Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
Completed 50 steps
I completed 50 steps!
@GlenM realize im not alone
Step 136! I learned that change is inevitable. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. But change happens so it does not good trying to avoid it.
@GlenM realizing that there is always a place for me
I learned that I have 100% anxiety and 96% depression
to follow the path I believe is mine
to appreciate
The most important thing I have learned so far is that i have to accept my negative emotions for what they are and not let myself get worked up about them. If I give in to what im feeling and begin to struggle, its only going to make things worse. I have learned ways to relieve stress, calm myself down, and especially to focus on the positive. :>
Reached step 60 today. One thing i've learned in the last 2 months is that it is better to be patient and work on one thing at a time instead of trying to just do everything right and failing over and over. I can't change as much at once as I thought I could. I'm starting to accept that I overestimate myself a lot. I think I can train 4-6 hours a day, whilst studying and working and developping creative work, I think I can just stop this eating disorder because "I know how to eat, I'm not stupid", I think I can be productive on 7 hours of sleep,... I used to be able to do those things (not stopping the ED though), but I can't do it anymore and that's okay. Times change, people change. I have to accept who I am now, and from here I can start to develop again.