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Magpie's Plant Discovery Challenge Extraordinaire

WorriedMagpie July 18th, 2022

Hello Hello! Hello! :D

Welcome one and all too


Are you a nature lover? Love yourself some planty goodness? Appreciate a good leafy fern? 🌿🌿🌿Well you are in the right place!

Anybody can get involved! -- no need for a fancy camera, or druid level plant knowledge !

*~ HOW TO PLAY! ~*

The aim of the game is to explore your local area and find cool plants 🌻🐦

This could be your houseplants, in your garden or street, out walking the dog, on your way to work, or even on a hike if you want to get super adventurous!

** Please please please! always be careful when approaching a plant you don’t know! If ever in doubt you can always admire from afar! ** 🌻🌱

🌱Once you’ve found a new plant, come and let us know about it !

🌻You could take a photo or leave a description. Bonus cookie if you can figure out what the plant is! - Feel free to help others identify their plants too!

🌿Try to leave nature as you find it & refer to your local wildlife rules before picking anything 😊💚

** There’s no hard rules on how to do this - you could upload a photo, draw or paint it, describe it with words or in a poem or even knit one! I’d be mega impressed to see some knitted plants :O -- have fun and do it your way! <3



This is a Welsh poppy that has popped up in my back garden :)

Its a small plant but bigger than ones i’ve seen before --a few weeks ago it had loooaadsss of pretty flowers but right now it’s going to seed, the flowers become the little green pods that eventually dry out and if you pull one of them open you get a handful of tiny blacks seeds, I can’t smell anything from them but the bees seem to love them! 🐝🐝🐝🌻


If you’re taking photos with your phone and have access to the internet then you can use an awesome tool called “Google Lens” to try and identify your plants 👀🌿

Here’s a quick tutorial for you to check out :)

I can’t wait to see what you all find! :D

Have a bunch of fun out there, stay safe & happy plant hunting! Feedback & Ideas Form, Share your ideas!

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@Aliceiin3rdwonderland @BlueRiver5968 @ChildGoddessFlute @Fristo @HealingTalk @Lou73 @MistyMagic @Paprika001 @sweetrosa1987 @WorriedMagpie

MistyMagic August 3rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul wow those look more orchid than orchids lol! Thanks for sharing with us all!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

mytwistedsoul August 4th, 2022

@MistyMagic They do look alot like orchids. Which is good because I have no luck growing orchids lol

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


:0 wow these are beautiful! I've never seen Lillie's quite like that, there a few varieties here I'll have to try and scout some out! 💚🐦

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


And wow they have such a rich history! I forget how old some plant species are, kinda assume the wierd ones I don't recognise are more man made?/ Geneticed 🤔🌱

mytwistedsoul August 19th, 2022

@WorriedMagpie Thank you :) sounds like a real cool adventure or a treasure hunt!

recliningfate August 3rd, 2022


This is Peperomia Napoli Nights. It is a small bushy plant that creates snake-like flower spikes. I have enjoyed seeing it grow over the months and it was a surprise to notice it needs quite strong light, I had previously placed it on my desk which receives little night, its growth was not as flourishing.
The leaves have an interesting pattern.

recliningfate August 3rd, 2022

Little light*

cloudySummer August 3rd, 2022

@recliningfate Oh - hey, and I was thinking of getting one, because it says everywhere they don't need a lot of light... Did it just stay small (which is desirable for me) or did it get sick?

recliningfate August 4th, 2022


It was sickly, the leaves were discoloured and its growth was really impaired, it did not grow new leaves and it looked like it would not go on for too long. I found that it does require quite a lot of light.

cloudySummer August 4th, 2022

Thanks, that's helpful info!

mytwistedsoul August 4th, 2022

@recliningfate Do the little spike actually flower? Or are they just spikes? I actually have one of these that is doing the spike thing right now. I was just curious if that's all it does

recliningfate August 4th, 2022

The spikes contain small greenish flowers but this is their appearance, the little dots are the flowers. I would say the flowers are not the spotlight. The shape of the flowerspikes is interesting to me.

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


Ooh what an interesting looking plant🌱 not sure I've heard that one before, how's it been holding up with all the sunshine recently ?

EmbStitcher33 August 4th, 2022

Have no idea what these leaves are. Went walking around the back and found these mysterious leaves...

EmbStitcher33 August 4th, 2022

lol... here's the picture

_1659650324.mistory leaves.png

cloudySummer August 4th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 Reminds me of violet leaves... what geographical area are you in? (roughly)

EmbStitcher33 August 5th, 2022


Yeah, that could be it. In the spring we have violets all over the backyard. Well, at least where there's sun. I think you're right, now that I think about it.

cloudySummer August 6th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 Ours here are much, much smaller :) But at least the odorata kind smells wonderfully.

PatienceImpatiens December 20th, 2022


recliningfate August 10th, 2022

The hanging pot contains Brassavola Cucullata. It is a cattleya orchid species and the pendant thin leaves are amazing to me. This plant has been quite vigorous, I had no roots in the beginning, placed it in the normal setup and it grew roots immediately. I felt this was an achievement for me. It has also grown three new leaves since it arrived. I will offer an update about flowers.

Orchids have been a challenge and they help give me confidence when I figure out their growth.


This is my ICU (intensive care unit) setup. I feel quite proud of taking action for sickly orchids (since some were lost in the past due to not knowing how to implement this). It is a glass cloche with sphagnum moss on the bottom to increase humidity which helps promote root growth. I have three plants in here (A small cattleya Little Hazel, Cattleya Cosmic Delite, Oncidium Holm's Wizard) which have had issues with root promotion and I noticed that since placing them in here, one has 2 little extra root bumps on the new growth. So it works! I also take time to allow some air in 2 times per day.


recliningfate August 10th, 2022

The quality is not great, I might reupload them (can't do so on my phone) from a cloud drive.

recliningfate August 10th, 2022

_1660115704.298315575_3824835074307009_5580097609489189473_n.jpg_1660115713.298321062_361451762846756_3931996480588346047_n.jpgThe smaller version for now.

MistyMagic August 11th, 2022

@recliningfate I love the set up and will see if I can use it myself. I have had some luck with orchids, and some beautiful blooms year after year but then they seem to really fade. Thanks for sharing!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

recliningfate August 11th, 2022

Glad you found it useful, Misty! What helped me is learning from Miss Orchid girl on YouTube, she provides insight and has experience with over 400 orchids. They need some fertilizer maintenance to last through the years. (Orchids apparently can live forever)

recliningfate August 11th, 2022

(this is valid more for sympodial orchids)

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


Wowow fate that's quite the setup you've got there! 🌱 - I may have to try something similar, one of my orchids isn't doing so hot, it's also struggling with root growth/promotion? - will absolutely be checking that orchid channel out! 🌱💚🐦

Kay1510 August 16th, 2022

@WorriedMagpie beautiful flower

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


:D thankyou Kay! - have you found any interesting plants near you? 💚🐦

EmbStitcher33 August 19th, 2022


I love ferns. Found this picture I took some years ago and thought I would share it.

cloudySummer August 20th, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 I recently learnt that in Victorian times, there even was a fern-mania (pteridomania), where people collected them, and put them in terrariums. In Great Britain, this led to some ferns still being rare today.

I like how they look, too!

EmotionsListener August 19th, 2022


I no longer have much access to my own place to grow plants, but I remember one of my favourite plants is this: (had to find a picture online)


[image of stemless evening primrose plant]

To look at it, most people thought we had giant dandelion plants growing in our garden, especially when they weren't in bloom because the plant itself looks similar. But come evening you'd often find us all gathered around waiting and watching as these stemless evening primrose plants would rapidly open in minutes before your eyes just as it started to get dark and cool off. Growing up we always just called them moonflowers. I remember we'd even have the neighbours turn up to watch these little flowers burst into bloom. There is something about watching a flower open in real time I guess. From what I understand my mother was able to get herself some new plants over the last few years, but I haven't been out to see them and see if it's still as exciting as I found it when I was young.

August 27th, 2022


I love tropical flowers and plants, they always amaze me with their beauty and exoticism. Here are some pictures of flowers and plants I photographed and I like them very much.


Birds of paradise



mytwistedsoul August 27th, 2022

@Helpingheart23 These are beautiful!

August 28th, 2022


Thank you ☺️

recliningfate September 17th, 2022

Very beautiful! Love the birds of paradise!

August 28th, 2022




mytwistedsoul September 1st, 2022


September 1st, 2022

So pretty 😍

mytwistedsoul September 1st, 2022

@Helpingheart23 Thank you! It's a Pivoted morning glory 🙂 I've been waiting all summer to see it bloom!

September 1st, 2022


It's so refreshing to see a picture of a flower in the morning. Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture 😊