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New Discussion Support Trial

May 21st, 2019

Hi everyone!

Over the last while we have been struggling with activity levels and leadership positions.We understand that some of the workload is heavy on the remaining leaders and we want to make sure that we are not burning anyone out! Volunteering is not something we want anyone to dread and we have come up with something that we think will help tackle that while also ensuring there is a spread of support over different topics.This will also help teams that do not currently have a leader and ensure the support is still available for members.

Team Leaders will have the opportunity to hand over discussion scheduling to the Group Support Ambassador team. This means:

1) Support Team Leaders will not have to worry about scheduling your teams discussions.

2) Support Team Leaders will be able to focus your time on thoroughly training Room Supporters and Moderators in your rooms.

3) Support Team Leader will still be able to lead fun activities and Getting to know you sessions in your rooms for community building. These can be pop ups for when you find a spare moment.

What happens with the discussions?
We will set up a system similar to the Mix and Match events we have had in the past. We will have a sign up sheet that will be updated every month where any room supporter or moderator will be allowed to sign up to lead a session on any topic. The discussions that will be made available to anyone will be ones that do not require topic based training to lead. We will use the Support Session room for this project.

This means:

1) Discussion leaders will not have to sign up for the same time every week, it can be flexible.

2) Support Team Mentors and Teen Stars will still be required to lead one session on their topic every week however the day and time can change.

3) Other mods who lead sessions will not be required to lead one every week and they can sign up when they have time available! They will not be listed as Session Leaders in a specific subcom for leading a sessions in this room.

This is not required however we encourage leaders to make use of this opportunity if they feel it will be helpful. We are setting this up to share the load and ensure quality support for our members. We feel that this will allow leaders the time to get into their rooms and train up some amazing future leaders while really focusing on community building.

The events team on both adult and teen side will continue as normal as their sessions are only fun, community building events. All teams that are run by ambassadors or that do not currently have leaders will follow the mix and match format. All other team leaders will have a choice whether they would like to take up the opportunity or not.

For the time being we will be doing a trial on the teen side however if there are any adult Support Team Mentors that would like to use this opportunity please feel free to reach out to a Group Support Ambassador to discuss next steps. The trial will begin on the 1st of June 2019.

We will make another post to explain how you can get involved once we are ready and have had a chance to reach out to each of the Team Leaders. If you have any feedback or have any questions, feel free to leave it in this thread!

@Aly @Fluffyunicorns84 @Brilliantturtle89 @Erato

User Profile: Jill7Cups
Jill7Cups May 21st, 2019

@brilliantTurtle84 cheeky

3 replies
User Profile: brilliantTurtle89
brilliantTurtle89 May 22nd, 2019


Lol. Both wrong. brilliantTurtle89

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User Profile: Jill7Cups
Jill7Cups May 22nd, 2019

@brilliantTurtle89 lol omg utter fail on my part

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User Profile: fluffyUnicorns84
fluffyUnicorns84 May 22nd, 2019

@Jill7cups @brilliantturtle89

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User Profile: Jenna
Jenna May 28th, 2019


I love the flexibility option!

User Profile: SmileyPower
SmileyPower May 28th, 2019


I didnt get it surprise

I might have to read it again or else someone will need to explain me lol

1 reply
User Profile: krispykitty12
krispykitty12 May 28th, 2019

@SmileyPower I

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User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic May 28th, 2019

I am confused at the swopping of the terms Support Team Leader and Support Team Mentor? Are they interchangeable now?

Also like Smiley, I think I am confused a little? The heaviest work load IS the onboarding and trying to arrange times when it is convenient to get the training would-be Room Supporters, trained Room Supporters, and training mods into the Support room with the Support Team Leader and have practice and allow them to gain experience. Add to that when it is a pop-up support room then it can be a nightmare to organise as they can only go into the room when it is open and often the times are never convenient.

I can see that this might mean for instance that 'less intensive' discussions could be held in the support room by anyone that wants to, and signs up, thus increasing the traffic figures for that room? I think I need to work this through some more?

Listening .... One Step At A Time

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User Profile: fluffyUnicorns84
fluffyUnicorns84 May 28th, 2019

@MistyMagic I am confused by your reply - as support team mentor you would have a choice whether you choose to continue leading the discussions in your room or you switched to the mix and match system. If you choose that the mix and match option was for you then you would no longer be responsible for organising discussions.

Although I would suggest that the teen side of bipolar did follow the mix and match system as we have struggled to get interest on teen side to make a team.

It is nothing to do with increasing numbers etc , its about the fact that we have too many teams without leaders and teams struggling to find people to lead sessions. Therefore its become quite stressful for leaders and particularly the group support ambassadors who been trying to stand in for the missing leaders. This way more variety of discussions can be lead without concerns and also hopefully easier to lead when you do not have to commit to everyweek and you not restricted to leading just for your teams. Hopefully it will mean we provide lot more sessions for our members and they get the support they need in whatever topic it maybe.

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User Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates May 28th, 2019

@Lorraine234 sorry i dont really understand.

User Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates May 28th, 2019

does it mean the discussions will no longer being in our specific rooms?

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User Profile: fluffyUnicorns84
fluffyUnicorns84 May 28th, 2019

@vivelespatates if the team does not have a leader yes. But for the next month it is only the teen side anyways.

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo August 10th, 2019

@Lorraine234 The disability "getting to know you" is an hour guided discussion. Is this something that would still occur in the disability support room?

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User Profile: fluffyUnicorns84
fluffyUnicorns84 August 11th, 2019

@AffyAvo its not no <3 any of the support sessions/discussions will now be in support session room if they part of the mix and match team. So any team apart from events, 50+ and mindfulness on the adult side.

The rooms will just be for community building now, so open chats and lighthearted games & trivia etc.

* sorry i just re-read your question and realise you asked because its called gettingto know you , it will still be in support session as even though its called getting to know you its still a guided support session , rather than a session that is guided by the members of the room sharing what they wish.

4 replies
User Profile: RumpleSteeleSkin
RumpleSteeleSkin August 11th, 2019


H i Fluffs I hope ur well. I had mentioned that Mindfulness wants to be a part of the mix n match. The team is all for it. We are a strong community and have 3-4 discussions a week outside the other stuff. Please we like to also be included.................

2 replies
August 11th, 2019

@RumpleSteeleSkin Mindfulness is more than welcome to move into the mix and match format. This is something that most teams are included in. Mindfulness was only not included because it was shared here that they will not be taking part. If you would like to join you are more than welcome to contact me and we can do that for sure! Not a problem at all

1 reply
User Profile: RumpleSteeleSkin
RumpleSteeleSkin August 11th, 2019


Image result for GIF cartoon elephant dancing

hahaha I had to do it lol. Thanks Lor. I am doing so much now to upkeep, promote and encourage the team. They are so awesome and committed to doing their weekly things for the community. Please yes let's chatheart

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo August 11th, 2019

@fluffyUnicorns84 Thanks!

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