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Weekly Group Support Open Letter- Week of Feb 24

ASilentObserver February 26th, 2020

Hello everyone,

I am inspired by you. Such wonderful teamwork in Group Support Rooms and in the entire community. I am thankful for all the good work, feedback and proactively working on building community.

"In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact." - Les Brown

Great, so lets check what we did and accomplished together last week!

  • We completed 98 member discussions and 14 listeners discussions during the week. In case you missed them and want to join them, please check the Community Calendar for the scheduled discussions and details.

In case, you finding it difficult to enter a room, then check the requirements to join rooms here. If you have the requirements but wondering when our rotational rooms are opened, then please check the schedule here!

  • We started Get to Know You Daily Sessions. These sessions are meant to connect and interact to get to know each other better. Just like a small-town neighborhood where everyone knows everyone and always up to support each other. It happens every Tuesday to Saturday at 12 pm ET in ASilentObservers Office for both adults and teens. On Sunday 12 pm ET, we have our weekly community chat to problem solve and address the group support issues in ASilentObservers Office. Please come and join us. We look forward to meeting you.

  • We are thinking of opening the discussion leader role for both members and listeners so we have more hands on the deck to have these guided and fun discussions in different rooms throughout the week. You will be able to lead the discussions as long as a mod present with you to ensure the room is moderated while you host the discussion. We are working on setting up basic criteria for who can be the discussion leader. Please drop your thoughts on this in the comments so we can make it a better opportunity for everyone.

  • We are working on bringing some discussions on topics like Bullying, DID, Anger Management. I will keep you posted about its progress. I am thankful to all who came forward to help me with it.

  • For listeners, we started a dialog - 3 Key Tips You Can Share with a New Listener! We want to ensure our new listeners and everyone get the best support and resources so they can support our members better. If you have some tips, please add them to the thread and read others' thoughts as well. I hope you find something new to learn from it.

  • We are thinking about creating a handbook named - Members Primer where all basic information will be included to share with all our new members. We are hoping that helps them to figure out the site navigation and basic things better. For this, we need your help. Please share what basic information you think we can include? All thoughts are welcome!

And, thats it from me this week. Other improvement plans are in-progress. We will continue to address all our concerns one by one with group discussion and team efforts. I will keep you posted. Thank you for your patience and for being with us.

Some resources in case you need it-

@GlenM @Heather225 @Hope @BrilliantTurtle89 @WendyBird15 @Kindsoul10

GodOnlyKnows51 February 26th, 2020


thanks so much Obs cant wait to help

@Happy900 @SparklingSprinkle

Karrot February 26th, 2020

@ASilentObserver thank you for this update 💚 I believe I've seen and hosted the Did/ossd disscusion that we used to have on cups. It is great that we are bringing in more discussions! I have my time avalible also when members are able to host to help out too.



lavenderpeach1107 February 26th, 2020

@ASilentObserver Thank you for the information my friend heart

Goldcherry2113 February 26th, 2020

@ASilentObserver Thank you to you and everyone for making this a great place!

MelG919 February 26th, 2020


CaringBrit February 26th, 2020

@ASilentObserver DID is a great topic thats needed but can i suggest it stays within trauma community unless they agree it can be shared under the mix n match discussions its one of them topics you need to understand what DID is its highly stigmatized

i love making a member discussion leader a role too that's awesome

@LifeismyCanvas @NoneTheWiser 2 in prticular may want to see this post

LifeIsMyCanvas March 10th, 2020


I wrote a ton of DID discussions, never got signed off and I've left the team now anyway.

CaringBrit March 10th, 2020

@LifeIsMyCanvas there usually signed off by the support team leader but they went really quiet theirs no CML STL Or CMs just me as FM and peppermint as Forum member leader

as i have experience in discussion wriing and such and signing them off maybe observer will let me look at them

LifeIsMyCanvas March 10th, 2020


I was talking about before when we had a CML, before I left the team. Everyone started arguing about where DID discussions should sit and I gave up. I don't know if the stuff I did is still available as a lot got deleted when the stuff came up about intellecual property rights etc. TBH I am not interested in being involved unless there is a well trained team of volenteers that can provide a safe environment for DID members. I'd also want to know that SRA and MC members with DID will be supported and not silenced. Maybe if a trauma team lead is found I might have a discussion with them but till then I don't feel there is enough structure and support.

kindSoul10 February 26th, 2020

Thanks for your inspiring check-ins, Obs!

They always put a smile on my face!

Regarding opening the discussion leader role for members I'm positive on seeing how it works out but I'm very much concerned about making it more difficult to do self-care and still find support in 7cups.

We have separate accounts for listening and for receiving support. The anonymity is a safety layer which will be sacrificed if listener and member accounts get mixed more and more.

It happens that feedback can be very harsh and I'm very much concerned that members who get attacked in their community roles would feel the need to leave the site. Listeners can fallback to their member account. Members can't.

MelG919 February 26th, 2020
