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I am an open minded catholic who is happily married to my soul mate of 17 yrs. we have 3 kids and I love anything food prep(I'm a big foodie) art anything creative and I love camping biking swimming.

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Have no motivation right now
General Support / by LPyMP
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October 4th, 2022
...See more Hi all. Im just trying to go with the motions rn. Had a rough day yesterday what with feeling nauseas and throwing up after dinner. Now IDK if this pain even is an ovarian cyst or an ectopic pregnancy bc i feel nauseas all the time, and now my left shoulder hurts too. Im tired, hungry, nauseas and just physically and emotionally drained rn. I feel like crying but cant bc im at home with my kids who just staryed fall break and ID want them to worry. Just need a little positivity rn.
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Husbands Bestfriend getting too friendly with me
Relationship Stress / by LPyMP
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November 15th, 2019
...See more So dh has a Bestfriend since infancy. They grew up together born same year went to same school from same hometown everything. He's married to someone from my hometown and our families have grown together. Our kids are also Bestfriends since infancy and we've grown quite close. About 3 yrs ago he tried to make a pass at me when dh was not home. He came to pick up his eldest who was hanging out with my eldest. Well he asked about a faux tree I have in the entertainment room/familyroom. He came up behind me and continually tried to wrap his arms around my waist. I pushed him away once and during the remainder of his visit kept things in between us. When I told dh he was very upset and asked me why I was downstairs to begin with. I snapped that it's my house and I NEVER expected him to pull that $hit. So we avoided them for almost a yr. when we finally got together with their family again he was behaving normally again. Until after a few months of getting together through birthdays and BBQs he tried again at his house. I resorted to NEVER being alone ANYWHERE in his house so if I had to go to the bathroom I'd ask dh to walk me etc etc. well yesterday he came over with his youngest baby and his eldest to drop off a gift for C bc they were unable to come to a bbq party on Saturday. He behaved up until I walked him to the door and dh had to use the restroom. I was shaking his hand when he pulled me forward and tried to accidentally kiss me. I pulled back and pushed him but the $shithead stepped back before dh saw him. so I'm pissed and idk what to do. I stuck between hell and a hard place because either I can handle it and that way our families can still be friends but this guy knows he needs to stop or if I let my husband handle it that means that our families are probably going to break apart my our kids are probably not not gonna be best friend. And there might be the possible rift between my husband and I because of it his best friend it if I let him handle it. We don't get together often like I said but when we do every time I'm away from my husband he tries to pull something so I'm perplexed I don't know what to do.
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Cook creativity 😊
Mindfulness Center / by LPyMP
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December 24th, 2019
...See more one of the things I do that helps me with mindfulness is cooking. I know I know, you all are probably thinking cooking? Really? But yes really. I LOVE to cook, grill bake you name it. It love discovering new flavors textures trying new recipes seeing how a simple mixture of tastes smells and textures can produce a (L) beautiful and delicious work of art. And I do it with joy and love and of course my music. @rumplesteelskin @ghostgirl @fairygodfather and everyone on 7cups. (Sorry I still don't know how to correctly tag)
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HELP!!This is gonna break my kiddos spirits!
Journals & Diaries / by LPyMP
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April 5th, 2020
...See more Today was supposed to be a fun day at the water park but unfortunately my daughter just got her period so we can't go. But how do I break it to my little guy? He's up already and he's excited so how do I let him down gently? Any advice would be appreciated. And leaving her home is not an option bc she gets horrible horrible cramps and throwing up. Ugh. He's standing right next to and he's super happy ugh I just wanna cry
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After 20 yrs I'm still terrified of him
Trauma Support / by LPyMP
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April 10th, 2019
...See more I was at work today finishing up cutting some blinds, nothing unusual. It was the last 20 minutes of my shift. I couldn't find my tape measure so I walk to the desk and there just a few feet away from the desk is my worst nightmare. I freeze, he spits me smiles and I walk straight to the desk, act like I don't see him and go straight back to the aisle I was. I freak out and my palms begin to shake and my breathing becomes slightly ragged. I walk deeper into my department and find my department supervisor and I let her know I CANNOT help that man. She's known me for 2 yrs and she knows something serious is up. Bc I trust her I tell her he is my rapist. She pales and says no worries I'll help him. But it's too late he wants a spanish speaker to help him. He saw me and wants me to help. She walks back pretending to look for me and she tells me to go to the break room. I can't believe that after 20 yrs he still terrifies me. I got home and just hugged my husband he asked what was wrong. I waited until after dinner to tell him. He knows my past and he can tell I'm not okay. He hugs me back. I know I'll have nightmares tonight. Ugh why?! Why did hebHAVE. To come into MY store.
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