Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
I learned that when you say goodbye to people and think that they won't remember you they probably are and can't forget you.
I learned things I'd forgotten I already knew. The mind is funny that way.
I'm proud of myself for finally trying to get help.
I have to remind myself that God is with me and I have to give him back the controls to my life. I have to appreciate myself and have blind faith in him to guide me and lead me to where I'm suppose to be
I have learned that it feels great to help someone! To have that assurance from someone, that you helped them through a tough time in their day or life
I learned how to ask for help when I need it, and to appreciate the things I have instead of being upset about the things I don't have. I'm still learning a lot of things, but I'm grateful for being able to learn, too.
Hi, I had a chat with a member last night, he was sad, mad, angry, afraid, I've chat for hours, it took him ages to open up, he kept saying no you don't care , why do you care, he asked why you so nice , he said I step on ppl like you, I told you can do wat u want to me, that hasn't been already done..I felt sorry for him, the things he said my me cry, the things he thinks made me cry, hours later someone he knew entered the room, and all that works and talking just vanished...the person that entered the room killed everything we just did, the person I was talking to changed when this other person walked in, it turned into a fight or argument, it was scary and overwhelming, my heart goes out to the person who asked me "why are u nice to me" I left the room confused and feeling sick...I wish I could talk to him a reconnection.. Much Love Bro..hope you ok...
Completed Growth Step 1275
Its okay to vent to other people and let them help you. Not everyone acts the same.
It will be olay