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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

July 1st, 2022

This is an appreciation for @SoulfullyAButterfly by @Nightskypleasure


"She has always helped me in times of my need. She never gets bothered although I tend to ask for help a lot. She is really really patient with me. Always kind nd sweet. Thanks for being the person you are. I adore you so much 😊💖"

Wow, my heart melts reading this appreciation. -fristo

SoulfullyAButterfly July 1st, 2022

@Fristo thank you for posting and making sure kindness keeps us all uplifted.

@Nightskypleasure thank you for appreciating me and for this feedback ✨ I enjoy answering all your questions and guiding you in the process. Your message made my week ❤️

Nightskypleasure July 13th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly thanks😊💖💖💖

July 1st, 2022

@Kindhumanity, you got appreciated anonymously by someone


"This listener has been wonderful, after having him/her listen to me, it made me feel understood, and cared about. He/she also shows exemplary empathy, and kindness"

Beautiful! -fristo

July 1st, 2022

This appreciation is by @EnthusiasticTiger7081 for @LeonMEKennedy

"Thank you LeonMEKennedy for listening to me, I really appreciate you for creating the time to hear me out, sharing my vulnerable side with you has really reduced my obsessive thoughts in my head and has bought inner peace and comfort, ..May God Bless you❤️❤️"

"You are such an amazing listener🌹 with comforting advise❤️...I am Glad I signed up for 7cups"

"He is very optimistic because he advised me not to dwell in the past and let go because whatever happened in the past wasn't my fault...I should focus on me"

Thanks for supporting your member and bringing them solace, Leon. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@vivelespatates, there is an appreciation by @GoldenNest2727 for you


"vivelespatates helps keep me on track. This listener goes above and beyond to check in with me. She validates my feelings and is a fantastic communicator. She makes me feel supported."

Thanks vive, for caring for and supporting your member! -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@Nabil has appreciated @Nabil



Wishes and love. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@BlueBelle44, someone appreciated you anonymously!


"she’s empathetic, kind, resilient, sweet, and so very helpful. she’s very supportive, and is a very humble person. when she misspells, she corrects herself. when she realizes you are in a tough spot, she helps you. she supports you. she respects your pronouns and how you identify yourself. she is amazing!"

Thanks for being so very considerate and a supportive presence in the community, Belle. Best wishes for you. -fristo

GloriaD July 2nd, 2022

Today, there is an Anonymous heartfelt appreciation for ....

💐 @Bodhisattvalshan 💐

_1656778249. Anonymous FOR  Bodhisattvalshan - 855kb (GloriaD).png

In addition to these kind words, your Anonymous appreciator sees these qualities in you, Bodhi :

💐 Supportive, Humble, Patient, Purposeful, Great Communicator 💐

They would also like to share this quote with you!


I agree with the Appreciator, I too viewed your profile, Bodhi. I felt calm, and enlightened by your perspective. I'm sure many others feel the same and appreciate you for helping them out through your experiences and knowledge, so thank you Bodhi 😊

My best wishes to you - GloriaD 🌻

GloriaD July 2nd, 2022

⭐️🌺 @Fristo 🌺⭐️

You have been appreciated by two wonderful peers .... @Mils and @NewYorker11

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Mils, glad to know that you feel good and uplifted whenever you attend Fristo's sessions. I love attending all kinds of sessions hosted by Fristo, including co-hosting with them. I always feel positive and calm during and after those sessions 🌺

_1656789050. NewYorker11  FOR  Fristo - 110kb (GloriaD).png

NewYorker, that's awesome! I'm happy that you feel more confident after discussing about different member chats with Fristo. I have definitely learned a lot from Fristo too, they always share their perspectives and because of the peaceful and insightful discussions, I have felt confident on various aspects in my listening journey

Fristo, I'm so happy that you are recognized and appreciated by many listeners and members here in the community. We can't thank you enough, so we shall keep thanking you 😁

Hoping the best for you as always - GloriaD 🌻

GoldenRuleJG July 6th, 2022

@scenicLily1191 is appreciated by @Fristo!!

Fristo appreciates this about you – You are…

Supportive. They are kind and helpful

“l hear it's their birthday soon, and I want to take a moment to say them thank you for being a listener at 7cups. Keep being beautiful<3

HERE YOU GO LILY - This is a celebration of your amazing work. Continue to shine!!!


scenicLily1191 July 6th, 2022

thank you fristo happy to be here! and im honored!

GoldenRuleJG July 6th, 2022

An anonymous appreciation for @awad12

Qualities you have that make you shine are these:

Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart.

Humble. They humbly admit when they are wrong.

Coachable. They have a desire to improve.

Inquisitive. They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future.

Determined. They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged

“i really appreciate them so much for what they have done to others here”

Continue to keep up the great work award J


GoldenRuleJG July 6th, 2022


@Fristo appreciates @NicholasW

Nic has these amazing qualities:

Supportive. They are kind and helpful.

Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Fristo states “Nich has so cute profile pic, they seem enthusiastic and kind. Glad to see them around.

Nic has been a brilliant source of compassion for many members – continue to keep up the great work. J


WarmLightXO July 8th, 2022

Psssst @dragonprince449

You've been appreciated! From @wefston


Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 8th, 2022
I love self-appreciations and am super happy to share how another lovely being appreciated themselves. @FennecDaFurry, you are wonderful. ❤


You sound like a lovely person, Fennec, it's so nice to see you around in the forums as well. Sending love and cookies your way. ❤
FennecDaFurry July 17th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou [: that came through at the perfect time. thank you

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 17th, 2022

@FennecDaFurry Yay <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 8th, 2022

Hey hey @Ginevra962, you've been so kindly appreciated by @CalmCoral, for being a supportive, understanding, empathetic and wonderful listener. ❤


Ginnnn, I'm so happy to see this one for you, you are an incredibly nice person and deserve all the appreciation in the world. Sending lots of love and hugs to you. ❤🤗

Thankyou for the sweet gesture, Coral, how thoughtful of you to send this appreciation. ❤

teenytinyturtle July 8th, 2022


Thank you so much for the post!!

@Ginevra962 so deserved 💕 *big hugs*

Ginevra962 July 8th, 2022

Thank you so much @CalmCoral. I really don't deserve all the love you give back to me and I appreciate you so much for the complete trust you have in me. I really appreciate you and you are the best member anyone could ask for 💜

July 8th, 2022

@PoliteOcean, someone has appreciated you anonymously!


"Ocean is just a legendary leader, i am glad to be able to work aside ocean. And I appreciate the work she does for healthy living. Thank you ocean for all you do"

Keep being the awesome you, Ocean. And wishes for everything important to you! -fristo

PoliteOcean July 9th, 2022


Thank you so much Fristo for sharing this with me....

I wish I knew who sent it, but whoever it was I just want them to know this Truly means the World to me. Thank you so much to whoever you are! And I appreciate "You"! ❤️

emotionalTalker2260 July 9th, 2022


👀 you know and you’re welcome 💖

July 8th, 2022

This is an appreciation for @xXReddMystic15Xx

By @LindseyLobotomy


"Countless times I've watched mystic really take the feelings of others to heart as they do they're best to not only understand that other member's feelings, but also find a way to comfort and support."

Thank you so much for the support you provide to your members, Mystic. -fristo

xXReddMystic15Xx July 23rd, 2022

@LindseyLobotomy & @Fristo ☙

⟨𝑻̲̅𝒉̲̅𝒂̲̅𝒏̲̅𝒌̲̅ 𝒚̲̅𝒐̲̅𝒖̲̅ 𝒇̲̅𝒐̲̅𝒓̲̅ 𝒕̲̅𝒉̲̅𝒆̲̅ 𝒂̲̅𝒑̲̅𝒑̲̅𝒓̲̅𝒆̲̅𝒄̲̅𝒊̲̅𝒂̲̅𝒕̲̅𝒊̲̅𝒐̲̅𝒏̲̅ 𝒎̲̅𝒆̲̅𝒔̲̅𝒔̲̅𝒂̲̅𝒈̲̅𝒆̲̅ ⟩


~ Hi! 👋 I appreciate the message you made for me, thank you and you are welcome 😊

In case you don't know, "Salamat" (Tagalog) means "Thank you" 💕

LindseyLobotomy August 6th, 2022

@xXReddMystic15Xx awww Mystic... I'm just now seeing this appreciation post. You're far too kind. This totally made me smile. What an unexpected surprise. KNOW that I appreciate you just as much my friend. xoxo

July 8th, 2022

@AdrientheWolf, you got appreciated!

By @Jaja25


"Adrien is agile because when I was scared, we had something that was working and I started to feel calm again, but then I got riled back up and immediately Adrien was quick to say "Let's try something else."

You sound a wonderful peer, Adrien. -fristo

July 8th, 2022

@HelloLunch5729, there is an appreciation for you by @SparklingSeashells


"Despite going through so much, this awesome member stays so strong, believing in themselves, and being optimistic they'll reach their end goal, and that happiness is possible. There are hard days for hellolunch, days when the light is only a small dot in the distance, but I admire the strength and resilience you show. You are amazing, and don't deserve what you are going through, please remember that."

It's inspiring to read how you show strength and resilience and keep being optimistic, Hello. Wish you lot of happiness. -fristo

helloLunch5729 July 8th, 2022

Thanku so much☺️.....I want to say a lot of things but idk why I'm unable to🥲😂.....

  • @Fristo
  • lara gregorio
July 8th, 2022

@amiablePeace77, you received an appreciation from @soulsings


"In discussions, amiablePeace77 is always trying to validate a member's emotions and what they are going through. Ami is an inspiration to work with."

screenshot-2022-07-08-9-33_1657296240.42 PM.png

Happy to hear this appreciation for you, Ami. -fristo

amiablePeace77 July 9th, 2022

@Fristo @soulsings

Thank you so much for this appreciation! Love the picture of the butterfly spreading out it's wings.

July 8th, 2022

@MistyMagic, you received an appreciation from @NicholasW


Nicholas says that you are:

Supportive. They are kind and helpful,

Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Inquisitive. They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future,

Problem-solver. They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together

Nicholas writes:

"Because they were my Mock Chat person and verifier for doing the verified listeners"

Misty, you are an amazing presence in the community, no wonder you got appreciated by your peer! -fristo

July 8th, 2022

@Slowdecline48, you got appreciated by @Scarlet9witch


"The peer is emotionally intelligent because, they know the right words.. They know when to be kind and when to be truthful about a situation."

Glad to hear this appreciation for you! -fristo

slowdecline48 July 8th, 2022


Dunno what it's for but thanks...

GloriaD July 9th, 2022


Hey there 🌻 You have been appreciated by @Scarlet9witch ⭐ Scarlet recognizes a quality that you have .... You are emotionally intelligent - you are able to read emotional cues of other people and respond appropriately! This is wonderful, thank you for being kind and observing 😊

July 8th, 2022

An appreciation from @okeyyyy for themselves!


Okey is

Supportive. They are kind and helpful,

Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Humble. They humbly admit when they are wrong,

Innovative. They are open to new ideas and discussions,

Emotionally Intelligent. They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

Okey writes:

"I found this attributes many times in myself."

"I am awesome :)"

Could not agree more that okey is amazing! Thank you for seeing value in yourself, okey. -fristo

okeyyyy July 10th, 2022

@Fristo i think when i wrote emotional intelligence i can pick up emotional cues in dogs and cats easier. xd

okeyyyy July 10th, 2022

@okeyyyy thanks so much ❤️