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Passed away

July 7th, 2024

A family member passed away and now I feel so sad and broken. Sorry I didn't know where to put this. I'm not talking to many people. Sorry if this is a stupid problem. 

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul July 9th, 2024

@Readinggirl2 This isn't a stupid problem at all! I am so sorry for your loss. It's not easy losing a family member. It can be hard to talk to people about how we're feeling because sometimes it can be complicated. Or sometimes we'll try to talk to someone and they might not fully understand because they've never lost anyone. It's ok to be sad - I mean I'm sorry that you are of course - but it's ok to feel however you feel. There no timeline with grief. And some days you might feel angry and some days you might not feel anything at all. It's all normal.

Try to be patient and gentle with yourself right now ok? 

We do have a grief and loss community Here too. You're welcome to check it out and post something there if you're up to it. There's people here that understand what you're going through 💙

2 replies
July 11th, 2024

@mytwistedsoul Thank you so much for your reply. 

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul July 12th, 2024

@Readinggirl2 You're welcome! 

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User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic July 12th, 2024

@Readinggirl2 I'm so sorry for your loss. I think that Soul has said it all really in a situation that there really aren't any words that can help.  I know I have lost people and the pain is still there but it does get better, but slowly. Sending you much love and warm wishes to you and your loved ones.

User Profile: Giamargaritaaa
Giamargaritaaa July 12th, 2024

@Readinggirl2 I’m sorry to hear that. It’s a hard time but you have people to support you on here. 

User Profile: BrewedStardust1111
BrewedStardust1111 July 12th, 2024

Grief is not a stupid problem. I’m sorry you lost your loved one sometimes it feels like a part of yourself is missing. I wish I could say it eventually goes away, but it doesn’t. You just kind of learn to live with it.

User Profile: pinkPine1354
pinkPine1354 July 13th, 2024

@Readinggirl2 So sorry for your loss. I know loosing someone is the worst feeling in the world. I lost my dad and grandma a year apart from eachother. Not from covid. If you want to talk to me I would listen to you? Stay strong 🖤

User Profile: bree849
bree849 July 13th, 2024

@readinggirl2 I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your family member. I agree with the other users on here, that grief is not a stupid question/topic. Having gone through it myself, grief and all the confusing, complicated emotions that it come with it are just the unfortunate byproducts of our fierce, enduring love for someone even after they have passed on. The pain, sadness and brokenness are all valid. There definitely is no "right" way to grieve and some days it might feel like grief goes in a loop rather than a straight line but please know that you're not alone and we're all here to support you through each and every new stage of it. Hugs x

User Profile: politeDay
politeDay July 16th, 2024

Hang in there. I can understand .. when I lost my father. I felt the same way .. for a time it was unbelievable cry as much as you feel like .. it's okay

User Profile: lovingSea
lovingSea July 27th, 2024

Nothing is stupid dear, we all went through this! It's ok you can do this!

It's ok to grieve and cry just to let the feeling out instead of keeping it which can take a bad toll on your health! Try and get yourself busy always remember the good and funny memories with the person who passed away! My sister in law passed away last week due to cancer! I saw her struggling and fighting for her life but cancer won unfortunately!

User Profile: wandamx26
wandamx26 August 11th, 2024

I am so sorry about that. My grandma passed away this week and I feel plenty of regret not spending time with her in her final moments. My dad doesn't have the same feeling and emotions as me. He just sounded casual when he announced it. 

User Profile: ShellyZz
ShellyZz August 12th, 2024

@Readinggirl2 I'm so sorry for your loss.  It is not a stupid problem at all.  Just know grieving is natural.  And everyone grieves differently.  Take it a day at a time.