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A month of treating myself to something nice

pandanfe July 20th, 2023

20th July, 2023

I want to do something nice for myself everyday for a month. As a result, I'll be updating this post every day with nice things I do for myself. I'm sharing this because I don't want to leave in between feeling discouraged. I'm hoping for warm community support.

End date: 20th Aug, 2023

Thank you in advance!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 20th, 2023


Aw hope the date for "finishing" caring about yourself and doing something nice for yourself never comes! πŸ’›

Way to go, awesome hooman, hope you can do lots of nice things for yourself! πŸ’›

pandanfe OP July 21st, 2023


aww thank you so much for you kind words... and i totally agree with you that this date should never come

trueconfidant123 July 21st, 2023

Aww @pandanfe, that's a wonderful way to ensure self-care. I hope every single day, you learn to embrace and love yourself even more.


pandanfe OP July 21st, 2023

@trueconfidant123 Thank you for your support and indeed "Self-care is a way to get your power back"

trueconfidant123 July 21st, 2023

@pandanfe You are welcome! Take good care. πŸ’™

tiamishere July 21st, 2023


Oh that sounds great!

pandanfe OP July 21st, 2023

@tiamishere Yup, it does. Thank you for stopping by to support <3

LoveMyMoonflowers July 22nd, 2023


this is so sweet :') i'm so glad you're taking some time to love yourself and take care of yourself <3

pandanfe OP July 22nd, 2023


Thank you flowers. I felt like i needed it so that i can give some quality time to myself. I'm getting more confident cause of it i guess.

LoveMyMoonflowers July 22nd, 2023


That's awesome friend <3 I'm really happy for you. *sending hugs if okie*

pandanfe OP July 23rd, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers covid-meme.gif

RoshanaShabanii July 23rd, 2023


this is truly inspiring and nice!

glad to see someone stepping up into caring for themselves, and being so brave about it, I wish you the best on your path!

Lots of love your way.

pandanfe OP July 23rd, 2023


Thank you so much for your kind words Roshana. Someone (and me myself) advised me to take care of myself, so I took the words literally. I'm prioritizing self-love which is essential part of self-care (tho i'm not sure if self-love is subset of self-care of self-care is subset of self-love).

RoshanaShabanii July 24th, 2023


I'm happy for you darling, we live in a busy world that somehow stops us from taking care of ourselves, we end up comparing ourselves and reaching burnout levels.

to be aware like you and be there for yourself, is unique and very valuable, be proud of this decision!

ps: self-love is part of self-care!

pandanfe OP July 24th, 2023


Thank kyou so much for your kind words and appretiation. It means a lot and is really encouraging to keep going on with self-love.

And also double thank you for clarying about self-love being a part of self-care

Will you mind sharing your insights on what could be done as a part of self loving?

RoshanaShabanii July 24th, 2023


I'm more than happy to be part of your path, darling.

Well, I would consider self-compassion one of the most important parts of it, in addition to setting healthy boundaries, because these two are somehow the foundations for the other aspects!

pandanfe OP July 24th, 2023


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll consider the things you mentioned <3

Hope you're having good day or night tho 😊

passionateThinker3248 July 23rd, 2023

Keep it up, rooting for you. You got this

pandanfe OP July 23rd, 2023


Thank you for your support <3

GuiOakes July 24th, 2023

@pandanfe hwaiting!! this seems like a great idea!! try drawing as well!! its calming hihi

pandanfe OP July 24th, 2023


That's good idea to be honest and I myself love sketching... I thought of sketching myself and gifting it to myself at first but then I'm a slow artist. I need few weeks to complete a single sketch cause I don't work on it regularly. But I'll give a try to drawing. And hopefully I can someday gift myself a sketch of myself :P

GuiOakes July 24th, 2023

@pandanfe samee! i do sketch and paint as a hobby, though I cant paint for more than a week lol! Id love to see your sketches!

pandanfe OP July 24th, 2023


Here's one of my sketch, I don't sketch that often but yea... I sketched this for a friend and sent it to "them" as my appretiation for guiding me. I took a pic of sketch and whatsapped them. After more a month, I realized that i've not done guy's eyebrow o-o and I've not done still... Not sure if i'm ever gonna do it.

I would also love to see your sketch and paintings


GuiOakes July 24th, 2023

@pandanfe thats so cool! I love the perspective! omg you are good! lemme see mine, this one was recent. How longg have you been drawing??

pandanfe OP July 24th, 2023


I appretiate your kind words Gui. I'm not really sure how long have I been drawing... I wasn't good at drawing at school but if i did sketching at home, it used to be nice. I only sketch once every few months or even a year sometimes.

OMG you're such a good artist... I really liked your art. I would appretiate if you'll share your go to technique or hack related to sketching. Mine is probably don't do all the work at once if you got some time as it gives us time to refresh ourselves.

lightMap118 July 25th, 2023

@pandanfe Wow this is great idea, I'm looking forward to it. I need to practice this too. :)

pandanfe OP July 25th, 2023


I hope this could be motivation for many people like me 😊 Lemme know when you practice it <3

Tauriel98 July 25th, 2023


Brilliant idea😍 you got this :)

Rooting for youπŸ’ž

pandanfe OP July 26th, 2023


Thank you very much Tauriel. I really appretiate the support 😊

limegreenPenny2473 July 26th, 2023

I'm so proud of you for taking care of your mental health!! also some suggestions for those who are curious:

- do a face mask

- listen to your favorite artist

- buy yourself flowers

- read a book

- sit in the sun and have some "lizard time"

- play with your pet, or visit a shelter

- take yourself on a little date to the bookstore, coffee shop, bakery, etc

- doodle, sketch or draw on some paper-- it doesn't have to be perfect, just make it the way you want it

- take a warm shower or bath

- watch a movie or show you loved from your childhood

- read a book from your childhood

- listen to a podcast

- go touch grass

- put on a pretty dress or clothes and have a photo shoot

- make jewelry

- go to the mall and try on a bunch of clothes, even if you don't buy any

- plant some flowers

I love you all and Jesus loves you too <3

pandanfe OP July 26th, 2023


Much obliged for sharing all these fun ideas for everyone to try out ❀️

LoveMyMoonflowers July 29th, 2023


Oh definitely going to try doing some of these! <3 thank you so much for sharing.

Curlyheart July 27th, 2023

This is awesome and sounds great

pandanfe OP July 27th, 2023


It means a lot, thank you for your appreciation ❀️

WonNone July 29th, 2023


Wow, this is indeed very motivating, good luck for the journey. BTW what you did today

pandanfe OP July 30th, 2023


Thank you very much None. I update the things that I do on regular basis on this forum thread itself. So feel free to check out the things i do everyday.

This is the format that i've been giving update in:-

(...My everyday stuffs...)

Banerjee2006 July 29th, 2023

@pandanfe That's soo cool. I have also started reading books and mild exercising to make me feel better

pandanfe OP July 30th, 2023


That sounds interesting Banger, reading books and exercising are fun. I myself completed "Verity" by Colleen Hoover recently. It was a nice thriller romantic book. Which book are you currently reading and what kinda exercises do you prefer?

Banerjee2006 July 30th, 2023

@pandanfe Colleen Hoover !! Seriously ?!? I have started reading "It ends with us" ..

And for the exercises, I have started doing some aerobics πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

Banerjee2006 July 30th, 2023

@Banerjee2006 Actually, I'm on chapter 20 on that book and it's really good πŸ‘πŸ˜Š