What's your most recent achievement?
I nailed a class presentation that I was worrying about for weeks! I learnt that we perform best when we believe in ourselves most :)
i've learnt how to respond to extreme negative emotions in a more positive, healthy way
@EllieKB - That's great! What helped you the most?
mainly allowing myself time to process emotions. instead of immediately responding in an angry or negative way i take time to step back from my phone, computer or even a person (i explain to them what i'm doing first). then i have time to cool down and write down how i'm feeling. if i find that i'm justified in being angry or upset, i can approach it in a more constructive way. but a lot of the time i realise it was an overreaction on my part and i'm able to intervene before i blow the situation completely out of proportion!
doing this has really helped all my relationships recently :)
@EllieKB - That sounds like a really productive way to deal with it, and I'm proud of you for making the change, but also for recognizing that sometimes it might be an overreaction and other times it's completely valid anger, and each can be dealt with accordingly. You're pretty darn awesome :)
I finished the day loving me
@Ang333 It's great to love yourself. I can't seem to love myself until someone loves me. For some reason, I find more credibility when another person loves me rather than me. The next thing is confirmation. For example, I would ask the person why do you love me when I can't love myself to make it a fact for me.