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Most Validating Thing...

DichotomousDetia April 12th, 2022

What's the most Validating thing someone has said to you that you can remember?

How did it make you feel?
Did it help you in anyway?
Have you validated others?

Feel free to come back and add more if you have new validating experiences!

What is validation?

"Emotional validation is the process of learning about, understanding, and expressing acceptance of another person's emotional experience. Emotional validation is distinguished from emotional invalidation, when a person's emotional experiences are rejected, ignored, or judged." - VeryWellMind.Com-Validation

Dallady April 19th, 2022

It’s okay to not be okay.

SilverSeastar April 19th, 2022


It was from someone very dear to me. They've said this multiple times in different ways:

"I uncovered another part of you. A more delicate, broken, difficult, but still beautiful part of your personality and life."

I felt truly heard and seen. They acknowledged that I was struggling. It meant a lot that they saw so much of me and didn't shy away. Instead, they were still able to see beauty in the real me when even I didn't. They really helped me build faith in myself. I also learnt that trust doesn't always lead to getting hurt.

I always try to validate others when I'm listening. I like to pay attention to what they feel because sometimes it's overlooked. All feelings matter; they matter. I don't have to physically feel the same way, but I can understand them and express that I accept them, I am here with them.

audienta April 19th, 2022


There are more than one thing. For example, it makes me feel validated when someone really listens to me, shows me that they care or tells me that they like it when I'm around.

I try to validate others by actively listening to them and supporting them as well as possible.

DichotomousDetia OP May 2nd, 2022


Active listening is a huge part of validation in my experience! Thank you for sharing!

MyNameIsNicole April 19th, 2022


um, someone once said ''I felt a bit shy to say this to the group but I don't mind telling you because you know I can always tell you anything''.

That meant more than she knew.

TheResilientDancer April 19th, 2022

I am enough as I am

EmmaE April 20th, 2022


you're perfect the way you are

intuitiveShip4574 May 8th, 2022

When I was suffering from depression, oneday my sister suddenly told me, " SIs you look like a dead person."

It really hit me hard. That's was when I felt the most understood and loved.

DichotomousDetia OP May 17th, 2022


Sometimes having someone acknowledge and hold space for the pain we have can be incredibly validating. I'm really glad you shared this, thank you!

nupur99 July 13th, 2022