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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 Skieeees I probably tagged in you multiple replies today lol, and possibly some of them are lost xD because we only seem to get the latest tag notification, if there's multiple ones in the same thread, and others probably poof but I just want to take a moment to appreciate how loving and thoughtful you really are. You're one of the few people here who truly reply to every post, always with so much encouragement, gratitude and support! It makes my day 100 times brighter! Thankyouuuu for being the bestest BlueSky! ❤

BlueSkies1021 March 8th, 2023


Of course! I always make an effort to make sure I respond to every post so that people know I've read them and am grateful for my words! It's really my pleasure. (3

naturalPomegranate4041 March 2nd, 2023


Thank you so much!!!!

TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


Today's Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator is...


I'd just firstly like to say a massive thank you to Blue. Blue you're always so lovely, appreciating others and spreading such kindness ♡ I have to say, your messages make me want to cry! Even though they arent even for me ! That's how truly wonderful your words are. You're such a wonderful listener and im so proud of you, and 7cups is so so lucky to have you. I appreciate you Blue, you deserve all this right back ♡

And I'd also like to say kosikima I am so proud of you also, for reaching out to're amazing ♡ and from what Blue says on their appreciation you are it sounds like you're a truly wonderful person. You got this! Keep being awesome. You're amazing ♡

Now onto the lovellyyy apprexiation ♡

BlueSkies1021 describes kosikima as being...


click here for a clearer image

BlueSkies1021 has also left a message for kosikima to say...


click here for clearer image, just woww! How amazing are you both hey? 🥹❤️

Thank you so much for appreciating your peer Blue and thank you kosikima for being so awesome , you both deserve so so much happiness and cookies 🍪!

Hope you have a lovely day! (Whoever is reading this :p)

((P.S - click here for a suprise from Blue!))


TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


Oops the suprise link from Blue is here

(put wrong photo again)

BlueSkies1021 March 1st, 2023


Thank you infinitely for posting this for me. Uri is one of the best and kindest people I've met in all of my life, and I want him to know that he is loved and safe no matter what :)

TabbyCat97 March 2nd, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 you're so awesome for appreciating a peer ♡

VictoriaLove7 March 1st, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a wonderful appreciation today for
@emotionalTalker2260 🐇

From an amazing appreciator 🌻



These are the qualities that Gloria finds in you, Emo 🐇


From me to both

@GloriaD Thank you for your kind words to Emo and for giving this appreciation to them 🌟

@emotionalTalker2260 You are always kind to others in rooms despite your struggles. I hope to see you in support room and hope you are doing well, Emo 🌟

VictoriaLove7 March 1st, 2023



In addition, Gloria sends this picture for you Emo 😊


emotionalTalker2260 March 1st, 2023


🥺 someone is cutting onions too close to me xD

I love thisss (Thanksies Gloria and Victoria you are both so kind 🥰) I wasn’t expecting to see this after I came out of my doomscrolling void. And oh my gosh, I love the daisy heart 😍

GloriaD March 1st, 2023


Well, I’m glad Victoria interrupted you with my appreciation 😁 By now you may have gotten so many appreciations, that would be so much to scroll through 💛

emotionalTalker2260 March 1st, 2023


haha, yeah, most of my appreciations are 100 pages back though xD

and thank youuu so much for appreciating me Gloria 🥺💖

VictoriaLove7 March 1st, 2023


Yayy, Emo!! 😃 I hope you keep being kind to yourself and hope to see you in support rooms!


You are most welcome, thanks for sending this for Emo! 😊

GloriaD March 1st, 2023


Thank you for posting this Victoria 💛💛💛💛💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 1st, 2023
Hiya @Spockette, hope you're well. You've received a Boba-Tea infused sweet note by the lovely @Walker7957 🤍


Walkie and Spockie also rhyme hehe. Thanks for being such wonderful peers, supporting and encouraging each other, y'all. 🤍
Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 1st, 2023

Hiya @HealingPuppy, someone feels you're an incredible part of the community, and took their time to appreciate your wonderful self. 💜

That someone is @YouGotMyBack with one of the most comforting usernames ever! 💜


Thankyouu for being a part of our lovely 7 cups community, and making it a whole lot better with your kind, appreciative and inspiring presence. You're both super appreciated! 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 1st, 2023

Hey hey @Kai1306, lovely to meet you, and share a token of gratitude for you, from @neatDay5890. 💙


Thankyou, Kai, for holding space and being a compassionate support for your peers! 💙

Day, I'm so proud of you for seeking support AND being appreciative of it, you're truly wonderful! 💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 1st, 2023

Appreciation for one of the sweetest people ever, who's truly an amazing vibe~ filled with all things love, kind and positive! Talking about none other than the wonderful @TabbyCat97 🖤


Hiya Arcane, nice to see you again, thankyou for this hearty note for your friend, someone who really deserves it all. It takes one to know one, specially with the friendly vibe lol, gotta match that, and with this, I conclude, you got the similar vibe too ~ for it certainly takes one lovely heart to know another. 🖤

Tabby, I absolutely agree with everything they said about you, kindness and friendliness is indeed key to you, and you're truly the kind of person everyone would love to have around. Thankyouuu for everrything you do, but most of all, for everything that you are~ sweet, kind, cheerful, friendly, compassionate, thoughtful, a greaaaat writer, appreciative, authentic and the list goes on! We adoreee youuu! 🖤

TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023



You're so so lovely, your most is absolutely lovely, I love the graphic is so so much. Awwwh 🥹 you're making me cry happy tears!! Your words mean so much to me. Its amazing to be told these things inside of cups as i dont outside but you guys are like a huge family to me and i love it here so much!. You're so so amazing Sun, I think your graphics are so so lovely! Each and every single one of them! Im so happy to be on the same team as you, you are so very kind, caring, welcoming and just overall such a lovely lovely person. You are very hardworking, and do so so many posts. I hope you have a lovely day friend ♡ sending hugs and cookies 🍪


It has been so so lovely meeting you. You were so kind, polite and lovely from the start. It was amazing to be your Listener Verifier and answer your questions. You are also such a lovely person to chat to. I appreciate this message so much, it has honestly made my day. I'm smiling from ear to ear 🥹❤️ You have such a kind, sweet and wonderful heart. You're doing so so well so far on your listening journey at 7cups. I'm insanely proud of you. I hope also to see you joining the team soon? :o Very happy you decided to apply! Sending cookies and hugs your way friend ! 🍪

Thank you thank you thank you 🥹❤️ both of you. You dont realise how much this truly means to me. You're both so so amazing.

Tab Tab

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2023


Aww my sweetest Tab Tab, you're soo soo deserving of all hearing and feeling all the good things about yourself. People off-cups are really missing out, but what can we even say to people who've yet to develop a better taste and sense. No worries though, your cups family gotchu always and will continue reminding you how lovely, sweet, kind, caring, incredible and the bestest *you* you are! 💜 Happy Tears are okay hehe, sometimes gotta let it flow to feel it in! Lots of love and hugs! 💜 *noms and shares cookies with youu*

Thankyouuu for always being such a bright rainbowwww around, filling the cups world with so much love and happiness. I truly appreciate you and the kindness you show to me and literally everyone else in the community! *you* are so special! 💜


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 1st, 2023

Now we'd know why everyone thinks @TabbyCat97 is super amazing, someone who holds so much love and compassion in their heart for people around, and take it upon themself to remind everyone they meet~ how wonderful they are! Thanks for spotlighting so many lovely people, Tabby, you make appreciating our peers easier, for a community this big, and a plethora of wondrous souls, it sure takes team-work, to appreciate as many! 💚

When I saw the name pop up on the dash, I had to take it haha, for this one truly does so much for the community and deserves the recognition and applause for being their kind self. 💚

@KindHeartedLily6247, we are talking about you yay! 💚


Lily, I had to ask you if the username was something you chose, because it really fit you, surprisingly it was an auto-generated one (the numbers give it away LOL) but not-so surprisingly, it is exactly how the cups-world perceives you, a kind-hearted hooman. Truly, a massive thanks to you for being all kinds of wonderful, always going above and beyond in checking on your team mates and being as fantabulous, a leader can be. *you* are soooo appreciated for being you! 💚

TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


Sunnnn you are so so lovely, thank you so much. Your graphics are amazing 🥹❤️ They are honestly the best! What do you use for them :o?

And @KindHeartedLily6247

Thank you so so so much ♡ I'm so grateful for you


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 1st, 2023


Awww that's so sweet hehe, thankyouuu!🥺

I useeeee Love And Inspiration (from all you wonderful people here) And ....... *🥁* ..... Canva! Lol!❤

TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


Sun you're so amazing!!! We alll love you here. Your words mean so so much to me and I appreciate you sooooo much ♡ sending cookies and hugs if wanted.

Tabby ❤️😊

kindheartedLily March 3rd, 2023


I'm so grateful for you, too, Tabby! 💜

kindheartedLily March 2nd, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Thank you so much for your kind words. You are such a gem ❤️ It's been an absolute pleasure to witness your growth as a listener. Thank you so much for your kindness and compassion. I am stoked to have you on the listener coaching team 😊

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aww, that is so sweet of you, Sun! Yes, I remember when you asked me about my username, which was ironically autogenerated😊. I truly appreciate all you do on Cups and for being such a wonderful and amazing human 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 2nd, 2023



kindheartedLily March 3rd, 2023



TabbyCat97 March 2nd, 2023


Thank you so so much Lily, you're so so kind and sweet. I'm so so happy to be on coaching team with you too! ♡

Sending hugs if wanted ! 😊❤️


Zaxoosh March 1st, 2023

Appreciated Peer: neatDay5890

Appreciator: neatDay5890

Peer's Qualities: Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act, Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals, Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently, Accountable - They own up to commitments and promises that they have made, Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone, Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts

Appreciated For:I am really proud they are 1 week clean!

Zaxoosh March 1st, 2023


VictoriaLove7 March 1st, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We have an amazing appreciation for
@HollyFrost ❄

From a wonderful appreciator 😊
@VioletVeritas 🌸


These are the qualities Violet finds in you, Holly 😊


From me to both

@VioletVeritas You are a wonderful person, you stand by what is right, although there may be challenges. I hope all is well with you 🌟

@HollyFrost It is not easy to cope with struggles but you never take it out on others but instead you are being supportive despite your struggles. It shows your maturity and that is what makes you an amazing person. 🌟

CalmRosebud March 1st, 2023


Thank you for making this Appreciation beautiful. Holly is a beautiful person and she deserves every little bit of support.

VictoriaLove7 March 1st, 2023


Glad you like it 😊 thank you for sending this for Holly!

YourCaringConfidant March 1st, 2023


Prepare yourself again because you just received another appreciation. Ok, maybe not just* but you know what I mean. ;)

I have been sitting on this task appreciating you for like the past day or two it seems and it is just because I wanted to make you something nice.

You truly deserve to be appreciated for all the goodness and joy you bring into all our lives. You are an extraordinary human being and are just sooooooo sweet!

With all that said, Tabby, your first appreciation is coming from @Jefferythebunny319 for being so kind and loving.

Jeffery thinks you possess the following beautiful qualities:

😻Cheerful 😻Optimistic 😻Forgiving

You are also emotionally intelligent and a great communicator! You certainly are.

Now it is time for a very sweet read...


Awwww! That was soooooo heartfelt and touching! Just beautiful. I do have to agree with Jeffery, you do make the sweet efforts to make sure everyone you come across "feels loved and supported". That's a beautiful trait to you. I am sooo happy to see you get the acknowledgment you deserve for being a quality human being.

Thank you, Jeffery, for that very sweet appreciation note for Tabby! Thanks for taking the time to send your note in. Just as Tabby does, I can tell you write from your heart! ♡


Your next appreciation note comes from me. Lol. I just had to do it because you deserve it. I really do not have it in me right now to type a whole novel expressing how wonderful you are again so just read above, read my other comments, read my replies. Lol. You have GOT to know how I feel and know that I think you are truly phenomenal in all you do. You are a giver of smiles and uplifting. You are just soooo sweet. How lucky am I to have come across the sweetest people ever just being on 7cups.

This is for you... ♡


I hope you have the most beautiful day, my friend. You surely deserve it. You provide many of us smiles to get us through our days and I hope you can feel all the love! Hugs! 🤗

TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


Desireeee 😭 oh my goodness you are the sweetest. You're the kindest most amazing person ever. Thank you so much 🥹❤️ Since day one you've been so so lovely and so welcoming to me. And you don't have to apologise for not writing anything "big" 😭 bless your sweet heart it was big enough, none of you had to do any of this honestly I am not the greatest at graphics or posts nor really kind youre just so so sweet and kind to me 🥹♡ . I wish I could throw all this appreciation and loveliness all back onto you both. You're amazing!! Please know you don't need to write anything for me though at all, I love this team so much, you guys are the sweetest people and you are always so kind to me 🥲. I should be the one thanking you guys right now ! For how happy youve made me just being you and doing all these lovely things. You deserve to keep all the love and splash it all over yourselves!! Thats how amazing you all are!! Massive hugs and sharing cookies 🍪 I appreciate you so much for spending the time on this post however, it is beautiful - as always ♡


Oh Avy, you are the sweetest. Thank you for your kind words you truly don't need to thank me , I need to thank you! I know things are tough and I'm just so so proud of you. I'm sooo super proud of you for coming onto 7cups and opening up - I know how hard that is. I am always sooo so so happy to see you in group chat rooms. You just light the place up with your sense of humor, and amazing personality. You are such an important part of TCR, and you mean the world to us all. ❤️ *Throwss looadsss of appreciation and happiness over Avy* hehe ! You deserve it buddy. Keep being fantabulous , you're doing insanely well throughout everything and I'm so so so so so sooooo grateful to have met you and so proud if you. Just know you're amazing :o and I cant thank you enough. Hugsss and cookies 🍪🥹

Fromm Tabbbyyy ♡

YourCaringConfidant March 1st, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Hold on? Are we talking about you here? Not being the best at posts or graphics? HELLLOOOOOO!!! Need I remind you and go tag you in all your amazing postings you made? Lol. I will do it too. You do the best you can and it shows. You don't just post to post. You write from the heart and truly mean it. You take the extra time to beautify your posts. I love the rainbow! 🌈 Is always my favorite. Lol. I've not seen one graphic that was not amazing from you. You are talented. You are a wonderful smile spreader! Read this and read it once again. ♡

TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


🥹 hugs. Yours are so amazing ♡. Thank you friend for spending your time spreading so much positivity and happiness. You're so so incredible.

Hugs ♡


LilacLeopard March 1st, 2023

Hey hey everyone I have the honour of summoning some extremely special for some appreciations! That is right @Tinywhisper11 I have with me *scans list* not 1, not 2 BUT 5 appreciations to share with you! That's right you heard me right, 5 people so let's get this sweet party started!

I will now list the names of your appreciators:

@floatingdandelion, @Amiableblackberry92, @PhoenixOnFire123, @PatienceImpatiens and yours truly 😉❤️💜

Your appreciators have seen the following qualities in you:


Your first appreciator @Floatingdandelion left you this very sweet message


Click here for better quality

Your next appreciator @PhoenixOnFire123 left you this lovely message


Click here for sweet VOICE message

Your next appreciator @Amiableblackberry92 left you this beautiful message and some emojis: 🍦🍨🍦🍨🍦


Your next appreciator @PatienceImpatiens left you this message for hosting!


My own message of appreciation


Click here for better quality

Ice cream for everyone💜🍦


YourCaringConfidant March 1st, 2023

@Aishaa97 Omg, beautiful posting for a beautiful Tiny! Love it. Great job, girl. And love the graphics!!!