Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
To live
The way you breatthe is the way you think. The way you is the way you breathe.
You can always keep trying. There is never a reason to stop trying to improve.
To be patient
I've been really learning to manage my emotions better! I'm not trying to stop feelings or start feelings so intensely all the time!
@GlenM I am learning that it's okay to have negative emotions but it's not okay to let them run your life.
I've learned how to love positively not only myself but my dh and our kids. I have learned that I am NOT superhuman and that I need to make time for myself to recover and recharge my batteries. I've learned that my anxiety does not identify me does not control me. I control it. And I've learned to let go of that which A) I can neither control and B) I cannot change. I've learned to be grateful for ALL the small things in life and I've learned that no matter how many times you fall that is not failing. Failure is the refusal to get right back up again and continue fighting.
Step 550 of my Growth Path! I'm still adapting to a new work environment, and I think I'm doing pretty fine.
how to be grateful for what i have
I've learned that sometimes our rigid belief systems rob us of the ability to heal. If we can learn to be flexible in what we believe about ourselves and others, we can affect the way we react to ourselves and others. 🦋