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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

VictoriaLove7 March 18th, 2023


Thankchuu, Sunshine! 🌞❤ Yes yes, Balsam is, even when he struggled.

SukoLovesHito133 February 18th, 2023

It’s time for an appreciation For…..


The entire PAT team!

The peer things our qualities are:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart,

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong,

Coachable - They have a desire to Improve

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act

A few extra words from out appreciator!

You helped me solve my problems thanks all the team.Xx

Our appreciator, you ask? Well it’s.. 🥁🥁🥁


@purpleSea I love how you appreciated the entire PAT team. I was in a dark place today, before I saw this appreciation, So thank you! Keep being the amazing *You*

Tagging the PAT team:

Smile Spreaders: @Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @GloriaD @CosmicMiracle @SirenOfSerenity @cristlecares @gentleemperor @SukoLovesHito133 @TU100OT @bubblingBreeze14 @YourCaringConfidant @tommy @SparklyFly @Aishaa97 @VictoriaLove7 @Angelofheaven20 @NotFound20 @JasmineFlower222 @amiableBunny4016 @confidentRabbit7311 @Harsvin @shinequeen001 @Frozty @TabbyCat97

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023


Thankyou for posting, Suko. Big hugs to you. Poke me if you'd like some company whilst sitting in darkness. They say Stars shine the brightest when it's darkest. We might as well get to live it, huh(?). ❤


Hey hey @Purplesea7109, I appreciate you for looking out for everyone. Keep being your wonderful self. ❤

SukoLovesHito133 February 18th, 2023


Appreciate the gesture, Sun! Although, I’ll be alright! Just gotta wait. Time is the best healer ♥️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023

@SukoLovesHito133 Aw ofcourse, and you're allowed all the time you need!❤

TabbyCat97 February 18th, 2023


thank you so much @purpleSea you’re so lovely <3 Sending hugs and cookies if wanted :)


GloriaD February 19th, 2023

@SukoLovesHito133 - Thank you for posting this appreciation, Suko 🌻

@purpleSea - Thank you so much for appreciating us all purple, here are some chocolates for you! (I hope you like chocolates 😋)


purpleSea7109 February 19th, 2023


Thank you I share with everyone. Take care of yourself and I am here for you.

I am just click away.

GloriaD February 20th, 2023


You are so sweet, thank you 😊

TU100OT February 23rd, 2023





NotFound20 February 18th, 2023




you have been appreciated by an

Anonymous peer


Qualities which makes you an amazing person -

butterfly-%E1%83%9E%E1%83%94%E1%83%9E%E1%83%94%E1%83%9A%E1%83%90.gif Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Coachable - They have a desire to improve, butterfly.gif

butterflies.gifProblem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together,

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions, butterflies.gif

flying-butterflies.gifHaving Ability to Delegate - They facilitate teamwork,

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation, butterfly.gif

blue-butterfly.gifAuthentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity

Also a beautiful message from your appreciator -


Star, We're so touched by your kindness. Thank you.

Anonymous, Thank you for sharing this amazing appreciation with us. We wish you all the best on your healing journey.


TabbyCat97 February 18th, 2023

Helllo everyone :) <3

Today's Appreciation is for...


And the Appreciator was...


Thank you to @wojiaozly123 for being so lovely and thoughtful to appreciate your peer, this is so very kind of you and you deserve it all back 🩶

Thank you also to @soothingGrace83 for all you do here on 7cups. And for being a fantastic listener.

Now onto the lovely appreciation (:

wojiaozly123 describes soothingGrace83 as having the following qualities 🩶 -


How lovely is that <3?

And wojiaozly123 has left a note for soothingGrace83 to say...


Thank you both so very much :D I hope you have a wonderful day.


Tabby <3

amiableBunny4016 February 18th, 2023

Hello @Gentleemperor

[*Fills appreciation form*]

[*Enter name of appreciated peer*]

[*activate Bunny-Penguin army*]

(Army activated)

@amiablebunny4016 (me!) has to appreciate penguin!

screenshot-2023-02-18-at-17-54-24_1676742982.pngtext on image:Penguuuinnnn! Penguin-bunny army forever hehe! Where do I start buddy? From your PAT posts... to your kindness.... to my pms.. Your just fabulous penguin! thank you for being so awesome. I remember my first time meeting you in the group chats. Penguin from the beginning to now you have just being so kind and caring . Your such a beautiful human being. Penguin deserves so much more bunny hugs! *hugs if okay* Penguin, every time i pm you it feels like we have a lovely convo and you are so loving and fun to be with. I very much appweciate penguin! *noms you* Penguin in group chat is so fun and the teenies adore you and love having you! hehe. Penguin also make beautiful PAT post and i love to graphics and colours. You see.... your the best penguin i've ever met!!! And your my bestsie friendsie! Thank you so much for everything you done ! hehe! love ya! Your friend- Bunny


Gentle Emperor is awesome! Here are some awesome qualities this dear Penguin has:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone,

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place



*Bunny sending lots of love*







Congratulations! *sending penguin lots of love and happwiness*

Bunny has learnt alot from Penguin so I found this super cute image ❤️


Penguin thank you so much for being amazing!


gentleemperor February 19th, 2023

-waves to bestest bunny friend- @amiableBunny4016

I love this appreciation. It's sooo creative and I can see a lot of time and effort put into it. 🥰


I don't know what to say to your wonderful appreciation. Thank you! 🥺 I appreciate you too so very much. You're so sweet and kind and I want to give you the biggest penguin hugs there is -huuugs-. I too find our chats loving and fun. I really enjoy and appreciate them. ❤️

Bestest teenie bunny friendsie you're an awesome addition to this community. So friendly and I'm happy to have you back on the PAT team. Thank youuu for being here and being you.

Aww that is a super cute imageee 🥺💕 Pengu reading for bunny 🥰

Thank youuu times 1000000 ❤️



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023

This is community consensus for you, Lin. ❤


You are all things fabulous as a chatroom leader. Always so warm, welcoming, engaging, attentive and vigilant (we know that's an important skill lol), supportive and soooo fun. ❤

I'll join the anonymous on this one hehe. Hope we get to relive oldie days soon! ❤

(Had to allow some dolphins swim in this appreciation pool for you, sorry not sorry haha)

🤗 @Richuyulin 🤗

February 19th, 2023
Thank you so much @Sunisshiningandsoareyou for posting, as well as whoever left this message. I love the dolphins you added. Given how chaotic my schedule has been between school and work, I highly doubt things will return to the old days. I definitely miss hosting with my friends.
VictoriaLove7 February 18th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😃
We have an amazing appreciation for


From an anonymous appreciator 🌟


These are the qualities they find in you, Sense 😃

From me to both
@ Anonymous thank you for sending this appreciation. You are a wonderful person!

@SensitiveMortalM It is always great seeing you in support room or mcr. We enjoy your sharing about many things. Keep being you!
Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 18th, 2023

Way to go Sensiiii! @SensitiveMortalM 🥳

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023

Hiya everyone's wonderful buddy, aka @yourbuddy30, thankyou for sticking with a name that you own upto, every single day you're logged in here. 💛

We have the immensely appreciative and sweet @BlueSkies1021 applauding all the hardwork you do around here and for being your lovely buddy-self. 💛


I wholeheartedly agree, Buddy, you're all kinds of fabulous, in a listener, leader, peer, hooman, friend~ you name it. 💛

Something special for you by Skies also:


Thanks again, Skies, always such a joy to read your heart warming appreciations. You carry so much love for those around you, and it's such an admirable thing about you. Sending love your way! 💛

BlueSkies1021 February 18th, 2023


Thank you so much for posting my appreciation for Buddy! Your work here as a Smile Spreader is so valuable and I am very grateful for you! :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 Aww always so sweet and appreciative! Grateful to you as well!❤

yourbuddy30 February 19th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @BlueSkies1021 What a pleasant surprise this was. Thank you so much skies. I was least expecting a message today and I am so happy I received this. Thank you for acknowledging my efforts and appreciating my work. You are so kind❤️

BlueSkies1021 February 19th, 2023


Of course! I meant every word I said and I hoped you know just how appreciated and loved you are here at 7 Cups :D <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023
Hey hey @Taylor511040, your awesome-ness just got exposed by your peer @keziachloe and now we'd like to remind you about it also. 💛


Thankyou for taking the time to share this sweet and encouraging message, Chloe. 💛
I'm glad through your appreciation, we got to know about Taylor's awesomeness. 💛
Taylor511040 February 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thanks for sharing this with me! I'll be sure to thank her!

@keziachole THANK YOU!

Taylor511040 February 18th, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 19th, 2023

Hey hey @theriverunsdeeppandwinding, you've got two wonderful peers appreciating you. ❤

First up the amazing @richuyulin:


Thankyou for the sweet note, Lin, I love how encouraging and supportive you specially with hosts and chatroom participants! ❤

And now a kind anonymous peer:


I hope these messages uplift you and add some light to your day(s), River. ❤

February 19th, 2023

Hey @Sunisshiningandsoareyou! Really appreciate how you add a little cute dolphin to my messages. It's amazing.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 20th, 2023

@richuyulin Aww always happy to, Lin!🤗

amiableBunny4016 February 19th, 2023

Hello @SelflessSpruce1515,

You have been appreciated by your peer (@amiablebunny4016) (me!!) for being awesome!!


text on image: Oh Spruca, I remember the first time we met, your just so kind and awesome *hugs if okay* Spruca always shines light everywhere Spruca goes. Spruce, thank you so much for being such a supportive friend . You are so unique Spruca. Bunny loves ya. And you very much cared about . Keep being the awesome , wonderful, brilliant, lovely, loved, amazing Spruce you have always been! Thank you for supporting me in the hardest of times. You are appreciated for every single bit. I dont want you to leave teenie side, your just my bestsie friendsie. hehe. I know sometimes we all struggle spruca, its okay to struggle spruca okay? Because Bunny and 7cups and teenies always here for you. And even when you leave, we are always together on forums. Thank you for being the bestest friend ever!

Spruca has many qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act

Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

Forgiving - They make conscious, intentional decisions to let go of resentment and anger toward someone for an offense


Spruca deserves appweication!




amiableBunny4016 February 19th, 2023

@selflessSpruce1515 dunno if tag worked

selflessSpruce1515 February 20th, 2023


Bunny 🥺 I literally have no words right now, I wasn't expecting a post like this :') You have such a huge heart, my friendsie, and you are such an amazing soul 💖 It was such a blessing to have met you that day, and I appreciate you more that you realize 🤗 Even while there were times when you were struggling, just your presence makes me smile, and I am so grateful to you ❤️✨ When I leave the teenie side, you will most certainly be on my mind, and I'll definitely be sure to check up on you often to see how you are ❤️ Bottom line, thank you for this and for being here 🤗❤️

TabbyCat97 February 19th, 2023

Hello Everyone (:

Today's Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator was...


Firstly I'd like to say a massive thank you to Obs. Obs you're an amazing help, an amazing leader and you do your upmost best to support and assist everyone. You're a wonderful amazing and incredible part of 7cups and I thank you so much for all you do🩶

I'd also like to thank crystalclearnow for appreciating a peer. This is so very kind of you, and you deserve it all back. Thank you for all you do on 7cups - you're doing amazing 🩶

Now onto the lovely appreciation

crystalclearnow describes ASilentObserver as having the following qualities...


How lovely is that ? ♡

crystalclearnow also left a message for ASilentObserver to say that...


Thank you to both crystalclearnow and ASilentObserver. You are truly wonderful.


Take care and I hope all your days go well,


TabbyCat97 February 19th, 2023

Hey Everybody!

This Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator was...


Firstly I'd like to thank @Exploreeverything for all they do here on 7cups, thank you for being a wonderful listener - who is appreciated by many 🩶

Next I'd like to thank @kindnhumble for being so lovely and appreciating a peer, this is so kind of you and you deserve it all back 🩶

Now onto the lovely appreciation (:

kindnhumble describes Exploreeverything as having the following qualities...


How lovely :) !

kindnhumble also left a note for Exploreeverything to say...


Thank you for your kindness kindnhumble and Exploreeverything. I hope you all have a wonderful day 🩶.



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 19th, 2023

Lolaaa, *giant tiny hugs* hehe, you're appreciated and loved by everyone and always. 💛

We've got your lovely peer @Wayward7Good7Intentions who clearly has the bestest thoughts for you, appreciating you today with this beautiful note! 💛


Thankyou, Way, for being so kind and appreciative. 💛

@TinyWhisper11 is indeed the brightest, most bubbly presence here, with the kindest heart, inspiring everyone around always. 💛

Tinywhisper11 February 19th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou awwww way ❤❤❤❤❤ I love you more. Thank you sweetie ❤❤❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 19th, 2023

Hey hey @Angel178, lovely to meet you, and I hope this tag finds you well, if at all, brings a smile on your face. 💛

I love seeing self-appreciations, and I'm really proud of you for trying to be kind towards yourself. 💛

You are Supportive, Kind, Empathetic, Resilient, Determined, Coachable, Motivated, Optimistic and you are *you*, which in itself is pretty amazing. *You* are pretty amazing! 💛


Sending love your way! 💛

JasmineFlower222 February 19th, 2023

@lexiari It's amazing that you want to show yourself some love. I want to let you know that you are truly loved and an amazing person. No one in the world can replace how unique you are. If you'd like to please pm me! I'm always here for you or anyone that sees this post ❤️i-love-you-so-much-even-though-you-make-the-world-s-stupidest-decisions-i-hope-you-get-better-at-that-usually-your-first-session-is-right-do-that-instead-don-t-think-about-it-and-change-your-mind-after-the-first-deci_1676849422.png

JasmineFlower222 February 19th, 2023


YourCaringConfidant February 20th, 2023


You have received the sweetest appreciation note from someone who cares about you and wants you to know that they truly think you are amazing! They wanted you to know that you are such a "joy" to be around!

Bunny, it is without a doubt that you possess some pretty amazing qualities:

💗Supportive 💜Respectful 💗Empathetic 💜Cheerful 💗Purposeful

It is also said that you are a great communicator and emotionally intelligent!

I am warning you ahead of time to gather some tissues because you are going to need it after you see what is coming! Now it is time to read your very sweet note from Anonymous!


Awww , how sweet of a read was that? Did you think when I said you needed tissue that it was for that? As sweet as that was, try again... you will need the tissues for the following handwritten note that Anonymous wrote just specially for YOU!


AWWWWWW!!! @amiablebunny4016 Do you see that? Anonymous took his/her time to handwrite you think letting you know that he/she LOVES YOU! Bunny, it is impossible not to feel the love! Just by me being the messenger... I can feel the love and it is just the sweetest thing ever. To Anonymous: Whoever you are-- I just wanted to say THANK YOU for showing our dear special bunny such love and appreciation. It is truly a sweet gesture and she truly deserves it. I wish I knew who you were to personally thank you because Bunny needs to be reminded of how amazing she is and you have truly done that! Thank you for thinking of someone in such a way to bring them joy! <3

And after all that, Bunny... now it is my turn. My turn to remind you just how AMAZING of a person you are! <3 Today is 2/19 and my random act of kindness for today for Desiree's Daffodils is to draw a picture for someone. There are many people I could have easily selected; but I choose to select you because of how sweet and genuine you are. Plus, I want to speak to your heart and let you know always that you are worthy and deserving of all great things in life. Bunny, you give out so much of you and love to others that it is only right you get it back!

Save your beautiful sweet note from Anonymous to your computer... and add this, as well. I am no artist by any means but this is for the loveliest and sweetest bunny around! For you... by me. :) Hugs!!!
