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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Aww always uplifting and encouraging everyone, you are a trueeee Smile Spreader, keep being youu.❤️

BlueSkies1021 February 14th, 2023


Thank you so much for posting this for me! It means so much that you are helping spread my message to my awesome friend :) <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 So pleased to join you in your smile spreading and appreciation mission. *you* are incredibly sweet and thoughtful. ❤️ I hope @inventiveMango9097 feels as good about this lovely message. ❤️

amiableBunny4016 February 14th, 2023

@bubblegumL4314 Hi hi buddy,

You have been appreciated by the lovely @BlueSkies1021!


text on image:I joined the Listener Verifier Team just a little while ago, and it's thanks to Bubble that I'm really enjoying my experience being a part of that group. Bubble was the very first listener I Verified, and their mock chat was absolutely phenomenal. It was only role-playing and I wasn't even really seeking help, but her kind words and remarkable understanding made me feel so warm and loved. The world needs more sweet and beautiful people like you, Bubble. Members are so lucky to have you as a listener and I am eternally grateful for your presence at 7 Cups. You are seen, loved, and appreciated! :D

They also left a little image for you➡️Click here

You have been appreciated for having these qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Coachable - They have a desire to improve

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately


@bubblegumL4314- Thank you for being such a valuable, wonderful and supportive member of our community! You are so appreciated by your peers and I hope this put a smile on your face buddy! You deserve a smile! Thank you for everything you do buddy!

@BlueSkies1021- Ohhh Skiesssss, of course another appreciation from you hey? your amazing okay? Thank you so much for leaving an appreciation for your peers! You also deserve to smile! You is sooo kind friend! Always here for you! Keep being awesomeee!



BlueSkies1021 February 14th, 2023


Thank you so much for posting my appreciation for Bubble! I love expressing my gratitude for the people I love on 7 Cups :) <3

confidentRabbit7311 February 15th, 2023

Hey everyone I’m here again with another wonderful appreciation!

The wonderful @compoundingHappiness (comphi) has been appreciated by our lovely @YourCaringConfidant

@YourCaringConfidant appreciates you for being:

  • Supportive - They are kind and helpful
  • Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone
  • Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity
  • Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts
  • Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation
I definitely agree comphi shows these characteristics! And I bet many others can agree on that!

Comphi my friend… YourCaringConfident has a lovely message for you! I’m sure it will bring you a smile ☺️☺️

Comphi my friend I’m so happy to hear you have made your peers smile! You always know how make someone’s day with a compliment!

Caring, thanks for this kind message for our friend! Keep up your hardwork and keep thriving always lovely see you!

Hope everyone’s week is weeeeeelll!
Comphi February 21st, 2023


@YourCaringConfidant Thank you so much my friend...😊

shinequeen001 February 15th, 2023

Hello, Smiles! Thank you for being such an amazing peer! You've been appreciated by..

Qualities they've observed about you: Cheerful - They are fun to be around.

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity. AnnaSilverberg's kind words for you! "Smiles is always fun and a joy to be around, there's always a fun conversation to be had when they are present."

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 18th, 2023

Way to go @SmilesAndEars ❤

amiableBunny4016 February 15th, 2023


yay! You received appreciation from your dear friend, @charmingFlower8111


text on image:Fristo is literally a beam of light on 7cups. They bring energy and smiles to any room or chat. I always leave such a room with a smile on my face!

Fristo has been appreciated for having these qualties:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity


Note from me:

@Fristo- Dear Fristo, you are absoloutely amazing. You put smiles on everyone's faces! You are so kind to me. Please stay the way you are, the wonderful, kind, caring , beautiful Fristo you have always been. Thank you for everything you do!❤️😭

@CharmingFlower8111- Thank you for leaving an appreciation for your peer! You are absolutely amazing and wonderful! wishing you all the happiness and love back to you! ❤️



amiableBunny4016 February 15th, 2023

Hey @ASilentObserver,

You have been *appreciated* by your peer @AnnaSilverberg


You have been appreciated for having these qualities Obs:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

Intuitive - They have an ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity


Yayyy *hugs for both of you if okay*

Well done Obs! You is awesome!

And Anna thanks for leaving appreciation for your peers!



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 15th, 2023

Hey hey @Estrellitaa *shares kiwis, cookies and lots of tissues* lol! 💚

Starsiee you're loved by so many people (myself included), and today we have the lovely @blueSkies1021, reminding you about the same, in the most amazing way, with their sweet words. 💚


I agree with everything Skies has to say for you, you are truly such a lovable peer, always super supportive, welcoming, and extraaa sweeet to everyone. Keep being *you*, Starsieee! *hugs* 💚

If that wasn't heart-warming enough, Skies also shared an adorable quote, it's 9 words filled with all things love and thoughtfulness. 💚


Thankyou for appreciating so many peers, Skies, your kindness and warmth is immensely commendable. 💚

BlueSkies1021 February 15th, 2023


Thank you so much for posting my appreciation for Starsie! It means so much <3<3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 18th, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 You're so welcome, Lovely! ❤ @Estrellitaa is awesome and deserves all the kind reminders! ❤

CaringEzra March 18th, 2023


oh my gosh blueeeeeblueeeeeeeee 😭 how did I not see this, I'm crying so hard right now, you have no idea how much this means to me, thank you lovely, I'm so so so so so sorry for not seeing this earlier, you are the kindest bestest person ever, sends so much love, gosh I have no words, thank you from bottom of my heart,

and thank you sun for the beautiful post, you are so amazing, no words for how much I appreciate you and everything you do😭

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 19th, 2023

@Estrellitaa *hugs Starsieee* ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 15th, 2023

A self appreciation, by @Baba8685. 💛


There's a very famous quote by Dr. Seuss, "Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?!" and it kinda makes sense, we are all unique and shouldn't have to mould ourselves into someone for the world~ also set up by the world around us, to "fit". 💛

I feel there's two sides to it, however, while yes to not losing ourselves and/or being a certain way to fit, it shouldn't take away the fact that as humans, we're constantly learning, growing, adapting, evolving and improving~ tis the way to life, and for that, super commendable to keep on working on ourselves for our betterment. 💛

It is anyway, not easy working on ourselves to find a place within the world OR continuing to grow, but you did it and it truly is worth all the appreciation, @Baba8685. 💛


Super proud of you for it, and for taking this moment to applaud yourself. Way to go! 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 15th, 2023

Hi hi @Marje \(♡_♡)/ hope you're well. 💛

We have this sweet encouraging note for you by @AnnaSilverberg, who'd like tell you how amazing you are and have great potential to make others aware of your shiny self also. (I I soooo agreee) 💛


Shares cookies with y'all for being such joyful, kind and wonderful people to be around. Keep being *you*, which is the equivalent of amazing any way! 💛

GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Sun, thank you for going above what's required and making all appreciators and appreciated peers feel loved 😊 Your posts and your words always amaze me!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st, 2023

@GloriaD Awww thankyouu, Gloriaaa. Guess that makes the two of us xD being amazed, for I equally am, with your kindness!❤


GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Aww, thank youuu Sun 😶🥰😊💛🧡💚

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 18th, 2023

@Marje *pokes* 😮❤

Marje March 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks for the poke and for another amazing graphic, Sun! You made my day, like seriously, thanks so much 💜

@AnnaSilverberg Anna! I know I replied sooo late but I needed to hear this right now! Seriously! 😭 Thanks soo much! 💜
VictoriaLove7 February 16th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We have a wonderful appreciation for

From an amazing anonymous appreciator

And these are the qualities they find in you 🌟

From me to both
@ Anonymous You are an amazing person for sending this appreciation!

@Whoknewdnb Thank you for giving support to others, hope to see you more often!

VictoriaLove7 February 16th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😃
I'd like to send an appreciation for
🥁 🥁


And these are the qualities I find in you 🌟
LilacLeopard February 16th, 2023

Hey hey lovely @LovingPeacefulHeart you have been summoned for some appreciation by the one and only @InternalAcceptance 🐺

Your kind and thoughtful appreciator has seen the following qualities in you💜💛





~Emotionally Intelligent



Internal has been very generous in their love for you and has also left you this beautiful picture!💙


Click here for a sweet voice message ❤️

You thought that was it? No way! Cause your appreciator even left this incredible sweet message for you *Hands you a tissue box* you are going to need this 😉💛


Click here to see graphic in bigger quality 👀

Just how sweet was that?🍬 How lovely of your appreciator to put so much effort into their words and taking the time out just to show you some love💚

Flowers for you both 🌸


NotFound20 February 16th, 2023

Hi ❤️@OptimisticEmpath❤️, you have received an awesome appreciation from an ❤️Anonymous❤️ peer. 🍃 🍂

you-are-appreciated-wink.gif 🍃 🍃 🍂

🍂 🍃 🍁 🍃

Wonderful qualities you have - 🍃

🍀🎉Supportive - They are kind and helpful,🎉🍀

🍀🎉Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood, 🎉🍀

🍀🎉Accountable - They own up to commitments and promises that they have made,🎉🍀

🍀🎉Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity🎉🍀

Also , few lines from Anonymous peer - 🍂 🍃 🍃

watercolour-paint-positive-quote-poster_1676540974.jpg 🍂 🍁

🍃 🍂 🍁 🍃

Optimisticempath February 16th, 2023

@NotFound20 this is so sweet 🥺 I had to look twice if it was for me xD thanks to the beautiful anonymous peer who noticed me and made me feel so good with this message, it really means a lot to me 💕

I dunno who it is from tho D: I'd love to know you and thank you too for being so kind 🤗

Thanks for the colorful post @NotFound20 I love the colors and the leaves add a nice effect to it. You are doing amazing ❤

NotFound20 February 17th, 2023


I am glad the post made you smile 😊.


NotFound20 February 16th, 2023

😊@Timewiseheart 😊


Anonymous peer also shared a sweet note for you -


💜Timewiseheart, we hope you keep spreading smile like this and we wish you all the best. 💚

💗Thanks to the anonymous peer too for sharing this appreciation. 💜

LilacLeopard February 16th, 2023

Hey hey I have an appreciation for the very lovely, sweet and friendly neighbourhood rabbit @ConfidentRabbit7311 from not 1 but 2 appreciators! Yes Lani you have been appreciated by the very lovelies @Justhurting02 and @AnnaSilverberg 💖

Your appreciators have seen you to possess the following qualities🐰



~ Cheerful






~Great Communicator

@Justhurting02 has left you this lovely picture❤️


@Justhurting02 also left you this beautiful message💚


Click here to see in better quality

@AnnaSilverberg left you these beautiful words💬💙


Sending hugs to all of you💜

confidentRabbit7311 February 16th, 2023

Awwwwweee, @justhurting02, this is beautiful thanks so much, also your picture is just adorable! .

@AnnaSilverberg, thanks so much! Always great seeing u in LSR! I’m glad you enjoy my humour lol, you know how make me laugh too!

@Aishaa97, thanks for posting, lovely layout and graphics!

TabbyCat97 February 16th, 2023


This posts Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator was...


Firstly I'd like to say a massive thank you to @bluerivercares for spreading appreciation to a peer (: this is so very kind of you.

Next I'd also like to say a massive thank you also to @jasmineishereforu - for how amazing you are doing, and how appreciated you are.

And to both of you for volunteering as listeners here on 7cups - you are wonderful , amazing and both appreciated so much.

Now onto the lovely appreciation (:

@bluerivercares describes @jasmineishereforu as being...


and has written a note to jasmineishereforu to say...


That is so lovely! I wish you both the best and thank you for all you do here at 7cups.


Take care,


jasishereforallofu February 16th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 @bluerivercare

Aw thank you so much Blue i appreciate it soooo much, this really made my day. 💙

Keep being your amazing self, and spread your kindness like you always do. Sending lots of virtual hugs your way🙏🏼💜🤗❤️

BlueRivercares February 17th, 2023

@jasmineishereforu *hugs back*

GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Nice to meet you Tabby 😊

I love the colors that you used and the graphics that you created, they both have a very calming effect 🌸 Thank you for helping to spread kindness, you are very much appreciated!


TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023


Hi Gloria, it's so lovely to meet you also <3

Thank you so much, you are so kind.

Thank you for being amazing 🙂😊

Take care,


GloriaD February 23rd, 2023


Thank you Tabby 🐱

TabbyCat97 February 16th, 2023

Hello wonderful people (:

This posts Appreciation is for...


The appreciator is...

Anonymous 😮

This anonymous appreciator describes shinequeen001 as being...


Text Reads -

Supportive - They are kind and helpful.

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

Forgiving - They make conscious, intentional decisions to let go of resentment and anger toward someone for an offense.

and would also like to leave a note for shinequeen001 to let then know...


Thank you so much to this anonymous appreciator, and also to shinequeen001. You're both amazing!

Thank you shinequeen001 for all you do here on 7cups, and how wonderful you truly are!

Thank you to the anonymous appreciator for spreading appreciation to others - you are so kind 🙂

Take care,


TabbyCat97 February 16th, 2023

Hello Everybody (:

This posts Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator is...


Firstly I'd like to say, from being on group support chats I know that both Roman and Fel are lovely lovely people, so kind to their peers, helpful and supportive. I am so proud of you both! 🩶


Now onto the lovely appreciation for our wonderful Fel from our wonderful Roman!

Roman says that Fel is ...


Text Reads -

Supportive - They are kind and helpful.

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.

Cheerful - They are fun to be around.

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

How lovely is Fel ! 🩶

Roman also wanted to leave a message for Fel, to let them know that...


Text Reads-

"Fel ur a great friend n an awesum person n we all love when ur in the group chats ur 1 of sweetest people ik :)"

- Roman this is so lovely of you to say, and Fel it is so so true <3 -

Thank you all ! For being so awesome.

Take care,

Tabby 🐈🩶