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Magpie's Plant Discovery Challenge Extraordinaire

WorriedMagpie July 18th, 2022

Hello Hello! Hello! :D

Welcome one and all too


Are you a nature lover? Love yourself some planty goodness? Appreciate a good leafy fern? 🌿🌿🌿Well you are in the right place!

Anybody can get involved! -- no need for a fancy camera, or druid level plant knowledge !

*~ HOW TO PLAY! ~*

The aim of the game is to explore your local area and find cool plants 🌻🐦

This could be your houseplants, in your garden or street, out walking the dog, on your way to work, or even on a hike if you want to get super adventurous!

** Please please please! always be careful when approaching a plant you don’t know! If ever in doubt you can always admire from afar! ** 🌻🌱

🌱Once you’ve found a new plant, come and let us know about it !

🌻You could take a photo or leave a description. Bonus cookie if you can figure out what the plant is! - Feel free to help others identify their plants too!

🌿Try to leave nature as you find it & refer to your local wildlife rules before picking anything 😊💚

** There’s no hard rules on how to do this - you could upload a photo, draw or paint it, describe it with words or in a poem or even knit one! I’d be mega impressed to see some knitted plants :O -- have fun and do it your way! <3



This is a Welsh poppy that has popped up in my back garden :)

Its a small plant but bigger than ones i’ve seen before --a few weeks ago it had loooaadsss of pretty flowers but right now it’s going to seed, the flowers become the little green pods that eventually dry out and if you pull one of them open you get a handful of tiny blacks seeds, I can’t smell anything from them but the bees seem to love them! 🐝🐝🐝🌻


If you’re taking photos with your phone and have access to the internet then you can use an awesome tool called “Google Lens” to try and identify your plants 👀🌿

Here’s a quick tutorial for you to check out :)

I can’t wait to see what you all find! :D

Have a bunch of fun out there, stay safe & happy plant hunting! Feedback & Ideas Form, Share your ideas!

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@Aliceiin3rdwonderland @BlueRiver5968 @ChildGoddessFlute @Fristo @HealingTalk @Lou73 @MistyMagic @Paprika001 @sweetrosa1987 @WorriedMagpie

MistyMagic July 23rd, 2022

@recliningfate I've added it for you! It's beautiful!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

recliningfate July 23rd, 2022

Thank you Misty!

August 27th, 2022


It's an orchid hybrid 😍

WorriedMagpie OP July 23rd, 2022


🤯 Fate! You're here!😁💚

Oh wow that is windowsill goals 👌 it looks all so pretty, Are you a big orchid grower? Looks like there might be a few on there 😁 -- I had a quick Google of phalaenopsis lius berry, they have such pretty flower patterns :0

Annnd it's a genetic crossbreed which is really cool! Always wanted to have a go at doing some plant genetics! Though I have absolutely no idea where to start with that!

🤔 I hope mines one of these but I have high doubt 🤣😅 I'm gunna have to wait for the flowers to pop back up and double check🌺🌺 🤔

recliningfate July 24th, 2022

I am glad to be here ❤️ this is a subject which interests me and brings me joy.

I have around 31 orchids and 8 other plants. I find orchids a challenge and feel satisfaction seeing them flourish.

Keep us posted about the flowers!

mytwistedsoul July 25th, 2022

@recliningfate 31 orchids! Holy cow that is so amazing!

WorriedMagpie OP July 27th, 2022


:D <3

:O wow 31 ! blimey! Are they all on your windowsill :O thats quite the collection, do you have a favourite?

Agreed! - though theyve suprised me with how much ive neglected them :') something deeply satisfying about repotting them and watching them start to do well again :D

WorriedMagpie OP July 23rd, 2022

Moooore plant :>

I "found" this one in a neighbors garden, the old chap is an exceptional gardener and is out there every day snipping his ornamental hedge with scissors -- so many beautiful plants in that garden I always stare on the way past!


This is a hemerocallis "Sammy Russel" daylilly - the photo doesn't do it justice, super pretty flower and it stands out so beautifully against all the green!

Apparently they are very easy to grow! And like most conditions, I couldn't get close for a smell 😔 (didn't want to hang over the garden for too long 😅😣)

They are great for bees and hummingbirds ! But toxic to cats so be wary before planting any!

MistyMagic July 23rd, 2022

@WorriedMagpie Quite a lot of plants are toxic to animals, - oooh I can see a new thread from you about that!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

WorriedMagpie OP July 23rd, 2022


Ooh that's a great shout! 👌I'll add it into the list :) 💚🐦

Londo July 23rd, 2022

We actually did something like this for a school activity, I found this Johnson Grass outside in a flower field behind the school


[Added pictures, removed links to pictures that had personal contact information -- theriverissinging]

WorriedMagpie OP July 25th, 2022


Ooh it's so pretty 💚 always surprises me how many different types of grasses there are!

Thanks for getting involved 😁 have you found any other cool leafy 🌱friends in the flower fields ? I love when a patch gets left to grow untouched ☺️💚🐦

theboymoana July 24th, 2022

This is flower my yard my mom say is NOT doing good but I like color it lot reminds me my real home so I hope do better grow more. Her take off flower things that die so maybe rest do better wait and see is geranium

theboymoana July 24th, 2022

Picture does not show :( I try later see will work maybe

WorriedMagpie OP July 25th, 2022


:0 geraniums are super pretty I really hope it survives for you 🤞🤞💚

A little patch of home is always lovely, there's a certain smell that takes me right back to my childhood garden everytime I pass it, think it might be an elderberry tree?

I hope you come update us on how does 💚🐦

theboymoana July 25th, 2022


here is how was before my mom take off parts dying I see how is doing soon when I feel better can see if is getting better I like it colors a lot things don’t grow good here where I live now because doesn’t get very hot. My mom says have to learn new way to grow flowers because usually her grow lot lot lot plants all time


mytwistedsoul July 25th, 2022

@theboymoana Oh! It's so pretty! It looks like it's an orange color to me or is it more red?

theboymoana July 25th, 2022


yes is orange ! I think orange flowers maybe my favorite because look so bright and happy

mytwistedsoul July 26th, 2022

@theboymoana I like orange flowers too! And for the same reason! Even on days when it's not sunny out they look so happy and brighten up the day :)

WorriedMagpie OP July 27th, 2022


:O wow what a lovely bright colour, its so pretty ! - I'm sure you'll figure it out :) I'd never considered that of course plants would need different care based on environment :') - Did you grow a lot of things in your old garden?

theboymoana July 29th, 2022


yes whole yard full flowers my old house grow lot and lot things I am not good growing things but my mom is I like to help her. She teach all me and my brothers to grow things but now this year she learns to !

WorriedMagpie OP July 25th, 2022

I saw this pretty fella in a garden as I was walking past, I don't think I've seen one before but then, maybe I've never noticed! Doing this challenge is making me really look 🌱👀

This is a hydrangea aspera ☺️🌺 it's apparently native to the Himalayas and China so It must have come from a garden centre! Might have to grab one at some point it's so pretty! <~ linky if you'd like to know more 💚🐦🌿


mytwistedsoul July 25th, 2022

@WorriedMagpie We have a blue one here but we had to put netting around it because the deer kept eating it 😕 They're so pretty!

mytwistedsoul July 26th, 2022



WorriedMagpie OP July 27th, 2022


Oooh this is more like the one in my garden! :D except mines bright pink :> such pretty flowers and this blue one is so delicate looking, id be impressed if there was a deer eating mine on the front doorstep though XD

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


The pink hydrangeas that sit at my front door :) I swear they're a different colour every year - fairly sure they were blue last year 🤣👀 but I think my memories just bad 🤦


WorriedMagpie OP July 27th, 2022


:O deer in your garden! I imagine that sounds less magical when it happens often and they eat your plants XD - but still :O <3

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2022

@WorriedMagpie I usually end up yelling at the deer lol! They have the whole woods to munch through! If they'd eat the weeds it wouldn't be so bad but they have stripped shrubs - azaleas and rhododendrons to the point that the plants didn't survive. Plus I have a great fondness for Lilies and have dozens of different ones growing but lilies are like candy to deer and they will eat them :/

cloudySummer August 2nd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I understand your woes... Roses, buddleia, beans, strawberries, sunflowers, hibiscus, young fruit trees, they just eat anything that is soft and tasty. I made a small fence around the vegetables and the fruit trees, at least. It looks ugly, but it seems to work.

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2022

@cloudySummer They even eat the leaves off the rhubarb! I thought the leaves were poisonous! We put netting around most of the stuff this year but some noses still manage to sneak in here and there lol *smh*

WorriedMagpie OP August 16th, 2022


Haha yeah but nothing tastier than some pretty forbidden flowers ofc 👌🤣

:0 were the lillies you posted from your garden! They're all so pretty it surprises me quite how many varieties there are!
WorriedMagpie OP July 30th, 2022

Hey guys! 💚🌿🐦

I have another mystery for you! I was away at my partner's aunties and spotted this in their garden 😁

it's so pretty but I can't Google lens it 🤔 it didn't have a smell but it was this beautiful blue colour all over and it was grown in a windy English garden so must be pretty hardy 🤔🌱

I'm totally stumped on this one and forgot to ask before we left ! 🤦😅

If anybody knows what this is you shall receive many thanks and lots of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 ☺️

Big love magpie 💚🐦


recliningfate August 1st, 2022

Does anyone know why attaching a photo does not work? I am uploading a plant image on the mobile app, it does not show up.

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2022

@recliningfate I'm sorry - I wish I did. There's been a few other people who have been having trouble with uploading pics on the app :/

I've been looking through the site hoping to find something that can help figure it out but so far no luck

EmbStitcher33 August 2nd, 2022

Cool thread. Tomorrow (if it doesn't rain all day), I'll look closer and share some of the stranger plants in my back yard. We've got a space in the back we're just letting nature take it's course. Here's a couple shots from taking a walk around one of my favorite places at the 'bottoms' not far away...

_1659398787.0 ground bottoms.png tree 2.png

Top one is a shot from a little farther away. The bottom one is a close up of what looks like baby trees. These are all over the place. Maybe they're just bushes.... have no idea. Love the shade of green in them.

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 Those are baby oak trees :)

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2022

I have a thing for lilies - so I wanted to share some toad lilies





recliningfate August 2nd, 2022

These are beautiful!

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2022

@recliningfate Thank you! 🙂