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EmbStitcher33's Hobby Journal

EmbStitcher33 August 17th, 2022

Been thinking about this for a while. One of the hobbies I have is obvious. I love to embroider. For me now, it's machine embroidery. I have a Brother PE800 so I can make designs up to 5 x 7. There are many, many machines out there to choose from. This is the one I use. Yeah, I would love to get one that does bigger designs but they start at about $1200 or more. So, I'll stick with this one for now. My hope is maybe I can get into this a little more and go sell my designs at flea markets or local craft fairs. It's been just to hot to sit out in the sun these last couple of months. Don't want to make a lot of money, just want to make enough to buy a machine that will do 6 x 10 or bigger designs. NOPE, can't give you any ideas about who I am or where I sell. All you can do here is PUSH ME to keep going. [I like the anonymity. It protects us all.]

I have done some designs with lettering... here's one...

_1660732968.dirty dishes.jpg

I like the idea of accountability! I will post most of the designs that I finish here... well, at least the ones that turn out Then again, maybe even some of the flops to get ideas from any of you who might have some ideas.

One of my latest projects was for my little sister's wedding vow renewal ceremony coming up this next weekend. No, can't go but I absolutely let her know how much I love her and how happy I am for both of them with the things I made and sent her. All in all... I came pretty close to half a million stitches for ๐Ÿ˜œ

Here's the first one I sent her:

_1660730672.Lon and Vickie sm.png

So proud of that one. Purple is my little sister's favorite color. And I sent her these...


There were more like this... 6 in all. Plus I made her a wedding cake pincushion:


Yup, purple again... lol. When she opened up the last pkg I sent her, she let me watch her do it online. It was so cool to see her reaction.

My BIGGEST challenge with this hobby I must confess is making good on a huge investment that I'm making monthly payments on. I bought digitizing software. I bought all but the highest level of this software starting last year. A few months ago I decided to take the plunge and get the last/highest level. I've got 3 more monthly payments to go. It's a 600 dollar investment just for this level so I'm turning to you guys to make me stick with my original goal to make my own designs.

The funny thing is... I'm sitting here with this wonderful program, and I bought a good book, plus I have online tutorials also that I can do FREE. Darn if I'm not overwhelmed and sitting here like a deer in headlights... lmbo... ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ

I have wonderful talent. I can do this. I just have to get OVER MYSELF and just DO IT!! So, I'm looking for some people here to help me stick to this wonderful hobby... I've done some wonderful things in the past. It will mean I will have to dust off my drawing skills, (I have some how to's for that too). In high school I made this awesome foot vase... I got an A-. When I asked the teacher why the minus, he said looking at it made him wonder where the rest of him It was really a well done foot in white. Everybody in class loved it.

I have other hobbies too that I use to take a break from my machine embroidery. Photography is one. I have a super nice Canon 60D. I've had other SLRs but we got this one when the stimulus checks were being sent out. I also am an amateur radio operator. I can't give you my handle cause you can look up my exact location online with it. The reason behind that is because in a natural disaster, you can be called up to help out. I've done a lot of weather spotting in the past. Not sure how much I want to do now since we've moved, but it's something I can do if I want to.

I also have a Cricut and a Brother Scan n Cut. These are for paper crafts. My Cricut can cut fabric, leather and some thin wood. They've been on my shelf for about a year now. I could use them to cut out appliques for my embroidery. Will see. Here's a picture of some paper flowers that I made in 2020:


I also like to grow herbs and flowers... use to have 2 community garden plots when we lived in Wisconsin. I LOVED that garden. I'll post some pictures now and then to show you. I was proud of myself for the times I went there with our beach umbrella and spent hours weeding the paths for the garden. I made sure that the first path people saw coming into the garden was tidy. I miss it so much.

I also like to take my pictures and make graphics with quotes to bring a smile, encourage or support people. You'll see some of my graphics in the affirmation thread here somewhere. I know I've posted this one place before, but maybe for the purpose of showing it as one of my hobbies... you will indulge me... here's one of my most resents:

_1660732657.dreams in heart.jpg

I also crochet and for years I did cross-stitch. I have this one pattern I'm trying to Yeah, that's how it feels. Maybe some of you can give me some tips on how to read this pattern. It's an amazing octopus I would love to make for my granddaughters. I'll post a picture of it later...

So, there you go. This is the start of my hobby journal. I'm looking forward to who I can share 'mutual inspiration' with!!

I'll leave you with one more design that I did that I hope will make you smile:

_1660733052.butt nuggets.jpg

EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022

@MistyMagic _1662040018.00 my machine.jpg

And here he is... my faithful embroidery machine. I call it a he because I want to.
Need to figure out a name... I'm taking it with me when we go up North for my son's
memorial. (BTW, might not have access to the Internet.... will try). Going to get it
appraised for trade-in value but seriously, would be so hard to hand him over... Been
through some pretty hard times...esp the journey through my son's last days.

So, names... anybody have some good ideas?

EmotionsListener September 3rd, 2022


Perhaps I am a bit weird but I love coming up with names for things and usually try to find some meaning behind it. ๐Ÿคฃ

For example the names that I found would be things like "Morpheus" (because the machine has helped you create your own creative dreams), or "Fletcher" ( which means arrow maker, and while the machine didn't make arrows per se, it helped point you in creative direction?).

Maybe you can search for a name that represents what the machine has meant to you?

slowdecline48 September 25th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 If your embroidery machine is anything like the old sewing machine I used to have, call him "Maxim". Or maybe "Hiram".

(I loved that thing but when I pressed the pedal down, Jeezus on toast was it loud!...reminded me of the tripod-mounted hardware used in defensive emplacements in WW1)

mytwistedsoul September 1st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 First thing that came to mind is - Embry lol kind of corny

EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022

Okay my thread fans... Going to post a bunch of pictures that I took of our trip out West to see the total eclipse! Yes!! We really did camp out in a pasture. I've got pictures to prove it. ๐Ÿ˜„

_1662040587.Camping sign.png

This is the homemade sign at the entry into the field. The family who rented out their field was there too. Sweet little girls, and they had a great dad that was right there with them selling pop and other refreshments to all the campers. That was nice of them to do that...

_1662040885.our camp site 2.jpg

This is our tent. Lots of us congregated around the few trees that were there in the field.

I'm not doing all this in order so bare with me... I want to jump to one of the most EXCITING time in the trip for me!! I turned 65 this day, really!! It was my birthday and I got to do a BUCKET LIST EXPERIENCE!! A Ride In a HELICOPTER!! I got right front seat next to the pilot... here's a picture to prove where I was... yeah, that's a picture I took looking at all the controls sitting right there.

_1662042036.Helicopter 1, inside.png

Before we got in, I got a shot of the helicopter that we rode in...

helicopter-landing_1662042122. one we were in.jpg

so... up in the air... I wanted to remember where Mt Rushmore was in relation to where the town was... I put an arrow in that points to the Mt...

_1662042257.Mt Rushmore - location above city.png

And here's Mt Rushmore from the helicopter...

_1662042816.HEADS 001.jpg

A few more shots from a distance... I thought it would be cool to remember the environment around where this monument was built.

_1662042987.HEADS 002.jpg

_1662043011.HEADS 003.jpg

And here's one of the close ups...

_1662043168.Mt Rushmore from helicoptr 1.jpg

Here's part of what I saw looking down...

_1662043211.Looking Down 1.jpg

This is one of the coolest, coolest shots I caught... one in a life time shots...

An eagle flying near Mt Rushmore...

_1662043284.Eagle over Mr Rushmore.jpg

One last look...

heands_1662043359. last look.jpg

Here's another look at the terrain around the Mt...

_1662043538.MTS around mt rushmore 1.jpg

_1662043566.MTS around mt rushmore 1.png

Blew this one up a little to show some of the interesting detail...

_1662043609.MTS interesting detail.png

So, hope enjoyed taking a trip through the memory of my 65th birthday helicopter ride.

EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022

Here's Mt Rushmore from the ground...

_1662044044.1 mt rushmore from ground 2.jpg

_1662044089.2 Mt Rushmore from ground 3.png

And we had to do it... lmbo... that's D's finger up Lincoln's nose...

o _1662044166.3 finger up Lincoln's nose.jpgcome on,
I'm sure even he had a sense of humor....

I joined in...


EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022

Some other shots after Mt. Rushmore...

_1662044450.Keeping the West Wild.png

and we did see some wildlife... a herd of buffalo held up traffic for a while...
When I find those pictures I'll post some them. for wildlife.jpg

D was in the picture below so I had to crop him out.


_1662044822.11 MTs 001.jpg

_1662044584.WY mts 1.jpg

These were mountains in Wyoming early in the morning...

EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022

_1662044901.Grandad Bluff sign.jpg

We also went to through the city I was born in... La Crosse Wisconsin.
I took more pictures but I can't find them right now...

Below is a sunset picture taken from the top of Grandad's Bluff.

_1662045013.Grand dad bluff view of sunset.jpg

EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022

And now... saved the best for last... sunset pictures taken through out the trip...

_1662045421.S -- day before eclipse sunset 3.jpg

The next 3 were taken the night before the eclipse from the pasture...



_1662045606.S after the sun went down.png

And a few more... took three with sun beams going as the sun went down.

_1662045824.sunset beams.jpg

_1662045656.Sunset beams 2.jpg

_1662045711.sunset beams 3.jpg

And a few more misc...

_1662045884.S Purple sky.png

_1662045910.S sun peeking out.jpg

_1662045932.S Sunset 001.png

_1662045967.S Sunset after mt rushmore 2.jpg

And I thought I would include two of my eclipse shots... D's turned out better.

my-eclips-pic-2_1662046011.png.jpg eclips pic  1.png

Well.... this was something I've been thinking about doing for a long time since I first put up my hobby journal. I do love taking pictures. I took thousands on the trip. It was hard to pick what to post. I'm so glad I have a place to share these happy memories. It's making a hard time a little happier. Thank you so much for my new 'happy place.' ๐ŸŒบ ๐ŸŒท ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’›

mytwistedsoul September 1st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 These are amazing pictures! So beautiful! Lmao - picking noses ๐Ÿ˜‚ *smh* Pick a winner ๐Ÿคฃ

EmbStitcher33 OP September 1st, 2022


lmbo right back at you ๐Ÿ˜œ heehee... so Twisted, you really are twisted... nice to see you in the club...

mytwistedsoul September 1st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 ๐Ÿ˜ just waiting on my decoder ring lol!

September 1st, 2022



GoldenNest2727 September 2nd, 2022


Hello, Emb๐ŸŒป! I'm loving the sunset photos! May I ask what camera you're using.

EmbStitcher33 OP September 2nd, 2022


I've always used Canon dslrs. I use a 90D now. I still have their first DSLR too. Got that one in the 90's.

MistyMagic September 7th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 Amazing that we got to share your trip too, thank-you for that!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EmbStitcher33 OP September 5th, 2022

(I can't believe this...)

I won an embroidery contest!!

I won a one year's subscription to one of my favorite embroidery websites. (I'm not going to share it because if you follow the links I could loose my anonymity here).

Here's my stitch-out entries:

_1662384380.00Stitch to win August.jpg

(I blocked out my name of course...)

EmotionsListener September 5th, 2022


Congratulations! Well done. I love the butterfly!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 5th, 2022


Oh wow, this is gold, Emb, super duper happy for youuuu. You are so creatively gifted. Well-deserved. ๐Ÿค—โค

MistyMagic September 7th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 Wooohoooo! โญ๏ธ Amazing entries! I love the butterfly, shame it isn't blue ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Listening - One Step At A Time!

September 7th, 2022


Congratulations Emb, I'm so proud of you. I'm really happy for you and I love these designs you uploaded. I just ordered an embroidery kit to embroider a few things in the coming months. Thanks for sharing your work, you're truly an inspiration๐Ÿ’›

GoldenNest2727 September 20th, 2022


That is so cool! You go girl!!

butterlycow September 21st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 Congratulations !!!! ๐ŸŽ‰

intuitiveWriter1887 September 5th, 2022

You're SO incredibly talented!

I admire your work so much.

EmbStitcher33 OP September 18th, 2022

@intuitiveWriter1887, @Helpingheart23, @MistyMagic, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, @EmotionsListener

Thank you all for visiting my hobby journal and leaving such wonderful comments โค๏ธ

Made my day ๐Ÿ˜„

EmbStitcher33 OP September 21st, 2022


Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 the detailing, gosh!๐Ÿ˜

EmbStitcher33 OP September 21st, 2022


EmbStitcher33 OP September 21st, 2022

All these pictures were taken in my sister's woods.


EmbStitcher33 OP September 21st, 2022

EmbStitcher33 OP September 21st, 2022

Having trouble with pictures posting upside down or sideways.... hmmm.

mytwistedsoul September 26th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 I have this trouble too sometimes and I'm not sure why it happens. It seems to be only when I use the phone.

EmbStitcher33 OP September 26th, 2022

_1664151197.Quote - Winter Stinks.jpg

No, I didn't make this one. My cousin posted it. In a blue mood today so it fits my mood.....

EmbStitcher33 OP October 17th, 2022

It's been a while. I'm home safe... It's getting colder... bringing in plants we're going to winter over today.

I came across a really cool picture I took on one of our trips... I like to call it:

Don't Let the Sun Go Down On You... I can hear Elton John singing it in my Seeing the sunset in the rear view mirror shows symbolically I'm not letting it... lol. Sort of a message there...

_1666030970.Rear View Mirror.JPG

MistyMagic October 19th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 That is a really interesting photo Emb! Yes, I can hear Elton singing now too lol. Your photos are pretty incredible, wish mine were as good. Hope you are feeling brighter now!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EmbStitcher33 OP October 19th, 2022

_1666188327.IMG_0467 (3).JPG

Went to the bottoms yesterday... got a few shots...

_1666188748.bottoms 1.png

_1666188793.bottoms 2022-10-18 002.jpg

SleepyShyCat October 19th, 2022


Oh wow those are some really cool photos!! It's not often I see a place like that either ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

EmbStitcher33 OP October 19th, 2022


Thanks for dropping by Sleepy ๐Ÿ˜Š

October 30th, 2022


breathtaking ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’›

EmbStitcher33 OP November 1st, 2022


Thank you for saying that, warms my โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜Š