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Weekly Healthy Living Check-In September 28th, 2024

PoliteOcean September 28th



*WELCOME To Our End of the week "WEEKLY" HEALTHY LIVING CHECK-IN"~ This is our "Last" Check-in for SEPTEMBER~🌞🌻🌾🍁

⭐️If you aren't a member yet Please "JOIN" the Healthy Living Community Here!!

⭐️FEEL FREE TO ANSWER ANY OR ALL QUESTIONS! Or Simply tell us about yourself and how you've been doing! Feel free to share or Vent about your week~ We are here to listen!

🌞 Hey AllWelcome to the Weekend~ How has the First Week of Autumn (and this last week of September) gone for you?!

🌻 This is our "4th & Final" Check-in for SEPTEMBER~... Looking back on the past Month, what are some (or even One) Positive Highlights or Take-aways for you?!.... How would you "Sum" up the month for yourself?

🌾 What is ONE thing (or goal) that you felt you committed to or accomplished for yourself in September?!

🍁 JUST FOR FUN:... Would You Rather?!.... Apple Cinnamon Pie...OR.... Pumpkin Pie?!

🌞 What were your "Highlights Or Struggles" of the week?.... How were you able to work through your challenges?!

🌻What is something that "YOU" want to Talk about, Add or Share with us this week?!... WE want to hear from YOU~


Healthy Living Team Leaders: @PoliteOcean @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @vivelespatates

@SunShineAlwaysGrateful @vivelespatates @Regmo @purpleTree4652 @InsightfulPhoenix @nordurnStar @KateDoskocilova @KatePersephone @SirenOfSerenity @Rebekahwriter13 @EmbStitcher33 @calmsoulmeet @sweetrosa1987  @AffyAvo @Bre4Me  @Caringmama2022 @CarolineEmily01 @CyclingThroughLife @determinedCat7367 @diamondintheROUGH2022  @GoldenNest2727  @selflessSpruce1515 @SilverSeastar @Spectaculaur @BestMaple2045  @determinedNest6866 @HipsterChic @DestinyM2026 @charmingSky597 @GreenFairie @WayJay @orangeHuman868 @lilCatNamedVenus


PoliteOcean OP September 28th

🌞 This past week was well.... I started off last weekend in what I like to call "Festival Hopping"... With the beginning of Fall here, it starts up all of our Fall Festivals through the holidays & into the end of the year~... We had a few major ones last weekend. So we got out and about to do a few of those... I had a great time, it was Beautiful Sunny weather, with plenty to do. Got to see & shop lots of vendors, hear some music, sample some good foods, & got in Lots of walking (meeting major step goals). 

🌻 I got back on track at the beginning of the week with the standards... Getting back into my Fitness classes & activities, keeping up with meal-planning, Meeting sleep goals!, and getting lots of other needed work done....  The only thing I have been having some issues with lately is meeting my hydration goals for myself. I sweat alot this week & it still didn't seem to work up a thirst?!... So I will keep plugging at that again~ .... I kept up with walks with the Furbaby in the mornings throughout the week, until that is our weather took its turn here with Hurricane remnants!~ Thurs & Friday were both quite rainy & windy here... But Thankfully all went well, no major issues or outages, and by Friday afternoon the sun was shining again.....And so far I'm continuing to make headway and keeping up with & meeting my September goals. Ready to take on October!

🌞 This weekend (since the remnants of the storm have come & gone), its supposed to be a really nice weekend ahead. (And more Fall Festivals are back in FULL Force)!... Intentions & goals are to get up and get in that morning Zumba class to start the day, and then head on out for more "Festival-hopping"~ I'm again looking forwards to the walking, activity, meeting step-goals, and all of the great things that the festivals will have to see & do.... And of course, Movie night afterwards~.... I think I was so "spent" from all I did last weekend that I didn't have the energy to sit & watch any then... So maybe I can get in & start-off the Horror Movie season this weekend~ 


Glad you are getting your fall festivals in.  I really enjoy some of them also. 

KatePersephone September 28th


🌞 Hey All~ Welcome to the Weekend~ How has the First Week of Autumn (and this last week of September) gone for you?!

the first week of autumn was good! i took a much needed break from cups this week and am now ready to return to my "post"!

🌻 This is our "4th & Final" Check-in for SEPTEMBER~... Looking back on the past Month, what are some (or even One) Positive Highlights or Take-aways for you?!.... How would you "Sum" up the month for yourself?

this month was definitely a very exciting one!

🌾 What is ONE thing (or goal) that you felt you committed to or accomplished for yourself in September?!

taking a proper break from cups after a long while!

🍁 JUST FOR FUN:... Would You Rather?!.... Apple Cinnamon Pie...OR.... Pumpkin Pie?!

pumpkin pie!
PoliteOcean OP Monday


hey there Kate!~ 

Thats great that you were able To take a break and take some time for yourself. We all definitely need to do that for ourselves.  ..(I took a mini break too over the weekend) And we deserve! … Great job on accomplishing that goal for the month!

How awesome for you that you had an exciting month! September was surely a pretty good one.

Pumpkin pie is definitely a great Autumn staple! Yum :) 

Sp glad to have you back and that you enjoyed your break. Thank you for checking in to share your week! Please keep us updated on how things are going. 

Happy2Help18 20 hours ago

@KatePersephone it was relaxed ❤️

Regmo September 28th

@PoliteOcean I'm writing this at 12:30 a.m. Saturday morning. James has been here for 9 1/2 weeks. The first five weeks was absolute torture.  James has been trying to use Leslie as a personal assistant. She doesn't do that. James didn't have any medical appointments here at the house this past week. Monday I took a shower. It's always an ordeal but I made it without any permanent emotional scars. Tuesday I bought a voice recorder at a deep discount. I hope it's not a piece of trash. I've been wanting one for over ten years. Tuesday I had a nightmare about James and woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. Sifa urinates with the bathroom door open.  I only went to the library once and went for a walk twice. Thursday morning Leslie and I had a good conversation. She's a lot more supportive of my medical condition than she used to be. Friday I got a call from my agency and they said they sent a minor offense letter to two of the caretakers who didn't show up for their interviews. I now have an internal contact with my agency instead of just dealing with the bureaucracy. For this upcoming week I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I'm going to try to schedule another blood test. 

PoliteOcean OP Monday


Hi Regmo~ Good for you for taking a shower. It’s important to keep up with hygiene. Not only for ourselves but for the others that we are going to be around. I see you bought a voice recorder… Not sure what type of phone you have but sometimes most phones these days have one built into them as well… That’s good (if even only once or twice), that you were able to get out & about to get to the library and get your walks in. Thats pretty excellent for you that you had an opportunity to chat with Leslie. Perhaps going forwards there can be a better understanding between the both of you in the household... At least one could hope?! But that’s great for you that she seemed supportive & understanding. Sounds like you made some progress with the agency as well. That’s a positive thing. Hopefully it will help going forward. Keep us updated on your Tuesday appt. And how things are going. And thanks for checking in to share your week. 

 Hey AllWelcome to the Weekend~ How has the First Week of Autumn (and this last week of September) gone for you?!  This last week was hectic at work so I decided to take Friday off to go with Saturday, which I already had off (put in for it back in March).  I have been taking a lot of unplanned days off in the last few months.  Basically if the staff is there, and I'm able, I'm taking the day if it is conjunction with my weekend or days off I've already been approved.  I've burned through a lot of comp time doing this and probably should stop but being away from the job is more helpful for my mental well being at this point in time.

🌻 This is our "4th & Final" Check-in for SEPTEMBER~... Looking back on the past Month, what are some (or even One) Positive Highlights or Take-aways for you?!.... How would you "Sum" up the month for yourself? This has been a busy month for me all around.....between my son's sporting events and my mind causing me a lot of stress at work....I say my mind because, as stressful as my job can be, I think my brain makes it out to be more than it is....something I need to learn to reel in and get a handle on...a positive highlight....I was able to take some time off for a weekend get away with my girlfriend.

🌾 What is ONE thing (or goal) that you felt you committed to or accomplished for yourself in September?!  One thing I committed to in September....after much procrastination, I finally signed up for the NASM CPT course online.

🍁 JUST FOR FUN:... Would You Rather?!.... Apple Cinnamon Pie...OR.... Pumpkin Pie?!

Apple cinnamon all day

PoliteOcean OP Monday


Hey there Cycling 🚴~ 

Yes… I totally get it & understand. I used to do that too… I’ve worked at many various places during my time as a nurse, and I had some good places & not so great places… but if the time was there to do so, I’d definitely take it too! I would often bank as much as I could so I had the opportunity when I needed it. I think you have to do for yourself what you need to for your own mental health & wellbeing! .. so it’s wonderful that you have the time there as well to do that. Good for you! 

It’s so funny how I feel we have lived these sort of parallel lives with one another! lol.  As my own “brain” likes to make a bigger deal about things than they probably are or have to be, which can cause more issues! Most of that for me also had ALOT to do with work!… So I understand that as well. It can be difficult to get a handle on it as I suppose that all comes down to the type of people that we are. And our personalities & how we deal with things… but despite the craziness & hectic-ness of things it sounds like you are trying to do your best to deal with situations as they come. And taking the time when you need it as well as those “impromptu” getaways are a great way to simply recharge & refresh our minds. Glad you enjoyed & I hope it helped! 

Omg!! So awesome for you that you signed up for the NASM Course! That’s so great for you! Glad to hear you went ahead with things there. Please continue to keep us updated on how things are going for you with that. And great job. 

Yum.. can’t beat a great apple cinnamon pie 🥧! 

Thanks for checking in to share your week with us Cycling. And please keep us updated on things. Looking forwards to hearing how your course is going! 

purpleTree4652 Tuesday


Hi, Ocean,

Hey AllWelcome to the WeekendHow has the First Week of Autumn (and this last week of September) gone for you?!  

Unfortunately, not well.  I think I hit my limit of what I can take recently.  I felt like I couldn't face the world.  So, I tried to call off on Friday but my boss said that they were short and really needed my help, so I went in anyway.  I completely blew off the weekend and everything I was supposed to do. It helped.  I'm feeling better--but I'm on the edge.  

🌻 This is our "4th & Final" Check-in for SEPTEMBER~... Looking back on the past Month, what are some (or even One) Positive Highlights or Take-aways for you?!.... How would you "Sum" up the month for yourself?  It's been rough.  I quit one of my classes.  I'm so bummed about it.  But the professor was so...gosh, I don't even know how to label her.  The first night of class she went on and on about how she shouldn't be an instructor and how she is bad with people.  That is just the beginning of it.  I couldn't take her anymore, and the class was impossible to keep up with.  I told my advisor who is pretty high up at the university.  He wrote and told me that he has put in a posting to have the university replace her.  I feel vindicated.  But it will cost me about 10,000 grand.  I won't get my money back.  And it pushes me back one semester.  It's a tough pill to swallow.  

So, one thing that I liked about the month?  The pretty flowers that I bought and planted are gorgeous.  They've been doing so well.  I love the flowers that look sort of like they're glowing.  I bought a pink one, a red one and a purple one.  They're still beautiful.

🌾 What is ONE thing (or goal) that you felt you committed to or accomplished for yourself in September?!  Well, the last person that I cut off from my birth family, somehow is getting through on my phone.  I have her number blocked.  I don't know why my phone is letting her calls through.  But instead of letting her control me, I've deleted her messages.  That helps me feel a little bit of strength.

🍁 JUST FOR FUN:... Would You Rather?!.... Apple Cinnamon Pie...OR.... Pumpkin Pie?!  I'm not a pie person.

🌞 What were your "Highlights Or Struggles" of the week?.... How were you able to work through your challenges?!  I helped save a kitten.  I found it a home.  


@purpleTree4652 awww, thanks for saving da kitty 🐱🐾


@PoliteOcean I can't say I accomplished any goals ... But PUMPKIN PIE 🥧

PoliteOcean OP Tuesday


Yes Pumpkin pie 🥧! So yummy! 😊

purpleTree4652 Tuesday


Hi, Ocean,  Sorry if I repeated some things that I already told you about in my post.  I can't remember what I told you recently.  My brain just isn't with it.

PoliteOcean OP Tuesday


Hey there Tree~ 👋🏼

Aww.. sorry to hear that you felt so bombarded with things recently... It definitely happens. And sometimes we can shut down just to tune it all for awhile..  and that’s ok. It’s ok to “not feel ok” sometimes. Even though you weren’t able to take the day off of work, it sounds like you just needed some time for yourself overall. So even though you felt that you “blew off the weekend”, try not to be too hard on yourself if that’s what you needed to do to feel better. Remember that our mental well-being is so very important. And we have to do what we need to do to protect it. 

As far as your schooling, it sounds like you got stuck with an instructor who definitely didn’t need to be there!! I wonder how she even got hired or why she bothered to take that position?! Trust me when I say that I’ve been there (when I was in nursing school I had one just like her)... Putting all of that all on her students certain wasn’t the smartest choice. It’s no wonder that she and the class itself made you feel the way that  you did. It’s great that you spoke with your advisor about things and that the proper steps are now being taken in regards to the instructor! (Unfortunately at the cost of you losing out on the money aspect of it)… and being pushed back a bit…. I can only imagine how all of it must’ve weighed & played on your mind. But keep in mind, how would things had worked out with that instructor had you continued to stay?! So it sounds like you definitely made the best choice for yourself! 

How lovely that you found something positive in everything and managed to get and plant some flowers for yourself. I don’t have any type of “green thumb” to save my life!… So good for you for being able to nurture them and that they brought you some joy! ❤️

So sorry to hear that you are having family issues. That can certainly be difficult and challenging… I’ve been there. It’s not easy. But again you have to do what’s best for you! And I’m glad for you that you found your strength.

Awww… how sweet that you helped the kitten! I hope it’s doing well. God bless you for helping it. 🙏🏼 

I know everything will work out for you Tree & you will get back on track with your schooling. It’s good that you are doing better since the weekend. Remember we are here for you. And thank you for checking in to share with us this week. Please continue to keep us updated on everything! 

TenderPerson 1 day ago

Hello! Im using 7 Cups for 4 day in a row! Glad to see that there is a mental health community here! ❤️

PoliteOcean OP 7 hours ago


Hi there... Welcome to 7cups. Glad you found us and happy to have you here.

7cups does in fact help & support all levels of mental health & wellbeing... And has many different communities here to help you.

This is the "Healthy Living Community"! And we are here to support you here in this forum if you are looking for information in living & leading a healthier lifestyle or having any health challenges that you are trying to work on to become healthier as well.

There are also other general Communities here too (such as Anxiety Support, Depression Support and the alike). ... If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! Best wishes on your journey here.