If you had three wishes which can be fulfilled, what would you wish for?
Three wishes :
1. Positive, peace-oriented and sustainable thinking brain for all in the world.
2. Healty food to become as tasty/delicious/mouth-watering as junk food and vice versa.
3. Travellng becomes as easy and comfortable as living.
There are other wishes, but for now I suppose these wishes could help restore the earthly balance.
1) To have everything off of my wishlist.
2) To have enough money to live comfortably and help others if they needed it.
3) To have a normal mind.
1. Love
2. Acceptance
3. Value as a human being
But since that's all impossible my real answer is death. Kill me.
Love, acceptance and value as a human being *hugs tluper* Sounds like you are going through a lot, please stay strong tluper! I hope things get better for you, wishing you the best.
what makes you feel this way?
I'm an unemployable disabled male. I'm literally useless to society and impossible to love.
I'm only talking about myself by the way. I don't think like this about anyone else. In my mind I'm a worthless crippled failure and everybody else will see me the same way I see myself or worse. In my mind I expect people to think because I'm a disabled male who can't work I'm useless to society and not worth loving because I can't provide a good life for anyone. I don't think like this about other disabled people, only myself. I hate myself.
It must be so hard to deal with these difficult emotions. tluper. *offers hugs, if you accept them*
Your emotions, struggles and pain are totally valid. Even though at present it must be hard to believe or accept anything I am about to say but you may consider at some point if it makes sense to you: One's failure, struggles and abilities need not define their worth. I believe each and every person is worthy of being respected, loved (considering love in a universal way not just in a romantic way) and accepted. And, sometimes to believe these things we may need to begin with ourselves - respecting ourselves, loving ourselves (if not love at least being empathetic with ourselves) and accepting ourselves the way we are so that we can be open to receive compassion and empathy from outside.
It seems like you maybe going through so much difficulties and pain which is making you be so hard on yourself, tluper. *sending you lots of strength, universal love, blessings and good vibes on your way*
@tluper6491 I am really sorry you had to go through that. You how during -4° winter people think, summer's never coming; but it does!
Just hang in there, we all love you, and respect you so much. Trust me, everything will be alright!❤️♥️
1. To change 2 things about my past
2. To be a witch
3. For justice and prevention of abuse to be real
1. 1) to have had more time with my dad 2) to have left my ex sooner and been brave enough to talk to my now boyfriend
2. To heal and protect the earth
3. I can't help the people I care about and reading the news breaks my heart....
That can be fulfilled, hm...
1. As many close friends and people who have a crush on me as I want
2. Automatic acceptance into all my favorite colleges
3. Unlimited amount of money!
@Starmedia No more COVID, no more wars, no more shortages
Three wishes:
1. Win the lottery. . . so I can get my old land back, build a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with game room and pool. Cats and charties
2. Help out my boyfriend and his mom
3. Always have food and every bill paid, situations are always taken care of