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Every Pain Hides A…

Snowy00 February 4th

Everything we go through in life, teaches us something. Even the painful times! 💕🌸






Snowy00 OP February 4th


Awww! Thank you! 💕🌸 You’re so sweet and awesome!! ♥️

Snowy00 OP February 4th



schrodingerscattt February 5th


I'm in such a bad place right now and seeing this made me a bit hopeful.  It's the kind of posts that keep me going❤️ I really wanna heal and will do everything I can to do so.

Snowy00 OP February 6th


I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time right now. Life can throw us a lot of curveballs! But you’ve got this! 💪 I’m so happy this post was able to help you, even just a little bit! Keep your head up and remember that storms never last forever 💕🌸☀️ Sending you much love and lots of hugs! kristigocouple2024.gif

babykissess15 February 13th

Hmmm ok

GrayThePerson March 8th

I actually needed this rn thank youu a lot!!

Snowy00 OP March 8th


🩵🦋✨ I’m happy that this was what you needed! 💕🌸✨

Gettingbettertoday March 8th


Every pain hides a Trauma. 

Countrygirl095 March 8th

@Snowy00 yes i love this

Snowy00 OP March 10th


hailey1000001 March 14th


That is so true.

Tinywhisper11 March 16th

@Snowy00 yeah unfortunately I guess your right

KaylaBella March 16th

I try to look for the lessons in everything that happens to me. And some people not might agree with this! But that’s okay 💕 I posted this because I was hoping it would help someone else 🥰 Sometimes, the pain we go through teach us lessons we wouldn’t have learned otherwise, and you’re right, unfortunately that’s the case 🩷 Sending you bunches of love and hugs Tiny! 💕💕💕🤗

Tinywhisper11 March 17th

@Bella20 ❤❤ hugs  you tightly back ❤❤ your awsome ❤ thankyou ❤

JoyfulSoul3550 March 19th

Thank you! I really needed to read this.

KaylaBella March 26th


You're welcome! 💕 I'm so happy this was able to help you ✨

NotAllHere713 March 20th

@Snowy00 When will the pain end and the healing begin?

determinedPrune5176 March 23rd

@Snowy00 I agree. This is so important for people to learn. Pain is always needed for people to learn something. It is always more rewarding when people go through things to reach their goal. It makes you a more disciplined person. It also makes you more hardworking and successful. 

KaylaBella March 26th


I love your view on this! <3 I agree with you, life will always have pain. It's how we learn from it, and choose to begin the healing process and not let it keep us down that matters 💕 Thank you for such a thoughtful message on my post! Wishing you the best!
Much love,
Kayla 💕 ✨

EST2007 March 24th

@Snowy00 yeah I think it's true.

dandelionfrog March 24th

@Snowy00 This is so important to remember. I wouldn't have become the person I am today without all the struggles I've experienced. Life is like a story, it needs conflict to say something meaningful 📚💙

KaylaBella March 26th


I agree! If I had the opportunity to go back in time and change things and keep myself from going through all the trauma I endured, I would choose not to change a thing. I would go through everything again, because without that pain, without those situations, I wouldn't be the person I am today. 💕 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my post! 💕 Wishing you the best!!
Much love,
Kayla 💕 ✨

dandelionfrog March 26th

@Bella20 I agree, I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back either 💕Much love to you too! I hope you have a wonderful day 🌄

Countrygirl095 March 25th

@Snowy00 thats right 

KaylaBella March 26th


Sending love and warm wishes! 💕 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my post 💕
Much love,
Kayla 💕 ✨

Alexzheng07 March 26th

Every experience, whether joyful or painful, offers valuable lessons and insights that contribute to our growth and understanding. The challenges we face often teach resilience, patience, and strength, helping us navigate future obstacles with greater wisdom and maturity. Adversity prompts self-reflection, leading to personal development and a deeper understanding of our values and priorities. Even in the darkest moments, there are opportunities for learning and transformation, guiding us towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Embracing the teachings embedded within life's journey empowers us to evolve, adapt, and ultimately thrive amidst the ever-changing landscape of existence.

KaylaBella March 26th


Beautifully explained!!! I agree with everything you said Alexzheng! 💕 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my post! I love hearing feedback from y'all and reading these beautiful responses! Wishing you all the best!!
Much love,
Kayla 💕 ✨

Poohkipsie March 26th

Yes, it all depends on the way one chooses to look at it but it is in those painful days when we lose the strength to find the positivity in it.

daydreammemories March 28th



RisingPhoenix1987 March 31st

I have a semicolon tattooed on my thumb. It serves as a great reminder to continue on.

Slayer22 March 31st

I have *** up my life. My decisions has inflicted lots of pain and agony upon myself. I guess lesson is, never give anyone power over yourself.

HappyRosabella April 7th

Such wisdom 💕

Aw so true! I’m going through a rough patch myself right now appreciate any good vibes or prayers 🙏 my way . Also how do you make a post on 7 cups of tea? I don’t know how to?

CJHere2Help April 16th


I completely agree; we are a product of our experiences. Even though some of those experiences may be painful and hard to go through, we will always grow and learn from our experiences. Our losses and successes help form who we are today, thank you for this inspirational quote 💜

"There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in" - Leonard Cohen