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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

BlissfulBue December 13th, 2023



FineFrog15 December 12th, 2023



Bunnylovesyou December 12th, 2023

*yawns* oh my am I tired! Perfect time to post this night themed post!✨

✨@smollperidotsbreakdown you've been appreciated by the one, the only, @lovemymoonflowers ✨

✨heres what they have to say!✨



hi smoll 💛 i really hope your doing okies. and if not, me understand how hard life can be sometimes but i’m so proud of you for still standing, for still being here. 💛 your amazing and i’m proud of you.

i’d just like to thank you for being so kind and supportive the other day (december 7th) in SR. i appreciate how you and rome buddy listened to me 💛 even though i was being a bit crazy and… yeah. it really does mean so much that you cared and that you were there. 💛 i know we don’t talk much but every time i see you around your always so kind and welcoming and you bring so much warmth into the rooms. 💛 i really hope your being kind to yourself, or at least trying. you deserve care and some time for *yourself* as well. me sending lots of love for you, and for robin and noah! 🐀 they’re both so cute 🥺💛 (it was vv fun talking about robin and noah and mustard hehe. mustard is… mustard 🤪🐹 hehe) Love, ni-ni✨

✨ni also sends lots of love✨

✨@ lovemymoonflowers - goshness nibuddy you are just too much okay? Too sweet, you are under a rest hehe :0 I made a music joke but realized I can't send a music emoji ): ✨
✨ @smollperidotsbreakdown - a well deserved post! You are amazing and so kind/ and those rats were mighty adorable!✨

✨love always, bunny✨
VictoriaLove7 December 12th, 2023


The letters color is gold because the font color in the graphic is gold. This ✨ is similar to the night sky background of the graphic, the hobbit making a heart shape crochet is cute, hihi ☺

Bunnylovesyou December 12th, 2023


thank you!!!! I love your posts 🥺

VictoriaLove7 December 12th, 2023


Thank *you*, bunny, I love your posts too! So, the hobbit is actually an Elf that shows SmollPeri ☺

Bunnylovesyou December 12th, 2023


dont tell anyone hehe but your posts are my favorite part of this team 🥹

SmollPeridotsBreakdown December 12th, 2023



Thank you so sooo much, this absolutely made my day, you're such a wonderful person and I'm so grateful for you as well. love you/p <3

LoveMyMoonflowers December 12th, 2023


you deserve it 🥺💜 sending hugs if okay. 

SmollPeridotsBreakdown December 12th, 2023


sending hugs your way to💜

Bunnylovesyou December 12th, 2023


im glad you liked the post!! <3 and nis right you deserve it

LoveMyMoonflowers December 12th, 2023


me loves this post, bunny 🥰 thank you for making another lovely post as always (: and for your vvv sweet words. 💙 

Bunnylovesyou December 12th, 2023


me glad you loves :0

LoveMyMoonflowers December 12th, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2023

Hey hey @Elfinna, you've recieved an adorable appreciation from @SleepyPersonForever for being Supportive, Respectful, Patient, Empathetic, Friendly and Optimistic. 💜


They also sent you lots of love!💜


So nice to see you wonderful people sharing mutual appreciation and understanding. Keep being you!💜

VictoriaLove7 December 12th, 2023


It is a pretty flowery graphic with butterflies 🦋 fluttering by the flowers, Sunshine! 🌞❤ 

The letters color is green because the font color for the message in the graphic is green, the color of the flowers & the butterflies 🦋 is soft purple, so the names & the hearts are in soft purple! ©️ Sunshine's original cute style! 🤗❤ 

I love the penguin with hearts, Sunshine! 🌞❤🤗❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Thank you for your spot on observations, as always!❤

VictoriaLove7 December 12th, 2023


Thank *youu* for your work in making pretty graphic with meaningful parts that prettify the appreciation, Sunshine! 🌞❤🤗❤

elfinna December 12th, 2023


Thank you so much @sleepypersonforever i love you and youre an amazing frend! Thank u fr being u <3 

And thank u sinshiner fr letting me know very kind :)

BrightIndigo December 12th, 2023


Love the colors you used!!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2023

@BrightIndigo Aww thank you!

BrightIndigo December 12th, 2023

🧡🤗💛 @toughCup4675 has sent a lovely message and hugs to the always wonderful @bestWillow4062 💛🤗🧡



toughCup4675 mentioned the following qualities:


Your kindness is a gift we all enjoy. Thanks for sharing it here. Hugs! 🤗💙


VictoriaLove7 December 12th, 2023


The letters & the hearts are yellow & orange, just like the colors of the bears 🧸 in the graphic. ☺ I like the hug hearts, hug hearts Bright ☺

Bubbles2025 December 12th, 2023

📢 Attention Please 📢, I have another important message that needs to be shared. 

@AnnaSilverberg a secret friend would like to send you some warm hugs. 🤗

Friends kind message to you: 

Along with such a beautiful message from your secret friend, they wanted to share some of their favorite qualities: 

🐬 Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
🐬  Supportive - They are kind and helpful
🐬 Positive - They focus on good qualities in others.
🐬  Open-Minded - They are able to see things from others’ point of view.
🐬 Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone.
🐬 Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals
🐬 Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together

Anna - thank you so much for everything you do on cups. you are such a joy to be around and you never fail to make this a positive place. we are beyond lucky to have someone as perky and cheerful as you. 


AnnaSilverberg December 12th, 2023
🫧 @Bubbles2025 🫧

What a beautiful appreciation, thank you for making it Bubbles. 

Secret Friend: 
Thank you so much for your kind words, 
I hope that your self-work goes amazingly well. 

😊Take excellent care of yourself 
BrightIndigo December 12th, 2023

❤️💌💜 @MollyMoo55 has sent a lovely message and lots of love to the always wonderful @FaithfulZareia 💜💌❤️



MollyMoo55 mentioned the following qualities:


In a world that sometimes needs a bit of warming, the kindness you both radiate is very charming! 🌟💙


VictoriaLove7 December 12th, 2023


The hearts theme graphic is cute, Bright! There is a Pokémon like character in one of the hearts. The hearts colors are red & purple because the character has a red heart & purple eyes ☺

CaringEzra December 13th, 2023

@BrightIndigo oh my goshhhh bright! thank you so so much for taking the time to put this post together. You make so many people smile and days so much better by doing this. This post is simply gorgeous and beautiful, I am so appreicative of you and hope you have an amazing day.

@MollyMoo55 My lovely magnificent friend mollyyyyyyyy. Aw friend, this comepltly made my day. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to do this. It means the world to me friend, more then you know. You are such a kind, caring, thoughtful person. You make tl radiant with positivity and warmth. Whether its in pms or tl you are a shining light in this community. I am so so lucky that our paths have crossed. Keep being you Molly, because you are simply an amazing person and listener. 

sadcat13 December 12th, 2023

We have a special message for @tranquilblossom79 . Your friend @dreamIcicle8467 is sending you a self care kit and some warm words.


DreamIcicle8467 specially highlighted these of your traits that make you awesome:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Forgiving - They make conscious, intentional decisions to let go of resentment and anger toward someone for an offense.


What does DreamIcicle8467 want you to know?

Blossom - You are so bubbly and warm-hearted and you always offer a helping hand whenever you can. Your presence makes such a difference in the LSR. You are always encouraging engagement and ensuring no one is left out. Your kindness never goes unnoticed. We all appreciate you so much.


Thank you for being a member of our community!

VictoriaLove7 December 13th, 2023


It is a cute interesting cup ☕ organizer kit ☺ The graphic is an outline of star & snowy theme ❄ , the color of the letters is tosca like the color of the circles & squares in the organizers ☺

tranquilBlossom79 December 13th, 2023

This has honestly made my day. Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️

sadcat13 December 13th, 2023

@tranquilBlossom79 😊

tranquilBlossom79 December 22nd, 2023

This is honestly the nicest thing! Thank you so much🤍🤍

sadcat13 December 12th, 2023

@Kshatriyakulavatans has a selfcare kit and some appreciation for @SirenofSerenity


Kshatriyakulavatans highlighted these of your qualities:

🎄 Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act
🎄 Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone
🎄 Rational - They are sensible, not moody
🎄 Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
🎄 Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong
🎄 Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place
🎄 Supportive - They are kind and helpful


What did your friend appreciate you for?

Precise and professional at communication and has well defined boundaries without being unempathetic


Thank you for being a member of our community!

VictoriaLove7 December 13th, 2023


The letters are in red & soft pink, it is similar to the color tones in the graphic ☺ It is a cute Christmas 🎄 theme with a pine fruit & berries ☺

SirenOfSerenity December 13th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 yessss sadcat has an amazing eye and color with details in a way that you can truly feel the vibes 🥰 

Thank you very much for this appreciation it's beautiful! 

sadcat13 December 13th, 2023

@SirenOfSerenity thank youuuu 😊

December 13th, 2023

Hey everyone! 🩷

@AdrienLovesYou23 you’ve been appreciated by @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 

Here’s what Sun has written for you:


"Hey hey Adrien, I hope this tag finds you doing well. It's always such a pleasure to see you in forums creating fun ice breakers, as well as making such lovely threads for your friends, you've got a caring, generous, loving big-heart and I'm so glad you're a part of the community. Just a little reminder for how appreciated you are, for everything you do and for being yourself. Keep it up!💛"

Also, Sun has spotted some wonderful qualities in you!

Friendly, Supportive, Accountable, Inquisitive, Open Minded, Positive, Motivated

Finally here’s a Champion’s Trophy for everything you have done!


AdrienLovesYou23 December 13th, 2023

@AuRewolf @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 
I appreciate this so much. I love how much you interact with everyone's forums...thank you

VictoriaLove7 December 13th, 2023


It is a cute graphic, the butterflies 🦋 colors is the same as the flowers color,  Wolf 🐺 ☺