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Magpie's Plant Discovery Challenge Extraordinaire

WorriedMagpie July 18th, 2022

Hello Hello! Hello! :D

Welcome one and all too


Are you a nature lover? Love yourself some planty goodness? Appreciate a good leafy fern? 🌿🌿🌿Well you are in the right place!

Anybody can get involved! -- no need for a fancy camera, or druid level plant knowledge !

*~ HOW TO PLAY! ~*

The aim of the game is to explore your local area and find cool plants 🌻🐦

This could be your houseplants, in your garden or street, out walking the dog, on your way to work, or even on a hike if you want to get super adventurous!

** Please please please! always be careful when approaching a plant you don’t know! If ever in doubt you can always admire from afar! ** 🌻🌱

🌱Once you’ve found a new plant, come and let us know about it !

🌻You could take a photo or leave a description. Bonus cookie if you can figure out what the plant is! - Feel free to help others identify their plants too!

🌿Try to leave nature as you find it & refer to your local wildlife rules before picking anything 😊💚

** There’s no hard rules on how to do this - you could upload a photo, draw or paint it, describe it with words or in a poem or even knit one! I’d be mega impressed to see some knitted plants :O -- have fun and do it your way! <3



This is a Welsh poppy that has popped up in my back garden :)

Its a small plant but bigger than ones i’ve seen before --a few weeks ago it had loooaadsss of pretty flowers but right now it’s going to seed, the flowers become the little green pods that eventually dry out and if you pull one of them open you get a handful of tiny blacks seeds, I can’t smell anything from them but the bees seem to love them! 🐝🐝🐝🌻


If you’re taking photos with your phone and have access to the internet then you can use an awesome tool called “Google Lens” to try and identify your plants 👀🌿

Here’s a quick tutorial for you to check out :)

I can’t wait to see what you all find! :D

Have a bunch of fun out there, stay safe & happy plant hunting! Feedback & Ideas Form, Share your ideas!

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@Aliceiin3rdwonderland @BlueRiver5968 @ChildGoddessFlute @Fristo @HealingTalk @Lou73 @MistyMagic @Paprika001 @sweetrosa1987 @WorriedMagpie

mytwistedsoul September 1st, 2022

@mytwistedsoul lmao not pivoted *smh* darn autocorrect 😂 Picotee morning glory

EmbStitcher33 September 1st, 2022

I took this one several years ago. We planted a whole bunch of tulips
behind the mobile home we lived in. Was so happy to see so many
actually come up. I got down, next to the grass and took this one
looking up at the beautiful blue sky with puffy white clouds in it...

mytwistedsoul September 6th, 2022


MistyMagic September 7th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul wow how beautiful, what flower is it?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

mytwistedsoul September 7th, 2022

@MistyMagic I think it's called Pop star Phlox

MistyMagic September 7th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I love that name lol Pop Star! Thanks

Listening - One Step At A Time!

mytwistedsoul September 7th, 2022

@MistyMagic You're welcome! :)

mytwistedsoul September 21st, 2022


Yellow shrimp plant

September 22nd, 2022



September 22nd, 2022

Here's a pic I took a few weeks ago at my neighbours' house. I asked their permission to upload this pic here. It's such a nice house with so many 🌼🥀🌻🌷flowers and home grown vegetables. It really inspires me to grow veggies that they don't have so we can share, and exchange our food/veggies 😊


mytwistedsoul September 22nd, 2022

@Helpingheart23 I love all the colors! I bet the hummingbirds and butterflies love it there! That sounds like a great idea! We do that with our neighbors tbh - they grow better cantaloupes at their house than we can here - I guess they get more sunlight and have less rocks at their house but we get better potatoes because we started growing more things in containers

September 26th, 2022


Thanks, I love all those colours too! Glad to hear you have great neighbours. By the way, I love potatoes😍 What dishes do you usually make with them?

mytwistedsoul September 26th, 2022

@Helpingheart23 Most of the potatoes get done up into French fries or wedges and frozen. But some are used to make garlic potatoes. They're sliced really thin but not the whole way through and then brushed with garlic and butter and baked. The last ten minutes sprinkle some shredded mozzarella cheese on them. Yum!

What's your favorite way to have potatoes?

September 27th, 2022


Hey, I like garlic potatoes too!

🥔Btw, this recipe is totally rad:

What's your favorite way to have potatoes?

I actually like my potatoes best cooked.. anyway? Lol.

My current favourite: Roesti

What I eat frequently: roasted potatoes, and potato salad.

MistyMagic September 25th, 2022

@Helpingheart23 very pretty, thanks for posting, I can almost smell the flowers!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

September 27th, 2022



EmbStitcher33 September 23rd, 2022

I was looking for this thread!! It finally showed up in my notifications.

Here's a picture I took in my sister's woods. We took a walk. Just the two of us. It was a precious time.


Hmmm, that one was reversed from the original... something wacky with photo posting is going on.


Could someone PLEASE turn this one right side up, and reverse the direction horizontally???? (Then delete this line, thank you).


Yay, the first one that posted the right way...

Anyway. Thought of you guys when I took these. When the middle picture gets fixed and you can see it better... what kind of fungus or plant life is this thing on the tree?

cloudySummer September 25th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 I can't turn it around for you, but it looks like a jelly ear:

EmbStitcher33 September 26th, 2022


I wonder why pictures post like that.... some go right, but some just go wonky.

Thanks for the info 😊

cloudySummer September 26th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 The orientation of the phone is saved into the image file. Some programs honor that orientation, but also some don't. 7Cups seems to use one that has a bug and does not honor the orientation.

September 26th, 2022



MalangJaan September 26th, 2022

Nice picture quality btw

SleepyShyCat September 27th, 2022


A few finds on a quick walk, starting with this huge clover!! I'm not sure what kind it would be, but wow...imagine the luck I'd have if I found a huge four leaf one 😮🍀


Next are these ferns, again I'm no expert on what either are other than a fern of some sort? I just really liked their shapes as they unfurl 🌿


And then lastly these - which I believe are golden-saxifrage? Don't quote me on that 😅 super pretty with the yellow middles!


And a bonus, because as an animal lover I have to include this, here are these friendly meadow ladies I met on my walk 🐂


mytwistedsoul September 29th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat These are so neat! I can't believe how big the clover is! I've never seen clover that big. And the cows! Cows are so cool! The ferns looks so different from the ones we have here

PatienceImpatiens December 20th, 2022

Love the fern shots🍀

PatienceImpatiens December 20th, 2022

Love this thread 🌸

mytwistedsoul March 20th, 2023


mytwistedsoul April 25th, 2023

@WorriedMagpie You've been on my mind for awhile now. I hope you're ok
