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Animals heal!

kindandhumble September 5th, 2022

What's your favorite thing about your doggo or pet?

AmyMir6 September 5th, 2022

@kindandhumble my favorite thing about him is that he has a wonderful soul. I love my doggie!

JujuBears September 5th, 2022

@kindandhumble my favorite thing about my doggies is how excited they get when I come home - even if I am away for 5 minutes!

September 6th, 2022


My doggos are very calm when they're provided with food. It's nice to see how kindly they accept their treats from my hand ☺️

pineapplepeanut September 19th, 2022


My cats are two opposites. One is still a kitten and fearless, playful and smart. The other one is an adult cat and is calm, patient and loving. I love them both dearly. They are my furry best friends.

chaiteeeeeeeaaaaaaa September 28th, 2022

@kindandhumble i have a really cute pet frog named slippy. everytime i look at her, i feel alot better. she is silly and gets really excited when i feed her crickets. i love slippy alot

recliningfate December 3rd, 2022

I love that my kitty loves me as I am in this moment, sometimes it helps during hard days. He is a dark ray of sunshine in my day. (He is a black Turkish Angora)

LonleyCheese December 3rd, 2022

Kind of a strange pet, but I love my rolly-pollies! They're supposed to help the soil for my ants but I didn't realize how much I would love the potato bugs. They're adorable and fun to feed things like melon rinds (especially honeydew) and some are a little bit orange even! Sometime I would like to get some diffrent color variations like koi colored ones. I used to collect them off the sidewal as a kid, but they didn't make it in the plastic containers because I wasn't very smart. But with some soil and leaf litter they do amazing, and the babies are so tiny! I also love my millipedes, which are basically long rollie pollies.

xandia December 3rd, 2022


It would have to be how much my bird, a female cockatiel named Nova, loves me. She is the light of my life and I don't know how I lived without her before she entered my life. She has so much joy to bring; so much love. She's a happy little bird; and she makes my day a little more brighter because she is in it.❤️ 🐦

Vivikun9 December 3rd, 2022


My favorite thing about my cats are. When I'm feeling sad or emotional. They cuddle up and make sure I'm doing ok and there purring makes me relax

gbrenna December 4th, 2022

@kindandhumble I love that both my little dog and my cat will often sleep in my lap, which I find soothing.

MissysRider07 December 10th, 2022


I have too many animals, I call it a zoo lol

My favorite horse is my brown qh, Missy. I know shes a horse but every time anyone yells at me I run out of the house and go to the barn. I always sit in the tack room but Missy can see me from her stall. Every time I sit there she always nickers at me until I go see her. I can just sit there in her stall and she'll be right next to me until im okay <3

My favorite dog is a Cockapoo (cocker spaniel poodle mix), Dooney. Everywhere I go, she is there with me. She is always playful and can never hold still (I think she learned it from me :'D )

If I ever lost any one of my animals, especially these two, I don't know what I would do.

butdoesanyonenotice December 11th, 2022


my snake, wilbur, will be coiled underneath this log hide in his enclosure and stick just his head out of this hole on top and just rest his head there

and my cats, peanut and cashew, do this thing where they'll look at you and then suddenly roll on their backs and look at you upside down

heathermarie95 December 19th, 2022

@kindandhumble my dog is lovable

kamrynk1224 February 26th


My favorite thing about my cat is that she is always so happy and excited when I come home!!

LonleyCheese February 28th

Noting the post title, it reminded me of "the girls", aka my bees!  I love my bees and it's always exciting when I get to go work with them, the soft buzz and the smell of comb is extremely theraputic for me. In fact, bees actually have a lot of medical value! A certain element in their sting venom may be able to help fight against cancer in the future. Honey is antiseptic due to bees having peroxide in their saliva. Bees produce a substance called propolis, that is also commonly known as "bee glue" and it can be made into many different products. I have a propolis salve that I use for my skin-picking damage and it works pretty well. Also, beekeepers have been found to have a longer lifespan. Beestings can also help to ease arthritis sometimes, and eating local honey can help reduce pollen allergies! I love bees (: 🐝🐝🐝

MistyMagic March 1st

@LonleyCheese  🐝🐝🐝 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝  I have only ever been stung once and OMW what pain! but I felt so sorry for the bee who's sting was still in my hand :(


Listening - One Step At A Time!

LonleyCheese March 1st

@MistyMagic haha yeah, it's actually kind of funny to me because I have never been stung before. Being a beekeeper, it's definently going to happen at some point.. I just hope I still enjoy it afterwards! I was scared of bees (like, very very scared) for many many years of my life, but I got into ants which lead into bees and suddenly I wasn't scared of bees as much anymore. autism 💪