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Pop-up discussions are back! 😄

Hope August 4th, 2020

What is a pop-up discussion?

It is a small discussion on a light-hearted topic, it lasts 30 minutes each. The aim of such a discussion is to engage the participants and provide a space for everyone to spend some time discussing the topic at hand.

Who can host one?

Any listener/member who has access to the ‘start a discussion' button & room supporters. You need to have one of the following roles to get the start discussion button access.

- Room Supporter (room supporters can't see the button so they need to ask a mod to set the banner for them, please remember to ask them to set it for 30 mins and add the word "pop-up" to the banner)

- Discussion Leader (Anyone who is a part of the discussions team on 7 Cups, please follow the same instructions as room supporter)

- Peer Support

- Group Mod

- Chatroom Mentor

- Teen Star

- Teen Chatroom Mentor

- Support Session Leader

If you don't yet meet the criteria, do not worry!

Anyone can start hosting right now and can apply for the roles in future when they feel more comfortable. You can ask the Community Mod on duty to help you out.
You can apply to be �peer support here! And group mod here! These two roles are the stepping stone for other listed roles. �


How can you host one?

All the details are provided in this document: Popup Guide/Script/Form - Google Forms

In order to receive the badge/cheers through pop-up discussions, you must follow the following guidelines. These set of rules help us ensure good quality and allow us to track your work appropriately. �

☆ �ALL pop-up discussions must have ‘Pop-up� in the banner and the banner should be set exactly for 30 minutes. If your discussion does not have these two things, it won�t be counted. �

☆ �Please welcome all participants and repeat questions when a few more people join in

☆ �Use your listening skills to reflect, validate, and empathize with the participants. �

☆ �The pop-ups have 6 questions each, don�t rush the discussion. It is okay to miss a question if the time is limited. �


If you wish to learn about popups by doing - here is a Growth Path that can help credits: @Fristo


Room for member pop-up discussion - Special Events
Room for listener pop-up discussion - Listener Community Room
Or any room that you are allowed to host in (as a RS or CRM)


Room for member pop-up discussion - Teen Community Room

Room for Listener pop-up discussion - Friendship Room

Or any other room that you are allowed to host in (as RS or CRM)


Special events and friendship rooms are popup rooms that need to be opened by a doorkeeper (you can usually find one in the listener support room or the teen listener room) if no doorkeeper is available then please contact the mod on shift. �
If you are a Room Supporter or a Mod for a specific room, you can host the popup discussion in that room as well.


Why should you host pop-ups?

☆ They are super fun and convenient! You can host one without planning them in advance and you are not expected to do these weekly. Have an extra 30 mins today? Host one

☆ �It can be a good way to get group support chats if you are working towards certain roles (like 20 group support chats among other requirements make you eligible to apply for sharing circle and discussion leaders team)

Each host is awarded 50 cheers per session and 100 cheers for a combo session. (A combo session is 45 mins long and combines a scripted and prompted topic together)

There is a badge to earn! Lead 3 pop-up discussions in a week and you become eligible for a pop-up ninja!

If you continue to cheer people up after earning Popup Ninja badge, you get to earn an Events Team badge as well.


If you host pop-up discussions, please do remember to fill this form so you can get a badge and cheers (if eligible) �

Popup Guide/Script/Form - Google Forms


Let's set an ambitious goal! Together we want to reach 80 � pop-up discussions (teens and adults combined) � by the end of September!

For any popup project related query, reach out to DonaldDraper


room supporter role added & top note added - �Hope - 8/4/2020

Discussion leader role added to the list of leaders who can lead on 8/10/2020

September goal added on 9/3/2020 - Hope

New info and links added and contact person added 9/9/21 - DonaldDraper



Follow 7 Cups on social media
Instagram - �@7Cups �​| �Twitter - �@7Cups �& �@7CupsTeen �| �Facebook - �7CupsOfTea �| Youtube �- �7 Cups of Tea


RumpleSteeleSkin August 4th, 2020

@Hope love this idea! Hope this brings on more who love leading discussions

jaedae August 16th, 2020


I also hope it brings leaders.

CheeryMango August 4th, 2020

@Hope Love the idea laugh

August 4th, 2020

That's great.

Looks like something I'd wanna do.

Thanks :)

vivelespatates August 4th, 2020

@Hope why the Room Supporters are not allowed to lead popup discussions? I thought they were for a long time now.. just have to ask a mod (or community mod) to set the banner for them. Has this changed? Should I inform my Room Supporters that they are no longer allowed to lead popup discussions?

Hope OP August 4th, 2020


Hi vive, I have made the changes to reflect that room supporter can lead. Thank you for bringing it up!

vivelespatates August 4th, 2020

@Hope thank you, I was worry, haha

CheeryMango August 4th, 2020

@Hope While I am on board for adding more discussions to the community, don't you think this would decrease the participation in the weekly discussions that are currently held? Also this would be increasing the workload for mods and doorkeepers in having to monitor the rooms and ensuring that each room is safe for members and listeners alike. If possible could you prehaps implement a schedule for these pop-up discussions to be held so there isn't a clash with the weekly discussions?

Hope OP August 4th, 2020


Hi Mango! I hear you, our aim with this opportunity is to allow a broader group to host discussions. Mostly people with busy schedules who can't commit to weekly spots. It beats the purpose if we ask them to schedule pop-ups. As for the workload, community mods will be available to open/close rooms and can be reached out to for moderation assistance if needed. We will be closely monitoring how this trial goes and if we need to make any changes, we can! Thank you for providing your perspective.

CheeryMango August 4th, 2020

@Hope I didn't mean an actual schedule but rather a designated time slot for those pop-ups to occur for example between 8am-10am, 10am-12pm etc. It's just so there is better control and we don't have multiple sessions running simultaneously ot create confusion. Thanks for hearing me out.

August 4th, 2020


This is so awesome, thank youuu!!! Can't wait to see them back and alive in rooms!

TheResilientDancer August 4th, 2020

Are users who host discussions already allowed to do this or will priority go to wannabe discussion leaders?

TheResilientDancer August 4th, 2020

@KaylaDances Don't worry. I just noticed it is listeners only. I saw the room supporter part before "listeners" Ignore what I said please.

Hope OP August 4th, 2020


That is an error, fixed! Member room supporters can host

TheResilientDancer August 4th, 2020

@Hope Thank you for letting me know. So any listener can host but only member room supporters can host?

Hope OP August 4th, 2020


The roles listed are all listener roles excluding room supporter which is a member and listener role. A listener needs to be a room supporter or has one of the other roles to be able to host pop-ups

vivelespatates August 4th, 2020

@KaylaDances room supporters -including members- can host but need to ask help of a mod or community room to set the banner because they can't set it themselves.

Hope OP August 4th, 2020


They can!

Affliction1 August 5th, 2020

@Hope This sounds amazing especially considering that it would really increase the member participation in the Group Support Rooms. Love it!

vivelespatates August 11th, 2020

@Hope please can you remind everyone that popups discussions can only take place when NO OTHER discussion or event is taking place on ANY room, including scheduled discussions and support sessions, community or subcommunity events, and sharing circles. it has always been very important rule to ensure enough participations in discussions -both planned and popups-, support sessions and events. thank you

kindSoul10 August 30th, 2020

@vivelespatates good point!

EvelyneRose August 31st, 2020


Well, I think this is going to have to change if that is the rule because it's going to become outdated.


vivelespatates August 31st, 2020

@EvelyneRose this rule is there because we have a low participation in the discussions and that many discussions or events at once kills our discussions, and we end up by waste our time and cancel them due to no participation. this rule needs to stay, and people need to do their popups when there is no other discussions, support sessions or events ongoing.

EvelyneRose September 1st, 2020


I understand what you are saying, but if the rule is no pop ups while other discussions or sharing circles are going on, that doesn't make sense with the direction the site is moving. It basically eliminates pop-ups entirely if the rule is kept.

vivelespatates September 1st, 2020

@EvelyneRose so maybe there is just too many sharing circles. I also had to cancel my scheduled discussions because they decided to put a sharing circle at the exact same time that i was leading, and now i am no longer able to have members in my discussions...

EvelyneRose September 1st, 2020


I'm sorry to hear that Vive! Like I said, the rule is going to have to change because it's unsustainable going forward, evidenced by your own experience.

I do think there's merit in having more than one at once. I know there's concern about participation, but in my opinion, I like having options of whether I want to go to sharing circle or a discussion/support session/event.

amiablePeace77 August 16th, 2020


Great idea!

jaedae August 17th, 2020


Looking forward to pop up discussions.

kindSoul10 August 30th, 2020

@jaedae me too :)

bubbleMaple8404 December 28th, 2020

@jaedae me too

outcastshadows August 18th, 2020

I want to lead a pop up discussion can someone help me make one?

kindSoul10 August 30th, 2020

@outcastshadows which topics are you interested in?

Lolowise475 August 30th, 2020

I'm not sure if we can offer a discussion topic if I cannot commit to room supporter at this time? If so or song that can be related to positive thoughts , happy time or providing strength and inspiration in one's life.@Hope

tealPark1424 August 30th, 2020

Ok, I get it, these pop-ups are supposed to be light-hearted, but it seems redundant with the sharing circles.

What would really boost the group support rooms to their former glory is more in-depth discussions like the site used to have. Surely, there has to be some of those good scripts left by former community leaders somewhere.

kindSoul10 August 30th, 2020

@tealPark1424 that makes sense. :) I feel like giving pop-up discussions back into sub community hands and let those who are interested in hosting pop-ups connect with the support team leaders would help to have more diverse quality pop-up discussions.

The point is some, communities have no leaders at the moment. The centralised approach seems to be a starting to increase the pop-up activity.

vivelespatates October 4th, 2020

@Hope why popups in the other rooms don't count? are they less valued?

barncat May 6th, 2021

How do I get to become a room supporter?

barncat May 7th, 2021

@kindSoul10- thanks- need to get my verified listener first. appreciate the feedback.

EmmaE May 10th, 2021


you can also apply to be a room supporter as a member using the account you're on! you can find that here: information (click me!) and application (click me!)

⋆ ˚。⋆✿˚ no rain, no flowers. ˚✿⋆。˚ ⋆