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❤️‍🩹Hobby that heals you ?

BelovedMe July 25th

 Hobby which make your life more alive is?🍁

BelovedMe OP August 15th


delinda9245 August 4th


BelovedMe OP August 5th

@delinda9245 @ @Tinywhisper11 see everyone i found lola swimming 😅😂roxyslvt.gif

delinda9245 August 5th

Yeah hehe it just calming ✨

Tinywhisper11 August 5th

@BelovedMe I can swim😮😮😮😂😂😂😂😂😂 my wheelchair is so clever😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂



undoubtedly its music !!!!

BelovedMe OP August 5th


Seekingbetter123 August 4th

Exercise - calisthenics

BelovedMe OP August 5th


August 4th


Horse riding ❤️‍🩹

BelovedMe OP August 5th

@TheBlueySystem This is me😅equestrian-horse.gif

Tinywhisper11 August 5th

@BelovedMe that's nothing, me and my horse can do this😁


TipTipTip August 12th

Hahahahahahahhaha that make me laugh

FlameArrow24 August 5th

@BelovedMe I love reading/listening to audiobooks! Weirdly the "escape" from reality makes me more keenly aware of my story and my life–hence alive :D

BelovedMe OP August 5th

@blazingArrow24🤩 oh wow 👌 By the way whats your story ?i would like to hear it if you wish you can tell ....reading-reading-a-book.gif

FlameArrow24 August 5th

@BelovedMe I meant my life story, but I can see how it looks like I meant a writing piece! I do dabble in writing a bit though, my most recent piece I'm writing with a friend. Something about our characters meeting each other and realizing the importance of their other relationships. Currently a wip!

BelovedMe OP August 5th

@blazingArrow24  So Cool 😎  Just post it whenever it get completed ....waiting for your masterpiece let it shine just ✨️ like your fascinating hobbies....

FlameArrow24 August 5th

@BelovedMe I'm not sure I can post it- it's not exactly... public friendly 😅

BelovedMe OP August 5th

@blazingArrow24 🎄Ohh so keep your little mysteries story a secret with your friends and closed ones ! 🧨what audio books 📚 you would like to recommend?

FlameArrow24 August 5th


These are all series: Shatter Me, He Who Fights With Monsters, Red Queen, The Cruel Prince - some of my most recent audiobooks, I recommend looking into reviews and such before getting started

If you'd like to know more I'm open to a message : D

charlieswnderland Wednesday

@FlameArrow24 What books would you reccommend?

BelovedMe OP August 5th


BelovedMe OP August 6th


NikkiUndefined August 5th

@BelovedMe Art and Music>>>

BelovedMe OP August 6th


proactiveSummer5710 August 5th

@BelovedMe Playing badminton

BelovedMe OP August 6th


Ivy229 August 12th

Music, traveling, spending time with loved ones

BelovedMe OP August 12th


ShellyZz August 12th

@BelovedMe Fostering cats and kittens.  Makes me feel useful. Also video games, drawing though I'm not great at it.

Though right now my own cat isn't doing well.  (Not getting into that on this post as I already posted about her)

BelovedMe OP August 12th

@ShellyZz your cat candy is really cute 😻

hulaboop August 12th

Playing dnd with my friends. I haven’t done it in a while, but hopefully when my friend moves back, we will start playing again.

hollowbranch August 12th

@BelovedMe I am still figuring it out, but I think reading and journaling. Its nice to either escape my own story or really unpack it into words

Linux2022 August 12th

@hollowbranch Hi, HollowB. Sounds good. ONe questoin about "journaling". I am graphic designer and illustrator, and being inspired by 7Cups I am member now 2 years, I thought about to design some journals (diary shournal, travelling journal, mindfulness journal etc. ...).

What would you like to have in a journal ? Just blank pages ? Or some planner-kind structured pages ?Feel free to give some feedback. :-) 

hollowbranch August 12th

@Linux2022 So far I have just been putting anything I feel in there! Whether its my current anxious thoughts or a fun phrase or testing a pen out. I also like to put random colorful bits or receipts from the day. Heres two pages from the other day I did. It also helps me to be less critical of messing up, just to roll with itimg-8328_1723456880.jpeg

TipTipTip August 12th

You can photograph outside :D

BelovedMe OP August 15th


Linux2022 August 12th

@BelovedMe With Covid it knocked me out, completely. Before I was physically active (up to 6 times in the gym with (Power) Yoga, cardio (Indoor rowing) and little bit Weight lifting). Brainfog, fatigueness, Long Covid for 1.5 years till 08/2022 ... tried to come back onto my own feet, yet with Russia-Ukraine war I fell into the rabbit hole with a deep depression for 2 months in spring 2023. Not enough financially in a country with recession, exploding prices (up to +50% for living expenses and energy costs) I had to look for an extra source of income, which didn't go so well. 

In August 2023 I decided that having 50% overweight related to body weight, it cant go on like that. From 74kg to 110kg total weight. I felt miserable, way too much. So I did 2 months water fastening, and could reduce 50% of overweight = 20-25 kg. 

Financially its not possible that I contract a gym or visit yoga classes. Luckily in April I met a person who is rowing in the village on the channels. And she allows me to use her boat.

Rowing was always my dream, since more than 30 years. I love the movement. I did indoor-rowing before covid with up to 1,500 km per year on the ergo mashine (Concept2). So I was familiar with the basic movement. And hopped end of April into the boat.

Now I have 51 rowing units behind me, spend around 89 hours in the boat, and rowed 420km. Every 2nd day, in average around 6-8 km for now. With one time per week 14-16 km long distance. 

It helps me a lot. Rowing is highly complex. To become one with a rowing boat, it needs most body parts to be involved (60% feet, 20% core/pelvis/hips, 20% arms/shoulders) ... and being out in nature is great. I row late evening, mostly between 07:30 and 09:30 pm (now in Northern hemisphere I have to slide little bit to earlier times 07:00-09:00 pm). The boat is in a ship yard. There I roll out my Yoga mat, and after rowing I do some stretching. Hip mobility already became better in last 3 1/2 months.

Rowing does not allow to think about anything else. Every stroke requires 100% concentration. Otherwise it gets really messie and chaotic, and in small rowing shells one can capsize easily.
Of course, I cant manage that concentration so well. Yet rowing trains to focus. From stroke to stroke. 

Now being 6 decades on this planet, I have to be more careful with my health. I still have lots of plans. As I had cancer at age of 25, I know how life can end quickly. I just had luck that time to survive. - And luckily we know from modern medicine, that steadily activity can help to keep the brain "young". So even for an 80 year old person with continuous training, the brain can age slower and be that of a 60 year old person. I don't like to end in dementia. Memory already decreased in last 10 years. :-( 

I need much more recovery from my rowing training unit than 20 years ago. Thats just fact. So every 2nd day rowing is fine. - As I don't have a car, I also use the bike to go shopping and such. One time per week I go for 35 km distance, which is tough, as all these "old grandmas" with their E-Bikes overhaul me being lame like a snail. Yet, its progressing. In the beginning in March, I needed 1 hour 20 minutes. Now I can make that distance in 55 minutes. And heart rate in relaxed modus is 57-61 bpm. Thats pretty good I think. 

I live on a little 2-master (wooden sailing boat) I have a home where I have my "inner peace". As sailor (captain of sea) I could not live in a house. 

Another hobby became a profession shortly: I started a new company in 11/2023, which focuses on Content (e.g. digital design) ... that's another challenge, which keeps me active to learn. Nowadays business is heavily A.I. driven, and I have every week 1-2 webinars about A.I. and its impact onto ecoomerce, online advertising and how to tweak work flow processes. I hope I can find some like minded people who would come on board for my company. Already produced products for "mindfulness", "healthy living" ... and it also helps me to keep focussed. Already as teenager I liked to do illustrations and drawings. So I found back to this kind of "hobby", too.

BelovedMe OP August 15th


placidIdea7841 August 12th

Reading Books