If you had three wishes which can be fulfilled, what would you wish for?
@Starmedia for people to be kinder/more forgiving, a more equal world, and for everyone to feel supported :)
@Starmedia my 3 wishes are:
1)To get back to being the person who used to be happy.
2) less hatred
3) less anxiety
I'd wish for Happiness, perfect health, and forgiveness.
I would wish for perfect physical health.
I would have good balance.
I would wish to be able to take drives and take pictures.
— finances taken care of
— happiness and security for all of my loved ones
— a worldwide change in attitude toward minorities
@Starmedia to end homelessness to end world hunger and for peace across the world
to feel content and sit still
for everyone to feel at peace in their minds
to be wealthy so I can buy as much coffee as I want hehe