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Exploration Garden: New Rules to Foster a More Focused Exploration Environment
by ASilentObserver
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Hello everyone,  Exploration Garden (EG) group chat was introduced in July 2023 [] as an extended version of the Sharing Circle. Since then, EG has undergone multiple iterations and changes to improve it for everyone This post will share the next changes and updates regarding the Exploration Garden group chat.  We want to emphasize the key distinction between the Sharing Circle and Exploration Garden:  Sharing Circle []is a space to share with others primarily, here you can vent, get validation, and express your thoughts/feelings/experiences to share those with others. The exploration garden [] by contrast is not so much a place to share, but rather a place to gain assistance in exploring our thoughts/feelings/experiences, here we are trying to learn and explore, seeking new perspectives, new understandings, and deeper meanings. Based on the feedback received from the community and observations of trends within the group chat, we are rolling out the following changes to promote and foster an exploration environment in the EG.   1. EG will only be open when a facilitator is present. Without facilitation, the sessions tend to get off track, and unable to keep up with the guidelines for running an effective exploration session. Here is the updated schedule of the Exploration Garden session:  * Host-L stands for assigned listener host  * Host-M stands for covered by community mod * Red rows represent no coverage at the moment, so no session will take place during these hours until we onboard new hosts to lead those hours.  2.  Releasing an exploration guide for participants to understand how effective exploration works, the DOs and DONTs, Tips to get the most out of the session, and how to offer support to the sharers. Click here to access a copy of the exploration guide.  [] 3. If you want to join the Exploration Garden Hosting Team, you can now express your interest by filling out a short form here!  [] The new changes will be implemented w.e.f Sept 20, 2024.  If you have any questions, please feel free to share with us below in the thread or reach out to @Heather225 or me aka @ASilentObserver
2024: Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups
by ASilentObserver
Last post
...See more Hello and welcome everyone to Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individuals and communities to come together and celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in various ways.  The goal of the Gratitude Week is to take time and reflect on the many amazing things, and people we have in our lives. Practicing gratitude could positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people. There are so many ways that you can be thankful on World Gratitude Day. It can simply include: * Being thankful that you have woken up and experienced a brand new day.  * If you have a pet, your pet is worthy of your gratitude.  * You can also be thankful for beautiful nature for beautiful sunrises, sunsets, or simply how different seasons bring unique experiences. * You can be thankful for the people around you or in the community that you encountered and made your day better even if for a moment.  So we invite you to join us in Gratitude Week to be thankful in a few ways:  * Engage in any or all of the following activities and let us know in the comments below what did you and when.  * Send at least 7 empathetic private messages  to listeners/members * Post or reply 7 empathetic posts in any thread in the community with the hashtag #Gratitude2024 * Send 7 supportive comments or phrases in the group support (both members /listeners group chats) * Participate in a “Thank you to” Chain to appreciate or give a shout-out to anyone and tag 3 friends to join the chain. You can give thank you to anyone including yourself.  The thread will be created and linked here.  * Join in the following Group Discussions: at 12.30 pm Eastern (Adults), 1 pm (Teens) * Showing Appreciation & Gratitude (Monday) * Empathy  (Tuesday) * Do you know Self-compassion (Wednesday) * The power of thank you (Thursday) The sessions will take place in Positivity Corner Group Chat We look forward to celebrating  World Gratitude Day with you. Join us! 
Wellness Accountability Huddles: Apply Now!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 26th
...See more Ready to Transform Your Wellness with Accountability? Setting specific health and wellness goals is an effective way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. These can include goals like exercising regularly, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or finding time for mindfulness. Having a defined time frame adds structure, helping you stay focused and committed as you work toward achieving these goals. Ask yourself right now: what do you want to improve on in your life? Tips to Make Your Wellness Goals Easy to Track and Follow Through With: * Make your goal specific and measurable. For example, "do 30 minutes of exercise each day" or "read 1 chapter of my book each day". Specific and measurable goals are easier to track. * Keep it simple! Avoid overwhelming yourself by starting small. Committing to 1-3 daily tasks can make it more manageable and sustainable. Now, how does this apply to 7 Cups, and being accountable? You’re much more likely to succeed when you share your progress with others, and that’s where our Wellness Accountability Huddles come in. A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Wellness Accountability Huddles. The Huddle journey will last for 5 weeks. The expected launch dates of these Huddles are within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have around 20-30 members. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. 3 huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of users in the current round, and we hope to onboard further interested users when the first “batch” is completed.  * This Huddle opportunity is available for members only. Listeners are encouraged to switch to a member account to participate. * This Huddle is currently open to adult users only.  Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! Here is what you can expect during your Huddle journey: Week 1 - Introductions Week 2 - Embracing Goals (and starting to share our progress) Week 3 - The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care Week 4 - Managing Setbacks Week 5 - Celebrating Progress  The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share the goals you are interested in as well as some commitment to work on some progress while sharing it. You are open to hearing other people’s stories and goals and will treat each of your peers with respect.  Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
Rotational room 18+
by Heartsandrosesandpaws
Last post
May 28th
...See more  What are the rotational room s these days? is heathy living on Fridays and Saturday student support currnts what other rooms are rotational rooms these days
Is Anxiety room a 24/7 room now
by Heartsandrosesandpaws
Last post
May 17th, 2023
...See more Is Anxiety room a 24/7 room now?
Talking about feelings
by lore11
Last post
May 10th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone, I personally find it very hard to open up. I struggle a lot with being my true self around the others. Has anyone learned how to open up? How did they actually do it? Thanks :)
Pop up room questiom
by Filmlover12
Last post
February 20th, 2023
...See more If the depression room becomes a 24/7 room then what would would take the Tuesday slot for the rotational rooms
Advertising Discussions
by vivelespatates
Last post
January 24th, 2023
...See more Hey, wonderful discussion leaders! We all want more participants in our discussion, of course, we work so hard for offering a great and supportive time for members! We have different ways to advertise them for getting more participants: - Set a alert for announce your discussion/support session/event! I'm sure if you ask in the listener support room, someone would do it for you! - Announce our discussion in the other rooms ! it's an excellent way too! - Adding them on the calendar, feed and/or forum. - etc. How announce when there are already some discussions ongoing? - Being respectful of other ongoing discussions or events! - If there is already an event ongoing on a room, please, don't announce over them. - If you are 10 minutes in advance, there are strong changes that the event on this room end when your start. You can avoid announcing right now on this room, remember what room is it, and come back in 10 minutes and announce later when their event is over and you start, with a message like "Hey, If you like discussions, we will have the next one on.... ", You will probably get even more members interested by discussions of this way! - You also can ask the leader of current discussions to advertise your discussion when their own discussion is over. I'm sure they will be happy to do it for you! Thank you for giving a nice and supportive time for your members, increase participation and being a model. Enjoy your discussions! ❤️
Please Help, I Don't Know Where to Turn!!!
by blueAngel00
Last post
December 16th, 2022
...See more This is rather complicated, so I apologize for that. I joined 7 Cups the end of November. I applied as a Listener a couple days ago and could subsequently log in as one. Now that option is no longer available. My application submission was very unorthodox (long story) and in between the submission fiasco and learning I could log in as a Listener, I requested a member name change. I had to request it through 7 Cups because apparently I tried to change it too close to my two week membership mark, and the system got confused or something and wouldn't let me, saying it was having technical difficulties. In any case, one of the names I requested was the same as what I put on the Listener application. It was granted, only 7 Cups added two zeros at the end of the name. There are so many more idiosyncracies in this scenario it's almost easier to believe I made it all up, but I didn't. What I need to know is who do I contact about all this? I don't mind reapplying, I just don't want 7 Cups to think I'm messing around with them or that I'm a lunatic or worse yet, kick me out of 7 Cups altogether. Can anyone please point me in the right direction of who and how I should contact about all this? I'll be forever in your debt, thanks. ❤️ And thank you for reading this far! 🌹 🐻 .
General support room
Last post
November 11th, 2022
...See more Is the general support room a 24/7 room now? As a doorkeeper it would be helpful to know what kind of roo it is.
Doorkeeper role question
Last post
October 18th, 2022
...See more do a door keeper have renew badge every 12 weeks or not?
Supportive Phrases and Questions for Member Chatrooms!
Last post
August 22nd, 2022
...See more Check out these phrases and questions we compiled for use in member chatrooms! All members and listeners are encouraged to use them. These are some examples of supportive phrases and questions to be used in a member chatroom, but feel free to use more similar and kind messages using your creativity. We appreciate you! Phrases for All Member Chatrooms * Hey, I just came into the room and wanted to know if there is an empty seat for me. * Hi all, I was thinking if I could join you all? * I'd appreciate it if you let me know what we are talking about, I feel a bit lost:( * I am happy to be in the room with everyone, wondering what we are talking about. * Thanks for the kind welcome, ___ * Hi ___, good to meet you. * Welcome ___ * Hi ___, good to have you join us. * Good to have you with us, ___ * That's kind of you. * Thanks for sharing, ___. Good to know. * Nice to know, ___ * How good to know, ___ * Sounds nice. * Wish you good time with ____ * I appreciate it, ___ * I appreciate you, ___. You are so kind to me. * @___, I like that too. * I like your presence here, ___. Thanks for making the room feel safe. * I'd be happy if all join us in our talk. We are talking about: ____ * Hugs everyone<3 Phrases for Support Room 24/7 * Sorry to hear that, ___ * @___, if I were at your place, I would have felt it very hard too. * I understand where you are coming from. * That would upset me, too. * Something like that would really upset me. * I would feel that way too. * I can only imagine how this must make you feel. * That's not a fun situation to be in. * I am happy you are venting to us in this room. @___ Questions for Member Community Room * What plan does everyone have for the day? * What helps you feel good in your day? @everyone * What is one healthy food which is your favorite? @everyone * What's your favorite way to relax? @everyone * What did you last eat in meal? @everyone Questions for Support Room 24/7 * How is everyone feeling? * @___, can you take a deep breath with me? * Can I vent a bit, too? [if you are a member] * Hey x, I noticed you said you’re feeling ___. Can you tell us more about what helps when you’re feeling this way? * How have you been coping with it? * Would you like to tell us more about it? @___ General Guidelines * Identify strengths: Always have an eye for a good quality in others and don’t miss a chance to point out their good quality in words of appreciation. * If some are talking about a topic, look to construct an icebreaker out of it and ask it to all. For example, if some are talking about food, you can put an icebreaker like: What’s favorite food of everyone? * When someone appreciates you for your kind behavior, say: “Thank you. I just look to treat everyone the way I would have liked to be treated.”
Value of a Group Chatroom
Last post
August 22nd, 2022
...See more A Group Chatroom at 7cups, I believe, has the motive of improving mental health, one way or the other. To serve that motive we have many chatroom discussions and events. We even have open-chat sessions where there is a host directing the talk to go in a specific direction. Those, I wholeheartedly believe, and could see, are having a good impact on participants' mental health. Those group chats have value. But I have had a question, and I have been struggling to answer it. So I am asking here. What is the value of a group chatroom where people are just chatting casually? There are many different talks happening at the same time in the chatroom. It is like a classroom with no teacher and each bench is having their own chatter. What's more, this kind of chatter goes on for 24 hours. There are moderators to ensure no site rules are broken, but that does not prevent the noisy chatter from happening. The impact of such maddening chatter could only be toxic, negative, and dark. Hope I was able to share my concern, and that you help me find an answer to my question.
Block and Group Chat
by MandyInnocentBunny
Last post
August 15th, 2022
...See more I just wanted to know that how do we block someone here and like avoid bumping into group chats. Like if I enter a group chat and the person I blocked is there and so like I just want to know how it would work cause it will be awkward to talk in group chat
Discussion advertising
by AffyAvo
Last post
August 12th, 2022
...See more There used to be guidelines about advertising a discussion in other group rooms, is this no longer the case? In a discussion there were 2 different advertisements that happened during, and what seemed especially off to me was one was for a listener sharing circle. If listeners are supposed to support members why encourage them when they are doing so to lleave to go for something for listeners only? @ASilentObserver

Welcome to the Group Support Community, a place where listeners and members can gather information, share feedback, and learn together!

Find our Group Support Discussion Schedule HERE.

New to the 7 Cups community? Members, click HERE and Listeners click HERE for more information about getting started on your 7 Cups journey.

For information about joining group support rooms click HERE.. For the Group Support Rotation Schedule, click HERE

Keeping group rooms safe and supportive is a top priority at 7 Cups. Please familiarize yourself with the chatroom rules located at the bottom of each chat room. Click HERE to learn more about group room safety.  

Please join us in our newest and most popular room, Sharing Circle Here you will find the opportunity to share your thoughts with the community and receive personal support, . Once you have experinced all the rooms have to offer, you are invited to join the team as a host. For information on joining the team as a host by click HERE.

Listeners, would you like to join the Group Support Team? Click HERE for Room Supporters or HERE for Community Centered Moderators.

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