OP June 20th, 2023

Thank you @MistyMagic (butterfly twin 🦋🦋) hehe. I haven't named them actually, I don't want to get attached as they will have to be released. I have been watching them quite a bit and some of them do seem more curious and inquisitive whilst others like to curl up more 😄

Lou73 OP June 20th, 2023

Day 4 - this little one decided to check out the top of the container! The black stuff to the left is part of the exoskeleton that they shed as they grow!


lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

Hey there, tiny adorable thing 😍

Thank you so much for sharing. 💙💜

PatienceImpatiens June 21st, 2023

Following, such a cute post.

Lou73 OP June 21st, 2023

Day 5 - These caterpillars have GROWN! There's lots more webbing in the bottom of the cup and it seems like they have doubled in size overnight! It also looks like they are appearing lighter in colour. 🐛


lyricalAngel70 June 22nd, 2023
It is wonderful to see them grow in every aspect! 💙💜 @Lou73
Lou73 OP June 22nd, 2023

Day 6 - It is so fun watching their 'Mexican wave' like movements and when they explore around the cup, because of the webbing they have spun, it almost looks they are walking on air! They have also eaten a huge amount of the food in the cup so I think it could be a matter of days rather than another week until they are ready to go through their transformation! The time it takes for them to reach this stage varies from 7 to 14 days and the weather has a huge impact on that. It's currently very warm here so I think that has accelerated their growth!


Thank you all so much for your interest and enthusiasm in these caterpillars' journeys! 🐛🦋

MistyMagic June 22nd, 2023

@Lou73 amazing to follow this and yes, wow they have GROWN !

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EmotionsListener June 22nd, 2023


It's amazing how fast they develop in the proper conditions! It's great to see the progress each day!

I know my sister has done different insect hatching kits, another fun one is praying mantis, maybe I should see if I can get one of those and document their development as well.

Thank you again for letting us all get to experience this with you!

Lou73 OP June 22nd, 2023

@EmotionsListener I know right! I was expecting them to grow much slower but the weather has made a big impact.

Oooh that sounds like fun too!

You're very welcome, I'm glad to be sharing it and that others are enjoying it 🤗🦋

EmotionsListener June 24th, 2023


I did a bit of research about the praying mantis, and as a result have a bit of a caveat for any who may want to do this themselves. Try to ensure any eggs you get are for a native species for your area!

The one site that has those which are the native species only has eggs available until the beginning of May, so it would be a project for next year if I decided to give it a try. While other sites would still send me eggs, they would be non-native mantis species for my location which I consider a really big no no even if I were not going to intentionally release them.

The site that is more careful about native species had a few other kits, but the butterflies and mantis seem like the only ones I would personally enjoy. They did have a type of beetle kit, but the beetles even said very clearly that you are not supposed to release them, which makes me question why they even offer them as I suspect many people do end up releasing them. 🥺

Lou73 OP June 25th, 2023

That is really interesting and some very good points that needed to be looked into @EmotionsListener.

I think, for this very reason about native species is why this butterfly kit is only for Painted Lady butterflies as they are long-distance migrants and are the most widespread of all butterfly species! They are also very hardy and resourceful and can live in a wide variety of environments. They can even be released in urban area as they can fly thousands of miles to find food! 🦋

Lou73 OP June 24th, 2023

Day 7 - The caterpillars seemed really interested in the top of the cup today which makes me wonder if they are almost ready move onto the next stage!


EmotionsListener June 24th, 2023


It does somehow look that way doesn't it? It's amazing the kinds of information you can glean from even those small changes their behaviour, they definitely have grown bigger still in the last 24 hours!

Lou73 OP June 25th, 2023

Day 8 - exciting things are happening!!


In the morning, 2 of the caterpillars had started to form that 'J' shape!


By the afternoon, one had started to form the chrysalide! And another 3 were starting to form the J shapes.

(Image has been refused so I can't show you the evening pic 🐛😔)

By the evening, 2 chrysalides had formed, 1 was still hanging in the J shape and the other 2 had been eating more food and exploring the top of the cup again.

It's been a lot of progress in one day and I was surprised how quickly the chrysalides formed. This is a really delicate stage in the process so I moved them to a more stable surface for the next part.

PatienceImpatiens June 25th, 2023

@Lou73 I love following this thread. It's so interesting!

MistyMagic June 25th, 2023

@Lou73 ooh we will have baby butterflies soon!

Lou73 OP June 25th, 2023

Day 9 - By the morning, 3 had hardened into chrysalides whilst the other 2 were hanging out in the J position getting ready.


By early evening, all 5 have become chrysalides!


Now I have to wait for 3 days until they can be moved into their new habitat.

Glad you are enjoying it @PatienceImpatiens! And @MistyMagic, we still have a little bit longer to go but they are on their way!! 🦋

MistyMagic June 25th, 2023

@Lou73 so exciting. Can I be a butterfly grandma?

Lou73 OP June 25th, 2023

@MistyMagic hehe definitely 😊🦋

lyricalAngel70 June 26th, 2023
Beautiful ♥️💙💜 @Lou73
PatienceImpatiens June 26th, 2023

Love Butterflies. Chrysalis away little Painted Ladies, Chrysalis away!

Lou73 OP June 26th, 2023

Day 10 - (Day 1 of next stage) Not much visible change but here is some detail of the chrysalis. I think the bumpy parts were once the caterpillars' spinules (the spikey looking parts)


EmotionsListener June 27th, 2023


In some ways I find this the hardest part of the process, you want to see what's happening inside and the transformation that is underway.

Thank you for taking the time to document this entire process and share it with us!

MistyMagic June 27th, 2023

@Lou73 Sooooo time to name them! The long spinuled one at the front first, W

Listening - One Step At A Time!