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Exploration Garden: New Rules to Foster a More Focused Exploration Environment
by ASilentObserver
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Hello everyone,  Exploration Garden (EG) group chat was introduced in July 2023 [] as an extended version of the Sharing Circle. Since then, EG has undergone multiple iterations and changes to improve it for everyone This post will share the next changes and updates regarding the Exploration Garden group chat.  We want to emphasize the key distinction between the Sharing Circle and Exploration Garden:  Sharing Circle []is a space to share with others primarily, here you can vent, get validation, and express your thoughts/feelings/experiences to share those with others. The exploration garden [] by contrast is not so much a place to share, but rather a place to gain assistance in exploring our thoughts/feelings/experiences, here we are trying to learn and explore, seeking new perspectives, new understandings, and deeper meanings. Based on the feedback received from the community and observations of trends within the group chat, we are rolling out the following changes to promote and foster an exploration environment in the EG.   1. EG will only be open when a facilitator is present. Without facilitation, the sessions tend to get off track, and unable to keep up with the guidelines for running an effective exploration session. Here is the updated schedule of the Exploration Garden session:  * Host-L stands for assigned listener host  * Host-M stands for covered by community mod * Red rows represent no coverage at the moment, so no session will take place during these hours until we onboard new hosts to lead those hours.  2.  Releasing an exploration guide for participants to understand how effective exploration works, the DOs and DONTs, Tips to get the most out of the session, and how to offer support to the sharers. Click here to access a copy of the exploration guide.  [] 3. If you want to join the Exploration Garden Hosting Team, you can now express your interest by filling out a short form here!  [] The new changes will be implemented w.e.f Sept 20, 2024.  If you have any questions, please feel free to share with us below in the thread or reach out to @Heather225 or me aka @ASilentObserver
2024: Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Hello and welcome everyone to Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individuals and communities to come together and celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in various ways.  The goal of the Gratitude Week is to take time and reflect on the many amazing things, and people we have in our lives. Practicing gratitude could positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people. There are so many ways that you can be thankful on World Gratitude Day. It can simply include: * Being thankful that you have woken up and experienced a brand new day.  * If you have a pet, your pet is worthy of your gratitude.  * You can also be thankful for beautiful nature for beautiful sunrises, sunsets, or simply how different seasons bring unique experiences. * You can be thankful for the people around you or in the community that you encountered and made your day better even if for a moment.  So we invite you to join us in Gratitude Week to be thankful in a few ways:  * Engage in any or all of the following activities and let us know in the comments below what did you and when.  * Send at least 7 empathetic private messages  to listeners/members * Post or reply 7 empathetic posts in any thread in the community with the hashtag #Gratitude2024 * Send 7 supportive comments or phrases in the group support (both members /listeners group chats) * Participate in a “Thank you to” Chain to appreciate or give a shout-out to anyone and tag 3 friends to join the chain. You can give thank you to anyone including yourself.  The thread will be created and linked here.  * Join in the following Group Discussions: at 12.30 pm Eastern (Adults), 1 pm (Teens) * Showing Appreciation & Gratitude (Monday) * Empathy  (Tuesday) * Do you know Self-compassion (Wednesday) * The power of thank you (Thursday) The sessions will take place in Positivity Corner Group Chat We look forward to celebrating  World Gratitude Day with you. Join us! 
Wellness Accountability Huddles: Apply Now!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 26th
...See more Ready to Transform Your Wellness with Accountability? Setting specific health and wellness goals is an effective way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. These can include goals like exercising regularly, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or finding time for mindfulness. Having a defined time frame adds structure, helping you stay focused and committed as you work toward achieving these goals. Ask yourself right now: what do you want to improve on in your life? Tips to Make Your Wellness Goals Easy to Track and Follow Through With: * Make your goal specific and measurable. For example, "do 30 minutes of exercise each day" or "read 1 chapter of my book each day". Specific and measurable goals are easier to track. * Keep it simple! Avoid overwhelming yourself by starting small. Committing to 1-3 daily tasks can make it more manageable and sustainable. Now, how does this apply to 7 Cups, and being accountable? You’re much more likely to succeed when you share your progress with others, and that’s where our Wellness Accountability Huddles come in. A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Wellness Accountability Huddles. The Huddle journey will last for 5 weeks. The expected launch dates of these Huddles are within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have around 20-30 members. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. 3 huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of users in the current round, and we hope to onboard further interested users when the first “batch” is completed.  * This Huddle opportunity is available for members only. Listeners are encouraged to switch to a member account to participate. * This Huddle is currently open to adult users only.  Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! Here is what you can expect during your Huddle journey: Week 1 - Introductions Week 2 - Embracing Goals (and starting to share our progress) Week 3 - The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care Week 4 - Managing Setbacks Week 5 - Celebrating Progress  The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share the goals you are interested in as well as some commitment to work on some progress while sharing it. You are open to hearing other people’s stories and goals and will treat each of your peers with respect.  Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
Wellness Accountability Huddles: Apply Now!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 26th
...See more Ready to Transform Your Wellness with Accountability? Setting specific health and wellness goals is an effective way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. These can include goals like exercising regularly, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or finding time for mindfulness. Having a defined time frame adds structure, helping you stay focused and committed as you work toward achieving these goals. Ask yourself right now: what do you want to improve on in your life? Tips to Make Your Wellness Goals Easy to Track and Follow Through With: * Make your goal specific and measurable. For example, "do 30 minutes of exercise each day" or "read 1 chapter of my book each day". Specific and measurable goals are easier to track. * Keep it simple! Avoid overwhelming yourself by starting small. Committing to 1-3 daily tasks can make it more manageable and sustainable. Now, how does this apply to 7 Cups, and being accountable? You’re much more likely to succeed when you share your progress with others, and that’s where our Wellness Accountability Huddles come in. A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Wellness Accountability Huddles. The Huddle journey will last for 5 weeks. The expected launch dates of these Huddles are within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have around 20-30 members. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. 3 huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of users in the current round, and we hope to onboard further interested users when the first “batch” is completed.  * This Huddle opportunity is available for members only. Listeners are encouraged to switch to a member account to participate. * This Huddle is currently open to adult users only.  Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! Here is what you can expect during your Huddle journey: Week 1 - Introductions Week 2 - Embracing Goals (and starting to share our progress) Week 3 - The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care Week 4 - Managing Setbacks Week 5 - Celebrating Progress  The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share the goals you are interested in as well as some commitment to work on some progress while sharing it. You are open to hearing other people’s stories and goals and will treat each of your peers with respect.  Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
Huddles Season 4: Applications Now Open!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
June 16th, 2023
...See more A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Season 4 of Huddles with several topic based Huddles to sign up for. As the number of participants per Huddle are limited, we encourage you to apply to only 1 Huddle at a time. The expected launch dates of these Huddles is within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have 7+ members. Your Huddle peers have a shared interest in the same topic, with varied experiences. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. Multiple huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of 7+ users. Each group will also allow up to 3 listeners to join in order to help everyone explore the topic. As Huddles are all about exploration and support, listeners may also share their personal reflections and experiences while supporting others. Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! * The huddle group chat will feature 2-3 prompts per week surrounding different themes and topics during the guided journey. Once the guided Huddle journey is over, you will be able to stay in touch with the new connections if the group votes to keep the chat open. The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share some of your story, are open to hearing other people’s stories, and treat each of your peers with respect. Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share about your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Season 4 Huddle Topics All of these Huddles will have a 6-week guided journey: * Women’s Issues: Connect with other women experiencing different challenges and learn how to cope with change, embrace emotions, and develop resilience. * Men’s Issues: Connect with other men to explore how to deal with male challenges, cope with change and develop resilience as you grow together. * Wellness and Accountability: Join the wellness goals challenge in which you can set your own wellness goals and challenge yourself to achieve them within a certain time period while discovering the power of mindfulness, self-care with a support group cheering you on. * Work Stress: Explore your stress triggers and discover coping strategies to try out while supporting one another. * Anxiety Support: Learn more about your anxiety while exploring your triggers and develop management techniques as you seek support. * Relationship Support: Self-reflect and seek support for relationship challenges as you explore communication and conflict resolution skills. * Intermittent Fasting: Set personal goals, explore mindfulness and celebrate achievement as you practice intermittent fasting as a group. Please note that you will need to consult a medical professional about your eligibility for intermittent fasting prior to joining the group. Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
Huddles Season 2.5: Sign Up to Make More Connections!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
January 25th, 2023
...See more Hi everyone, After 2 successful Huddle seasons, we have upgraded our Huddles structures and protocols and are excited to announce 2 shorter Huddles for the upcoming holiday season!. What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group chat where 10-20 participants regularly chat to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over 6 weeks. Some of the new changes for this season include the private group chats being open 24/7, upgraded therapeutic protocols, and adding in listeners! Goals and Benefits * Explore issues in more depth * Feel less alone and more supported * Learn from other participants * Receive consistently high-quality listening support Structure of a Huddle Each huddle group will share access to a private group chat and forum community with weekly discussions, topics to explore and activities to try. Huddlers will also get access to the Common Room (a group chat) to connect with Huddlers from other groups. Each huddle will also have 5+ listeners who will be there to support the deeper exploration of the topics discussed while gaining connections in the process as well. Huddle topics * Wellness Huddle * Self-Care Huddle Who Can Sign-Up? Are you interested in being a Huddler and want to experience powerful discussions and closer interactions with users? This opportunity might interest you if you: * Are a member who is ready to commit to 6 weeks of exploring the huddle topic that you choose - both new and older members can sign up! Your huddle connections will hopefully last for a long time even after the official agenda items have been explored. * Are impacted by the available huddle topics and feel like the huddle experience can benefit you. * Are interested in sharing your own story while participating in a group where other users are also exploring a similar topic. As a Huddler you are encouraged to support others, ask supportive questions, or share reflections regarding your personal experiences as well as reflections that may benefit the group. Our huddles focus on deeper exploration to promote reflection and exchange of ideas. As a Huddler, you are not obliged to answer questions that make you uncomfortable. Note that because we continue to explore the potential of such private groups, we will ask for feedback at different stages. Your feedback will be used by admins to improve this feature and will always be valued. We hope to launch this next season of Huddles during the coming week of December 12th. Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here []. Are you a Listener willing to join? Read more here [].
Huddles Season 2.5: Sign Up to Make More Connections while Applying Listener Skills!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
December 11th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone, After 2 successful Huddle seasons, we have upgraded our Huddles structures and protocol and are excited to announce 2 Huddles for the season’s holidays. What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group where 10-20 participants regularly chat to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over 6 weeks. Structure of a Huddle Each huddle group will have access to a private group chat and forum community with weekly discussion topics. Huddlers also get access to the Common Room (another group chat) to connect with other Huddlers from other groups. Each huddle will also have 5+ listeners. Huddles Topics * Wellness Huddle * Self-Care Huddle The Role of a Listener in a Huddle As a listener, you’ll be applying your active listening skills within a group environment and with other listeners. It’s a chance to amplify your impact and reach more people. An effective listener promotes group discussions, encourages members to share, and asks open questions that make it easier for members to more deeply explore the topic at hand. Listeners are not expected to be experts in the chosen topic. The primary role of a listener is to ensure a safe and open environment for participants to interact and explore a shared topic. This will look like: * Using active listening skills and empathy in the private group chat and forum space. * Getting to know users and asking questions that help them explore the topic, their concerns and situations. * Building powerful supportive relationships with your group and sharing your own thoughts on weekly agenda topics. Prompting new conversations and activities that you think will benefit the group. In addition, you will get to work closely with our admin team and receive mentorship and support. What is Deeper Exploration? Deeper exploration is about trying to further understand what each person is experiencing and why. It is also about exploring how the experiences of Huddlers relate to each other and learning from these connections. It is not about diagnosing a problem, giving advice or stating your views on another Huddler’s experience. Here are some great ways of exploring topics more deeply: * Descriptions - asking users to describe and clarify in more detail * Emotions - how did it make you feel? Why did it make you feel that way? * Analysing the experience - was there a trigger point that made you feel differently? What do you think caused this to happen? * Be inclusive - direct questions to the whole group where possible. How do we all feel about [topic]? In general, the key is to be interested and curious. Asking further questions and discussing what's going on is encouraged in Huddles! Interested? Listeners can sign up here []
Huddles Season 2: Sign Up to Participate in a Closed Group!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
October 8th, 2022
...See more After the successful completion of our first ever Huddles season, we are excited to launch season 2 with many more closed groups to participate in! This season, we have also introduced one teen huddle group! What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks. Goals and Benefits * Feel less alone and more supported * Explore issues in more depth * Learn from other participants * Receive consistently high-quality listening support Structure of a Huddle A huddle will have 10 members (called Huddlers) and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Facilitators are trained listeners/leaders who will be facilitating the huddle and ensuring that it remains a safe, effective space. Different huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each Huddle session will last for one hour, in a closed private group chatroom at 7 Cups. Users will also have access to a Huddler forum space. Currently Available Huddles Huddle Name Meeting Day Time Mindfulness Support 1 Wednesday 1 PM - 2 PM EDT LGBTQ+ Support Tuesday 11 AM - 12 PM EDT Disability Support Monday 2 - 3 PM EDT Chronic Pain Support Thursday 4 - 5 PM EDT Writing for Wellness Friday 11 AM - 12 PM EDT Autism Support Monday 11 AM - 12 PM EDT Self-Care and Compassion Monday 7 - 8 PM EDT Anxiety Support 1 Monday 12 PM - 1 PM EDT Stress Management Wednesday 6 - 7 PM EDT Positive Focus Friday 9 - 10 PM EDT Social Anxiety Support Friday 9 - 10 AM EDT Loneliness Support Monday 8 - 9 PM EDT Student Life Support (TEENS ONLY) Wednesday 6 - 7 PM EDT We are now recruiting members for these different huddles - users who will not get accepted at this time will remain on our waiting list, and we aim to contact them as soon as a spot or other opportunities are open. Who Can Sign-Up? Are you interested in being a huddle participant to experience powerful discussions and closer interactions with users? This opportunity might interest you if you: * Are a member who is ready to commit to 8-weeks of exploring the huddle topic that you choose - both new and older members can sign up! * Are available to attend all the huddle meetings - please note that participants will lose their participating privileges if they do not show up for the sessions. * Are impacted by the available huddle topics and feel like the huddle experience can benefit you. * Are interested in and able to share your own story and growth while participating in a group wherein users are also exploring a similar topic. As a huddle user, you will be asked to support other huddle users, ask supportive questions, or share reflections regarding your personal experiences as well as reflections that may benefit the group. * Note that because we continue to explore the potential of such closed groups, we will ask for feedback at different stages. Your feedback will be used by admins to improve this feature and will always be valued. Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here []. Please note that we aim to launch these Huddle groups within 2 weeks. We look forward to your interest!
Meeting Monday
by LostAutistic87
Last post
October 4th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone I have a meeting on monday with my department manager, I told her about being diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder and she wants to do a risk assessment with me. The form is an SRA form. I can’t find anything online about it and it’s stressing me out. i have been on antidepressants now for 5 days and I’m starting to doubt if I have depression at all. There isn’t anything that I can pin point that could be the cause of it. I’m also autistic so the over thinking and anxiety doesn’t help what do you guys think?
7 Cups Huddles: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 28th, 2022
...See more 7 Cups Huddles are our latest closed group support type at 7 Cups, where the same members (Huddlers) meet up for 1hr (and other times) every week over 8 weeks. This helps participants build closer connections, feel less alone, explore issues in more depth and learn from one another while being supported by trained facilitators. What is a Huddle? A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks. How is a Huddle structured? A huddle will have up to 10 members and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Facilitators are trained listeners/leaders who will be facilitating the huddle and ensuring that it remains a safe, effective space. Different Huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each huddle will focus on one topic and last for either 60 or 90 minutes Previous Huddles have focused on topics like anxiety, relationship stress, and mindfulness. Often, a Huddle session will have a specific topic that is explored and discussed. Most sessions start with each participant sharing an update from their week. Can I join a Huddle that has already begun? Yes, you are allowed to join a huddle that has commenced up to the 4-week mark - you will find previous session summaries and activities in your forum space and can reach out to your fellow Huddlers and facilitators for support in catching up! Current Huddle information is available here [] How are Huddles different from other 7 Cups Group Chat? The Huddles are closed groups so only the selected members and facilitators have access to the group room. As the same participants attend every week, it makes it easy to build new connections with each other. Participants are selected based on a shared interest/focus area and their level of commitment to the Huddle The meetings involve an agenda that is personalized for group needs. Other group chat rooms at 7 Cups are open groups where anyone can join and contribute to multiple conversations and support happening simultaneously. Different open groups have different purposes. How can I suggest Huddle topics and meeting times? You can suggest Huddle topics and your availability for meeting times by filling out the sign-up/topic suggestion form [] Feedback from Current Huddlers “The group is supportive and it feels really nice to have this moment during the week.” “I am happy to discover what works for others and adapt their techniques to incorporate them into my life.” “Amazing facilitators and educators. We have a good group of supportive people who want to do their best and grow in this area.” Do you have any more questions? Reply to this thread with questions and we will answer them and update this main post with common questions!
Huddles Season 2: Sign Up as a Facilitator for a Closed Group!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 8th, 2022
...See more After our successful end of our trial run of closed groups called Huddles, we are ready to start working on season 2 of the 7 Cups Huddles project. We have used our first experience to work on finalizing the best structure and other aspects of these closed groups. Research indicates that recurring group meet-ups - where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests for 8 weeks - can be helpful for mental health. Our users and facilitators agree - and now, you can also join this project not as a leader gaining experience, but as another Huddler (Huddles participant) forming closer connections! What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks. Goals for a Huddle * Feel less alone and more supported * Explore issues in more depth * Learn from other participants * Receive consistently high-quality listening support Structure of a Huddle A huddle will have 10 members and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Different huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each huddle session will focus on one topic and last for 60 minutes. There will be one Huddle closed-group session per week, but all users and facilitators will have a private forum space to stay connected. Our initial 6 huddle groups included the following topics: Relationship Support, Anxiety Support, and Mindfulness Support. The Role of a Facilitator An effective facilitator promotes group discussions, interaction, sharing, and exploration. Discussions are powerful and helpful mechanisms for active learning, recognizing patterns, various challenges, and ways to tackle them. Group chats facilitate the exploration of new ideas while getting comfortable acknowledging, valuing, and embracing everyone’s thoughts and contributions. Facilitators are not expected to be experts in the chosen topic or to be behavior coaches. The primary role of a facilitator is to ensure a safe and open environment for participants to interact and explore a shared topic. The Role of a Co-Facilitator Co-Facilitators share the role of a facilitator and can be viewed as an additional support leader in the group. When 2 leaders lead a closed group, they can support one another as well as provide efficient support to the group. Who Can Be a Facilitator/Co-Facilitator Are you interested in leading a huddle and fostering powerful discussions and interactions? The facilitator role might interest you if you: * Have an idea for a Huddle group that can benefit from being run as a closed group for better support and other benefits. * Are able to fully commit to being responsible for leading the group for 8 weeks - this is important because the group flow will depend on your presence as the facilitator. * Have experience with the topic you select and are interested in supporting others with their experiences regarding the topics. * Are interested in being part of members’ journey of self-exploration and growth. * Are dedicated to ensuring a safe, therapeutic space by ensuring an inclusive environment for all participants (Training/Guidelines will be provided). How to Sign Up as a Facilitator We encourage you to apply for this key role if you: * Are a Verified Listener, OR * Have already been a Group Support Leader at 7 Cups - including group moderators, room supporters, and Sharing Circle hosts, OR * Academy Graduate, OR * Peer Supporter Please note that being able to commit to being present as a leader for 8 weeks and having some experience or passion for the support topic are important factors to keep in mind too! Recommended Time Slots for Huddles While will consider your personal availability, we encourage you to run your Huddle groups during these times which are recommended due to interested users’ availability. All of these times are in the Eastern Daylight Timezone (EDT - New York) * Mondays from 9 AM - 12 PM * Mondays from 3 - 9 PM * Wednesdays from 6 - 9 PM * Fridays from 9 AM - 12 PM * Fridays from 9 PM - 12 AM What Topics Can A Huddle Cover? We are ready to consider Huddles for both support as well as lighthearted topics. We will help you finalize the topic as well as its overview and per session agenda before the official launch. For now, you are welcome to sign up with any ideas. Here are some topic suggestions: Books, Music, Movies, General Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Grief, Loneliness, Autism, Stress Management, Parenting. We are currently finalizing the following topics with confirmed facilitators: Mindfulness, LGBTQ+, Disability, as well as a writing/journaling based group. We would love co-facilitators for the following topics: Autism, LGBTQ+ Benefits of Being a Facilitator As mentioned above, facilitators can be a guiding force towards fostering positive, therapeutic discussions. The structure of a huddle makes it easy to amplify your efforts - you can reach many members at the same time. And you will be supported by your fellow facilitator and the group’s members too. Other benefits include: * Get a Certificate to acknowledge your efforts which you can attach to your resume as a unique volunteering effort. * Get to work closely with 7 Cups community admins and develop your leadership skills. Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here []. Note: We are looking forward to having these Huddles launched during September. Please ensure your availability before sending in your application.
How to make a huddle
by cheerfulAngel7961
Last post
September 6th, 2022
...See more How can I make a huddle?
7 Cups Huddles: Sign Up as a Facilitator for our first Teen Closed Group!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 1st, 2022
...See more After the successful end of our trial run of closed groups called Huddles, we are ready to start working on season 2 of the 7 Cups Huddles project. We have used our first experience to work on finalizing the best structure and other aspects of these closed groups. This season will mark our very first Teen Huddle group. Research indicates that recurring group meet-ups - where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests for 8 weeks - can be helpful for mental health. Our users and facilitators agree - and now, you can also join this project not as a leader gaining experience, but as another Huddler (Huddles participant) forming closer connections! What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks. Goals for a Huddle * Feel less alone and more supported * Explore issues in more depth * Learn from other participants * Receive consistently high-quality listening support Structure of a Huddle A huddle will have 10 members and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Different huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each huddle session will focus on one topic and last for 60 minutes. There will be one Huddle closed-group session per week, but all users and facilitators will have a private forum space to stay connected. Our initial 6 huddle groups included the following topics: Relationship Support, Anxiety Support, and Mindfulness Support. The Role of a Facilitator An effective facilitator promotes group discussions, interaction, sharing, and exploration. Discussions are powerful and helpful mechanisms for active learning, recognizing patterns, various challenges, and ways to tackle them. Group chats facilitate the exploration of new ideas while getting comfortable acknowledging, valuing, and embracing everyone’s thoughts and contributions. Facilitators are not expected to be experts in the chosen topic or to be behavior coaches. The primary role of a facilitator is to ensure a safe and open environment for participants to interact and explore a shared topic. The Role of a Co-Facilitator Co-Facilitators share the role of a facilitator and can be viewed as an additional support leader in the group. When 2 leaders lead a closed group, they can support one another as well as provide efficient support to the group. Who Can Be a Facilitator/Co-Facilitator Are you interested in leading a huddle and fostering powerful discussions and interactions? The facilitator role might interest you if you: * Have an idea for a Huddle group that can benefit from being run as a closed group for better support and other benefits. * Are able to fully commit to being responsible for leading the group for 8 weeks - this is important because the group flow will depend on your presence as the facilitator. * Have experience with the topic you select and are interested in supporting others with their experiences regarding the topics. * Are interested in being part of members’ journey of self-exploration and growth. * Are dedicated to ensuring a safe, therapeutic space by ensuring an inclusive environment for all participants (Training/Guidelines will be provided). How to Sign Up as a Facilitator We encourage you to apply for this key role if you: * Are a Verified Listener, OR Adult-Teen Listener * Have already been a Group Support Leader at 7 Cups - including group moderators, room supporters, and Sharing Circle hosts, OR * Academy Graduate, OR * Peer Supporter Please note that being able to commit to being present as a leader for 8 weeks and having some experience or passion for the support topic are important factors to keep in mind too! Recommended Time Slots for Huddles While will consider your personal availability, we encourage you to run your Huddle groups during these times which are recommended due to interested users’ availability. All of these times are in the Eastern Daylight Timezone (EDT - New York) * Mondays from 9 AM - 12 PM * Mondays from 3 - 9 PM * Wednesdays from 6 - 9 PM * Fridays from 9 AM - 12 PM * Fridays from 9 PM - 12 AM Huddle Topic Since we are only launching only one teen closed group for this round, the topic is Student Life and will involve coping with school and more subtopics. We will be collaborating on finalizing weekly overviews and session agendas in advance before the official launch of the group. Benefits of Being a Facilitator As mentioned above, facilitators can be a guiding force towards fostering positive, therapeutic discussions. The structure of a huddle makes it easy to amplify your efforts - you can reach many members at the same time. And you will be supported by your fellow facilitator and the group’s members too. Other benefits include: * Get a Certificate to acknowledge your efforts which you can attach to your resume as a unique volunteering effort. * Get to work closely with 7 Cups community admins and develop your leadership skills. Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here []. Note: We are looking forward to having these Huddles launched during September. Please ensure your availability before sending in your application.
7 Cups Huddles: Volunteer as a Facilitator for a Closed Group!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
August 15th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone, I am very excited to test a new type of group support which we have called Huddles. This new type of group is inspired by research indicating that recurring group meet-ups - where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests for 8 weeks - can be helpful for mental health. What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks. Goals for a Huddle * Feel less alone and more supported * Explore issues in more depth * Learn from other participants * Receive consistently high-quality listening support Structure of a Huddle A huddle will have 10 members and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Different huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each huddle will focus on one topic and last for either 60 or 90 minutes. Our initial huddle groups include the following topics: Relationship Support, Anxiety Support, and Mindfulness Support. The Role of a Facilitator An effective facilitator promotes group discussions, interaction, sharing, and exploration. Discussions are powerful and helpful mechanisms for active learning, recognizing patterns, various challenges, and ways to tackle them. Group chats facilitate the exploration of new ideas while getting comfortable acknowledging, valuing, and embracing everyone’s thoughts and contributions. Facilitators are not expected to be experts in the chosen topic or to be behavior coaches. The primary role of a facilitator is to ensure a safe and open environment for participants to interact and explore a shared topic. The Role of a Co-Facilitator Co-Facilitators share the role of a facilitator and can be viewed as an additional support leader in the group. When 2 leaders lead a closed group, they can support one another as well as provide efficient support to the group. Who Can Be a Facilitator/Co-Facilitator Are you interested in leading a huddle and fostering powerful discussions and interactions? The facilitator role might interest you if you: * Are able to fully commit to being responsible for leading the group for 8 weeks - this is important because the group flow will depend on your presence as the facilitator. * Have experience with the above-mentioned topics and are interested in supporting others with their experiences regarding the topics. * Are interested in being part of members’ journey of self-exploration and growth. * Are dedicated to ensuring a safe, therapeutic space by ensuring an inclusive environment for all participants (Training/Guidelines will be provided). How to Sign Up as a Facilitator For this trial of Huddles, we encourage you to apply for this key role if you: * Are a Verified Listener, OR * Have already been a Group Support Leader at 7 Cups - including group moderators, room supporters, and Sharing Circle hosts, OR * Academy Graduate, OR * Peer Supporter Please note that being able to commit to being present as a leader for 8 weeks and having some experience or passion for the support topic are important factors to keep in mind too! To ensure you are able to commit to a certain group, here are some proposed time slots in which we will be running these prospective Huddles: We are looking for facilitators/co-facilitators for the Open slots in the above table. Benefits of Being a Facilitator As mentioned above, facilitators can be a guiding force towards fostering positive, therapeutic discussions. The structure of a huddle makes it easy to amplify your efforts - you can reach many members at the same time. And you will be supported by your fellow facilitator and the group’s members too. Other benefits: * Get a Certificate to acknowledge your efforts which you can attach to your resume as a unique volunteering effort. * Get a personalized recommendation on LinkedIn detailing your participation and contribution as a facilitator. * Get to work closely with 7 Cups community admins and develop your leadership skills. Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here. [] Please note that we will be onboarding facilitators by the 20th of June and our Huddles launch is expected to be on the 27th of June. Note: We will be launching several other closed groups soon! Feel free to suggest topics that you would like to lead a group for (or that you think we should cater for)!
7 Cups Huddles: Sign Up to Participate in a Closed Group!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
August 5th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone, I am very excited to test a new type of group support which we have called Huddles. This new type of group is inspired by research indicating that recurring group meet-ups - where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests for 8 weeks - can be helpful for mental health. What are Huddles? A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks. Goals and Benefits * Feel less alone and more supported * Explore issues in more depth * Learn from other participants * Receive consistently high-quality listening support Structure of a Huddle A huddle will have 10 members and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Facilitators are trained listeners/leaders who will be facilitating the huddle and ensuring that it remains a safe, effective space. Different huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each huddle will focus on one topic and last for either 60 or 90 minutes. Our initial huddle groups include the following topics and times: Huddle Name Meeting Day(s) Time Relationship Stress 1 Mondays 8-9 PM EDT Relationship Stress 2 Mondays and Fridays 10 AM - 11:30 AM EDT Anxiety Support 1 Tuesdays 8-9 AM EDT Anxiety Support 2 Tuesdays and Saturdays 6-7:30 PM EDT Mindfulness Support 1 Mondays 1-2:30 PM EDT Mindfulness Support 2 Tuesdays and Saturdays 12 PM - 1 PM EDT We are now recruiting members for these different huddles - users who will not get accepted at this time will remain on our waiting list, and we aim to launch more huddles soon. Who Can Sign-Up? Are you interested in being a huddle participant to experience powerful discussions and closer interactions with users? This opportunity might interest you if you: * Are a member who is ready to commit to 8-weeks of exploring the huddle topic that you choose - both new and older members can sign up! * Are available to attend all the huddle meetings - please note that participants will lose their participating privileges if they do not show up for the sessions. * Are impacted by the available huddle topics and feel like the huddle experience can benefit you. * Are interested in and able to share your own story and growth while participating in a group wherein users are also exploring a similar topic. As a huddle user, you will be asked to support other huddle users, ask supportive questions, or share reflections regarding your personal experiences as well as reflections that may benefit the group. * Note that because this is a trial to explore the potential of such closed groups, we will ask for feedback at different stages. Your feedback will be used by admins to improve this feature and will always be valued. Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here []. Please note that we will be officially conducting the Huddles starting June 27th - we will update this post if the launch gets postponed. Note: We will be launching several other closed groups soon! Feel free to suggest topics that you would like to participate in a group for (or that you think we should cater for)!

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