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Exploration Garden: New Rules to Foster a More Focused Exploration Environment
by ASilentObserver
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3 days ago
...See more Hello everyone,  Exploration Garden (EG) group chat was introduced in July 2023 [] as an extended version of the Sharing Circle. Since then, EG has undergone multiple iterations and changes to improve it for everyone This post will share the next changes and updates regarding the Exploration Garden group chat.  We want to emphasize the key distinction between the Sharing Circle and Exploration Garden:  Sharing Circle []is a space to share with others primarily, here you can vent, get validation, and express your thoughts/feelings/experiences to share those with others. The exploration garden [] by contrast is not so much a place to share, but rather a place to gain assistance in exploring our thoughts/feelings/experiences, here we are trying to learn and explore, seeking new perspectives, new understandings, and deeper meanings. Based on the feedback received from the community and observations of trends within the group chat, we are rolling out the following changes to promote and foster an exploration environment in the EG.   1. EG will only be open when a facilitator is present. Without facilitation, the sessions tend to get off track, and unable to keep up with the guidelines for running an effective exploration session. Here is the updated schedule of the Exploration Garden session:  * Host-L stands for assigned listener host  * Host-M stands for covered by community mod * Red rows represent no coverage at the moment, so no session will take place during these hours until we onboard new hosts to lead those hours.  2.  Releasing an exploration guide for participants to understand how effective exploration works, the DOs and DONTs, Tips to get the most out of the session, and how to offer support to the sharers. Click here to access a copy of the exploration guide.  [] 3. If you want to join the Exploration Garden Hosting Team, you can now express your interest by filling out a short form here!  [] The new changes will be implemented w.e.f Sept 20, 2024.  If you have any questions, please feel free to share with us below in the thread or reach out to @Heather225 or me aka @ASilentObserver
2024: Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Hello and welcome everyone to Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individuals and communities to come together and celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in various ways.  The goal of the Gratitude Week is to take time and reflect on the many amazing things, and people we have in our lives. Practicing gratitude could positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people. There are so many ways that you can be thankful on World Gratitude Day. It can simply include: * Being thankful that you have woken up and experienced a brand new day.  * If you have a pet, your pet is worthy of your gratitude.  * You can also be thankful for beautiful nature for beautiful sunrises, sunsets, or simply how different seasons bring unique experiences. * You can be thankful for the people around you or in the community that you encountered and made your day better even if for a moment.  So we invite you to join us in Gratitude Week to be thankful in a few ways:  * Engage in any or all of the following activities and let us know in the comments below what did you and when.  * Send at least 7 empathetic private messages  to listeners/members * Post or reply 7 empathetic posts in any thread in the community with the hashtag #Gratitude2024 * Send 7 supportive comments or phrases in the group support (both members /listeners group chats) * Participate in a “Thank you to” Chain to appreciate or give a shout-out to anyone and tag 3 friends to join the chain. You can give thank you to anyone including yourself.  The thread will be created and linked here.  * Join in the following Group Discussions: at 12.30 pm Eastern (Adults), 1 pm (Teens) * Showing Appreciation & Gratitude (Monday) * Empathy  (Tuesday) * Do you know Self-compassion (Wednesday) * The power of thank you (Thursday) The sessions will take place in Positivity Corner Group Chat We look forward to celebrating  World Gratitude Day with you. Join us! 
Wellness Accountability Huddles: Apply Now!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 26th
...See more Ready to Transform Your Wellness with Accountability? Setting specific health and wellness goals is an effective way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. These can include goals like exercising regularly, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or finding time for mindfulness. Having a defined time frame adds structure, helping you stay focused and committed as you work toward achieving these goals. Ask yourself right now: what do you want to improve on in your life? Tips to Make Your Wellness Goals Easy to Track and Follow Through With: * Make your goal specific and measurable. For example, "do 30 minutes of exercise each day" or "read 1 chapter of my book each day". Specific and measurable goals are easier to track. * Keep it simple! Avoid overwhelming yourself by starting small. Committing to 1-3 daily tasks can make it more manageable and sustainable. Now, how does this apply to 7 Cups, and being accountable? You’re much more likely to succeed when you share your progress with others, and that’s where our Wellness Accountability Huddles come in. A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Wellness Accountability Huddles. The Huddle journey will last for 5 weeks. The expected launch dates of these Huddles are within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have around 20-30 members. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. 3 huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of users in the current round, and we hope to onboard further interested users when the first “batch” is completed.  * This Huddle opportunity is available for members only. Listeners are encouraged to switch to a member account to participate. * This Huddle is currently open to adult users only.  Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! Here is what you can expect during your Huddle journey: Week 1 - Introductions Week 2 - Embracing Goals (and starting to share our progress) Week 3 - The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care Week 4 - Managing Setbacks Week 5 - Celebrating Progress  The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share the goals you are interested in as well as some commitment to work on some progress while sharing it. You are open to hearing other people’s stories and goals and will treat each of your peers with respect.  Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
Room Supporter Help Center
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Get Started Room Supporting on 7Cups Need to know info for new room supporters as well as a refresher for existing room supporters. Duties and Expectations As a room supporter, one should have high warmth and high expectations []. The aim of the room supporter is to foster and guide supportive and compassionate chats among the members and listeners in the chat rooms. As a room supporter, it is important you proactively engage and participate in these chats to build your face as a friendly face and a helping hand in the chat rooms. So, everyone feels welcomed and supported. As a room supporter, your essential checklist: * Welcome, everyone who joins the chatroom and makes them feel welcomed, included, and comfortable. * Foster healthy, compassionate, and supportive conversations. * Share resources and support chat room moderators to enforce chatroom and community guidelines in the room. You will be successful in this role if you: * Join your focused support rooms often and consistently to build yourself as a reliable group support leader. * Welcome every entrant with warmth and compassion to make them feel included in the group * Show compassion, respect, warmth, support, and care to everyone in the chatroom. * Foster good conversations by asking helpful and thoughtful questions. Acknowledging and validating one’s experiences and emotions. * Maintain a level of professionalism and a reminder to all to follow the chatroom guidelines. * Familiar with the chatroom guidelines and support the chatroom moderators to enforce them whenever needed. * Be observant to see who all is participating and who needed a bit more encouragement to participate and work to adjust the environment as per the needs. First-week essential checklist There are several things you can do immediately to give your assigned chatroom a leg up. Try taking a week and doing everything in the list below to help your community's odds for success. * Join & Introduce yourself Jumping into your focused chat room as a group support leader (Room Supporter) is intimidating. It's up to you to create a welcoming environment. So start with introducing yourself to the members in the chatroom and try to greet & welcome and do a quick check-in with at least 10 members this week. If you are struggling for participation, inviting members from other chat rooms can help. * Always remember, room supporter is more about supporting everyone. Let’s try to do our best to listen to everyone and give them space to talk about their thoughts and emotions. If anyone is not engaging, focus on them and encourage and invite them to make them feel included. You have this amazing gift of listening to acknowledge and validate someone. Use it often! * Demo compassion, acceptance, validation, always! Your attitude and how you participate and support will matter in setting the tone of the chatroom. At times, you will feel like some are not really happy with what you are doing but some would always feel encouraged, inspired, and motivated to try and go for things they didn't do in the first place. Just because of your efforts to demonstrate compassion, acceptance, and validation to everyone. * Join the conversation If you see an interesting discussion in another chat room, visit and participate there and share about your chat room as well. Make sure to let them know when they can join your chat room. * Keep going! Keep your chatroom active by growing your chatroom and supporting throughout the month along with your fellow room supporter and chat room moderator team. If you've already done all of the above, you're off to a great start. Building a supportive and healthy chatroom with great group dynamics takes time and dedication. It almost never happens overnight. Don't be discouraged by slow momentum - slow and steady is the healthy path to growth for anything and everything. Fostering healthy conversation in the room The art of holding a healthy conversation can make you an influencer of your chat room. Here are a few simple tips that you could find helpful to have a dazzling conversation with the members and make them feel encouraged to come back and interact with you. * Set a purpose for your conversation. Any good conversation has an intention. Without a clear intention, it is like driving without a map. * Be gentle and compassionate as a friend. We make our first impression in the first few seconds of interacting with them. As it is text-based communication in the chatroom where they can’t hear your tone or see your gestures and body language, you need to reflect your friendliness approach in your words. * Use Conversation Openers. The hardest part of any interaction is its opener. But you don’t have to worry about it. You can start with a simple icebreaker and then start the conversation with a question or a statement about the topic you are going to discuss. * Keep the spark going. Once the conversation starts, you want to keep it going. And for that recognize who all are proactively participating and validate their thoughts, share your perspectives and invite every new entrant or a lurking participant to share their views. * Encourage them to share stories and listen. Listening is the key to fostering healthy conversations. Encourage the members to share more on their stories and listen to them. * Conclude the conversation on a positive note. Every conversation has an end due to time limitations. But, conclude the chat on a positive note so the members look forward to participating in similar conversations in the future as well. * And, have a bit of humor. A bit of humor is good for healthy conversation as it makes the chat more enjoyable and engaging for everyone. And, please remember you are interesting! You have lots of great things to say and share. Bring your best self to a conversation and your members will find it captivating. Welcoming new members To grow your chatroom, new members are the key. Here new members are not those who joined just a few days ago but also those who are around for a while but joining the chatroom for the first time or after a long time. Whenever there is a new member in the chatroom, greet and welcome them. Share a resource that they may find helpful, like, Members Welcome Pack, <------ Clickable) []and encourage them to share their views, thoughts, stories with the rest of the participants. How they feel the first time will decide if they will return to the chatroom in the future too. General Chat Rooms Info (Clickable texts) appears to be an empty link with target [] Badges Required to Unlock Support Rooms! [] appears to be an empty link with target []Frequently Asked Questions - For Members [] appears to be an empty link with target [] Warm Welcome Everyone! #ByeByeClique #Challenge [] appears to be an empty link with target []Guidelines on Role Playing in the 7Cups Community! [] appears to be an empty link with target [] 2020's 7 Cups Behavior Reporting Process & Tracking- Updated Version [] appears to be an empty link with target []Filing Behavioral Report Forms: All the information you might need [] Share the chatroom scenario form []
Rs quota
by Heartsandrosesandpaws
Last post
July 25th
...See more How does quotas work when it comes messages in rooms I am waiting for rs badge for m room to show up agagin do u know if I get back Al, message I send this month count toward it or do I need to get started as soon as badge show up.  I now worried about not meeting this quota when rs badge re showed up paws
What I have learned as room supporter that can help me become a mod one day
by Heartsandrosesandpaws
Last post
May 14th
...See more 1 Be active in  your rooms and get to know the vibe in the room. Get to know people that come to room. 2 Stay open minded and being role  model to others. Treat every one with respect. 3 Get to know the issues that comes with your room. If what you doing as a room supporter is  not working get a mod. 4 if a member lashed out at you do not take it personally. 5 ask for help if need and ask how u doing in role.  I hope one day I could be a mod and a global mod over time.
Room supporter
by Heartsandrosesandpaws
Last post
August 14th, 2023
...See more I been rs for over 5 months the first time I apply for mod I got rejected a while ago. how long do you have to wait before you try applying for mod agagin ?
Do You Enjoy Being In The Room Support Program?
by calmMango9611
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February 20th, 2023
...See more On a scale of 1-to 10, where do you fall, in terms of enjoying your room support roll? 1 Being not enjoying it and 10 Loving it On a scale of 1-to 10, where do you fall, in terms of enjoying the room support program? 1 Not enjoying at all 10 Really enjoying it. Looking forward to seeing some responses and communication from our room support team. As always, I will do my best to respond back to as many as I can. Please be as honest, with your scalings, as possible.
Monthly Check-in for Jan 2023
by calmMango9611
Last post
January 21st, 2023
...See more Hello Fellow Room Supporters How are things going? How are you doing, with getting your monthly requirements, of 50 support messages? Are you having any issues, in your rolls? How are you liking your rooms, that you support? Are you getting along with the Community Mods ok? Are you filling out the Room Support checklist, and sending them in? Are there any issues, that you would like our Group Support Manager to address? Ice Breaker: What are your favorite, winter time foods you like to eat? I look forward to hearing from you soon. I will do my best to respond back to as many, as time permits me to do so.
Monthly Check-in for Dec 2022
by calmMango9611
Last post
December 16th, 2022
...See more Hello Room Supporter Community Welcome to the Monthly Check-in for Dec 2022. I hope you are all doing well. How is everyone's December going? Are you getting your monthly chat totals of 50 messages, or are you behind? Do you still like being a room supporter? Are there any problems, that you see in the chatrooms, that need addressing by our Group Support Manager/Admi? Are you having any problems understanding what a room supporter does? Did any of you complete the Nov quiz? As you know, it is a new requirement, that all room supporters complete the quiz. Are any of you using the room support check list? Since it is getting close to Christmas, I though, I would do an ice breaker, to help us get into the mood and to get us communicating as a team. Ice Breaker: What was your favorite gift of all time, that you got for Christmas? I look forward to communicating with you, in the comment section below this post. On behalf, of the Group Support Leadership Team, I wish you a Bless Holiday Season and a very Happy 2023. Please stay safe, if you're driving anywhere, this year.
Monthly Check-in for Nov 2022
by calmMango9611
Last post
November 30th, 2022
...See more Just wondering how everyone is doing? Just a friendly reminder, we now have a room support dashboard, for communication and for problem solving or just to hang out. How many of you still like being room supporters? How is room supporting going for you? Are you having issues with meeting your monthly totals of 50 messages per month? Is there anything that our group support manager can help you with? What challenges do you face, while room supporting your support rooms or room? I look forward to reading your responses. I also looking forward to seeing you, using our room support dashboard from time to time.
Launching the Room Supporters Buddy Program
by PeaceLoveandPaws
Last post
September 24th, 2022
...See more I am excited to announce that the Buddy Program has been expanded to include Room Supporters! An Overview of the Buddy Program: Becoming a room supporter is such an exciting experience. It might also feel a bit overwhelming at first as you begin hosting, meeting new participants, and becoming familiar with 7 Cups policies for group sessions. That’s what makes the Buddy Program a great resource for support. A Big Buddy is someone you can turn to for support as you begin your journey. A Big Buddy is an experienced session leader who you can ask questions, get tips about hosting, learn about policies, so much more! As a Big Buddy, you must be active and passionate about group support. To become a Big Buddy, you will need to have a minimum of 4 weeks of experience in your leadership roles. Expectations of the Big Buddy As a Big Buddy, you’ve completed training for your Community Leader role, are knowledgeable about the guidelines and rules for the community, have high warmth, and provided quality group discussions. As a Big Buddy, you will be providing support to your Little Buddy by guiding them through their first weeks as a group support leader. As a Group Support Buddy, your responsibilities may include, but not necessarily be limited to: * Providing your Little Buddy any links you feel would be beneficial to their growth as a leader * Introducing them to any training or quality programs you have found beneficial in your experience at 7 Cups * Helping them to learn and understand best practices as a Group Support Community Leader * Answering questions and responding (within 48 hours) to your Little Buddy may have about their group support role such as monthly quotas, de-escalation techniques, and active listening in group support rooms * Provide guidance in a warm, friendly, supportive manner * Discuss confidentiality rules and be mindful of the confidential nature of your role as a Big Buddy * Be non-judgemental * Offer encouraging feedback and suggestions * As your schedule allows, you are encouraged to be present as your Little Buddy is hosting sessions * Check-in with your Little Buddy at least once a week As A Little Buddy, you will be expected to: * Be warm and welcoming to your Big Buddy * Review any links to information your Big Buddy feels would be helpful in your role * Respond to check-ins from your Big Buddy within 48 hours * Ask questions about your role. This is your opportunity! * Remain non-judgemental * Maintain confidentiality * As your schedule permits, you may want to join your Big Buddy as they host sessions Click HERE [] to fill out the Group Support Buddy Interest Form This program is also available to Group Moderators. Click HERE [] for more information. @helpfuldipper @Fraz @ColorfuldogsofParadise @gregariousZebra21 @adventurousBranch3786 @Olivia210 @SoulSupporter102 @lifeisnotagame7 @jessrabbit7 @giggleZebra2708 @explore1000 @confidentangel2369 @Yourstruly2000 @YourFriend247 @TheResilientDancer @SoftFaith2004 @Oceanwaves16 @MrsAshleyMarie @MerlinZ @Magicalmoongirl @Enbyowl @AriadneLove @shiningPuppy49 @marvelloustree1111 @healingjoy @warmLove3625 @Atu99 @SoulfullyAButterfly @SilentSerenityy @Artalistens @rrretsuko @SkyLindenHope @Dilemma1o100 @LivinginDiscomfort123 @Rayfox7 @ve3ciel @politeBranch1424 @imlistening01 @fairyava @bruhAlanna @ Xe @PriyaM2023 @MoonlightPrimrose @Kassy7cups @Hope2103 @insightfulSalamander4097 @WynterRose @NewPenguin @Lou73 @Jish07541 @FirstLight4762 @Paprika001 @Dazzile28purvi @AutumnRainfallEtAl @Angelx28 @alwaysindigo @ShiningStars1 @xoBeebosBubsxo @sotdspec1 @Basorexiaaa @oogwayalltheway @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @StargirlTina @JoeyTribbbiani @IrizzaCares @Hourglassforest @Derekfan7695 @Bubblegumwings1234 @WelcomeToChat @Tamy4210 @Kimmkimm @okalrightsure @kkea @itssoren @hannahthedragon @bookworm274 @Vick5123 @TweetieBirb @SoothingHope @HopieRemi @koala240 @UnicornsCottonCandy @JellyBeanCat @Containedchaos @unique73 @softSummer2005 @kdsyahirah @hopebeyondpain @greatfulSmiles6152 @anonhelp123 @SunshineRayyy @Izzy274 @InquireWithin @Iamsidhere @Hercules077 @FighterArpi @FairyPrinceSasha @Easylistener @Dajia215 @ouiCherie @milkoreos @Starlasky @EnigmaticBubble @SeriouslyLey123 @Pebble7447 @Hypnotize2004 @Rainyshine @Ginevra962 @SweetDreamer69 @Mya00 @Bipedhuman666 @SparklingSeashells @MollyT @easylisener @Mileamoment @lookatthestars @caringHope1976 @ImACowNotACat @considerateOrange2567 @ScarletPear1945 @phenomenalbliss @Sara2580 @AstrologyYogi @Rose644 @AmiableBubbles @TheresAlwaysHope1988 @caringPanda45 @gentleSun78 @pamharley003 @amiablePeace77 @DrDonut @blitheEmbrace27 @bluelotus99 @bouncyVoice4149 @mentalspace7cup @DonaldDraper @Happy900 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @VerseArt @WeedyGarden @azuladragon34 @rachsxo @CheeryMango @LuluRings @competentParadise6344 @Mankka @EvelyneRose @DigitalKnight @CompassionateDreamer8522 @Asher @AnnaTess @kindLemonade @Andyallen @HopefulBambi @AlwaysEli @soulsings @JustOneMoreEpisode @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @crystalclearnow @optimisticDay8079 @StarlitSky4762 @Gozzil @DreamTouch @unique73 @KimsonTheSteveFundYPOC @richuyulin @compassionateTree4567 @PeaceLoveandPaws @RumpleSteeleSkin @rebecca947 @RebekahRoyal @ @SummerBreeze00 @PoliteOcean @Xe @AriadneLove @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @jovialButterfly6752 @starryskies108 @brilliantTurtle89 @Erica @kindSoul10 @ASilentObserver @Banjothebudgie @MrsAshleyMarie @HopieRemi @Bubblegumwings1234 @HealTheHealer @wonderfulRainbow817 @xoBeebosBubsxo @WelcomeToChat @Greenchoice1 @astro0koala240 @considerateParadise6717 @leafycup @Azalea98 @calmingMermaid5761 @sia1325 @whenitsdarklookforstars @Clara139175 @EmmaE @Kara13V @shiningSky3745 @Chloe563 @LoveLilly @hopedreamlove @AriJoseph @Bubbles2025 @lemonbot @itssoren @Listeningsarinn @KateDoskocilova @HelpfulGem04 @mamtasha22 @Emily328 @LoveLilly @NaiK15 @cuteeeezombieeee @cuteOrange213 @kieran000 @enchantedlove @SuryanshSingh @kieran000 @kkea @Vick5123 @rrretsuko @sophiasanae
Rs question
Last post
June 26th, 2022
...See more Are members allow to have cups as thier pfp like com mod or not. I saw that recently so I so mixed up on what to in this case?
Quick question
Last post
May 3rd, 2022
...See more In 16 days when I will be applying for rs once I loose my. Newbie badge. Is the monthly requirements for rs 50 messages a month or host 1 session per month per room? thanks
Room Supporter Meeting Notes January 3, 2022
by PeaceLoveandPaws
Last post
January 22nd, 2022
...See more January 3, 2022 Room Supporters Team Meeting 1 pm ET (Adults) Sub Community Leaders Room Attendees: @Sher217, @Azalea98 @AnnaTess @MoonChild1206 Happy New Year everyone! I would like to first extend my apologies to the Teen community for being unable to host a room supporter meeting for you as promised. Severe weather in my area caused technical difficulties on my end. Please note the new times and day for Room Supporter meetings. Our weekly meeting will be held on Monday at 1 pm ET for Adults and 7 pm ET for Teens. Thank you all again for your participation in the survey for choosing meeting days and new times for the first quarter of 2022. To kick off the New Year, the question posed in the meeting was, what would you like to see from me to better support you, our amazing Room Supporters. These are the suggestions offered by the attendees. * This is just my opinion (based on conversations with others) but I think discussions on how to handle situations in a room would be helpful to new RSs to give them a chance to learn from others how they handle situations * Well, I often get asked about the progression from RS to mod so maybe running discussions on that transition might be good * If I may make another suggestion for a topic: Developing your own personal style * Tips or best practices for Room Supports on teen sides and adult sides as each side has different styles of communication. * Discussions for transitioning teens to dispel some common misconceptions about 'the other side' * In general, I think de-escalation training would be amazing for RS and mods. * I think a live training with scenarios may be useful, but since those could be hard to attend, maybe even a forum post? You could collect examples of situations from RS about situations they might have struggled in (or other leaders) to get a variety, then collect how different RS/Mods/Leaders would de-escalate? So it could be used to return to. I would like to wrap up our meeting notes by inviting each of you to please make any suggestions you might have to improve our meetings, topics you wish to discuss, and what you would like to see in 2022. As a reminder, our next meeting will be held on January 10th. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings as your time and schedule allows. @helpfuldipper @Fraz @ColorfuldogsofParadise @gregariousZebra21 @adventurousBranch3786 @Olivia210 @SoulSupporter102 @lifeisnotagame7 @jessrabbit7 @giggleZebra2708 @explore1000 @confidentangel2369 @Yourstruly2000 @YourFriend247 @TheResilientDancer @SoftFaith2004 @Oceanwaves16 @MrsAshleyMarie @MerlinZ @Magicalmoongirl @Enbyowl @AriadneLove @shiningPuppy49 @marvelloustree1111 @healingjoy @warmLove3625 @Atu99 @SoulfullyAButterfly @SilentSerenityy @Artalistens @rrretsuko @SkyLindenHope @Dilemma1o100 @LivinginDiscomfort123 @Rayfox7 @ve3ciel @politeBranch1424 @imlistening01 @fairyava @bruhAlanna @ Xe @PriyaM2023 @MoonlightPrimrose @Kassy7cups @Hope2103 @insightfulSalamander4097 @WynterRose @NewPenguin @Lou73 @Jish07541 @FirstLight4762 @Paprika001 @Dazzile28purvi @AutumnRainfallEtAl @Angelx28 @alwaysindigo @ShiningStars1 @xoBeebosBubsxo @sotdspec1 @Basorexiaaa @oogwayalltheway @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @StargirlTina @JoeyTribbbiani @IrizzaCares @Hourglassforest @Derekfan7695 @Bubblegumwings1234 @WelcomeToChat @Tamy4210 @Kimmkimm @okalrightsure @kkea @itssoren @hannahthedragon @bookworm274 @Vick5123 @TweetieBirb @SoothingHope @HopieRemi @koala240 @UnicornsCottonCandy @JellyBeanCat @Containedchaos @unique73 @softSummer2005 @kdsyahirah @hopebeyondpain @greatfulSmiles6152 @anonhelp123 @SunshineRayyy @Izzy274 @InquireWithin @Iamsidhere @Hercules077 @FighterArpi @FairyPrinceSasha @Easylistener @Dajia215 @ouiCherie @milkoreos @Starlasky @EnigmaticBubble @SeriouslyLey123 @Pebble7447 @Hypnotize2004 @Rainyshine @Ginevra962 @SweetDreamer69 @Mya00 @Bipedhuman666 @SparklingSeashells @MollyT @easylisener @Mileamoment @lookatthestars @caringHope1976 @ImACowNotACat @considerateOrange2567 @ScarletPear1945 @phenomenalbliss @Sara2580 @AstrologyYogi @Rose644 @AmiableBubbles @TheresAlwaysHope1988 @ASilentObserver @EvelyneRose @Asher @kindSoul10 @pamharley003 @Clara139175 @blitheEmbrace27 @EmmaE @leafycup @LoveLilly @cuteOrange213 @LuLuRings @PeaceLoveandPaws @PoliteOcean @KateDoskocilova @AnnaTess @Starmedia @Bubbles2025 @CheeryMango @enchantedlove @Greenchoice1 @KimsonTheSteveFundYPOC @Happy900 @SuryanshSingh @amiablePeace77 @DigitalKnight @whenitsdarklookforstars @Xe @MrsAshleyMarie @kindLemonade @mentalspace7cup @AriadneLove @sophiasanae @Olivia210 @PuzichkinCat @Kassy7cups @KyleBorg @MollyT @Paprika001 @SoothingHope @TweetieBirb @bookworm274 @hannahthedragon @brightWindow2311 @PuzichkinCat @theriverissinging @FirstLight4762 @Jish07541 @Lou73 @NewPenguin @An1mal @helpfuldipper @adventurousBranch3786 @BlackWolf1002 @GoldenRuleJG @Izzy274 @Moonlemon48 @Sunnylistener @TheResilientDancer @YourFriend247 @confidentangel2369 @dani3579 @explore1000 @jessrabbit7 @lifeisnotagame7 @windSpirit @eternalSea2507 @shiningPuppy49 @Kelly500 @comfortableCat5294 @confidentangel2369 @koala240 @mySong @Artalistens @SilentSerenityy @SoulfullyAButterfly @confidentangel2369 @SilentSerenityy @ABubble14 @Artalistens @ImACowNotACat @emotionalTalker2260 @MoonlightPrimrose @MxSkeleton @SeriouslyLey123 @caringHope1976 @considerateOrange2567 @Allears2Bhere @Bipedhuman666 @FairyPrinceSasha @FighterArpi @HealingBrokenWIngs @Hercules077 @Iamsidhere @InquireWithin@Lou73 @MeiXing @MsPanda @Mya000 @NewPenguin @QueenK1tty @SeriouslyLey123 @SoothingHope @Sunnylistener @SunshineRayyy @Tamy4210 @WarmLightXO @YourFriend247 @alwaysindigo @anonhelp123 @caringHope1976 @comfortableCat5294 @hopebeyondpain @janewayalpha1 @jessrabbit7 @kdsyahirah @koala240 @lifeisnotagame7@secrecykhasya @ve3ciel @xinyii11 @KACOSMIC @Paprika001 @Derekfan7695 @FairyPrinceSasha @Noumi09 @healingjoy @QueenK1tty @Slizzy564 explore1000 @AmiableBubbles @Derekfan7695 @empathicYosu1506 @mySong @OneCardShort @emotionalTalker2260 @Allears2Bhere @AutumnRainfallEtAl @adventurousBranch3786 @dani3579 @YiannisAthanasiou @MoonChild1206 @delicateHeart3871 @kindFish9215 @helpfulBraid5417 @TayTayy @DrDonut @Andyallen @Bluelotus99 @Happy900 @Fristo @bubbles2025 @sia1325 @CommunityModElliot @CommunityModAaron @CommunityModAlex @CommunityModAnne @CommunityModJennie @CommunityModCharlie @CommunityModEllie @CommunityModMorgan @CommunityModParker @CommunityModLynn @CommunityModRobin @CommunityModSage @Richuyulin @kieran000 @jovialButterfly6752 @amiablePeace77 @LuLuRings @EmmaE @mamtasha22 @sia1325 @ASilentObserver @Gozzil @soulsings @Kara13V @gentleSun78 @azuladragon34 @caringPanda45 @Bubbles2025 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @vivelespatates @StarlitSky4762 @AnnaTess @considerateParadise6717 @DreamTouch @KateDoskocilova @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @SuryanshSingh @Anna706 @CheeryMango @DonaldDraper @PeaceLoveandPaws @Sher217 @Isentropic @whenitsdarklookforstars @Amy @Greenchoice1 @Rhlexia520 @kindSoul10 @cuteOrange213 @LoveLilly @CompassionateDreamer8522 @AlwaysEli @Listeningsarinn @musicalHarmony @glowingHeart4796 @starryskies108 @compassionateTree4567 @blitheEmbrace27 @Asher @Mankka @Anusha @optimisticDay8079 @hopedreamlove @SummerBreeze00 @brilliantTurtle89 @CaringBrit @Mimi @pamharley003 @enchantedlove @WeedyGarden @PoliteOcean @EvelyneRose @KimsonTheSteveFundYPOC @competentParadise6344 @Jenna @RebekahRoyal @crystalclearnow @rachsxo @Lysandra @VerseArt @shiningSky3745 @7CupsCommunity @SoulfullyAButterfly @RumpleSteeleSkin @Azalea98 @Samar27 @leafycup @Erica @bouncyVoice4149 @bookworm4 @Clara139175 @rebecca947 @Ines1229 @JessHobson @MistyMagic @rhlvrma94 @River @AriJoseph @MidwesternCalmSeeker @lemonbot @Calmingmermaid5761 @LoveLilly @OliviaWilson5 @HelpfulGem04 @astro0koala240 @itssoren @DigitalKnight @kindLemonade @mentalspace7cup @cuteeeezombieeee @NaiK15 @SoftFaith2004 @VicK5123 @Rohitbhardwaj @Bubblegumwings1234 @jessrabbit7 @rrretsuko @WynterRose @Hercules077 @MrsAshleyMarie @OkAlrightSure @Olivia210 @confidentangel2369 @OneCardShort @helpfuldipper @ve3ciel @NewPenguin @lifeisnotagame7 @Angelx28 @easylistener @gregariousZebra21 @oceanwaves16 @atu99 @insightfulsalamander4097 @Paprika001 @healthehealer @bruhAlanna @Saturn0515 @StMary @purposefulLove777 @wonderfulRainbow817 @SeriouslyLey123 @oogwayalltheway @theriverissinging @HopieRemi @FairyPrinceSasha @XCaraphernaliaX @imlistening01 @PriyaM2023 @FighterArpi @healingjoy @livjxc @Fraz @SoothingHope @MerlinZ @mentalspace7cup @Derekfan7695 @alwaysindigo @greatfulSmiles6152 @iamsidhere @adventurousBranch3786 @AdylynS @ALovelyFriend @AlwaysEli @Andyallen @anonhelp123 @AriadneLove @AriJoseph @Artalistens @ashlynnmarie22 @Basorexiaaa @BeigeMoonlight @bookworm274 @bouncyVoice4149 @calmingMermaid5761 @Clara139175 @Containedchaos @cuteOrange213 @Dajia215 @Dazzle28purvi @EmptyAquarium @euphoria00 @fairyava @Fireskye13 @FirstLight4762 @grasshopperstonefindingnemo @Happy900 @healingTime2480 @Heythereletschat024 @hopebeyondpain @JoeyTribbbiani @Kassy7cups @KatLis123 @KaylaGM @kdsyahirah @kkea @koala240 @lemonbot @Magicalmoongirl @Mankka @marvelloustree1111 @MidnightMoon90 @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Molbaby2022 @MoonlightPrimrose @msteacups @musicalHarmony @ouiCherie @pamharley003 @shiningPuppy49 @ShiningStars1 @sia1325 @SilentSerenityy @sotdspec1 @SoulfullyAButterfly @SoulSupporter102 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @TheResilientDancer @thetomorrowgirl @TheWonderlandSystem17 @UnicornsCottonCandy @warmLove3625 @WelcomeToChat @whenitsdarklookforstars @Yourstruly2000 @unique73 @HelpfulGem04 @OliviaWilson5 @Happy900 @Siciturastra @HazelStars @Dannie22 @astro0koala240 @Fristo @WayToUnknownThings @MilaTheListener @Heelsbby32 @hannahthedragon @Bipedhuman666 @giggleZebra2708 @InquireWithin @itssoren @IrizzaCares @cuteeeezombieeee @bluelotus99 @kindLemonade @DrDonut @Rayfox7 @Dilemma1o100 @Positiveturtles @LivinginDiscomfort123 @MajesticCat @SunshineRayyy @Lou73 @DigitalKnight @Xe @Banjothebudgie @softsummer2005 @JustOneMoreEpisode @NaiK15 @FluffyKittenKillua @TweetieBirb @Rooibos14 @VicK5123 @StargirlTina @MagicalButterfiy @siciturastra @trustworthysoul @HelenaxForever

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