Accountability partners for getting up to a healthy weight?
So this has been bothering me quite a bit and I don't know where else to post it. I don't think I've had an ED (except maybe some "orthorexia"), but I lost a lot of weight a few years ago for various reasons and I'm struggling to get it back. I'm no longer careful at all about eating unhealthy foods and I'm trying to get more calories, but I'm still underweight (though not severely) and I keep losing the little progress I sometimes manage to make towards the healthier weight I'd like to reach. I also feel like this is a bit of a taboo problem since most people would envy me for it :-/ Anyone else having similar issues so we can try and motivate each other? And/or any listener who'd like to support me with this?
Hey, @hereigoagain! Since we don't promote weight gain or weight loss in this sub-community as it is a sensitive topic for many, your post is more suitable for healthy living sub-community. They also have a buddy system. I have moved your post to the healthy living sub-community. I hope that is okay.
Oh, ok. Sorry and thank you.
@hereigoagain, No worries. This may interest you.
Thank you. I've stayed away from this whole forum because it seemed so much about either weight loss or stuff I can't even begin to worry about at this stage, but maybe I'll give this a try.
Hi there! Welcome!
If you are looking for an accountability partner, we have a group here in the Healthy Living Subcommunity called HEALTHY LIVING BUDDIES which help you with Accountability partners! Please see the thread HERE
You can also contact @BurningEmber for more information if you have any questions she and HalliwellSister work together closely on this project! Good Luck!
Indeed! I am here! and Any feedback you have on the system you can send to me! If I find that people aren't pairing themselves up, I will work on a new solution. You can even ask regular listeners that you talk with if they would be interested in being your buddy. If they are not sure what you're on about, give them the link to the buddy forum! @hereigoagain