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What new activities have you all been meaning to start?

BearListens December 28th, 2023

I told myself that after the last semester, I would not only build something of a routine but would also build a routine that consists of hobbies. Volunteering again as a listener on 7 Cups is one hobby I started again, but I'd like to try something else as well. I'm considering running as well or at the very least walking haha. I'd like at least one more activity to try out and establish as a part of my routine. Building this routine and building habits is something I've struggled with in the past, so I'm wondering how I can improve on that. On the subject of improvement, does anyone have any new year's resolutions that concern hobbies? I'd love to hear :)

BearListens OP January 3rd

@izzyy528 Crocheting - now that's something I don't hear about everyday! What have you made in the past out of crocheting and what would you like to make in the future? Would you be open to sharing what you eventually make or have made in the past on 7 Cups? I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'd love to see!

I hope that and the training go well :) 

izzyy528 January 3rd


In the past I've made quite a few things - I've crochet teddy bears, dolls, doughnuts, fruits, scrunchies, beanies, tops, coasters, scarfs, gloves, baby booties, mittens, baby blankets, carrots, snowflakes, and more. I don't have the pictures of them as they are lost somewhere on my phone, but I'd be more than happy to share my work on 7 Cups - that would actually motivate me to crochet more 😊 Maybe I could start a forum post for all crochet lovers to come share their work 🤩

VIVI1989 January 4th

@izzyy528 That’s amazing, you’ve made alot of things! It’d be great if you made a forum post for ppl who crochet/knit. I’m currently in a rut like u are, my half-finished cardigan is laying somewhere lol 😆

BearListens OP January 6th

@izzyy528 Whoa!! You've made lots! Even bears!! I'd love to see you share what you decide to make in the future and LOVE the forums idea!

Happyhelpfullistener4 January 4th

@BearListens I've been meaning to start learning how to play an instrument and a new language forever. Also, starting small businesses have been on mind among other things, so lots to do this new year which i've started on :)

BearListens OP January 6th

@Happyhelpfullistener4 Learning to play an instrument, learning a new language, starting businesses AND more?! I admire your ambition and am totally impressed!! Keep us posted on how this all goes :) 

koko263 January 4th

About 6 months ago I had to move back home to my parents house and it's in a remote area. I don't have friends here and it's been very difficult for me to adjust. Want to find what I can do as a new hobby besides reading novels, something that takes my mind off overthinking how messed up my life is now financially. I enjoy Karaoke but nothing offered here. Maybe some suggestions here would help. 

BearListens OP January 6th

@koko263 There are a lot of comments others have left with all sorts of interesting activities that I imagine are worth considering and hope you find something that fits you, especially given how you've been overthinking a lot and have been having a hard time adjusting - I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time these days. Have any of the other comments inspired you at all? 

unassumingEyes January 4th


I want to try acrylic painting...i always wanted to but mom saod that since Im bad at watercolours I can't do acrylic...But I want to atleast try. 

BearListens OP January 6th

@unassumingEyes Painting sounds like a great activity! I'm glad that you're still thinking about giving it a shot despite what your mom told you - I admire that a lot about you and hope to hear how it goes!! 🤗

unassumingEyes January 6th

@BearListens     Thank you!

DanCat1128 January 4th

🧸What new activities have you all been meaning to start?

🐈 I got a canvas paint by number for Christmas I want to start it one day.....

BearListens OP January 4th

@DanCat1128 I'd love to see you start and see how it turns out!! :)

DanCat1128 January 8th


This is what I started 

CompassionateArrow January 5th


Hmm... I've been wanting to try Origami for a while now Bear.. I've some papers lying around, I wanna get started! You know what, Arrow's gonna start today!😁

BearListens OP January 6th

@CompassionateArrow I've actually been considering origami as well! I want to say it was around a year or so ago, I made some origami pretty regularly which was fun. I find it pretty accessible both in terms of cost, skill requirements and materials needed, if that makes sense. All I really need are the papers and some kind of video to follow as a guide. Keep me posted on what you decide to make! I'd love to hear how things go and hope I'll get started again too 😃

CompassionateArrow January 6th


Yesss suree! I love to make paper airplanes.. I first learnt how to make a boat, when I was a kid.. I wanna learn more and more and moree!

VahMedoh01 January 6th

I've been meaning to study Palmistry and Computer Science and take courses and study them more. And I also have some new books that I need to start reading too.

BearListens OP January 6th

@VahMedoh01 Sounds like you have quite a bit going on there between the courses, reading, Computer Science and... Palmistry? I've never heard of that in my life? Could you give me a general understanding of what that is? I bet it's super cool

VahMedoh01 January 13th

Sure! Palmistry is also called Palm Reading and it's a type of Fortune Telling. And when you're doing this, you can look over and examine your own palms or hands or give someone else a reading, and examine theirs. And on of the first things to know is your left or Passive hand, reveals your private self and personality that is not often shown to others. And you're right or Dominant hand shows your public self, and the side of you and the personality you show to others. And a palm reading, is usually not meant to tell the future, such as how long you might live, or how many children you'll have, etc. But it does show your different, personalities, characteristics, things about yourself, and some talents too possibly. Another main thing to look at in palm reading is the lines on your hand, their divided into Major Lines, and Minor Lines, and the really cool thing is the lines on your palm can often change over any period of time and they never really stay the same! And a few other things are examined too in a reading such as, your hand type, which looks at how long your fingers are and if you have a square or a rectangle palm, the patterns on your fingertips, how flexible or stiff your fingers are, and the skin texture on your palm (Silk, Paper, Grainy, and Course). And I think that's main and important things to know about Palmistry, and thank you so much! I hope this helps! 😁

silentbonsai3 January 6th

I would love to have more hobbys but I suck at sticking to somthing and having the motivation to finish it. I kinda want to go for morning runs down to the lake and hang out in the water but i feel kinda embarrassed when I'm alone and my friends are all to far or don't really want to join.

BearListens OP January 6th

@silentbonsai3 I have a hard time sticking with certain activities too - I get where you're coming from and am sorry you're going through that. What have you tried so far - in terms of activities and strategies to stay consistent with them? 

Concerning runs to the lake and hanging out in the water - that sounds like such a fun and healthy way to pass time! Although the embarrassment - not quite fun. It can be hard being alone and being worried about embarrassment. What have experiences in the past looked like with your friends?

silentbonsai3 January 6th

@BearListens Stratagies I have used so far include making things a daily habit, like learning French. I do duolingo everyday and also I do extra french online at school but that makes it less fun because it has become more like a chore. French is the thing I've stuck to for the longest, but I like sewing my own clothes it just is a big project that takes a lot of space and I usually don't sew for months at a time.

As for runs to the lake, I have tried it twice before, once with a couple of my friends after a sleepover-it was great fun and i felt so productive-and then again by myself, but the second t8me I was to embarrassed to go in the water by myself and felt lonely and also judged for running probably slowly.

slowdecline48 January 9th

For new activities, for a while now I've wanted to do a bit of lifting. Nothing too hardcore or anything requiring a gym membership, just basic lifts (power cleans, etc.) with anything in the house that is sufficiently heavy that I can hang onto... All of that is most likely wishful thinking, however.

slowdecline48 January 13th
I gotta do something regularly to get off my a.s.s, get moving & hopefully improve my physical condition a bit..."regularly" is the hard part, though. My chronic conditions (particularly the Meniére's) are limiting as well as extremely disruptive to routines of any kind. Am well aware of it this morning, as I sit here with the usual headache.
connieeyyyy January 13th

@BearListens I'm preparing my college portfolios. i'm nervous ahhhh but i feel pretty good. I'm also nervous that this is the first time I've turned a hobby into a formal thing.🥹

lamimoon January 22nd

Good luck!! It sounds so interesting and I can see you are very excited about it.

lovelyButterfly2844 January 16th


Happy 2024 Everyone! :) I made a New Year resolution to travel once a month. I also made a resolution to hike 1 hour each day and drink no more soda or coke. These resolutions will be good for me in the new year.

luckylistener January 22nd


These are great resolutions! I'm also trying to drink more water and less sugary beverages. Wishing you the best for all of 2024!
Carry0n January 16th

I wanted to start going to the gym and doing courses, but life is too much and I’ve got too much work.

lamimoon January 22nd

Take small steps it will be easier to move forward.

evieats January 17th


Exercise and yoga, ya girl locked in.

lamimoon January 22nd

If you keep it up for 21 days it will eventually become a habit. I did so with reading before sleeping and with time I couldn't fall asleep if I didn't read.

And for the new year I'm looking forward to build a habit of writing more consistently.