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Exploration Garden: New Rules to Foster a More Focused Exploration Environment
by ASilentObserver
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Hello everyone,  Exploration Garden (EG) group chat was introduced in July 2023 [] as an extended version of the Sharing Circle. Since then, EG has undergone multiple iterations and changes to improve it for everyone This post will share the next changes and updates regarding the Exploration Garden group chat.  We want to emphasize the key distinction between the Sharing Circle and Exploration Garden:  Sharing Circle []is a space to share with others primarily, here you can vent, get validation, and express your thoughts/feelings/experiences to share those with others. The exploration garden [] by contrast is not so much a place to share, but rather a place to gain assistance in exploring our thoughts/feelings/experiences, here we are trying to learn and explore, seeking new perspectives, new understandings, and deeper meanings. Based on the feedback received from the community and observations of trends within the group chat, we are rolling out the following changes to promote and foster an exploration environment in the EG.   1. EG will only be open when a facilitator is present. Without facilitation, the sessions tend to get off track, and unable to keep up with the guidelines for running an effective exploration session. Here is the updated schedule of the Exploration Garden session:  * Host-L stands for assigned listener host  * Host-M stands for covered by community mod * Red rows represent no coverage at the moment, so no session will take place during these hours until we onboard new hosts to lead those hours.  2.  Releasing an exploration guide for participants to understand how effective exploration works, the DOs and DONTs, Tips to get the most out of the session, and how to offer support to the sharers. Click here to access a copy of the exploration guide.  [] 3. If you want to join the Exploration Garden Hosting Team, you can now express your interest by filling out a short form here!  [] The new changes will be implemented w.e.f Sept 20, 2024.  If you have any questions, please feel free to share with us below in the thread or reach out to @Heather225 or me aka @ASilentObserver
2024: Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Hello and welcome everyone to Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individuals and communities to come together and celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in various ways.  The goal of the Gratitude Week is to take time and reflect on the many amazing things, and people we have in our lives. Practicing gratitude could positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people. There are so many ways that you can be thankful on World Gratitude Day. It can simply include: * Being thankful that you have woken up and experienced a brand new day.  * If you have a pet, your pet is worthy of your gratitude.  * You can also be thankful for beautiful nature for beautiful sunrises, sunsets, or simply how different seasons bring unique experiences. * You can be thankful for the people around you or in the community that you encountered and made your day better even if for a moment.  So we invite you to join us in Gratitude Week to be thankful in a few ways:  * Engage in any or all of the following activities and let us know in the comments below what did you and when.  * Send at least 7 empathetic private messages  to listeners/members * Post or reply 7 empathetic posts in any thread in the community with the hashtag #Gratitude2024 * Send 7 supportive comments or phrases in the group support (both members /listeners group chats) * Participate in a “Thank you to” Chain to appreciate or give a shout-out to anyone and tag 3 friends to join the chain. You can give thank you to anyone including yourself.  The thread will be created and linked here.  * Join in the following Group Discussions: at 12.30 pm Eastern (Adults), 1 pm (Teens) * Showing Appreciation & Gratitude (Monday) * Empathy  (Tuesday) * Do you know Self-compassion (Wednesday) * The power of thank you (Thursday) The sessions will take place in Positivity Corner Group Chat We look forward to celebrating  World Gratitude Day with you. Join us! 
Wellness Accountability Huddles: Apply Now!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 26th
...See more Ready to Transform Your Wellness with Accountability? Setting specific health and wellness goals is an effective way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. These can include goals like exercising regularly, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or finding time for mindfulness. Having a defined time frame adds structure, helping you stay focused and committed as you work toward achieving these goals. Ask yourself right now: what do you want to improve on in your life? Tips to Make Your Wellness Goals Easy to Track and Follow Through With: * Make your goal specific and measurable. For example, "do 30 minutes of exercise each day" or "read 1 chapter of my book each day". Specific and measurable goals are easier to track. * Keep it simple! Avoid overwhelming yourself by starting small. Committing to 1-3 daily tasks can make it more manageable and sustainable. Now, how does this apply to 7 Cups, and being accountable? You’re much more likely to succeed when you share your progress with others, and that’s where our Wellness Accountability Huddles come in. A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Wellness Accountability Huddles. The Huddle journey will last for 5 weeks. The expected launch dates of these Huddles are within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have around 20-30 members. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. 3 huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of users in the current round, and we hope to onboard further interested users when the first “batch” is completed.  * This Huddle opportunity is available for members only. Listeners are encouraged to switch to a member account to participate. * This Huddle is currently open to adult users only.  Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! Here is what you can expect during your Huddle journey: Week 1 - Introductions Week 2 - Embracing Goals (and starting to share our progress) Week 3 - The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care Week 4 - Managing Setbacks Week 5 - Celebrating Progress  The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share the goals you are interested in as well as some commitment to work on some progress while sharing it. You are open to hearing other people’s stories and goals and will treat each of your peers with respect.  Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
6 Ways to Make A Change in Group Support - No matter who you are.
by Heather
Last post
September 24th
...See more This post goes out to all members, listeners and moderators. It's for all the group support humans out there who want to be a postive force in our group support chat rooms! Have a read, give it a try, share below and let us know how it goes... ➊ Welcome & Invite Real human people are entering the support chat rooms all the time. Sadly, some will leave still feeling alone, still lacking connection and still having never gotten to know any of you. Be the one who makes that difference for them. Really look out for people entering and think about what would make you feel warm and welcomed. Remember, a great welcome is more than just hello. Ask a question. Say hi and find out how theyre doing. Keep in mind that they dont know the context of what is being discussed in the chat room right now and explain to them what everyone is chatting about! Invite them in and dont allow that person to feel like an outsider. Be the one who shows another human they matter today. ➋ Find Common Ground Let me tell you a secret - were all way more alike than we may realise. Discover and explore something several people in the room have in common. Do you all have similar struggles or feelings about something? Do you all love the sunshine? Are you all human?! When someone shares, ask around and see who else can relate. Seeing that others feel the same way is a powerful thing. Its a beautiful group chat moment waiting to happen and you can lead the way. ➌ Hold Space When someone is feeling blue, dont rush to silver line their problem or sweep their feelings under the rug. Hold the moment with them. Be there. Tell them you know its hard and really imagine how they must be feeling. Sometimes, what we need most is someone to deeply understand us before we can find a way out of it. You could be the only connection another human has this week. This is a great video [] explaining empathy. Try it and see! ➍ Break Ice! Out of things to talk about? Feeling like you want something more lighthearted? Theres always plenty of ice to break and you can do this with our fabulous list of icebreaker questions right here []. Here are some more bonus suggestions to inspire you: What is everyone doing for the rest of the day? How did you all sleep last night? If you had a magic wand and you could change one thing right now, what would it be? What is your biggest fear? What is something wonderful about you? What did you do well this week? Let your creativity shine through! The possibilities are endless. ➎ Give Hope Have you been in the same position someone else is in right now and found the way through it? Do you have a favourite quote that has given you hope? What puts things in perspective for you? What has motivated you to keep on keeping on? Tell someone about the light you found at the end of the tunnel. We could all use a little hope. 6. Set the example for fostering supportive space Your behavior is impactful. The way you conduct yourself in a group can influence others. So, ask yourself: do you model good behavior? Do you guide others to follow the chatroom rules and community guidelines? Are you encouraging your peers to follow your example? Supportive environments thrive only when we are contributing positively. You have the power to keep our group support ecosystem healthy by simply being a good citizen. Share below and let us know what worked well for you! Edited as on June 09, 2020 by ASilentObserver
Trolling Immunity Oath
by Heather
Last post
May 13th
...See more If you spend enough time in the support chat rooms (or anywhere on the internet for that matter!) it is quite possible that you will encounter someone or other engaging in trolling behaviours. Should this happen to you, first and foremost please know its not your fault. The other person has the problem. Often, they just get a kick out of upsetting or aggravating another person, but it only works if we rise to take the bait. There are certain things we can do as a community to build more immunity against those individuals who choose to cause distress or annoyance to others, and many of you are doing a great job at it already! The key thing to remember is that without an audience reacting to their comments and remarks, the person trolling becomes quite powerless. Its just no fun yelling at someone who doesnt seem to notice! This isnt to say the burden is entirely on you, but that we can work together to become more immune to trolling and help to protect one another. The other important part to this is to use the mute/report button to report any harmful/trolling behaviour you witness. This helps community managers to identify and remove those individuals. The process when you encounter trolling behaviour should look like this: ⛔️ Stop engaging ---> 🔇 Mute the troublecauser ---> 📝 Report via mute/report button. If youd like to be part of this initiative to take a stand against trolling, please carefully read the following oath and then post it in this thread with your own username/current date. You will receive an Group Chat Antibody badge for doing so (coming soon!). You can simply copy and paste the oath, but its more meaningful if you type it out. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I, XX, pledge : To follow the chat room rules and lead by example at all times. To not interact directly with anyone engaging in hurtful behaviours in the support room and encourage others to follow my lead. To report harmful behaviours whenever I see them in the support room, whether they be directed at myself or a fellow member. To understand that muting and ignoring are my most powerful weapons against those who aim to cause distress and harm, and to remind others of the same. To use my mute button whenever necessary, to disempower those who aim to cause harm, and to protect myself. To respect other users' decision to mute, and never disrespect their boundaries by relaying messages. Signed: [your username] DD/MM/YYYY
Group Support Appreciation Thread!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
December 8th, 2023
...See more Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. I am starting this thread specifically to share the appreciation efforts of the chatroom moderators under Group Mod Challenge -III [] Here are the reviews we received TODAY! For @Richuyulin - "Richu is always so supportive, friendly, and kind when leading sharing circle, and when modding! They are such a fantastic mod! I always enjoy it when they help me out on my shifts, I appreciate all that they do for the site as a mod and a listener! Thank you for always being there to help me and the other commods out, and thank you for always being on top of everything that is happening on the site! you put so much effort into helping out here, and you are highly appreciated!" For @CommunityModAlex - Alex is a great host and mod in the rooms, they try to keep the room welcoming and supportive for everyone. Also is very fun to engage within a room. For @GoingSafari - Saf is really supportive and engaging in chatrooms. I think they will make a great room supporter if not already 😊❤ For @Exulansis00 - Exuu is a very welcoming, inclusive member, always making new people comfortable and trying to engage in supportive chats. I really like their presence during any sessions. Sweet Exuu ❤ For @Aikyaa11000 - Aikyaa is a very sporty and friendly face in all rooms, they have a really supportive and lovely presence, especially during any special events. Much love ❤ For @Iampapaya - PapaYAYyyy is very cheerful, mischievous as they say haha ...but their mischief is cute too like them, they are really fun to be around with, and are always very appreciative towards everyone. Thank you for being you, Papaya ! ❤ For @SpicyHeart - I haven't talked to them personally, but here's an anonymous appreciation, I see them hosting sharing circle sessions, and they do such a great job at it! I also like their friendly presence in the forums. Keep it up, heart! 😊❤ For @ZenArashi - Zennn is a great host for sharing circles, and also is a good conversationalist in rooms, they keep rooms friendly for all. ❤ For @Youshine - Youshine was very helpful with answering my questions about how to host a group support chat. Youshine also sent me a link to the document form to locate a group support chat script. for @newpenguin - Very thoughtful and noticed my question right away. For @Starmedia - Thanks for being an AMAZING host! Hope to talk to you again!! For @John121 - You're really strong and your willingness towards living a happiness and joyful life is really awesome. I hope you are doing well. ------------------------- * Thank you all for your wonderful contributions and support as well as being in the community every day to make a difference! * Recognize and appreciate the efforts of someone! That someone can be a member, a listener, a room supporter, a fellow chat room moderator, community moderator, etc. * For Members, submit your appreciation here []! * For Listeners/ Room Supporters / Moderators, submit your appreciation here []!
Group Support Member Oath
by Heather
Last post
November 18th, 2023
...See more Hey everyone! As our Group Support rooms continue to grow, it is becoming increasingly important that we work together to ensure these remain a safe and supportive place. With this in mind, I have created a special oath especially for members who participate in the Group Support rooms. Today, I would like all of our 7 Cups to chat room users to show their support and commitment to keeping these rooms a wonderful, caring and compassionate space. Below this post, type out your member oath. You could copy and paste it, but I feel like this takes away from it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign it with your username like this: Signed: //Heather// Date: 7/27/2015 NOTE: Eventually, we will be able to give a badge to all those who take this oath. As a special honour, it will show beside your name in the chat rooms to show your commitment to ensuring these rooms are a safe environment. All you need to do is post the oath to ensure you earn it!
Group Support Prompt #1: What role can empathy play in fostering a supportive group environment?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 15th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone, I hope we are doing well and taking it easy this week. Today I am initiating a weekly prompt series to reflect on and share our group support experiences and learn from them. Group support is a significant part of 7Cups and every day hundreds of members join various group chats to share their experiences and emotions while listening and supporting each other. I heard from many members how group support helped and comforted them in moments of distress and struggle. So starting with this week's prompt for our thoughts! What role can empathy play in fostering a supportive group environment? Empathy is a significant element of listening and making someone feel heard, seen, and comforted during struggles and challenges. But, what were your experiences with empathy? How do you practice? any challenges? Let's get started and share our thoughts and experiences. I hope as we discuss and progress, we will learn better to support each other in the group chats and bring more comfort and support for everyone! ------------------------- If you haven't joined a group chat yet, try today! []
Member-Member Interaction Tips
Last post
August 6th, 2023
...See more Why do members join 7cups? To get support. Each of us on our member accounts has come here to get support. We are struggling in ourselves, some way or the other. With that in mind, the following should make a lot of sense: 1. If a fellow member is not nice to you, it is not because of you. It is their mental struggle speaking. 2. Thus, forgive them for their flaws and look out for good in your fellow member. 3. Step away when a member's behaviour gets uncomfortable or triggering for you, but without holding a personal grudge. 4. When someone is particularly kind and supportive to you, focus on them and let them know you appreciate them. 5. If you are in a position to do that, look to support the members who are genuinely seeking support and a hug. 6. Bookmark and put to use the Member Appreciation/Report Form [] (clickable). Appreciate good behaviour, and report the wrong one. 7. A behaviour could be good or bad, ugly or beautiful, regardless of it we believe each person carries the potential to emerge and grow as a fragrant flower -in the community and in their life.
Welcome to the affirmations station! Let's start the positivity train.
by ASilentObserver
Last post
June 2nd, 2023
...See more Hello everyone! Welcome to the Affirmations Station. It will be a thread where we can come together and support each other through positive affirmations. Affirmations are powerful statements that can help us change our mindset and overcome obstacles. By repeating positive affirmations to ourselves, we can cultivate a more encouraging outlook and improve our mental and emotional well-being. Let's start by taking a deep breath in and exhaling all of our worries and doubts. Please remember, we are here to support each other and spread positivity. I'll start by sharing my own affirmation: "I got this." Saying this out loud makes me feel empowered and motivated to tackle any challenge that comes my way. Now it's your turn! Share an affirmation that resonates with you. It can be a quote, a saying, or something you came up with yourself. Let's inspire each other with our words. If anyone is feeling down or needs some extra support, don't hesitate to reach out. We are all here for each other and together we can overcome anything. Let's keep the good vibes going and spread positivity wherever we go. ------------------------- Other posts you may want to check out! * * Show and Tell: Share Your Favorite Eats and Treats [] * Discover Calmness Within-- The Calm Box for Your Mental Health []
New and trying to find a light in the tunnel...
by wzahnd1977
Last post
May 18th, 2023
...See more Not really sure how this works. I joined yesterday. I'm Wendy and I have to beautiful boys 20 and 25. I am 45 and I've been with their father 28 years. It's been an abusive relationship physically for the first six to 8 years and then mentally and emotionally abusive to current. I'm just realizing that he's a narcissist and recently I really looked back over the years now that the boys are grown and gone and I've been allowing him to manipulate me, lie to me, abuse me, and degrade me for all these years and it wasn't until the last year that it really punched me the extent of the abuse. I have no friends and have cut ties with family because of him years ago and it's so lonely. He sits at the bar all day and evening and I sit here anxious, nauseous, and completely alone. I don't even know who I am anymore or who I was to begin with. I just feel hopeless mostly and like what's the point anymore.
Discover Calmness Within: The Calm Box for Your Mental Health
by ASilentObserver
Last post
May 7th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone, As part of Mental Health Awareness Month [], today I want to share the Calm Box idea and how it can be helpful for your mental health. I know that many of us struggle with stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues, and it can be hard to find ways to cope with these challenges. But I have found that The Calm Box is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their mental wellness. For those who may not know, The Calm Box is a box where you create and put the actual objects that serve to distract and self-soothe you in times of struggle. It is one thing to think about something but another alternative is to put tangible items that help you touch and soothe you in times of distress. The contents of the box need to be carefully curated to promote relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well-being. Some examples of the tangible objects that you may add to your calm box are a Deck of cards, a crossword puzzle, a sudoku, a chessboard, a stress ball, a journal, a positive quote picture, a smiley sticker, a plushie, bubbles, a comforting pillow, glitters, cute cups, your favorite music cd and so on. The Calm Box has everything you need to distress and unwind. Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. The Calm Box is a gentle reminder to slow down and prioritize your own mental health. It's a thoughtful and practical way to take care of yourself and your well-being. You can also create it for someone else to support them as well. Let's all make mental health a priority and create our calm box to support each other on our journeys toward greater well-being. If you are all comfortable sharing, please share what are the tangible items of your calm box. -------------------------
by Inuu06
Last post
July 24th, 2022
...See more Myself Innu06 currently a College student joined the community a few days ago . The reason behind my joining this platform was because I had no one to share my feelings without getting judged or hurting their feelings. Feeling lost feeling confused and I don't know what I am doing . Feeling like I am on the edge . I don't know whom should I trust . Coz the people i trusted broke me to the core .
by SensitiveHelper
Last post
February 26th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone I'm Apple, I've actually been using 7 cups for about 3-ish years now and it has helped me alot. I join support groups every morning and I talk about how I feel before I start my day and it just feels amazing. The care and support you get from mentors and members is amazing. I am so thankful to 7 cups for everything!
Congrats to our new compassion course graduates!
by vivelespatates
Last post
September 3rd, 2021
...See more Congrats to our new compassion course graduates! @warmheartedHuman2827 @Winters12 @mobteru @impartialCucumber3987 @inshade @Jaydog @Amelia2324 @Kez1981 @FrozenGhost @Kickan75 @Kimmkimm @soufy @Optimisticempath @lumieremilkyway @TheFriendlyMartian @potato93 You can now apply for the Room Supporter Role. More infos and application here: Member Room Supporter [] Compassion Hero badges was awarded to all members who completed and passed the compassion course on or before JULY 10 Are you a member wanting this nice shiny badge? Click here [] ! (Members only) If you are a listener, the active listening trainings are your equivalent, visit your training section here []. (Listeners only)

Welcome to the Group Support Community, a place where listeners and members can gather information, share feedback, and learn together!

Find our Group Support Discussion Schedule HERE.

New to the 7 Cups community? Members, click HERE and Listeners click HERE for more information about getting started on your 7 Cups journey.

For information about joining group support rooms click HERE.. For the Group Support Rotation Schedule, click HERE

Keeping group rooms safe and supportive is a top priority at 7 Cups. Please familiarize yourself with the chatroom rules located at the bottom of each chat room. Click HERE to learn more about group room safety.  

Please join us in our newest and most popular room, Sharing Circle Here you will find the opportunity to share your thoughts with the community and receive personal support, . Once you have experinced all the rooms have to offer, you are invited to join the team as a host. For information on joining the team as a host by click HERE.

Listeners, would you like to join the Group Support Team? Click HERE for Room Supporters or HERE for Community Centered Moderators.

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